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Podcast #181 - Youtube Comments & Snake Oil 3

Jun 03, 2021
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podcast 181   youtube comments snake oil 3
Wow, another crazy week in the books, uh yeah, this month, well it's over, March is over, but it sure took us for a ride, yeah I'd say so. I really can't, I'm sorry to be away from my microphone, I just feel good, I'm glad the marches are over, honestly this whole month sucked for us, but I feel like you know I've done a lot. Of you know, they talk about appearances at school that kind of thing where one of the most common questions I get asked is how do you not let negative


get to you and that kind of thing and I feel like this week I'm being defeated by


like You know, everyone goes through these moments, like, I don't know if it's just emotional or something, but I feel like the comments have really affected me and it's like I'm trying to decide yes or no.
podcast 181   youtube comments snake oil 3

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podcast 181 youtube comments snake oil 3...

Am I just being sensitive right now or like what's going on because it's okay, for example our hamster, this is not an April Fool's joke, he passed away on Friday and it was devastating for us, like we love our hamster so much and that was really hard, we had a really hard day and we took him to the vet and they confirmed that he had passed away and it was just disgusting, like you know we were crying and upset, we miss our little guy and you're still having these moments where you know that he's a hamster and he had a good life and we gave him a great life and all that and for the most part everyone has been very, very sweet to us, we had some trolls that were like he was just a Hamster like you, you know that you don't need to get angry, which we expected because you know people are insensitive, but I think that's where we all have the internet, since everyone has access to unlimited information, whether it's right or wrong information. information or whatever, we're all inundated with information constantly, so I feel like a lot of times the comments sections become know-it-all sections, like suddenly everyone's an expert in everything and Julian literally just posted a vlog of him talking about It was because he had tweeted about it because it was so sad and he didn't want to like make a video or something like that.
podcast 181   youtube comments snake oil 3
You know, I just felt numb because we love him so much, but we need to recognize that our hamster. he passed away, which is really sad and hard and we don't like it, but then you know there were some comments, particularly one on there, that really made me angry and it reminds me of the best and worst things about the internet is that everyone can be here, you know Yes, it's the best part and the worst, and we like it. I read this really insensitive comment which was like criticizing him, first of all it was a PETA article.
podcast 181   youtube comments snake oil 3
Some poor grandparents from the port who said that our grandson had three baby hamsters that died in a couple of months. What are we doing wrong? There are obviously endless reasons, like maybe using the wrong bedding or because he can drink your water. What are you feeding him basic things? And I was like this: He's a really insensitive man to imply that we weren't taking good care of him when he was clearly an adult hamster when we got him and we didn't know it. that or think that, but the vet confirmed that he had died of old age, but I like to think that one day one of the dogs passes away and then someone says: well, here are some things that I think you might have done wrong with your dog.
Those comments are generally tough and most of the time you can ignore them and move on without giving yourself a single job, it just happens, man, yeah, and that's when the emotions come into play with it. Yes, I feel excited, yes, and we are excited, and as you know, losing, like Jenna said, was a difficult thing, it was a difficult thing to go through, especially for me. I think it was a hard thing to go through because it had just happened. I lost a friend and now it's like suddenly there's so much loss and yeah, when you're raw and you feel so much and you know you're like we've had an emotional night, yeah, that's you.
You're in the middle of a lot of emotions that are really intense so comments like that feel like they're really shit and there's not much ignoring that can be done at a time like this so yeah? Well, and men, I don't even know, it's like it was all an advertisement and we had confirmed it with the bet that you know, when an animal is so small like that, it's easy to say, oh my God, what did I do wrong? Did we do something? Did he get into something? Is there something we are not seeing? Is there some kind of mistake we made? after we got confirmation that he was like an old man, yeah, and I was like, "Oh my God," I guess we never really thought about how old he was when we got him and you know, it really seemed good to us because we'd had him for 11 months, but he wasn't 11 months old, you know, even if he was, which he confirmed 100%, he wasn't 11 months old, it's close to a year and his life expectancy is one to two years, that is, 2 to 3 or whatever one would like. have one-two-three two-two-three 2 years whatever, but like Pete, so everyone knows he passed away, we took him to the vet, they confirmed that you know, they confirmed that he liked him, no, there was nothing bad.
