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Poor Boy Is Bullied By Rich Kids Until He Shows Everyone His Skills, Becoming Famous

May 23, 2024
The film starts with a big football match at the 1958 FIFA World Cup. It's Brazil against the USSR and there is a big crowd excited about the match, but the commentators are not kind and criticize Brazil's style of play while we we take a look. In the Brazil locker room, where we meet Pelle, the youngest player in the World Cup, then the scene changes to 8 years earlier, where we see a group of children shining shoes and eager to play soccer due to the


conditions of life that young people do not. They have a real ball to play with, as a result, they steal some clothes from their neighborhood and put them in socks to form a ball.
poor boy is bullied by rich kids until he shows everyone his skills becoming famous
Soon, the game begins with the ball made by themselves, kicking it from roof to roof without letting it touch the ground even though the ball is too heavy, the children play with it with ease and elegance, but the game ends in a puddle. dirty. Later, one of the boys playing soccer, Deco makes up a story to his mother that she fell into a river while she was accompanying his younger brother, Zoka, home. but Zoka finally lets it slip saying but you are playing soccer, the mother is against them playing soccer so as punishment she forbids them from listening to the World Cup in the next scene, deo's father and others men are in a bar listening to football. game on the radio It's the final match of the 1950 FIFA World Cup between Brazil and Uruguay and


really hopes Brazil wins.
poor boy is bullied by rich kids until he shows everyone his skills becoming famous

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poor boy is bullied by rich kids until he shows everyone his skills becoming famous...



can also be seen on the bar's broken ceiling trying to get updates on the game, but things get sad. tour when Brazil loses and Deo's father starts crying as he leaves the bar he meets Deo who sees his father angry and promises to win the World Cup one day to make him proud. I will win a World Cup for Bouai. I promise the next day. His mother takes him to her job at a large mansion to help clean the floors, tells him how his father's football dreams were shattered after he was injured, they gave him nothing and dropped him as soon as he hit his head. knee, no insurance, no seance, you think?
poor boy is bullied by rich kids until he shows everyone his skills becoming famous
Your father wanted to be a father, spend the rest of his life scrubbing toilets, she's also worried about getting hurt and that's why she doesn't want him to play soccer. As soon as she leaves the kitchen, a group of



arrive and start talking about something next. tournament they mention that a


soccer coach Waldemar Deito will be there Scouting For the players of the renowned soccer club called Santos the


guys imagine themselves excitedly like


soccer players Deo tries to join their conversation and mentions the name of a soccer player local Bailey, but he mistakenly says Pelle and I'll be like and I'll be like P.
poor boy is bullied by rich kids until he shows everyone his skills becoming famous
The other guys make fun of him and start making fun of him with the name Pelle, who the hell is Pelle's goalie? His name is B, we can call him that. boy P, then the team captain, José, kicks the ball and throws deo's bucket, just at that moment deo's mother returns and apologizes for her son's behavior even though he was not at fault before leave. Deo grabs a piece of newspaper brought by the kids that mentions football. tournament Deo gathers his team to play in the tournament, however, his brother reminds him of his promise to shine shoes today, despite this, Deo remains persistent, they approach the organizers and enlist in the tournament.
At first he has a hard time using a real ball, which is a lot. lighter compared to their self-made ball, why does it go so far? It is full of hair, however, eventually the team begins to adapt to the new conditions. They make a self-made uniform out of sheets. Wait, you knit them right, so Technic, even though they look


and don't have the proper soccer uniform Deco and his friends show remarkable


that outshine almost all the other teams in the tournament advance to the finals where they face each other to the same group of kids who previously made fun of Deo at his mother's workplace these kids are older and better equipped to make fun of Deo's team with the nickname team number seven of the shoeless, hey, they're called those without shoes, since they play without the proper football boots.
This insult leads the deo team to make acquiring boots their top priority for the next game to fund their plan, the group decides. steal peanuts sell for money buy second hand boots, however, their plan is almost foiled when the moving company sees them in the act and gives it to Chase, despite the close situation, Deo and his friends managed to escape after roasting peanuts, came to the market to attract more customers. They offer free shoeshine for buying two packages of peanuts while the group sells the peanuts to the public. The group of finalist boys arrives and starts insulting them again.
They make fun of


