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Pokemon But I Only Care About Getting Super Rich

May 30, 2024
Pokémon Emerald tells a story about how selfishness can lead to catastrophic actions. Luckily for me, I haven't played it yet, which means I haven't learned any lessons and can be as selfish as I want in that Spirit. Let's play Pokémon Emerald with the sole intention of earning as much money as possible. Join me on my journey to break down the emerald and strip it into pieces, a journey that required some of the craziest strategies I've ever come up with. Let's become Pokémon millionaires again as we start this new Emerald. run, I am focused on my


goal, to earn as much money as the game allows me.
pokemon but i only care about getting super rich
Every decision I make throughout the game will be based solely on what generates the greatest profits, capturing all the Pokémon, moving on to become the champion, not my priority, fostering a relationship with small creatures who have


known love through their friendship and creating a bond that simultaneously strengthens the more they both learn to trust each other, maybe if I have free time,


a big win is achieved in two ways, defeating the trainers, which gives you get money and collect items that can be sold, of course, earning infinite money is not difficult in this game, you can fight the trainers over and over again, poor Wall-E gives you more money every time you beat him, you are not robbing him of his dignity . enough money to farm would make this challenge


boring, so let's set some ground rules.
pokemon but i only care about getting super rich

More Interesting Facts About,

pokemon but i only care about getting super rich...

The first rule is that any repeatable action to earn money is prohibited. Farm items with pickup by defeating the Elite 4 over and over again by playing Voltor Flip for hours, thankfully forming a crippling addiction. Basically, everything is off limits if I can make something profitable over and over again. I'm not allowed to do it at all. The trainers I can fight more than once are my rival and Wall-E because I literally have to do it with that in mind. I jump out of the moving truck ready to build my Empire. I had to ride in the back of a truck.
pokemon but i only care about getting super rich
I come from nowhere, okay, maybe I don't come from nowhere because we were able to hire moving services and I also have a GameCube. You know how expensive they are now. Professor Bir has gotten himself into a strange situation, so I help him in hopes that he will give me some money for my trouble, but he only gives me a Pokémon that is worth 0. I think you will do it. Be an extremely good coach, friend, brother. I don't


about being a good coach. Okay, I want as much money as I physically can. Okay, so stop being a good coach.
pokemon but i only care about getting super rich
I don't


