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Playing as a CHEERLEADER In Minecraft!

May 24, 2024
ready, let's go because today she becomes a




, this gives her incredible abilities and unique powers, but when the evil


s decide to hurt my friends and take over the server, it's up to us to provoke it and stop them, give me a like, give me a sub, what does that spell mean? Wait, I can't spell, okay, Casey, look, you just have to do something like this, like this, okay, are you ready for the elevator? I think so, wait, uh, uh, okay, here it is, okay ready let's pick me up and let's go there we go and here we go good job nerds what I want is to learn how to do all the throwing people think what you really want to learn is amazing no no no no no don't listen I want to throw people you know throwing it in the river that's not how cheerleading works oh god it sure is that's how you know it here casey come here and one and one and that's gotta stop yeah yeah we're having a great time no , no, everyone has to go home for the night, come on, go up and get out of my room, well, I'm here, so anyway go practice, I have to make sure my boobs are up to par, let's see what's up going on, I really have to learn to stick that landing.
playing as a cheerleader in minecraft
Hello, not this. It doesn't look good at all for a night walk, wait, I don't think you should be here, did you guys do this? Oh, don't worry about that, what you should really worry about is evil, it's not over. Yeah, we won't let you get away with it, okay, let's see, maybe if I can talk to Zayn, talk to Zan about this, hey, hey, I thought, how's it going? It's going well, it was a good job. Ian, wait, Dave, I have to go find Zayn. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you need to find Zayn, I can help you, okay, but let's see, we're here no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I like it, I can help, how well I can do cool things, look, look at my cool chair spin and one and two and straight into the wall uh, okay, you did a good job, come on, let me show you how to do a too clever spin, uh like that, look, it's okay, okay, okay and you'll get come on, let's go this way, let's go to Casey's house casey casey hey, are you back from space yet or wherever you went?
playing as a cheerleader in minecraft

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playing as a cheerleader in minecraft...