on the deo team. Hey, how much for a shoe shine? Don't call me that or what. you have problems with who makes his sister fat hey yud is not a girl so why does she need four ices Deo gets angry at his insults and hits the leader resulting in a fight between the two groups deo's father observes this but does not intervene at home the Deo's mother confronts him about the bruises to which he lies that his teacher hit him. His mother gets angry with the teacher and is willing to visit the school tomorrow to talk to his teacher so she can help her son.
Deo's father offers to help him. volunteer to talk to the teacher the next day the next day when the mother went to work deo's father accompanies him to the tournament and on the way he asks him why he was fighting when he knew that the children were making fun of him deo's father Deo tells him that if he wants to play professionally he cannot be ashamed of who he is knowing that his father is by his side Deo is happy the big day finally arrives Deo notices that one of his friends does not wear glasses he is afraid of being called four eyes another friend wears a hat to hide his long hair the chubby guy brings second hand boots but they seem to be too big for his size everyone present is cheering for the rich kids but the announcer calls deo's team the barefoot ones and refers to their captain as Pelet the shess led by Captain B gets angry but his companions calm him down.
The announcer also introduces his star guest to the audience. Waldemar Deito, who is Scouting for the Santos soccer club. The ill-fitting boots hinder the speed of Deco and his team, putting them at a disadvantage in taking advantage of this opportunity. the opposing team scores goal after goal and brings the score to 6 to 0. Deo and his team are desperate about the situation and are furious with the opponents for their dirty play and enraged for trying to attack the opponents for calling him Pelle, but he stops after noticing his father in the audience he remembers his father's words about not being ashamed of who he is, he decides to get rid of the uncomfortable shoes and play like they do in their streets after receiving the ball, he closes his eyes and remembers how he played in your neighborhood. skillfully maneuvers around opponents surprises the crowd with his impressive moves and scores the first goal his actions inspires his teammates by showing them that they have nothing to be ashamed of everyone does the same by taking off their oversized boots and playing in their own way Suddenly the game takes a dramatic turn and Deo's team begins to dominate, leaving the opposing team defenseless.
Each of Deo's teammates manages to dribble past their opponents and score goals, bringing the score to 6 to 5. Unfortunately, the game ends and the Deo's team loses, however, the crowd is impressed by their captivating performance. starts singing the name Pelle I bet you don't mind being called Pelle now despite the victory J looks at Deo With envy the newspaper photographer takes a photo of the barefoot Waldemar hands his business card to Deo's father Them They see the men they stole peanuts from the other day and are chased, prompting the boys to flee into the woods, one of Deo's friends trips and falls and Deo runs back to help him and takes him to a small hole in the ground to hide while they wait.
Deo's friend encourages him by saying that Deo can do it. escape from the slums with your


suddenly it starts to rain causing a landslide Deco manages to escape from the hole but his friend is trapped Deo desperately calls for help and the men hear his screams but tragically they cannot rescue the heartbroken boy Deo He returns home and cries in front of his mother, blaming himself for his friend's death. He tells her about the entire tournament, the fight and the robberies. He promises that he will never play football again. It's okay. J You didn't know that the man gives the walem to his wife.
Mar's business card puts it in the drawer to show him the consequences of skipping school she asks her husband to take Deo to work the next day the next day Deo's father takes him to his workplace they do the work dirtier in a hospital like cleaning toilets and serving urinals Deco is extremely depressed in order to distract him from his friend's tragedy. The father tries to cheer up Deo by showing some of his skills while he plays with mangoes. He tells Deo that when he was young he used green mangoes to practice. shooting and ripe for delicacy Deo ignores him keeping the promise he made to his mother Deo refuses to play soccer with his friends he even throws away the newspaper with his photo his mother notices that Deo's eyes are empty one day The father tries to shoot mangoes into a container but seems to fail.
Deco can't contain himself and shoots a mango directly into the container. His father then reveals that he was just pretending to be clumsy by shooting a mango at the farthest bin. Inspired, Deo joins his father to practice with mangoes. The father begins to teach Deo his skills a few years later and Deo is now 15 years old. He now handles the handles with ease. His mother notices him practicing with his father, but decides not to intervene. She thinks about it all night and decides to do it. She calls the Football Scout, she brings the man to watch Deo's practice from a distance.
When Deo returns home, she is surprised to see Waldemar inside his house waiting for him. Waldemar suggests that Deo participate in the local soccer club's tryouts. Deo says goodbye to his family and travels. to Santos in the following scene Doo is participating in a tryout session for the Santos professional soccer team the coach tells the students to forget about the primitive style they played at home and to master the techniques of the best teams in Europe , scolds Deco. to follow their usual style after the tryout session the kids gather in a building to find out who will stay on the team Deco is disappointed to not find his name on the junior team list and is ready to leave the camp however a assistant then hangs up the roster for the youth team where Deo finds his name and begins his training journey.
Deco has to relearn how to perform a soccer kick using the side flip technique. After training, every day the coach