, but don't worry because the mud kit. becomes very useful and choosing it over Trio and Torchic is financially the best decision. We'll talk about why later, but for now, every time I enter a new area, I first think about two things: what items I can collect, like this potion I'm given. In Oldale Town I can sell it for 150 punctured dolls, which increases my net worth. You sell things here. Brilliant. I will never do it. You are making this speech to the wrong person. The second thing to think about would be what shoes I can.
Brendan challenges me on Route 103 and after he defeats me he gives me $300. This is what I'm thinking about as I head to Route 102 and defeat young Calvin and kill him. There are three other trainers available to fight on this route, but none. Many of them are required to overcome, however, skipping them now and fighting them later is a financially smart move. We'll have ways to make even more money with them later. I continue through Pelberg and the forest collecting items and fighting mandatory trainers, and find Myself on Route 104 there is a flower shop here that generates many repeatable actions.
First, there is an NPC who will give you a random berry every day. Obviously, this is a repeatable action to earn money, so receiving berries from her is prohibited and the other sister gives you. take out the whale merel that allows you to plant and grow berries. I'm making the rule that I can pick the initial grown berries since this action itself is not repeatable, but I can't replant any berries. I make it so it rusts, brother. now and after collecting all the items, the next mandatory trainer here is the first gym leader, Roxan, however, there are other trainers that I really want to fight first.
All fights here are optional, you can avoid them completely if you wish. Trainers have a special feature once you beat the gym leader, they no longer become accessible, you can't fight them after beating the gym leader, so normally I would like to wait and then come back but I can't come back with these . You can't fight trainers except right now, so if I don't fight them I'm just losing money. The three gym trainers are defeated and Roxanna is next. Mudkip easily takes out the Geodudes and deals massive nose pass damage to them, but upon completing this.
Fighting Mudkip alone is not the most profitable way, he restored his health using an oreberry. I want that oreberry because it's an item I can use to increase my net worth, so we're not really ready to do this fight yet. I need a Pokémon that learns a move to steal items and Mudkip doesn't learn one, which means I need to catch one. Every Pokeball I use is money wasted since I could sell that Pokeball for $100, so I only want to catch a Pokémon if I absolutely have to, meaning catching the Pokémon will be a net profit and there is a Pokémon that would be a significant profit in the Route 116 north of Rustboro there is a 2% chance of being found in a skdy this little kitty is cool because at level 31 he learns the move we are looking for However, level 31 is a long way away, but fortunately, grind wild Pokémon to win levels is completely free and experience is unlimited for the sake of transparency because in theory I can get my Pokémon to any level through grinding.
Actually, I'm never going to grind them. above, I'll just set them to the level I want if that bothers you. I completely understand, but good news, instead of watching the video right now, you can watch it in 2 months, which is when it would have come out if I spent my time fighting wild Pokémon at level 31. skdy learns the move covet, which causes damage in addition to stealing the opponent's item, as long as he has an item and you do not have it, thus against Rox San Mudkip eliminates the geodudes and the nose. pass, we bring skdy to steal oreberry's nose passes and then we go back to Mudkip to finish the fight by defeating rock and he gives us the first badge, but the most important thing is $1,500 for winning a TM worth $100 and an oreberry which is worth $10.
You may have recorded that we get $10. for the oreberry but we lose $100 for the Pokeball with a net loss of $90 you are absolutely right, good math, proud of you but believe me when I say that catching skdy worth it in the rusty grass tunnel. I defeat the aquagon team and rescue Pico. contacting the president of a tech company yeah I'm making connections I'm making contacts this guy is loaded I can't wait to see what he does for me the pocon naav well I can't sell him so worth 0 your employee who gave me a big ball did more for me, the classic billionaire.
The behavior upon leaving Rustboro triggers my arrival to request a battle which you can decline if you want. Normally I would, but this fight won't be accessible when I want to come. Getting back to it, I fight Brendan now so I can get some money instead of nothing on my way back. There is a double battle that will now trigger because I have two Pokémon instead of one, so I make sure to cast skdy on the PC before passing. allowing me to return to this fight later, Mr. Bry takes me to Duford Town where I pick up some items and head to the granite cave using reels, it would be a waste of money so I have the pleasure of suffering an incredible amount from Zubat's Encounters,