He, you know, they would have found certain things if he was hurt or something, yeah, it's like, regardless, it sucks to have to read comments like that and I think you're right and I think you're right too, man, no. You don't talk to me about these comments in moments of emotion like me. I had comments on my video right where I explained that my best friend had committed suicide and people were like, oh God, this dramatic kid again and I just don't do it. I know what to do with that. I don't know how to react.
I do not know what to think. I don't know how to ignore it. You read a comment like that when you're going through something like that. and it's bad, it's just a bad time and that's it, we had posted something like I don't know if obviously you all have gone through loss to two different degrees, but there are so many things like crying and things that can be done. do it while grieving and think about it before you like even during parts of that grieving period you think I need these moments of laughing and remembering and trying to be happy and remember good things and as a person you know what I like.
I mean. and after a week or something you posted that we were cooking or something and there was a comment on there that was like wow, shortest grieving period ever, what a joke, LMFAO like, I actually like it, I want to fight you verbally , I want to fight. you like it, what do you want Julien to do or someone to do in that position, but damned if you do, damned if you don't, it's like people want to judge your life, they want to judge how you react to things and this. It's like this isn't a TV show, man, this is me documenting my real life that doesn't get documented every day and we're trying to use it as an outlet for like sometimes I'm just trying to cheer myself up. but like you, beyond that, I like, I feel like a lot of it is, you know, there I go through periods where things bother me or bother me and I think, moments where it's not like that and for the most part part everyone is.
Really very kind and understanding and like a normal person and he understands that we're normal people too, you know, but like me the other night, we were playing video games and I'm looking at this Twitter thread of people that I screenshotted. because it really bothered me, I get a lot of comments where people speculate whether I'm pregnant or not and I get it, and it's not the comments that are like, "Oh my god, I hope they have kids." It would be so funny if they did, yeah that's completely valid, those are different comments for me, they're very sweet and I appreciate you guys and it's everyone else.
This is a thread of people in my most recent video where I'm dying their hair. and they're like wow, she's hiding it really cleverly with that sweater tied around her waist and that kind of stuff and I just like this, this


isn't meant to be this, but that's how I feel, I just feel like it's all It's kind of like coming to me like I know people who have had abortions, who have had miscarriages, who have had stillbirths and I'm fully disclosing to you that I haven't had those experiences, but I've seen other people go through those experiences and it's absolutely It's heartbreaking and heartbreaking to see you guys go through that and I know you guys, for the most part, mean well for us, but I like to think if I had gone through a miscarriage or something and I watch people speculate. you happily know if I'm pregnant or not, meanwhile I'm here being like you're at my wit's end like I'm grieving the loss of something a person you know I just can't like that kind of thing is the kind of thing that I feel like would make me zone out of the internet, well it's hard not to feel completely defeated and when you are most vulnerable or insulted in the most horrible way, yes, by people who are just happily doing it anonymously like cowards. and the problem is that most of the time we can surround ourselves with you, the happy ones, the wonderful ones, the positive ones, yes, the treatment, the people, yes, and as you know, we have so many experiences in which we are like a Good place and you guys are wonderful, sometimes we forget that most of the people who watched us, you know, log on to the internet to watch YouTube videos and their streams and whatever and they tweet things that are out there and they're cancerous and toxic. and it sucks because they have no respect for a person who is behind the avatar who is tweeting something.
It's like I'm going to spread my critical anger with comments speculating whether women are pregnant or not and I feel like this is a social thing like a cultural thing like we see it as a fun guessing game about whether people are pregnant or not. and I just find it insensitive. I think it shouldn't be something we do anymore, like when we were growing up. I used to see all those magazine covers in the supermarket about is this person pregnant like to me, I mean the tabloids, yeah, yeah, my entire youth was spent debating whether Jennifer Aniston was pregnant or not and how torturous that must be. for someone to be constantly I'll let you know, you know what I mean, what's the point?