them soccer games, emphasizing that Brazil lost many of their games. Due to the primitive playing style of Brazilian soccer players, at night Waldemar watches Deo's desperate attempts to master the new technique, but all his efforts are in vain. The next scene


Deo trying to take a penalty, but missing his teammates. He complains that he never writes that down. At night he can't hold back his tears. Waldemar watches Deco leave the camp with his suitcase.
He finds Deco at a train station where, well, we'll leave as soon as possible. Mr. Deito, where, what are you doing here? I was going to ask you the same thing doo he answers that he feels that his way of playing football is not accepted in the academy and that the coach doesn't like him and if I don't go back to school now I will end up cleaning bathrooms mhm and what's wrong with that of cleaning bathrooms, what's wrong is not touching like others do, it tells the history of this style at the beginning of the 16th century, the Portuguese arrived in Brazil with African slaves, many Africans escaped to the jungle to protect themselves, they created Jinga , the basis of the capera when slavery was abolished the capoa was banned the capo aristas saw soccer as a perfect way to practice Jenga without being arrested it evolved over time and became part of Brazil however in the World Cup of 1950 many believed that the Jinga style was the reason for Brazil's loss waldemar says that Jinga is part of Deo and that he can show the whole world who he really is or he can jump on his train and he will never know that Waldemar is leaving.
Deo's train arrives, but he decides to stay the next day during the game. Deo does something. bad moves that disappoint both him and his coach feels desperate remembers training with his father using mangoes and notices Waldemar encouraging him inspired decides to play in his own style dribbling the ball effortlessly at opponents ignores the coach's demands to stop eventually he kicks the ball in the air like he practiced with the manang va and sends it into the net to score the goal in the most spectacular way his teammates and the opponents congratulate him on the goal the coach calls and asks what the hell was that Sorry, do it again Deco continues to dazzle scoring four goals in the game attracting the attention of the newspapers despite being the youngest player on the team, he begins to build a reputationwhile his father listens to each game proudly cheering on his son's achievements one night.
Waldemar watches Deco practicing shots with his old technique. He is surprised to see Deo fail to score a goal, but then notices that Deo intentionally shoots the crossbar with all the balls shortly after new player lists are posted on the wall. Deo can't. I find his name on it, but it turns out that he has been promoted from the junior team to the professional team. That's the wrong list. Welcome to professionals who play games with teams from all over the country. Now many people come to his games eager to see how. 15-year-old Phenom plays with his magical style.
One day his mother receives a delivery but she hasn't ordered anything. It turns out that Deco decided to make a surprise visit to his house, bringing some gifts, including a stove, and you realize that there are no boys. . in B right don't break their hearts we can use it as a table he gives his father a portable radio so he can listen to his games listen to your games I try to give your mother a hard attack the deo brothers suggest you listen to the Brazilian team invitations tomorrow but His mother reminds him that he must be at school at that time and his father has to work.
Deco tells everyone that there is no point in listening to him because he is too young to be on the national team. Despite this, they nervously listen to the announcement of the national team. of Brazil for the 1958 World Cup Deo has no hope of being selected for the national team and to his surprise, Deo is selected. What is happening there? J. You look sick, are you okay? He is shocked by the news and he can't. He thinks he is on the team before he leaves. His father tells him that since 1950 the spirit of Brazil has died with every game and there is only hope in Deco.
He gives him his old uniform with the name Pelle. That's what those rich kids called me to make fun of him. Not my part, it's what people called you when they saw you play with Jinga and when I saw that you had something that I didn't have the father shares his story when he became a professional soccer player for the first time he wanted to play with the beautiful Jinga he scored five goals with head in a match but at one point he was filled with doubts and that led him to get injured, it was the moment when he stopped believing in himself that can turn a beautiful Jinga film into a dangerous one.
Pelle leaves and then joins his teammates another player who also practices Jinga style starts pushing Pelle but it turns out to be a joke and mini Oscar Isaac is a cool and kind guy, he introduces Pelle to all the members of the team however the main star for the reporters is José the rich kid who