I can help with Zane, come on, you can help me find Pierce, see if Pierce knows what's going on, you don't even know. find piercings, come on, pierce, okay, lasagna, you try to make sure you stick to your diet, okay, hey, hey, how's it going? drill, um, what? Have you seen Zayn anywhere? turn around, yeah, um, so listen, listen, listen, yeah, well, everything's fine, there are two evil cheerleaders here and they have a secret face and I don't know what they're doing, but we have to stop them. Well, well, I'm not one. from the evil cheerleaders, just to be clear, it wasn't ian because he has a thing, maybe they brought another new player to the server as some kind of super baddie or something, maybe, but we have to stop them, you guys have something. we can do it uh oh hey uh yeah yeah wait I have some things Can I help you if you're here?
playing as a cheerleader in minecraft
This would be like my spy stories that I've been almost reading. Check out. I have some new things. which I've been working on and I think maybe it's a little bit helpful, right, oh yeah, yeah, we have ourselves too. It's classic, it's loud, wait, can of sheep, it's too loud. The barcode really sucks and it's okay, you know what sheep star I think? We're onto something, okay, my job is to train you guys on how to do this, we've got this. I was expecting a cheap cannon, but yeah, okay, if we're going to defeat Kevin Ivy, we need to be in top shape. form okay, yes ma'am, go ahead, okay everyone, I'm going to give you this, don't worry, I'm very close friend, can I use my books?
playing as a cheerleader in minecraft
I don't even want to cheer, I just like the outfits, um, okay, well. You can stay here because all you need is spirit. Okay, hey, hey, can you try to throw me away? Simon said to throw you. Oh, that sounds like a great idea. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, look at that little routine, I practiced it. okay, do your best, ready, okay, so let's go here to my side, yes, safety first, very important, thank you very much, very important, all you have to do is hold my hand and I'll throw you, okay? I'm going to jump into your hands, okay, I'm going to close my hands, don't jump into your hands, drill, that looks pretty bad, here it's broken, all you have to do is walk towards my hand, I thought you said hop. in your hands and then kick really hard this is okay, it's okay this is just a scratch she'll want to cheer up okay, I have a band-aid, there you go, oh yeah, look, it's okay, uh, what are you doing here?
I'm just spying on your cheerleading practice, obviously, oh yeah, let's see, wait, are you guys trying to get the first chip? Hey, this is baby's third cheer practice. Thank you so much. Plus, he's not a baby. Are they trying to take over the server? I've been practicing really hard, let's cheer up the server a little, right? Ivy, oh your eyes, um, let's see how this is, uh, we'll do something real quick, Kim, I need you to judge, okay, okay. let's start with the top of the toe and then let's drill ready uh sir come on team come on yeah okay um yeah I think so coach well you ran out of players uh it seems like it okay , so we take our prices.
I don't know, but wait a minute, wow, it goes that way, ugly blue, yeah, come on, come on, what does this mean? I have pom poms now, you've had pom poms, oh yeah, okay, let's see, oh, keep going here, I know. We're trying to save our friends and everything, but I've been practicing along the way and I think I can finally get it right and one and two and I landed on my feet, okay, keep going, yeah, uh, oh, uh, good stuff. You practiced because I think you're going to need it, oh, don't worry, I'm just going to go up this mountain and hey, oh, oh, that's a lot higher, yeah, yeah, do a pull-up, I didn't learn how to do it. cheerleaders a long time ago, okay, let's see, I have another one, yeah, hey, how does jumping kill again? uh my leg broke I need some meat look who's here wait who's there oh hey guys I'll face this again we'd really like to be.
I'm going to win this rematch, aren't I? Ivy, exactly me too, boy, how about this instead of doing a rematch with joy, let's do a rematch with real jumps. Oh, you can get to the first one. A cheerleading competition without cheerleaders. I like it. um jumping off what you are, I know exactly, okay, let's wait, oh no, you guys cheated, oh, I mean, I guess so, but I'm not going to ask you for help or anything, don't bother with them, get up, yeah , please. from the lava now exactly how many cages of the guy thanks smell you later what happened zayn finally got you nice and safe wait you were behind us this whole time I'm behind keeping you safe now afmal take a nap wait a minute where am I Me, Casey, Uh, oh, Casey, oh, no, were you kidnapped too?
No, I'm just here to pick up your weapons, no, your outfit, your uniform, you've abandoned it, sisters, yes, but I'm a little orange, here, being a leader is a lot more fun, okay? Look, have you turned to the evil side? No, I'm going to need all your weapons too. Okay, here's my pom pom. Oh, you can have the other one. Fine, thanks. You betray me. I can not believe it. I lost my ability, but I can. I still do um not much oh maybe if I do a round wait a minute maybe if I cheer up I can lift my spirit what's okay wait wait wait uh where can I use this maybe if I get another pom pom and wow did I do good?
Okay, seriously, where do I have to go? Hi, now that I have them captured, I can test my Ivy anti-animation ring on this exact bike and couldn't they have given us a bigger cell like we were literally on top of each other? others here yeah really no that doesn't matter look I just need to get rid of animating the servers so everyone including Aphmau can be safe it's so boring oh no I can't believe it's happening Uh, let's see, wait a minute. Casey is watching my house, can you scratch my nose? casey, this has probably gotten annoying from being cooped up.
Chance. I only wore the outfit because it was cute. I want to be a cheerleader, but I'm really tired of being tied down. Wake up. I'm tied up, well it's a shame I have to tie you up. Oh, Ian's back home. I almost got it. You will never stop me from cheering. Who is this Zane? He will never be able to stop me from cheering. What's happening. You won't be happy for long. I have my anti-chia ray working oh you can't stop this it's okay the problem solved itself. I need you to try to distract me by saying for me, okay, wait, do it, cheer up, you want me to help you go.
You got this man I can do it I can do it I can do it you have the high ground actually she really trusts him to save us what now um give me a g give me uh old man give me your gold give me your yeah uh no I don't have time for this Come back here Are you sure are you still careful? Wait, it's stupid. I like that man. All of these cookies are good at least. Oh, Casey, please, I see these cookies, but I can't reach them. I'm sorry, Casey, you have to, I have to fight you, why?
Because you're evil, Casey, I'm sorry, yeah, get it, oh, you can't beat me, you just adopted it, cheer up, I was born into it, yeah, it you quit, double gasps, remember to encourage and lead. Also stop putting yourself at my feet. Did you like using the power of a joy to help us? yes, you really did, we'll put you down, okay, let's get started, sorry, okay, okay, I've got everything okay, come on, let's go okay. finally this cookie oh, it's cold, okay, come on, uh, dingo, he's back, he's back, hey, here, what's up? You cannot remove cheerleaders from the server.
No I can not. That's literally what lightning does. No, no, you can. Don't do that because even if you use reality it won't work well. I don't like that you want to have faith in my machine. Well, I don't like that you don't have faith that I can catch. myself every time I'm making a chair I change half the spirit of the house yeah wow I'm just trying to keep you safe that's all I got fixed on the leg yeah that's okay everyone wants to say that I have to stay safe, plus we practice safe stretches beforehand, okay.
Get up with our spirit, okay, we're going to stretch, okay, cool, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right, so shudder, oh kim kim, okay, kim, I didn't really see that she didn't stretched properly, okay, ken, just oh, you're not helping. me because kim look that's what I'm afraid is going to happen to you laugh we have this we have it we'll see woo yes yes yes yes look how bad things are going for you now that we're locked up shut up you two locked up okay sorry you can and don't cheer It doesn't mean you go up and start hitting things, okay, oh you're going to go up and hit things, hey, go up and hit things like this, that's some spirit, yay, no, let us out.
Yeah, what, uh, I thought, what do we do with the two of them? Yeah, okay, we'll let you out. Let me use my pom pom punch to take you out now and untie them. Okay, is it bad if you like beds twice, I think. that ivy and michi have learned their lesson of trying to take over the server finally, maybe what the hell we have learned is that it is totally boring to be here exactly, we are leaving here, come with me right behind you, okay, bye. come back to our own server later losers fix this i can still fix this um you know what i think?
I'm going to mine I want to go mining with me in uh no, I want to do more flips hello, well, he's gone. to stop it sometime cheerleader to the stars now oh no

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