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Playing BOMB TAG In MINECRAFT! (Funny)

Jun 03, 2021
Guys, check this out, it's a block of TNT and it will explode in about 40 seconds. The only thing we can do to disable this TNT is to press the like button, please do it right now to save my life. Press like, five please, three, two. one Oh, close, close, that's today, my friends and I are


beyond the TNT in Minecraft. You have a 5 minute timer on this TNT. Well, the first one who takes it once the timer passes, it says on the screen that this is going to explode if you if you he dies against me chili I really came here I can't it's okay wait I'm going to dig my way out of here this It's bad wait why don't I open the door right guys we have Three minutes left at the counter I'm going to fight okay I need to get a trap yeah I'm pretty you're not.
playing bomb tag in minecraft funny
I'd like to trick you, Josh, wait. If I get a trapdoor, he won't see you. Okay, I'll start working on it. Okay, what are you doing, slug, what are you doing. Oh presto, I just fell into a cave and then you got stuck in a cave. Oh yeah, I'll cheat, don't look, Josh, this is what this is. you look like smart no, actually Josh lifts everything better yeah that's what how you got there well it's called climbing like a little monkey ha ha ha ha you're small that's true oh okay okay on I'm actually in a good place. we've got two minutes of leverage Oh, I feel like I could win this take this take this I'll give it to you very nice of you Josh nice I'm going to start building a wall here yeah, oh yeah don't worry, Josh will catch us, he It will be here, come here.
playing bomb tag in minecraft funny

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playing bomb tag in minecraft funny...

I have a wall. I am protected. Oh my God, Jilly has built a hot dog, there's no way, oh, I mean, for a second, and then, oh my God, she got that. It was April, it was good, it was a good shot, where are you guys? Yeah that looks too fresh ah that looks too fresh to be true Josh you better get back boy yeah I'm in a good place guys I'm in a good place seconds on the clock yeah where is Chile Chile? Oh God, you guys can fool me. Okay, I'll give them a tip.
playing bomb tag in minecraft funny
Water, no, I can't, can you see it, water, water, snooze, hey guys, how are you doing? See you, yeah, what, yeah. I can see you, yes, 30 seconds, by the way, I want to catch you, ha ha, ok, a little further to the left, guys, I'm hiding from Jaws, yes, the crater threw it up on me last. I start as a hunter in the second. Are you kidding? you know where, when every like, I mean, you can't see me delicatessen run to the temple run to the chapel work you have to write because I'm chasing you I'm falling she used to do it what happens if you cheat on the pressure plate they want me to go to the center that's great, so bad, now it's so bad, man, come on, don't wait, what are you grateful for, how are you going to get out?
playing bomb tag in minecraft funny
Good luck, Josh Josh, I mean, it's a good try, but then crater. We need to get some resources and lock them up no, there's just no sand on him, suffocated, yeah, I don't want that, that's it, yeah, I mean, oh, he's having a chance, oh my God, he's gone. Wow, I'm thinking before I fall because I knew it. would happen oh right, take this Jillian I don't want I don't want it hello guys we're already three minutes away 20 I'm not going anywhere to be seen guys stop it cleaner wait everyone so suffocating that no one ignores your owning jelly, you landed on me, my daughter Irene, what should be a cool down, I throw some slushie preparing for the worst, okay, the bosses discover him swimming like a headless chicken, okay, sweating, Josh keeps swimming.
I have a little exchange that I will give you. you are a diamond armor if you are, how do you have a diamond armor, enough? I know how to duck, okay, wait, I'm getting, I'm getting in a good place, ah, what, how do I do that, oh guys, guys, you're going to die, two minutes left, guys, Josh, two minutes left, that's it but you ran oh my god I actually have a really good spot for these last two minutes wait Jelly's hit she's cheating again Josh we got five bits out of that she probably built herself same. a little layer somewhere and he's just hiding I'm not hiding I know I actually see created I actually see a crater right now Josh, why don't you throw it in the cleaner because I'm looking for you.
He's in the trees, Josh. I know I'm NOT in a tree, oh I see him, he's always that tree Josh, he's on that tree. I see he made a small hole in the top. No, I dad yesterday Ellie. Now I know. What are you going to do now? Gillian is rock jelly. I actually have a good idea what this means. I am safe. No one will come looking for me what the players built. No, no, wait. I threw away the tea. Well, I started well in this round. I was divided into two places. Right now and I still managed to hit Jelly first, you know what I have five minutes.
I'm just going to use this time to get some resources and after a bow and arrow that are completely useless, my tower, oh my god, you almost died, Josh, yes I do. keep throwing that Craner Oh Josh that was so close to Craner yeah I think it's a crater a couple more doors sorry guys I'll see you later Josh what are you doing jumping into mine? Wait, where are you going? Are they going to the dollar? to the ravine no, no, no, I'm not with Josh, you better watch out, Josh Jill, he's behind you and he's got the TT rope, Josh, realize I've been staying away from the trainers here, okay , Josh, you can work together.
Hi guys. They're stuck down there with each other now, you know? I'll leave you boys, pretty daddy, trapped in that cave with each other now. I didn't think Kenny would manage to throw it to us. Well, I'm the best Amy or the best occasion. You better stop thinking that, oh well, okay guys, let's all go out together, okay, okay, let's constantly throw this T around, it's not jello, let's team up, get together and hang out, yeah, hey , Josh, that teamwork makes the dream work I see you fine don't worry don't worry there are two minutes left I'm not worried are you worried? idiot you said you said yes together because we worked together you lied traitor you just ran away from me I'm so abused That's a good idea Craner how josh no one cares.
I'm going to give in, I can collapse on top of myself, do it and I'll die and suffocate. That just means it's going to be quit. Come in, come in. I could lose the way you are, yeah. We don't know where they are Josh, well, okay, left, left, forced, always a little bit forward, we know what, well, we'd like to let us in a little bit to the right a little bit, oh, hey, hey, quick, get it, do you? are you OK? They can't find me, wait, wait, so where is Josh now? I think he's still here unseen, yeah, yeah, he's definitely still digging it up.
I have 20 seconds left. I don't want to die like a fossil again, you know, cleaner, come on. work together oh you don't want to work together I have to use it it's a game they can't find me Oh 15 seconds silly no I don't want to know thanks for watching this video click here to see another Josh never lost did you know that? that he never died is because he was cheating on us we all know it click here to see another video do it now

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