Steven's letter allows me to skip the entire second gym and immediately head to Slate Port City.
There's more Team Aqua plot to get through, but we have a little problem triggering this scene, you have to enter the Slate Museum, which has a $50 entrance fee. Obviously I want to avoid paying money, but this is a requirement to beat the game, so there's literally nothing I can do except you see, if you have less than $50, the game lets you in. free since it doesn't want to block you if I can move my cash and retain the value somehow I can trick the game into letting me in for free but how do I do it?
The key to this method is the elements that have the elements. The value is what I can sell them for but it doesn't factor into your money when the game checks to see if you have $50 it doesn't look at your items at all it probably should but it doesn't so if I buy items I can retain value. and making the game think I can't afford it, the key is to simply maximize the value I get when I buy items. Ideally, you would buy an item at a single price, say $100, and then sell it again for the same $100 you would give. i have the same total net worth with the game thinking i'm broke but no item gives me a return of one:1 in fact each item sells for exactly half the price of each item except one when buying exactly 10 pokeballs , the employee gives me a gift item a Premier Ball, which means I get slightly more than 50% return through this method.
I wired enough money into pokeballs to get into the museum for free, but don't worry math nerds, I know what you're yelling at that calculator you're looking at. in this video you are doing all this to save $50 you are losing much more than that every time you sell pokeballs that is negative Roi shut up you are right but shut up there is also a reason for this in Generation 3 games there is a limit on the amount of money that you can have just under a million polka dollars, if you reach this limit and then earn more money it just disappears because the game has nowhere to store it, we are absolutely going to reach this limit so I need to transfer my money for items somewhere moment do it now do it later doesn't really matter, but by doing this now I save $50 and start building up my cash by defeating the two grunts here, this allows me to advance to Route 110 where I have mandatory fights against the poke fans Isabelle and Caleb, this can be done as a double battle, but each of her Pokémon has a skitty oreberry on my team to steal items, but she can only steal one per battle.
Covet steals an item the first time, so it fails any subsequent use of the move since items cannot be removed mid-fight. Skdy can only draw one mora in this fight. He could catch more skites, but in this case it's not worth it, it's just oranges, the only thing I can do. What I do here is trigger the fights as individual battles, meaning I can get a berry in the first fight, take it out, and then get a second one in the second fight. I leave two berries on the table, but to get the most profit, that's what I have to do.
Do I defeat my rival on the other two required trainers and reach Mauville where I begin collecting any available items? I beat Wall-E outside the gym and complete the standard tasks inside each of Hoen's gyms. I defeat all the trainers. since they will leave and fight the gym leader, stealing the item from his Pokémon Ace with the third badge in hand, I can teach rock smash to marom, which will allow me to continue north with the goal of Meteor Falls. I'm collecting items along the way. Ignoring the daily Berry on Route 111 and the Sitac on Route 113 since collecting Ash is repeatable and therefore prohibited, there is only one mandatory trainer on the entire round trip, that would be the hiker Lucas, so I fight him, but I avoid all the other trainers very quickly.
I have to talk about something really stupid here because when I plan these challenges I try to consider absolutely everything, whether it generates profit and is possible. I'm going to do it except this. In Fall Arbor there is a move tutor that teaches the move metronome a move that uses another random move, in theory it is possible to catch a Pokémon, teach it the metronome and then have it spin payday every time for the rest of the Run aspect. I'm just saying that it's theoretically possible, obviously this would be astronomically unlikely, so I'm not going to go down that route, but I want you to know that I thought about it.
Four fights with Team Magma on Mount Chimney are required, so I'll get all that money and then trudge my way through each trainer here. It's optional, so I avoid them all. This optional fight is special, although we don't need to worry about them now, but we'll get back to the wash. We fight the gym trainers, take the white grass from Toal and grab the other items. and why not, egg, when trying to put the white herb in my bag, I find that it is full, obviously, I have been savingitems in my bag instead of selling them.