I get that you sell magazines because people want to play like you're coming from a good place, but being exposed to people who have infertility issues is really insensitive. you know, and I just don't think that should be something that our culture considers appropriate, like if someone is pregnant and they tell you that and they're going to have a baby, and be happy for them, but until then, the speculation process. finding is a really insensitive thing to do, you know what I mean, yeah I know exactly what you mean. I'm not trying to punish anyone and I'll share it with you like we would love to have kids we need to do some things first but I just think it's so wrong to do that it's up there and it bothers me that those comments come up yeah it sucks man get to me lately, yeah, it's hard, it's hard, like I said, you usually know when we're.
If you are fully equipped with our protection barrier against the bad part of the Internet in our daily life, it is easy, you just swipe it, but when you pass you don't necessarily have that barrier because your guards let you down. You feel a lot and it's 100 times worse. I know and I feel it again. I feel like most of you are coming from a good place with this, with the exception of the comment that you had a brief period of mourning according to the opera, which I believe. I feel like it's an unnecessary comment, but those who say, oh well, here's an article I found on PETA that has no relation to your hamster dying of old age and how you should have cared for him differently.
I think that's a product of everyone being an expert and everything, time and time again, seems insensitive to me and the comments about pregnant women are like, I just think you know something, we've been conditioned to play this fun guessing game about whether people pregnant or not, but I'm saying I haven't had those experiences where I would go offline because I'm so hurt and upset about them, but I imagine there are a lot of other women on YouTube who have had miscarriages or infertility issues and people who comment like I don't know how old these people are and their experiences with women and fertility issues, but when you comment on those things like she's definitely pregnant, I can see it as if that person had a miscarriage or was really trying to conceive, that's the kind of thing that would send aperson just in a city absolutely crazy like I can't handle it, I can't read it, you know what I mean, so I'd feel like doing it, or you just had a miscarriage, so what are your options?
Sit on the Internet and tell everyone about it and describe your pain and how much it hurts and how upset you are or you can just let people keep saying things like that, like you just went through that experience and then someone is being like If I was definitely pregnant I would cry and lose my mind, are you kidding me? That's a really shitty thing, right, that's a really shitty thing to read. I guess it's just a cultural statement on our part that I feel like I shouldn't. whatever exists, we shouldn't do that to women, you know, yeah, I think the tabloids get away with it because they're so far removed from the real person, but in a YouTube video, I mean, I'm not saying that neither of them are right. or wrong, but in a YouTube video it's like that, you know, we posted a video, we read, the comments were there, yeah, you know what I mean.
It would suck to be a movie star and read and walk into a grocery store and see your face like that would suck, yeah, and that's horrible, but it happens a lot more immediately to a YouTuber or someone on the internet and it sucks, man, it sucks. I just watched it and I'm sorry you made that comment. I'm sorry you had this, it was a comment thread, it was a group of girls discussing why women guys who literally hide my pregnancy, plus even if there is a grace period there where like you, you wait. a certain amount of time before you even tell the family because it's personal and yet intimate and horrible, exactly like you have to trust people on the internet, celebrities or anyone else to tell you there was a big circus around Kylie Jenner's pregnancy and even that.
I was sitting there thinking this sucks for her, you know, no one, no one is putting themselves in her shoes, no one, yeah, I like it, really, what it must feel like to be going through whatever you're going through. You keep it private because it's your life, yes, and you have the world accusing you of letting you know XY and Z non-stop, brutal man, yes, I know, and I like that the tone of the comments seems like a fun guessing game. I know, and it's like she's definitely telling me that I understand a lot of things like I had this conversation with her on the h3 podcast where she's like, yeah, I get that you're shining, you know, all the time I'm like, I wish I had comments like she was shining. always like she definitely put on a few.
I definitely think she is pregnant, she has a sweater tied around her waist. I'm like, oh, so now you're calling me chubby family, you know what I mean, no way does that make me happy. Feel good about reading them and you won't get any extra points for guessing if someone was pregnant. I don't understand. I just do not get it. Yeah, it comes from a really cruel place. It is not a cruel place. It's good. place where these people are trying to get you to like them, they know they're happy for you, they want you to know that, but they don't understand the potential or maybe they haven't taken the time to understand the potential harm they could really cause someone by saying that.