P when they were children my family is Italian and I was trained in that style of play he makes fun of P again saying that he lacks the modern European style of play the reporters are They make fun of some players who stick to their Jinga style.
Pelle confronts them but the national team coach interrupts him by promising that the team will no longer play the Jinga style. After that, the national team coach calls P to a meeting. meeting and warns him not to play Jinga style the next day. P tries to play the European style as the coach suggested, but finds it difficult. José continues to make fun of the Jinga players in front of the journalists and mentions that they are playing badly. P complains to Scott Isaac that they play poorly because they are not allowed to play his way. I really hope you're not saying what I think you're saying.
What if we just didn't get it right in 50? All I know is that the coach chooses the starting lineup today. Show him that you can play the way José plays and you might have a chance, but if you play Jinga later that day during the game where the coach is supposed to choose the starting lineup. P has difficulty playing the European style and finally decides to make the Jinga move, the coach demands that he stop doing it and the other players do not. he approves of P's actions, as a result he begins to doubt himself, leading to an inaccurate movement that injures his knee.
The team doctor examines him and sadly confirms that the injury may rule him out of the World Cup. At night, Pelle calls his mother and informs her about his is my name's injury. They don't know when I'll be able to play again. I should have stayed in school. His mother is surprised to hear this, but still encourages him to have faith and take care of himself. We made that decision together and it was the decision. right choice your father and I love you no matter what happens the next day the doctor cannot say how long it will take for Pelle to recover from the injury but it is too late to replace Pelle so the coach decides to take him to Sweden anyway Reporters continue to make fun of the Jinga style, mentioning that one of the Brazilian players was injured while trying to play Jenga style, the World Cup begins and the Swedish team makes fun of the Brazilian team for its small size and primitive style despite being loquacious Jose does not say nothing in his defense the doctor treats Pelle's injury with traditional Brazilian medicine he mentions that the referees here keep the ball after each game and promises to take the winning ball to Brazil this time Pelle begins to slowly recover while the Brazilian team manages to win a couple of the initial games, as the games are too brutal and competitive, several players on the team get injured, including José, the coach asks the doctors about Pelle's injury better than he expected, but he is still extremely weak, so You will make it clear to him that it will be unbearably painful for him.
I take it as a yes, with no other alternative, the injured Pelle is asked to play for his country. A nervous Pelle vomits and the coach literally drags him onto the field urging him to recover. The doctor approaches p and warns him not to play. Jenga because he's too dangerous for his weak knee. In the next scene, Pelle along with his team enters the field and his coach reminds him that he must follow the plan and play European style football. The commentators laugh at Pelle, who seems small even among his teammates. The teammates are clearly the youngest player they have ever seen in a Lup and the crowd here has a great time at their expense, they don't listen to them during the game Pelle is playing as his coach suggested and the Soviet players hit him right and left despite this.
The Brazilian team manages to win the match against the USSR team in the semi-final match against France. The Brazilian team is losing 1 to 0 after the first half. Pelle looks around the locker room during halftime and notices that the depressed and injured players are feeling discouraged. He approaches José and asks him to replace him in the second half if his leg feels better, but José refuses and explains that he is not mentally prepared to play football. He tells Pelle that that day in Barú we showed everyone that that part of us, the Jinga, was beautiful. that's what we need now after the half Pelle returns to play and when he misses a pass he looks at José, who nods affirmatively.
Pelle then attacks the ball and begins to dribble between the players with ease and perfection, the coach orders him to take a step. returns but P doesn't listen, the crowd is stunned as Pelle skillfully bounces the ball over the players scoring a magnificent goal for his team while his father proudly applauds him in front of the TV in the bar while the scores are tied. to score two more goals to secure his team's victory and secure his place in the final now, instead of making fun of him, the commentators call Pelle, the 17-year-old phenom, after the match, the father comes home and He says his son feels better and calmer.