Fortunately, I can also save items on my PC with Go Goggles, I can pick them up. a fossil in the Mirage Tower, collecting the claw fossil is really profitable here and cannot be sold, but turning it into an Anorith will save us some money in the future. You can't fight the fifth gym leader unless you have the first four badges, so I go back and fight all your brothers' trainers, steal Makita's berry, and then fight Norman's trainers, for some reason , exactly one of Norman's gym trainers is holding a berry, but you can't sneak past that. I read the Bulbapedia walkthrough like four times looking for Trainers like this, after stealing Slay King's berry and defeating Norman we only have about $48,000, but now we can do something that monumentally changes the money we can earn by talking to mom with the fifth gym badge, she gives you an item, the Amulet coin, if your Pokémon has this item and enters the battle.
The prize money you receive at the end will be doubled. This is obviously great, so I immediately give Marom the amulet coin, but we haven't reached our full money-making potential yet, so I actually still want to avoid optional trainers as we navigate towards Route 119 and up to the Meteorological Institute. There is a mix of mandatory and optional Team Aqua members here, but after defeating Shelly, they all leave, so to maximize my earnings I fight all of them here before facing Shelly. Now I get double the money from the amulet coin that expels them from the Institute.
She gives me a gift. Shape molded for the first time. The molded form itself could be more useful than the mystical water. holding the item is only worth $50, but the way the cast, well, you will see very soon, we will fight the rival, talk to Steven for the value more Ste Scope and send this Wingle to achieve something. You better bring something good. I can skip Winona's gym. yes I want to, but it doesn't really make sense, so I fight with all the trainers and steal the berry from Alaria and Orin Berry, really the damn slacko in Norman's gym had a better Berry.
I have to be careful not to slip below half health or else. He'll eat the berry he stole Oh, he narrowly missed activating the berry, but now the 6th badge is ours and the money is really starting to add up. No fighting required on Route 120 or 121 until we reach the top of Mt. py, we have to fight four grunts here to open the entrance to the magma hideout, but first we have something we need to do. Remember this grunt is standing on the irregular step. Well, they've been a busy little bee apparently digging up the entire magma cache in earnest.
They disappear after the py montage scene though, so I have to fight them first. This is the only trainer in the game where it is best to fight them exactly between getting the amulet coin and right now, but after the mount pire battles I can enter the magma. Hiding when evolving Anorith into Armaldo. I can teach him the hm to gain strength and eliminate all the trainers here since as usual they all leave at the end. I defeat Maxi and now I need to go to Slateport and then to Lily Cove and by the way, I don't have any Pokémon that know how to fly so I'm walking everywhere.
You think I'm going to waste $100 for a little comfort. Please, it's like you don't even know me. I also eliminate all the trainers from the Aqua Hideout. When collecting the items here, including the Master Ball, something strange about this section is that you can still fight the trainers after defeating Manager Matt, but they will eventually leave, so fighting them now is still the right decision. Another optional fight I have to do now is the Final Rival Battle which opens me up to the department store, even though I don't want to buy anything. Also, lottery is prohibited like all fun things in this game.
Now I can navigate to Moss Deep City, where the main task is to collect. the seventh badge, this fight is a double battle, which is fine, except that Tate and Liza have two Pokémon Ace, Soul Rock and Lunatone, which means there are two Citrus berries I can steal. Remember I've been in fights where I couldn't steal more. one item per battle, but there is a big difference between then and now because now I have access to daycare, daycare allows you to leave up to two Pokémon with them and this does two things. The Pokémon increase their levels and sometimes the two Pokémon lay an egg, but Ryan putting Pokémon in the daycare costs money.
Not taking Pokémon out of daycare costs money. If I leave those Pokémon in the nursery, I will never be able to take them out, but they will still lay eggs for free, but Pokémon will. I only lay an egg if they are in the same egg group and if they are of opposite sexes with the Pokémon I have access to. There is only one combo that gives me an extra Steelers item when I caught my Skitty at the start of the challenge. I needed it to be female, so I needed my plaster form to be male.
By putting skates and plaster forms in the nursery, they will make eggs of the same species as the mother, which means all my eggs are little skates that don't dance in the rain and on sunny days. as a dad, I can now get two baby skates and level them up to 31 so they can learn Covet and take both citrus berries from Tate and Liza, all for 0. My skdy form and cast are stuck in the daycare for the rest of their lives, but according to the One thing I keep asking them to do. I think they'll be fine at seven gyms and we're sitting at 172k with much of my net worth in items.
