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Pokémon Alola League | Review

Jun 07, 2021
What are the luminous trainers, the mule trainer, Zach? Welcome to the series where I


every Pokémon League arc in the anime. We rate each episode from 1 to 10 and the overall


rating will be determined by the combined rating of each episode in this video. We will be


ing the 7th manalo conference of Ash's Pokémon League Pokémon League, let's begin, episode 1, it's time for a first lawless Pokémon


and the big twist of this league is that anyone can enter, so not only Ash was excited to compete, if not everyone. of his classmates too, now what I like about this episode is how the pacing was more like a traditional Pokémon League, while the Kalos League was like that.
pok mon alola league review
He actually takes his time to focus on the arrival and then the reintroduction of Ash's League Rivals and we have a couple, we know how the gladion Alima can talk to him because VF is the only one and the most interesting of all, yeah boy, Kuzma, that's right, Guzmán is competing and plans to end the entire future or Lola. leagues when he becomes champion essentially ruining Kaku's dream and just as he is about to take off. I love this element because it suddenly changes the Olalla League from a fun and friendly competition to a fight against Guzmán and the skull of the team to preserve the true spirit of the league, yes the championship title is at stake as always, but now the gang also has to make sure Guzmán doesn't win and ruin everything, so overall I think this episode was a good setup for what's to come.
pok mon alola league review

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Although we don't get much of Gladion or Alima, the episode makes up for it by giving us more of the backstory of Guzmán Kukui who will play an important role in the entire league. The rating for this episode is 7 out of 10. Okay this was a wild ride from start to finish this is because the preliminary round has all 151 trainers facing off in a huge battle or Yahoo is crazy they weren't kidding when They said anyone can participate because everyone is here, yes even Team Rocket is here to compete. and don't worry they be careful, some amazing moments are ash and gladion's match where they both do a badass knockout without even looking and practically tell each other not to waste their ki taking out byron's goons.
pok mon alola league review
Alima eliminating literally everyone. of the team's skull, including plumeria, Pikachu, a knock-off of your revenge, yeah, it's like all the action that was missing from the Sun Moon anime was crammed into this episode. I love it because anyone can enter the battle royale, it was actually a very clever way to quickly separate the weak from the strong, but the problem with so many things happening so quickly is that some things are going to be overlooked, e.g. We don't get to see much of Madu or even Mallow, who is also using a damn Shaymin for the first time. tell me something where the hell was how we should have seen these things but we didn't, so the episode is going to be a little silly for me because of that, but I won't let it be too much of a hindrance because this was still like that?
pok mon alola league review
A really fun and exciting episode. Also, it was great to see the main cast advance to the final tournament, even though most of them really shouldn't. The rating for this episode is 7 out of 10. Episode 3. Now it's time for the top 16 to face off. in the first round one on one. The good thing about this episode is that we get to see 4 battles, so there's no shortage of action unless you're a Hal fan, but other than that, all the other battles were pretty good on their own. The way Ash vs. Fabio was hilarious. The farmer tries to be a little sneaky by having Hypno sell out Ash's weakest link, Melton, but it actually backfires because Melton eats Hypno's pendant and knocks him out with the flash cannon.
Guzmán vs. Alima was my personal favorite. of the episode because they showed how threatening Guzmán is. He defeated Alima, the guy who was expected to win the entire league, even when he used the mega kangaskhan, his strategy was to make sure that baby Kengo was in the mothers' way. attacks so she had to stop this gave Guzmán the perfect opportunity to attack savagely, but also clever definitely makes up for the fact that we barely saw him in the last episode and then in the final climactic Lana vs. mallow, this thing was great because it wasn't just a battle between best friends, but it also helped develop mallow a little more.
She wasn't very sure of herself before the battle and even tries to give up when things got too difficult, but after some encouraging words from Lana and Serena wanting to keep fighting, Mom was able to continue and finally dominate. his Z move. Because of this, we had an incredible collision between Bloom Doom and a Z move. I'm pretty sure I can't show it to him in the end. Malo ends up losing, but it was still a great match that helped her become a more confident fighter. The rating for this episode is 8 out of 10. The first round episode continues with the last four battles, the first half is men's and the second half is men's. pretty good Sophocles vs.
Mina was a bit basic I will say, although it was cool and bikeable, he blocked our mombi with a signal beam at point blank range, so I'll admit the next one was a Team Rocket Jessie vs. James battle, apparently Jessie said she is one. who has to win so the tension of the battle was immediately taken away but wait, James is the one who ends up winning thanks to the power of love what are you doing here, come out? Yeah, I was a little disappointed because I thought about it. It was played for laughs when it could have been so much better.
