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Playing as a TOASTER...?

Jun 11, 2021
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ball it's time to toast where's my jam? The rules are simple, put the ball in the goal to score a point, see this? I am golden. I will be the real winner. I am the cutest


. I'm original. this is the toaster camp it's the burners versus the defrosters wait gold you should be on the side of the burner you shouldn't be on my side yeah that's true too late whatever gold we have that's why you're going to Losing you I got this good job, good job, no, she ripped it off, oh that's right, he didn't score.
playing as a toaster
Okay, thanks for doing the work, we trolls, for this, take it out, I'm going on the offensive, oh no, no, no, no, don't attack them, no. oh, gold, gold, I'm flying it, okay, gold, I can defend, I'm, I'm, I'm ready to fly, we have to, we have to press the toaster on the buttons, okay, you have to press that button look at this, give it time to the ball, oh you I have to let him press that red button at the top come on, let me know you're not going to understand I'm sitting here I'm not going to move no, draco, you're going to move, oh god, you just did it do, no, Goldie, you just lifted our ball.
playing as a toaster

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playing as a toaster...

They're trying no, no, that's it, no more being nice, gold, let's fly, yeah, no more being nice, ready, okay, we've got to warm up our toast, it's time to get out of here, let's break down their barricade, bunny, no, this wouldn't be the break game oh no, come on, look at that, push me over there, funny, yeah, okay, look at this, ready to go again, cute, yeah, you're ruining yourself. we do damage, no goals, oh yeah, um, we're not going to talk about that gold, I know we did, okay, we have to be on the defensive now, what is this?
playing as a toaster
Oh that was really sad if they scored five it's over we are we are minnie toasters this is so cute that's so cute gold we have to play more aggressive yes we are crucial but we are strong right funny oh yes aggressive aggressive are you afraid of each other yes one more win and we will win they are going to win what is this no we can't let them win come on toaster oh that was great good job gold good job good job thank you thank you we have this , oh spicy, oh yes, you see that teamwork, look how it slides between the bodies. what the hell do they want, yeah, the burners, whatever wins the next match, it's three anyway, gold, we're better now, oh look how organized we are, my toast broke, oh god, that's a bomb to the head yeah okay I'm getting better at this I'm just watching the goal oh they got nothing look at that good work good work good work good work honey kick it back no good job I told you so oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no full gold stay away from our goal oh yeah you're okay, okay just come in, they're opening their noses, they're dying, I can't jump that high no, yeah, you let them in, sorry, great, I'll be a better goalie, you know what we have. to go for the gold attack, okay, too much door will break, oh wait, hold the ball, be careful on the floor, I know, go, just destroy that, break this floor so Luna can fall.
playing as a toaster
Good job, good job, I'll just block it, I'll just block it. just break it gold don't break it near us no that's not good sorry girls walk away, walk away just keep breaking draco don't move no don't make the move gold make the move make the move it's over it's over wow see you we just got to stay still we have to be calm and collected ricky it's draco hit the ball what are you doing that was really bad friend oh my God no it's not good I relaxed I have to use this toast for you oh no, it's time to fly it's time to fly no whoa oh who cares come on yeah no no no what are you guys doing there it looks like you're fighting oh that was great that was such cheap gold come on we have to win it's the cheapest move let's put the ball on our side, hit it on our side, gold fly, come on, I'm going to push you guys, no goals, aggressive, no, that's it, look at this, best stack defense, oh yeah, take this stacked offense, we're just going to be aggressive towards your goal. push it down good job no that was cheap now we're tied and we just got better make it the best wait come on ariel you got nothing oh good job i'll steal their toes oh god do that jacko let's do it everything you want. toast clock I tried I tried to steal all the toast gold but back off okay it sounds oh double balls good job okay I'm just going to train and I'll go see the girl I'll watch I gotta fly I'm going to fly there come on hit Are you going to fly?
Oh, you have to hit it before she bounces. Yeah, why isn't there a goalkeeper at the other end? That's not good. Gold. Understand, we don't need nine. I'm fine. Yeah, did you see that? Look at this. shoot yeah trick no redemption redemption oh that was embarrassing wait metal doors what does that mean? Nothing oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, go, push him this way, gold, come on, hot potato, it's hot, let him go to his side gold gold to bounce him, yeah, dania, push them back, Wake up, that was uh, I know that's not embarrassing, this is not fun, come on, gold, I don't want to stay down for this, oh, they're too calm, no. don't let them in don't let them in we will move away from our goal yes they are pushing us down they are pushing us we have to go left oh no why no no no no we don't have this, come on, yes I'm warm, steal my castle the tongue, ready, ready, power, no, I can't escape, I don't care, I will defend this goal for life, yeah, look, that's what happens when you don't defend your goal, how are you going to get it? that toaster, yeah, I got that toast, oh, I got that toast, okay, we gotta press this moon button, let me stack you ready, oh yeah, I love this part, I can make this gold, just go, you gotta grab one for him team, moon, get on top, get on my toaster, oh no, you're trying to team up with gold, yeah, yeah, cool, come on and that's another point for us, how easy, what, gold and I are clearly the best toasters, right, lunar gold was dragging me down, can you?