I fight all the trainers in the Space Center and dive. to fight all the trainers in the seabed caverns for the usual reasons while I conclude the plot in suolis and the Sky Pillar. I'm still avoiding all optional trainers. Now it's time to get the 8th badge, which means fighting all the trainers in the gym first in many of these battles. I have several Pokémon held back, including a trainer with two nuggets. Skitty's ROI is really starting to add up. There's even a trainer with three items held, so I get another slippery egg and steal the three berries, a final berry stolen from one and now I have it. all eight badges, there's nothing to do now except go straight to the Pokémon League.
Victory Road has some mandatory trainers, including Wall-E, but there are several paths you can take here, in fact, I have to choose whether to fight the cool trainer Shannon. and his clay doll or his cool trainer Samuel and his beautiful maile and Kadabra, the trainer with a Pokémon, it's the smart play here, but I will come back to fight Samuel and take a lot of money from him, now it's time to face Elite . 4 and surprisingly this is pretty easy to get everyone up to level 100. I don't need to use any healing items. I only take one of them to steal their Ace's berry and move on to the next with one exception: Phoebe is the Ghost. leader type and one thing about Ghost Pokémon is that they can't be hit with normal type moves including greed, so how can I steal the berry from Ace dusclops with very careful move selection?
This is how I have a Pokémon that can learn movement forecasting. allowing ghosts to be hit with normal type moves that would be Swampert, but Swampert has no room for forethought thanks to the required HMS pain that I taught in Rock Smash because it was my only Pokémon that could learn it and it's my only Pokémon that can. Learn surfing, diving and waterfall, those are the four slots, so how can I also know the forecast well? I actually kept the forest view the whole time and just before teaching Swampert Falls I used the move eliminator on Lily Cove to remove the rock crush because now I have Armaldo, who can learn force slash and rock crush If it weren't for them?
I need to spend a Pokeball to catch something else, so choosing Mudkip and Anorith is the most profitable move. I can predict the dusclops that Skdy may covet and we have defeated Elite 4 on Champion. while I stole the five berries I made it I'm the champion I have $377,000 and I've accomplished what all the trainers set out to do, now it's time for the real race to begin now that I've entered the Hall of Fame, my dad. gives me the SS ticket, this allows me to travel between Lily Cove and Slate Port, but more importantly it allows me to visit Battle Frontier.
Now don't worry, this won't turn into a Battle Factory game as you can replay them for infinite time. Battle Points I'm not completing any of the battle facilities including the tents around Hoen, however there are a few other things you can do in Battlefront here and we have our sights set on this little house because inside it will be a NPC. give you the Pokémon that can make you the most money in the entire game Meowth Meowth is the only Pokémon that learns the move payday which gives you money every time you perform the move payday is so cool and that's why which we expect to fight most of the trainers in the game, but there is only one Meowth available in emerald and you need to trade a Pokémon for it, so what Pokémon is the NPC looking for, of course, it is the Pokémon that has been us helping you earn the most extra money yet. send a low level skiddy to bring Miow back to a lower level which means I can show him payday by leveling him up thanks for trading with me Isis uh I actually don't think I want this Meowth after all and now we can start coming back. the entirety of Hoen fighting all the trainers I skipped using the payday gives me even more money, but I'm not doing anything to break my set rules.
I'm still fighting each trainer only once and it turns out I'm using payday to do it. I'm not using it on wild Pokémon, that's obviously repeatable and the money would be infinite every time I use Payday. I get a set amount of money five times Meow's level, but the Amulet Coin doubles the money you get back from Payday at level 100. Meowth will give you a whopping $1,000 every time you use Payday. There are probably some shenanigans you can do where you minimize the meow level to get the optimal amount of money in each fight throughout the game and I thought about doing this but it's too complicated trust me meow has a neutral attack nature and only four Attack IV, plus I didn't evolve it into Persian, so it's weak enough that sometimes we need several paydays to kill.
I go route by route, city by city, fighting all the trainers and By collecting all the items now that I have Armaldo, I can get the items behind all the cut trees, which is not necessary to complete the game, but is necessary to get all elements. I've already run out of space in my bag and now In fact, I've also run out of space on my PC. There are actually more items in the game than you can physically save. Good game design. Game fan. However, I have a solution to this problem. I can't hold any more items, but do you know who can hold my Pokémon? since I can get infinite Skitty eggs, I just hatch a lot of Skites and their only job is to just hold items for me, sit at the PC, look pretty and hold this never melts for the rest of your life in the early routes of the game. some trainers hold items so skdy can covet them easily but it's actually too easy for her since skdy learns to covet at level 31 it has to be that level that easily kills level seven