Next up is Key vs. Acerola and this is what really helped the episode. It was a solid battle with a decent challenge for Key every time, as he had to overcome the gangster's cursed body ability as well as Marowak's bone being stolen, it was cool and fun to see Marowak enter Gengar to get it back and at the same time finale, Kyoya advances thanks to Marik's last shadow bone, then there's the final battle of the first round between Gladion and Lily. It was my favorite of the episode, now a lot of people complain about how fast it was, but what did they expect?
Lily is probably the weakest of the Sunda Moon gang and some of you are here expecting an epic 20 minute battle, no, son of The battle happened exactly as it should, and even though she lost as a gladion and lost, I mean, He was proud to see how much the lady had grown as a trainer, which was the goal of the battle in the first place and with that the top eight. advances to the quarterfinals the rating for this episode is a 6 out of 10 episode 5 Ashley's next opponent is how and his decidua and rounded his so excited that he calls his old family to help him with a last-minute workout and I wasn't too excited about this episode, but before we talk about that, let's start with the positive, first of all, the little speech Ash gives to his friends about why he's letting the rally battle even though will be at a disadvantage as she progresses because that's what she really meets.
I wanted to love this because it showed that Ash is not only focused on winning, but he also wants to fulfill his Pokémon goals. Second is the battle of gladion and james, where gladion counters the black hole eclipse with continental crush, it's exactly what ash did against nanu. and not only was it a nice callback but it also showed that gladion is starting to embrace ash's unpredictability a bit and lastly i like how ash in the way user z moves from the start using the z move this early means I can rely on it to win which will make the rest of their battle a lot more interesting now, what I don't like is a training episode in the middle of the league and it's not even great, He didn't just keep up the pace. league a bit, but the episode couldn't really decide if you wanted to focus on the training or gladion vs James, so we're currently jumping between both and barely get to see the troll training, which is supposed to be the main focus of the league. episode, thankfully, has the good moments I mentioned or this would have been much worse.
The rating for this episode is 5 out of 10. Episode 6. Good timing for this one, we start with the continuation of Ash versus Howl and it's pretty good. One, even though Reilly was facing the evolved form of him, he was giving it his all. I was on the edge of my seat, because at any moment the untimely blows could have been too much for the little guy, like that epic brave bird and sky attack collision that looked tough, but don't worry, everything will be okay because Ron will get out. Go ahead any time, wait, oh God, are you kidding me?
Oh damn God, the aloha league is the worst damn league I've ever weighed. I was asleep, okay, I won't do it. Lie that got me and was tremendously funny, not only was it a funny troll moment with no real consequences, by the way, but it's totally in line with his entire character. I mean, he even fell asleep during Hollis Grunt's trial, which is probably why he objected to the Call in the first place, since he's seen this before. I also love how this has become a real sport now with plays being reviewed and overturned. Poor thing, although this league not only did it dirty by showing him Brady, but now his own damn grandfather nullified his potential. winning is not a big deal since that is not Ash's main rival in the series and before you say it, there is a difference between Charizard who showed up and refused to fight in the indigo league and wandering all day , who always falls asleep no matter what the situation is who he is, he adds, but technically it's you.
I didn't defeat him, so it's still satisfying to see that we're all going to get the win, especially me with Freddy's incredible dance mastery followed by a twice trash brave bird, but what? I know I'm just the blind Sonny Moon fan who worries because she has XY clothes and has a greninja as her pet? It's also very nice to see that his entire victory motivated Melton to call his friends, who will play a very important role later. the episode ends with Ki starting off against Sophocles and I must say it looks like fire, this is an amazing way to start their battle and they gave an already solid episode even more great content.
The rating for this episode is 8 out of 10, fight me. Episode 7 KOA vs. Sophocles continues and things are really heating up. It is student Z against teacher Z who will be the winner of this epic duel. It's obviously Keowee now, although this battle got off to a great start last episode. I really was. I didn't feel it this time, maybe because I'm not a big fan of Sophocles or maybe because the animation went from this to this, they tried to make it epic by showing a collision between a supersonic punch in the sky and a wild charge, but again, I didn't really feel it.
