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Playing Pong with WEIRD SODAS - Ten Minute Power Hour

Apr 23, 2024
Hello, welcome to the tip: welcome to the 10




, where are we? Hello, our Erin and welcome to Hello Erin and welcome to the ten




. My name is Dan, I'm Erin and we're here as usual. our streaming room, but thanks to the creators of dreambuilder toy TM, what we're


today is soda


. Wow, each of these glasses has been filled with a different strange soda that spewed all over the world. Let's throw balls. That? it's for that's where you keep your


cool on a hot day this is meant to float in a pool oh, it's like the ice thingy yeah, keep your drinks colder yeah, yeah, okay, that's wrong, y'all, yeah I Would you like or would you leave me shirt, will they stay cool there Dan the dinosaurs are not Erin there is no ice there oh that's cold, no, no, no, let's start the pier has to talk, talk closely to Erin because Erin has the microphone on He I have a lavalier Oh



he's not, it wouldn't be weird even if he was yeah, good friendship let's play some Saudi


and what you're going to do is take your Saudi pong ball I'll look me in the eyes and you'll know , look, throw it away, okay, that decides who goes first, okay, I say, okay, one, two, three, come on, come on, come on, I made you go first, calling it, miss it, right, right. cup Center pocket okay, okay, maybe not that one underneath, what not, oh man, you look like you stink.
playing pong with weird sodas   ten minute power hour
Erin didn't know you sucked so much in the middle of a pocket, it's got to be hell and yeah, this is number eight, flavor eight, don't have a smile on your face while I do this, you have to drink it all, okay, then smell it Well, okay, it's very sweet, actually, what do you swallow it all the way down? It's cream soda mixed with nyquil, will it really leave you without almonds? almonds, how dare you have a vendetta against almonds, your juice just made me consume almond juice, almond again, almond, no, you didn't say it the same way, not me, now I'm thinking about it, we'll have to let the time and then I'll say it naturally okay, say almond almond almond almond aah mo ND how else would it be?
playing pong with weird sodas   ten minute power hour

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playing pong with weird sodas ten minute power hour...