this means I can covet the item or payday kill, but not both, just kidding of course, I figured out how to do both in each of these circumstances, the opposing Pokémon knows how to grunt, so I just sit back in the fight and use my weather moves waiting for my attack to be weakened with a reduced attack, now I will covet cattle.
I won't kill them and I can bring Meowth for the literal cash injection. Also, some of the trainers I skipped were double battles, but of course I only have one Meowth to make sure it only does payday damage. I have Swampert clicking foresight and In the opposite slot there are some areas that I completely skipped that I can now tour like the Trick House near Slateport. I have to be very careful though because if I lose any items or trainers I can't get them again since the trickmaster changes the house to the next puzzle, but I have everything here, including the hidden nugget in the final room.
I also didn't realize that new trainers show up at Mount Chimney and everyone is so horny for some reason, what's going on? Up here, sorry, what the hell? No, I'm not going to give you my phone number. Come on, what the hell? I don't like any of this. Get me out of here. I also take everything on the abandoned ship, including the scanner. a key item and cannot be sold, but you can exchange it to the captain for a scaledeep-sea tooth or a deep-sea tooth. These can evolve Pearl Clam, but who cares about that because you can sell them but they are the same price. so no matter which one you choose, I also check the fish cave by manipulating the tides to get all the items.
Fish Shells and Fish Sands respawn daily, so I ignore everyone who talks about items respawning in Pacifi Log Town. A man will give it to you. a TM to return or foil if you show a Pokémon that really loves you or despises you, you can do this every day so I don't do it at all. I also visited the Safari Zone for the first time. The Safari Zone costs $500. to enter and you don't have to complete the game, so technically I don't have to enter, but financially it's the right decision. The items you can pick up inside are worth more than the entrance fee so it makes sense to go in, but there is a slight problem to pick up some of the items, you need a simulated bike, but to pick up others you need the acro bike, but only You can have one bike at a time and you can only exchange them in maille, which means there is no way to collect all the items on one trip to the Safari Zone.
The stunt bike allows you to collect a calcium that can be sold for $4,900. The stunt bike is certainly worth entering once, but what about the Mack bike? The only extra item here is the TM for sunrays. All TMs for sun rays are sold at different prices, but this one actually sells for $1,500 since the entry fee is $500, it's still profitable to go a second time just for that item. , although it is worth entering the Safari Zone twice, there are some items. that's just not worth collecting in the SS title, there's a trainer with six Pokémon, each with an oreberry, obviously, I could bring six covet skites to take each, but that leaves out my real Money Maker Meowth, each payday is worth 100 times the value of an oreberry, so it would be crazy to leave Meowth out of this fight.
I bring Meowth and five covet skites so I can grab five berries and have Meowth knock them all out with payday, meaning one Orin Berry doesn't get stolen, other items that aren't worth it. Pokémon was obviously obtained through trading, so the item it brought was a nice bonus, but there are three other trades in the game: raltz for seedot vulit for Plusle and beon for horsey in each of these cases. the traded Pokémon has one item, but they are all worth 20$5 or less. Pokéballs are worth $100, so it would be a loss of $75 to catch a Volbeat for trading, for example, meaning that none of these three trades are financially profitable with one exception.
By catching a raltz and exchanging it for Dots the C dot, we get a chest that in itself is not profitable, but there is more, an NPC on Route 123 will give you a TM for Giga Drain if you show them a grass-type Pokémon that none of our current Pokémon is. grass type, but we could actually catch one for free in the Safari Zone since they give you Safari balls with your entrance fee, but there's more, there is an NPC in Sutopo City who gives you a $1,500 elixir if you show him a marine point, but not just any C point, you want to see a record C point, whatever that means, but points are a record. break SE dot, fortunately, yes, dots is a great guy for all these reasons, completing this trade in the game is profitable.