He scored three goals as the final match against Sweden approaches. The Brazilian coach gathers the team for a meeting and orders them to play European football. He attempts to teach them some strategic tactics and recommends that they emulate the formation used by the Swedes. players in training he tries to get the players to play with the formations but he doesn't see any improvement in the game coach so I don't understand how he is supposed to be on the wing and cover his Cog at the same time because the team looks like the Swedish team engages in a tough game against the German team Sweden is known for its dirty style of play.
One of the German players is injured by the Swedes, leading to the end of his career, causing fear in the Brazilians during the press conference between the two teams. The coach of the Swedish national team makes fun of Brazil's way of playing, he also adds that if Brazil continues playing with the same style they will lose the final as they did in 1950, he also mentions that they will quickly incapacitate Pelle and begins to humiliate all the players. Brazilian players one by one. one reciting his flaws djma Santos shattered his hand in an accident while working in a factory as a teenager right winger Ginia was born with a deformed spine and one leg shorter than the other frustrated that the opposing coach demoralized the Brazil national team the coach storms out of the conference at night P calls his father and reveals to him about the terrible situation of the team upon hearing this, his father suggests him to join the team like he used to do during his childhood.
I heard guys call you P, so they started doing it, it's stupid. this is a sign now it's time to p next Pelle starts dribbling the ball in the cafeteria but the whole Brazil team is depressed hey, he desperately tries to challenge the players to take the ball from the hotel to the nearest lighthouse without touching the floor like they did when they were children, but some members of the team ask him to stop playing. José supports Pelle, you won't be able to do it alone and one by one they start to participate in the challenge, they start kicking the ball, no. letting it touch the floor during the game they accidentally destroy a cake in the kitchen and even knock over a container of sugar on the table of one of the hotel's wealthy residents.
Sorry sir, it seems familiar, the coach is upset. Seeing his team doing stupid things, they manage to get the ball out of the hotel without it touching the ground, but P fails to execute the shot and falls into the water. The next day, the coach gathers the team and admits his mistake by teaching them the formations and other styles of soccer. Europeans and yesterday, while chasing the ball around the hotel, he realized that Jenga is his style and makes Brazilian soccer unique and spectacular. He suggests that the team play the finals in their own style and show the world the beauty. of Brazilian football it is the day of the final and both teams are ready to face each other due to the similar colors of their uniforms, the Brazilian team is given blue jerseys, the whistle blows and the Swedish players begin to intentionally push Pelle in an attempt to hurt him .
The team scores four minutes into the play, all the Brazilian fans are shocked with the Swedish players circling around Pelle preventing him from receiving the ball. Pelle's mother cannot contain her emotions and turns on the radio that her son gave them but soon. The Brazilian players compose themselves and P assists to score the team's first goal. One after another, the Brazilian team scores and so does Pelle. Her mother bursts into the bar and sees her son winning the World Cup. Soon the final whistle sounds and the match begins. ends with a score of 5 to 2 Brazil wins the World Cup for the first time in history p faints due to emotional overload all of Pelle's teammates fall to the ground and lift Pelle on their shoulders all of Brazil celebrates their victory and the doctor steals the ball as promised, the scene then changes to the real moments after Brazil won the final.
June 29, 1958, the day BZO won our first World Cup. Everything seemed like a dream. It had only been 18 months since I first left home, but it seemed like years. my mother and father came out to greet me and dad reminded me of the promise I made 8 years earlier in the last scene in which we are informed about how Pelle was declared a National Treasure by the Brazilian president in 1961. P holds the world record for largest number of goals and he is also the youngest player to score a goal in the World Cup. He is also the only player to win three FIFA World Cups.
A record that Pelle never surpassed. He headed five goals in one match. This record was held by his father. And yes, guys, I know. that the rich gentleman in the hotel was Pelle himself. I just wanted to see how many people would comment on it. If you enjoyed the video, subscribe to my channel and click on these images to see other recaps I have prepared for you.

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