You know, it's hard to know why people leave certain comments. I don't know, even if they are not by nature hateful like not thinking about what comment is for hamster comments. I feel like it's a great level of information that's available to Suddenly everyone is an expert and from the comments about pregnancy, I think it's just people getting excited and wanting something without realizing that that comment from you could potentially cause harm. , yeah, because I'm not saying I'm that upset. that I want to log out of the Internet, but I could imagine a scenario where that would lead anyone to the point of saying I don't want to share my life anymore, yeah, that's the kind of thing that, you know, I said it today in the vlog and I've been thinking and feeling this for many months, but a big reason why I find it difficult to vlog as much as I used to and constantly post about my life and my day like I did before is that it's very, very exhausting to put yourself out there and the People regularly judge you and your decisions about how you live your life and even if you know most of the comments are positive, it doesn't really matter because all it takes is one to It's kind of like staying with you and then you're like It was in the back of your head and you're thinking about it while you're living your life and suddenly comments on the internet are affecting your choices and how you are doing.
You go about your day and that's a horrible, horrible feeling, it's a feeling of helplessness, it's a feeling where you think to yourself, how did I get to this place? I didn't sign up for this, you know, I thought this was positive. documentary experience I didn't realize I was going to be judged so harshly and it really affected me because most of the time it doesn't affect you but it really only takes those few for you to really know it and it's hard because you know it in my moment There have been so many videos on the internet that I posted so many videos or something happens, whether it's something serious, whether it's something traumatic, whether it's something that's not even that bad and a comment will pop up that really reminds me to wait a minute like this, this isn't just a group of supportive people in my life, it's some judgmental people who you know want me to feel bad about something I'm already trying to go through in my life.
You know, the video of people coming to my house where I said, don't come to my house. I mean, there were a significant amount of comments on that video saying, hey, it's part of being a YouTuber, deal with it, idiot, I know. I like that kind of thing, it's super disturbing to be like so many people and I understand that argument too. I understand that we put ourselves out there, so we're open to criticism, we're open to judgment and stuff. I'm not saying any of this is unfounded, it's just that sometimes it takes its toll. It's like I'm not saying I didn't sign up for this because I absolutely know I did, but I understand that argument and I also understand people's argument.
Being like just because I put my life out there doesn't mean please show up at my dorm, you know what I mean or just because I put my life out there doesn't necessarily mean I want to read comments all day, every day. Whether you think I'm pregnant or not, you know there's a difference between being open and understanding criticism, and then you know getting really unfair criticism where you can't always respond to something without saying, well, that guy's just an idiot. We're like that girl, she's a, she put her life out there if we want to guess if she's pregnant or not or if we call her fat, we can do it all day, you know, yeah, okay, you can, but it's also like you can. just be a normal person and be relatively respectful doesn't feel like we don't have to follow us you have to do any of that where we're open to your criticism.
I feel like we've made it pretty clear in the past too, but it's like something borders on really insensitive, we're having a moment this week, the guys were having a moment, I think it was some of the extra comments that really got to me because still So it's fresh and new, you know, yeah, I miss it and we love it so much and I was like: I'm so proud of you because you have access to a Google search engine, but it's really painful, we did everything we could , Fred, yes. she did and if someone told me that about one of my dogs when he dies, I'm like me, I'm so like you, yeah, but anyway, Real Talk, even if I was pregnant, I would tell you when it's appropriate.
We're not trying to keep anything a secret, no, but until then you won't hurt me, sometimes it gets to me, but I feel like there are women out there that you could really hurt with those comments, really hurt with those comments, yeah. and you probably already have anyway yeah our plan for this podcast was to play Snake Oil because I tweeted if you guys wanted a third installment of Snake Oil and you overwhelmingly said yes so if we want to play some


, let's do it? I'm sure we don't have doubles, well I checked, checked and we might have a double or two, but I checked it and threw out some of the cards I recognize in this game, man, like I didn't think that. this is going to be like this so if you are new here, Snake Oil is the game where one player chooses a profession and the other player chooses a random item made of two words that are paired completely at random and then the seller has to sell it. fake article for that fictional fictional person yes, but Julian is very good at it I'm not good, I'm the best, sorry for the serious intro, I'm not, I'm ready to play, let's do it, who do you want to be first?