In fact, I caught Ralts at the beginning of the race and had him almost the entire time, this was not because of a financial issue. The reason is a quality of life. I can't catch any Pokémon that learn how to fly, but Ralts can learn the next best thing: teleport. This allowed me to move quickly in some cases, which really helped me not lose my mind as an NPC. Andopolis actually has a brother that will do exactly the same thing, but not by a big SE point. He wants to see a big, short Tad, which means it's also profitable for me to use a Pokeball to catch a short Tad and trade it for an Elixir, but there's actually a way we can catch a Pokémon completely for free.
All different types of pokeballs can be sold with one exception, the master ball. I suppose this is because it's so powerful that it could be considered priceless, but I don't give a damn about sentimentality. value I give a rough value financially, it's a brick so I might as well use it and by catching a low Tad I can make a profit of $1,500. Who would have thought that using a master ball on low Tad would be profitable, but aside from items? Most areas have more trainers to fight, allowing me to collect Payday money after payday, but the money is adding up quickly and before I knew it I was reaching the million dollar threshold I mentioned earlier. , that's why I had previously bought pokeballs to enter the museum for free I knew I was going to move my cash to items at some point and that's now.
I can continue to buy Pokeballs 10 at a time to get a Premier Ball and get a better bang for my buck, but why would I? that when there is a way to transfer my cash to items and retain 100% of the value Meowth is not the savior of this race the savior of this race is the energy guru after beating Elite 4 a new game feature Pokémon News will be available these ads are shown on TVs throughout Hoen and every day there is a new active event. This is how you get ads for Blend Master and massive outbreaks.
This is all Al, where we found out about the sale of Energy Guru. Energy Guru is a seller on Slate Port. Honestly, there's nothing special about it except that on days when his event is active, he sells items for half price, which means you can resell items for exactly the same price and pay a full 100% refund, but keeping them in your inventory instead of selling them. When you keep yourself available to earn more cash in Trainer Battles, by doing this you can completely transfer cash to items without losing value and making the million dollar cash threshold irrelevant, but remember that this will only be available after beating Elite 4, which means it wasn't. something I was able to access before the Slateport Museum means that the Premier Ball strategy was still the right decision, that's not why I never did it, this is how you can enter for free, I really figured it out, except this is not the way to do this this is not the way to do it this is actually a bad idea I'm not going to do that even though I knew I would eventually reach the cash threshold I thought without Meowth it wouldn't happen before I became the champion and I was right I didn't even get to halfway, so there was never a reason to use the Premier Ball strategy when I knew I could use the Energy Guru strategy later, the only reason to buy Pokeballs would be if it cost me less than the $50 entry fee, which for Of course it wasn't the smartest thing for me in that situation, it was to do nothing, so that's what I did and I finished my journey through every route in the entire game collecting items and collecting money from each battle. and transfer that money to proteins from the Energy Guru's half-price sale, this includes all endgame areas like The Artisan Cave.
I don't need to do any of the legendary Pokémon sections because Rayquaza the Box legendaries and reggies don't have items. or trainers, so there are no financial gains, the only thing left for me to do is fight the last trainer in the game, Steven, in Meteor Falls. I can bring Meowth to use his 20 days pay and still win the fight, so now it's time for By the way, big reveal, let me know in the comments if there's anything I missed. I read them all because it really helps me formulate my ideas for the next game.
If you do not complete any repeatable actions, the full cash value. and the items you can access are 2,462 n14 we are officially billionaires and you can make more money here than in fire red and leaf green, even if you meow a lot later, let's do something to celebrate. I'm ready to spend this money, but I'm here in the US, so let me do a quick conversion here and $15,000. I did all that for $15,000.

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