Fortunately, Lana versus Guzmán redeemed the episode for me. What I loved about this battle is that it shows Guzmán's strength, but also how savage he is. She knew Lana's weaknesses and exploited them to the fullest. He was ruthless and relentless and showed no mercy. I honestly felt bad for the pre brunette because the girl I support Guzmán barely gave her a chance to breathe even when she tries to give it her all with her Z move. Damn, you know I can't show that. Lana Guzmán says to hell with your Z move. and not only did they cut off the isopod, but they also gave pre morena a knockout in that same punch, damn, Guzmán was no joke and you know he did a little more alone to rub it in Kaku's face, this was great because it made Guzmán even more threatening and then the episode ends with the reveal of the key semi-final matches against gladion and ash against Guzmán.
Now this was an overkill in the end, although the first half of the episode didn't look that good, literally, the second half made up for it by Hyping up Guzman for his inevitable battle with Ash. The rating for this episode is 6 out of 10. Episode 8. Okay, it's time for KOA's semi-final against Gladion and the battles are now two on two. Finally, an element I like about this episode. is that sister MIMO arrives to cheer him up after gladion saved MIMO from the team's skull and was helping her find the key. It was super sweet to see that she reminded him of a younger Lily, showing that he really cares about his sister, even if it's not as obvious as the key, this was a healthy addition to the episode because now both coaches have their sisters. minors cheering them on which will really help them go all out and boy do they do it, the battle starts off explosive with fast paced action and awesome animations like in rock versus mere watch could have been the warm up but it was still a great way to start, then we get the highlight of the episode Terminator versus like in rock, this battle was even more intense with gladion trying to end the match with a sweep and kiawa gives everything to try to stay alive in the end, the inador spins, draw learning explosionsfocus on the act and defeating Lycan rock, then the episode ends with the gladion sending his sacred beasts, a lying man.
That's what I'm talking about, this was an amazing episode, unfortunately the battle takes a while to start, like it doesn't even happen until halfway through the episode, the mime stuff was good, but the stuff with the skull of the intriguing team of Team Rocket. being the skull of the team and showing care for the tenth time, this league consumed unnecessary time. I just wanted to get to the battle other than that, although I loved everything else, which is why the rating for this episode is 8 out of 10. The episode number 9 starts to feel even more unnecessary. Team Rocket scenes and be careful again here we have the conclusion of Keowee vs. gladion at the beginning of ash vs.
Guzman now going back to the first battle it was great to see that both Kyoya and gladion want to win so they can face Ashe in the finals, showing that even when she is fighting it's still about him, in the end Koe takes the L but at the end less he did his best, he tried to win with a hellish overdrive like he always does, but gladion changes solve a line in a fire. type to resist the Z move is a thing and definitely illegal but I thought it was really cool, it was also touching to see that they formed a new rivalry thanks to this battle, not because of Ash vs Guzmán, this was definitely intense because this is what the league has .
It has been building up since Guzmán's entry. An interesting moment before the battle is how to the lucky Nash, his eyes reminded Guzmán of Cucuy, which he didn't like. This was a cool moment that I'll really reward in the next episode, although during the beginning of the battle it seemed like Guzmán was in control, that wasn't going to stop Ashe, it was amazing since he broke, he can't go to the Sycamore isopod aanchal a even though he was at a disadvantage. I guess it was too much for Galax to handle because he uses the emergency exit to retreat from the tour, sets the explosion on fire and sends Caesar in his place and you can probably guess what happens next, big botch, actually this moment was interesting because now those who are calm, calm and collected, Guzmán is now off balance and furious, this was a big cliffhanger because I have or could have given in a little to the limit.
Guzmán's anger could mean that he will attack Ash much harder, so it is still unknown how this battle will end. The rating for this episode is 8 out of 10. 10 ash vs. Guzman continues and we not only get an epic conclusion but more of Guzman's backstory with a satisfying resolution. I like how, even though Ash is the one who wins this battle and advances to the finals, the episode focuses mainly on Guzman, so it turns out. We find out that the reason Guzman ran away was because he found Hollis's teachings to be useless because he never It could be Cucuy.
This explains why Ash's gaze really bothers him. Then through plumeria we learned that the reason Guzmán is undefeated is because he only accepts challenges that he knows about. he can win Guzmán is strong yes, but if you saw that someone had a chance to beat him he would run away which is a perfect parallel to his isopod GLE, we even see Guzmán retreat into this mentality in battle that he constantly tells Ashe that gives Get up and forget about winning, but Ashe keeps pushing and refuses to give up until the end. Sounds familiar.