Do you want to be the one who puts this in his mouth? So, oh yeah, I'm going to get close to these microphones or else they don't sound. Sorry, do you like it all the time? Okay, tone for tone, it's fair, right? I want to be the salesman or this Celie, tell me Sally, since you're the best at this game, why aren't you the good one? We, what are the profession of a teacher? random, yes, but they are double sided, so yes, I know, but. okay you know what you're already happy and then I choose three of those and I can choose this is how it works three yeah and then you choose or you just choose one these are these are these are the control these are the items that were selling I know , but I thought we had done that in the past so we picked one so you don't get stuck like a ring, if they're bad you can replace them, but you don't take three.
Right off the bat, okay, I got it right, sure, what do you have to give me? Do you know how this game works? You are the person I am selling to, are you a seller? Two of those cards oh, it's okay, it's okay, I'm sorry for everything. right, I'm confused, I forgot, I thought I chose this one over that one and what is your profession. I'm a sports fan. Okay, when you're a sports fan, you have to watch your team, hey, they play every Sunday. Every time your team plays regularly, what are you doing? I was looking at that card that someone had handwritten directly on, that was one of my personalized ones, okay sorry I don't know what's going on here just take a step back I think you're a sports fan I'm a sports fan and you I'm selling a new product Okay, I've invented it Okay, with my own hands as a sports fan, you get your t-shirts, you get your Sombrero, you meet up with your boys and your goryeo and get ready to watch the big game everyone on Sundays and Mondays and because you were a real sports fan, you got season tickets, right?
I can see it in your eyes, I can tell. you have season tickets, but that means you have great seats, you're right in the action, you're right behind the dugout without missing a beat and if it's not baseball, you're not behind the dugout, you're behind something else. but you are there, yes, you have a jersey for every different player on the team, even the ones on the boat, because you are a real fan, a real fan, but a real fan is also a real person, you are not a machine, you can't sit there . for ten hours and not move, like some games take a long time, yeah, so you get up, you have to pee, you walk to the bathroom, you go up the stairs and it's the end of the ninth, but you really have to take a break there a long line there's a long line of fools out there who don't even care about the actual game they're just there for the hot dogs and the beer but you gotta go back to your seat to watch this game you don't have all the time in the world to wait in line to use the bathroom, okay, you have to use your bathroom card that allows you to be the first in line and in all the bathrooms, because if you get to a bathroom and have to wait, you will miss the rest of the game, but no, if you have your bathroom card, you walk up and show it to everyone and not only does it completely blind them so they can't see, but you can just cut them in line, but it's that of a Kind, there's an article that I am selling, one of a kind, one of the ones we have made, you are the biggest sports fan in the world so we are going to sell it to you.
We did beta testing and more than a hundred people use it. bathroom card really loved it and they are currently using it and this is the only one so no I don't question my calculations okay I'm selling you a bathroom card okay there are currently thousands of people using it . this exact article they are all duplicates but you have the only one in the world well, it's free at the beginning oh no, it's free at the beginning, okay, but when you buy the bath cards, when you buy the bath card, half your tickets of season now they go to me and they fought, they fought, they basically create inventory for my side business seat card, which is another business that I'm working on.
It's actually an app where I steal people's season tickets and redistribute them for cash, so the first step here is to sign correctly. here and buy a toilet card and we will discuss the details later, but if you see me in your seats, don't worry, take another seat and shut up too, please, so I can congratulations, you have been granted, now you sign, youI was saying that you are sneaky, it works a lot, you are sneaky and shady, you worked many times, how old were you for? this, yes, good night, thank you all for thanking God, thank you for playing, you will not be sent all your banana shirts momentarily for when you are hostages for when you are hostages, thank you all for hanging out and thank you for being people wonderful.
Yeah, we appreciate you guys and gals that come on these podcasts and Twitch streams and hang out with us all the time. You all are really wonderful, so yeah, okay, good week, do you want to take us out?

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