I have to go, Draco. Are you serious? I mean, I'll be a solo toaster. Wow, don't worry, you can't beat me. I am cat litter, the wild cat Felix. Looks like I need help. I'm taking gold. Come here, gold. Teammates, goodbye, the honor of teaming up with Felix, trash can deliterate and ghost, the toast burner, lunar being and me, the defrosters, let's see, yeah, hey guys, are you ready for some burnt toast? Well, actually, you like burnt toast, we'll give you soggy toast. No, I'm like a cute upside-down toaster, see, that's why we're going to win, okay, Luna, that was just a trick, no, no, no, get out of here, Draco, the litter, no, you know, We have to go on the offensive, we have to open. that door yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no good job luna, I'm going down, I'll push it back, step over it no, I'll kick it, that's the monkey, yeah, that's some skills stop toaster right there you let it slide through your junk whatever oh we're fine okay I'm just going to hit that back offensive they're breaking their own stuff you're not really a good job moon moon go on the offensive stay away gold stay down the ladder come on moon they are hitting me aggressive is the game here aggressive no go oh mole we have to pop this yeah that was sick look at this mole all he had to do was hit it with his head yeah blue blue defrosters baby toasters these look bad they're too small, I'm flying, don't worry, come on draco, they're too small, they're too small to hit, put them on their side, get out of here, I guess I'm the carry-only option.
I am moon and I, whoever is on the blue team always wins because he is the face of the blue, no, it is true blues, I will show you my true power, give me your way out of those cuts, look, you are getting into your own goal, that It's so embarrassing, I saw it. That was funny, yeah I'm bad, okay Luna, look at this, what are you doing? I'm covering the goal so they can't shoot. I have to back up a little. The cue is taking a hit, come on, come on, get in. I'm a little off look what happened to him he turned into pieces of toaster wait if he won't come back and the defrosters win again yeah that's right hey you're enjoying the video so far make sure to like and subscribe thanks so we can score a hoop.
You're the best mole, I just have to hey, why don't you start them? You know what I'm not even going to move. Luna, just leave them because I can't do it. Broken letter and they don't really know how to press the button. let them write it down this is embarrassing I'll do it you're going to stop moving I need there go look I won't even move it I'll just let them write down mole photos too bad I'm packing all the wine though. Day now guys draco oh I was letting you win this you're bad you're bad you're bad you're my hand draco I feel bad for you so I'll leave you on my team if blue loses the winning team no blues of course moon come on trash yeah , let's prove him wrong, that the red team can win, I think the red team is cursed, they are cursed to lose forever, yes, it's my team's bag, look at this, I'm going to be professional now, we're going to defend, oh Jacko, take that away. go away, take it out, no dracco, good job, good job, well those are some sick shots, you gotta say that was pretty sick, that was though, that was a lot of fun, okay, we got some moves here guys, I like it, I like it , You know?
You're already getting used to the game, so, um, get in there, don't be shy, oh, what's this, guys? I don't like it, he's telling you no, no, no, draco, come here and we're all dead in the game. I'm trying to where are they going? Come on guys, that was horrible. Look at everyone crushed. The only reason I want to is because my toaster is the original toaster. Oh, it fit on the toast. It was a mistake. It was a mistake. It was too exciting. Okay, Draco, ready. write it down I just hit our thing it was an accident it was an accident oh oh it worked I tricked them on purpose laugh, take the toast, take the hint of the toes, come on, come on, come on, I'll defend you, you got this cue, what are? you're doing it, oh, come on, they're trying to get on top of you, oh, good job, good job, look at this good job, fly draco, it's super big, come on, this is very difficult many times here now, eh, it's okay, minnie, minnie, come on, jacko, blue cat, who's been. winning all this time we can't just lose suddenly maybe draw has to be personal draco isn't cursed he's just a bad toaster because he's litter four three four three come on draco got this oh you're so bad at this level I'm a pro at this , you got it golden, it's just plinko, I mean, no period, yeah, plinko, come on, it's pong, oh, sorry, plong, this is just easy pong, they're bad, they're bad, no, we're not a good job , concentrate, luna giaco i.
I'll be the rear guard just in case Dracco doesn't, yeah, put some speed on today. What do you mean we beat you? Defrosters are always the winners.

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