Guzmán was so afraid of losing that he even considered forming teams called destroying the league because of it, but he finally realized the most important thing was missing. to have great confidence in his Pokémon, which is what Ashe has always had after a single tank of isopods of fucking gigavolt havoc and refusing to run away anymore, he finally understood within him that he should have run away and given everything he had . I love this. a lot and I wasn't expecting such a deep underlying story for this episode and in the end once Guzman finally proved himself defeatable Team Skull is still there he thought he was going to lose his followers but all he did was motivate them to be just the same. good in battle as it is, it was very touching to see that the team score actually loves their boss because he gives them hope that they won't always be losers, damn Sun and Moon.
I didn't expect to get hit in the fields in this episode. Rating is 9 out of 10, episode 11, okay, it's time for the Aloha League finals and it's our boy Ashe against Edge Lord Gladion and this time the battle is three on three. Now before the battle, it was nice to see Ash's mother and the professor. Oak came to cheer him up, it was a nice throwback to the original series, it was also during this time that all of Milton's friends finally arrived, so they got confused and evolved into Matt. Oh, okay, this was great because now Ash has some serious power. his equipment definitely gave him the advantage over gladion well that sucks okay I know other people were disappointed because Mel Metal took an L right after evolving but you have to remember he had no training since he was caught and only had like one. official battle before this one, so it made sense that Mel Metal would be outclassed, but you have to give him credit, although he did get some work done despite Astro spamming a lot of double iron strike thanks to Mel Metal Gladion's silver.
He was quite softened when he arrived. Time to face Pikachu, it was awesome to see Ash Schultz use more gladion by using the power grid to launch Pikachu and add a little more strength to his iron tail. This was an amazing victory, then the episode ends with gladion sending out his next Pokémon like in rock, but wait, that's not like in rock because it's actually mods or Ark in disguise. Overall this was a pretty solid start to the finale, the fact that Gladion took the first win shows that he is not one to take this lightly and deserves to be here as much as the Ash and Zoar arcs cliffhanger. revealed really makes you want to see what happens next and how to handle an influence.
I am so ready for the conclusion of this battle. The rating for this episode is an episode of 8 out of 10. 12 ash versus gladion continues and it's no joke because the first Lobos champion is decided in this episode and damn, was it amazing? The episode is just beginning and we already have an epic clash between Pikachu and Zoroark, it was epic as hell. Seeing Pikachu charging through Zorg's endless nightmare with a dizzying barrage of all Z-moves, one of the best double knockouts I've ever seen, to be honest, then we get the real joyous midnight climax as in rock versus ashes, in the form of dusk as in rock.
I love this matchup, not only is this dog going to fight up to the expectations of a final battle, but it also feels like a really good payoff for the Lycan Rock rivalry. The little Rock Ruff who admired the unbeatable Lycan Rock is finally not fighting him on equal terms. On the ground, it was amazing, yes the battle may not be on the same level as Infernape's story, but for someone who likes rock, it works, this battle was brutal and the gladion's taste for rock has the biggest advantage. part of the time thanks to the counterattack, but leave it to our boy Ash. turn things around thanks to the unpredictability of him literally countering the final counterattack.
Which this was wild, but because of that final trump card, Ash defeats Gladion and is now the viola league champion. That was all. Actually he did it. Our boys finally won an official Pokémon. league, this moment was incredible, it's what all Ash Ketcham fans have been waiting for since the beginning. I even cried when it happened, guys, this moment was so incredible that not even Ash himself was sure if he won or not, and I didn't. I blame him for 22 long years of constantly losing battles in the Major Leagues, but finally our guy finally made it.
Is incredible. I don't know how else to say it. Then the episode ends with a gobbler appearing from an ultra wormhole during the awards ceremony. already a monumental episode, you know what I'm giving this episode, its rating is 10 out of 10, episode 13, this one was decent, I guess that doesn't mean it was bad because it has some great moments, but I just feel like it doesn't it was executed well enough, it's about weapons Lord attacks through the Lola League, but wait, there's more because there are also two shiny Gus Lords, why did they all appear here at the same time?