It sounds like a guy's name, what's up there, ha, yeah, okay, what is it? It's Mr. . What cucumber soda, oh that weird one is so good, it's so refreshing, my goodness, if you've never had a cucumber soda in your life, no, take your cup off that raft, throw away the animals, okay, bookmark stupid, no, monkey, yes, you are amazing, oh, this is very. dark it's scary dark oh no it's like staining the inside of the cup it's disgusting it has a lot of iodine in there oh that's a gray case it's like look just put it in your mouth it was dr. pepper oh it's Malta Guha hey I hate not knowing that she loves Malta Guha what is it?
playing pong with weird sodas   ten minute power hour
It's disgusting, it's very clear and bubbly ooh, now it smells good, it tastes like those valentine hearts, chalky and chemically, great job, what was it? birch beer, okay, that sounds good, okay, butt, AK, yeah, hey, oh, add the sugar squeakers, it's like a Mountain Dew, but like a good version and parched inches away, I mean , you're practically putting it in the cup at this point, there you have it. yeah, gosh, okay, who's 5?, she's 5. oh, my stomach hurts, it's pretty, clear, greenish, oh, that's good, it has to be the cucumber one, right, yeah, that's it Well, it's the one with the little bubble at the top.
playing pong with weird sodas   ten minute power hour
Japanese drink stop yelling at me how you don't know your kind of trivia you fool go back to Canada I'm not from there yeah I'm a king I'm a queen It would be nice if you didn't lean over two feet or it's a little reddish there's a lot there - thanks Chris mmm vomit, it tastes like a diabetic coma, it tastes like cough medicine, but hey, it's cough medicine, yes, I passed it through carbonated soda, yes, remember when we ate that giant gummy? bear, yeah, it tastes like that Oh, like fake flat soda. I think I'm losing feeling in my right side, yes there is too much.
I'm having a stroke, yes, I think so. Oh baby that's a nine don't you smile at me every time I tell him the number he gives me a smile like uh huh like he doesn't smell like anything it's clear oh it's got my hair in it it's just water oh oh that's it oh no that's strong that's too strong don't laugh don't laugh at you pee on it what do I want to try they're like sweet flowers I charge the bees to eat it Oh, would you stop, we'll look at you, you're amazing Oh, oh friend, if you hid it from long distance , well That's a lot of balls, yeah, how are you so amazing with this ten?
Please don't smile. Oh, it smells like Vicks VapoRub. Worf has a very excited look when he sees this face. He is very nyquil. I know I mentioned that before, but this is like ten, 10 times more. nyquil oh it's moxie what's moxie Roxie is disgusting what is it? It's a drink that stinks, a health elixir. Yes, I already feel healthier. I'm going to go home and cut my feet because I can't feel it. Oh F ah, you got it. what county Oh, cross the whole world, screams, ah, damn, oh my God, I'm going to scream, was that your balls in a glass of water with ashes, huh, I should be at a carnival, look at this, oh, this It looks very, oh, this is, you pull a muscle. on your neck this makes me have to poop oh oh no no no no no this could be the malt one you hated oh I think it's multigo yeah I had to drink it all actually I won't be okay if you drink all this which is one of the vilest the love of God from those she really knows is a special drink it's special look at the side of the cup how it's like staining that's happening to your insides ah no Jory do you want to try this no Don't look at it, just drink it.
I described it great, drink it, my goodness, take it, take it with you, catch one, you caught it before Louie was good, hit my body, yeah, what do you enjoy? How are you boy? That ball is floating high, Kris, I really filled them up, yeah, it's amazing isn't it, it is, oh, it's like a cherry cola, really, mmm, can you aim for this please, what man, friends, the cherry and pepper elixir, I think it may be too soft drink? No, thanks for going. the good tasting one, oh, what's the bad one, yeah, oh, it's because I have sugar shakes, come on, this is hell on earth, it's a, it's a, it's a four, since in the amount of days left to live, it tastes cleaner, oh, it's like menthol Wow, it tastes like several trees you enjoy, go again, yes, enjoy, my friend, stay thirsty, did you do that?
I don't know, man, it's a week. I have no sense of smell anymore, it's just sugar, what's the number? It's six like in the mark of the beast Pennsylvania Paco, that's the one you wear when they taste like a gummy bear oh, the carbonation soda list, yeah, it's stupid, half your beard and chin right now, like this Which I guess is true, what happens now? rebuttal here's Ben, get a chance at a rebuttal and if you make it in you'll stay alive and if not you'll have to drink it and then pass out okay that's it thanks man well I lose here we go yeah well , thank you for joining us. in the soda game, some kind of soda, someone else wants to try the lemonade, someone wants to be on camera, you're Tyler, yeah, it just tastes like lemonade, cowboy, oh, here to see a Mahmut cowboy, no you ruin our set, yeah, okay, here. go honey Oh it smells terrible, you almost like soy sauce, drink it armadillo, I keep it in my back pocket, it was four year old Ike that was channeled right there, oh no, I don't think so, no, it's okay. a lavender one, oh it tastes like a lush bath bomb, yes, I've eaten them, is that it?
What do you mean? Can you have a sip? Know? Still the program. Oh, it tastes like a bath bomb. I have wormwood, what do you think? Oh. no, oh, no, oh, that's not bad, what it looks like if I ate a fridge magnet like that, you know what I mean, hot, hot ginger, that's the one I'm definitely passing on. Lacey's soda whoa-oh-oh-oh got it you woke something up you should probably wash that down with a little more that's a life I don't want to go back to it's not fun no no no it's not fun it's kind of fun In fact, I've continued drinking this yes, yes, exactly right, it's just like you. re like hmm, that's discussed about beer Rachel, do you want some of this, okay, there you go, thanks for joining us for the ten minute power hour, until next time.
I love you so much, I'm so hairy. Okay, that will make the people happy

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