It doesn't surprise me for a moment that I liked it. Team Rocket Rescue, beware, the entire series has been careful to prevent Team Rocket from taking off, but it was nice to see them finally return the favor, plus it was a nice way to get rid of the ridiculous OPB, which would have easily taken the tension away. It was also awesome to see all the Kahuna in action and the problem is that the entire conflict is resolved in one episode so it feels super rushed. What is this? The Kalos League. The best will show up to help, but in reality they don't. that and the gobblers are taken out pretty easily once a fuse moves are combined, and while it was awesome to see everyone use combo Z moves, the excitement wears off when you realize it's just five minutes of reused animation, well , at least everyone got a moment to shine, damn Lana it honestly feels like this episode was created just for multiple different wormholes to appear just to justify the return of the people who are now in a GaN Adele and yeah, it's cool that she's back and all, but it happened at the last minute with No Explanation so it feels a little forced I will say, although the cliffhanger of the reveal of the mask girl's identity was a nice way to finishing it and one of the biggest redeeming factors of the episode, oh that's a great sense since for the rest it's fine, but It would have been better in two parts.
The rating for this episode is six out of ten. Episode 14. Okay, now that the little inconvenience of the swallower is over and taken care of, it's time for Lola's champion ash god exhibition battle, it feels good to say. that against Professor Cucuy, you know, since the whole secret of the mask world has come to light, but this actually makes things better if you ask me, especially since this time it will be a full battle that explains why he doesn't win Dell returned so conveniently. What's so good about this episode? It's just that it actually feels like a warm-up for the entire battle, but it's still very good.
It could have easily started with crazy action and quick wins right away, but it didn't and I really appreciate that this isn't going to be that way. Crazy battle to have won because it's actually quite important. This battle isn't just Torque getting a chance to redeem himself in Sinner or Ash also fighting his father figure from the series, so the excitement is real, yes. It may be a slow start, but that just means this battle will be long and there will be a lot more to look forward to. Also, it's not like it doesn't have its moments, because we have them here, a damn tariqat that took an explosion burning you in the face and literally sucking you in, we could have used you in Kalos and like Iraq catching one of its warehouses in the air - hidden sinner or which really reminded me of Ash's crocodile stone when he did the same against Bryson.
Impressive, overall this episode did a good job of setting up the rest of the battle and really shows how smart Ash is at fighting by using unique strategies and even switching if necessary. Kakui even does the same so you know the torque in the verses on sinner or revenge will come later this is just the beginning the rating for this episode is a seven out of ten episode 15 okay this is what starts a battle royale Unlike the last episode where Ash and Cucuy were just testing their skills in this one they actually do some damage to him from the beginning, like a rock, he is eliminated by the brave Iary and this was actually quite clever because not only does it show that Kukui is strong enough to defeat Ash's Pokémon in the league, but it also means Ash can't.
You no longer depend on his ace and he has to prove that he can win with other Pokémon too. Rowland took the brave diary from him. Do you still doubt God? Probably the best aspect of this match is seeing Ashlyn Cucuy changing her Pokémon to get the best results. It feels like a chess match with each of them making strategic changes to give them the best advantage, for example when Ashe uses torque against Venus or of course she wants to save it for the center or saw an opportunity to get a victory fast. Thanks to his type advantage, Kakui does the exact same thing and realized that Mel's motto was going to be a big threat after seeing how his Empoleon couldn't do anything against him, so what does he do? ?
Send a stronger Pokémon to eliminate it sooner? they can do more damage damn I love this episode we have so much action but it was really cool to see them try to outsmart each other too and the best part of all is that Ashlyn Cucuy has so much fun fighting each other in the episode. ends with Cucuysending Lucario and Ash sending GaN to Adele. I loved how everyone was so engrossed the moment I pulled out a beast ball like yeah, Ash has an ultra beast on his side and he's ready to rip some apart. The rating for this episode is A 9 out of 10 episode 16 ash ash versus Kukui continues stronger than ever and begins with Megan Adele vs.
Lucario ash new Lucario had more experience so the only way to win was to lure him into a close fight and use that opportunity to get an up close and personal dragon pulse, it was really cool to see Ash fight smart like that and I was really happy to see Meg and Adele get the win. Can you imagine if he came back only to lose and not get a win? A single victory, I would never do it, but that was just the appetizer because now it's time for the main course of the toric episode in verses in sin Aurora, it's finally time for their rivalry to conclude and my goodness, was this battle.
What's amazing about this match is how Ash is able to take advantage thanks to Flame Charge by increasing torque to speed. His attacks not only connect more but hit much harder thanks to the explosion momentum. This battle was so intense that both cats end up activating their fire ability, which was awesome on Fernie for us. I love the moment where Ash and Cucuy used an infernal overdrive at the same time, not only was it visually amazing but it's also the Z move that Takakuwa had to use as a kid, so it all came full circle and then. an epic collision inside the giant fireball once the dust clears on sin or falls into hell, yeah, and just when you think that's it, the ripped cat uses the last of his strength to evolve into a sinner o oh my god this episode was amazing because not only had Tork achieved his goal of defeat in Sinner o, but he also evolved which is what many of us fans wanted.
I'm not even mad that he knocked himself out in the process, yeah it would have been cool to see him in Sinner or in action. but for him to stay and lose right after the Battle of his life would take away his triumphant moment. He came out in a good way and if anything, his evolution is more of a reward for winning the Abyssal Endings with the Koko Temple showing up. take Cucuy/Pokémon's place so he can fight Ash what the hell is this really happening huh what an ending to an incredibly awesome episode and nothing let me down so the rating for this episode is 10 out of 10 the final episode of this Is it the grand finale of the yellow polo?Ash's final challenge, the taboo of the legendary guardian deity Coco from the jump, the episode holds nothing back and hits us with crazy action.
Meghana doll versus typo. Coco could have been the warm-up for the episode, but it doesn't disappoint. I mean, a gondola loses. which is disappointing, but you know what I mean, so it's time for Ash's last Pokémon. His partner from the first day, Pikachu and damn Higuchi, were actually on top of Coco. What makes this battle so great is the fact that Coco's upper body has always had some type. of rivalry with Pikachu so both Pokémon want to give it their all so much in fact that guy Coco decides that he wants to do everything possible with Z mode so after your little rejuvenation song of the best wolves both Ash and Cucuy have the Z power is restored and then we get hands-down the best moment in the entire league, an epic, climactic clash of Z-moves between Coco's Lola's guardian taboo and Pikachu's ten million volts and oh my god, the animation, the colors, the father and the son, Kamehameha, all of them.
It's absolutely amazing, if you don't think this moment is great then something is seriously wrong with you and the icing on the cake is when Ash and Pikachu reflect on their time in Lola and realize that they felt Lola's power all along. and now it was time to become one and use that power to the fullest, whatever that means, but it was great in the end, Lola's guardian wasn't enough to stop our boy, so the taboo Coco falls and Ash wins the exhibition. Match Man, what a damn battle, Ash was not only Professor Kukui, but also the legendary Chappell Coco.
Add to the list, this episode was amazing, the perfect conclusion to Lola League and the Sunny Moon anime. I loved it so much and it just worked. I'm even more proud of our boy Ash, congratulations to the champion. The rating for this episode is also 10 out of 10. This leaves an overall rating of seven point eight out of ten. It's really good and is actually tied with Dodo. Now it's not perfect, but it's far from the worst. The most important thing about this league so far is the fact that it is 17 episodes long, which not only makes it the longest league currently, but it is also the only one to show the entire tournament from start to finish. .
Watch every battle, which was awesome, now the biggest controversy of this league besides the whole battle, but get over it, is the fact that there are no full battles until Cucuy and anyone can enter. Well, this was actually the best way to handle the Lola League. The goal of the competition was not only to find the strongest trainer but also to help all the participants grow with their Pokémon and we see that throughout this league we see things like Mallow mastering her Z move, Lilly showing her progress as coach Sophocles faces KOAT without stopping Jia Wei, forming a new rivalry with the gladion Guzmán, learning not to run away from a challenge and to trust his Pokémon and not only won his first Pokémon League conference here, but his team went from being one of the weakest. to end up as one of their strongest, I love it, this league perfectly captures many themes and is something that the Aloha League could have lost if it had tried to be more traditional, we would have had a lot of skipped battles or a lot of doubles. knockouts to get to the main action and that can be a bit annoying if you go too far, yes it has not so good parts but what the league doesn't have, in the end it had a story it was trying to tell and it told it beautifully. but if you've never given the Sunny Moon series a chance for some reason, you won't enjoy the league as much as I do, you won't understand the themes, and you won't really appreciate the character moments, how's that supposed?
Worry about Lana versus Malva or Gladion versus Lily if you've never cared about the characters to begin with, even Ash versus Cucuy is incredibly long and action-packed as you won't enjoy it to the fullest unless you understand the dash. Kaku is a relationship that was built for this moment. In the end, Alona may not be the best league, but at least for me it is definitely my favorite. It was a lot of fun and had many great and memorable moments. Plus, he finally gave us the opportunity. Ashwin we've all been waiting and if you still think this league is the worst after everything I've said then I really don't know what else to tell you, oh yes I do Matt if you really made it.
So far in the video, I want to thank you for watching, let me know what you think of the Alona League in the comments. Last but not least, make sure you live your life to the fullest and have a really good, oh, now I need. Some rest

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