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Platinum to Unreal Solo Ranked Speedrun

Apr 19, 2024
The video you've all been waiting for is finally here, my first



and it was absolutely crazy. I went from Platinum to Unreal and probably the fastest time anyone has ever done. They just have to stay until the end because some of these games were absolutely crazy throwing 20 bombs left and right hitting crazy Snipes including one game. I couldn't stop hitting without sights and headshots, but without further ado, let's jump right into Platinum, come on bro. I saw you running around that corner. I I I I I I I relax relax relax oh my god this kid won't stop trying to get in oh my god it's all good it's time for submission momentum possible here we go oh well hopefully that was enough to get me up range, I didn't really do that. well that game but hopefully we get the diamond okay Diamond one 22% not bad 360 imagine I hit that draw box and my shotgun didn't come out bro how did I lose that box b oh my god if I hit it, it would be crazy.
platinum to unreal solo ranked speedrun
Did I miss that, what a full box P, bro? I'm such a controlling player, wait that's not the same name as the other kid I killed, no I think the names are similar, there's no scope, I can't believe I just hit that. bro, oh my god, he just ran into that wall, oh my god, he thought he was going somewhere, this guy wants me to drive him to at least hit him once, okay, oh, I guess we're going to fall to our deaths, okay, wait for this. cutout, oh, oh, and ending like that is crazy, come on bro, you got your tops, look, I'm too fast, bro, look, that kid just finished, oh, complete, oh my god, I just had that one sniffing guy, bro.
platinum to unreal solo ranked speedrun

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platinum to unreal solo ranked speedrun...

I keep hitting Max. the other guy was going to jump on you I apologize wait I can go for a no scope now I think I do I think I do 360 oh where is he? Try again, oh it's just boxed in, what if I just go for a scopeless? on this wall edit oh my god, I'm going to go without sights, I'm crazy, what brother, oh my God, I'm crazy, ah, check my car, oh, I don't have sights, ah, oh, shit, oh shit, look at this , it's such a good work, yes, brother. now I got Kit Kat what's his name bro uh Peter Griffin he's inv VA oh my god oh shit that was a good move come on baby he's just gross bro like holy I'm just gross bro hi dude oh my god . 200 How would you do it?
platinum to unreal solo ranked speedrun
Oh well, there goes that game. You see how hard that kid hit me. Oh0. Where does this guy come from? Which definitely let me open the door for you. I want to go for a walk. I need sck are. are you kidding me oh I'm dead, it's over, it's over, this kid loves us so much, this kid loves us so much, oh I'm dead, yeah bro, yeah, now I'm dead, like, oh my god, do you have a locket ? No, so me. I can record how I just got mad basically bro like I started this on Platinum since we were on the call if that suspicious guy grabbed the sniper and didn't look at me I would have gone crazy bro I'm this bro oh My God, oh. little one what's up persing go 3 2 1 get out to the top oh little r you can't compete with my Snipes oh oh I can't be stopped with the sniper I have for you oh did you kill him or didn't you get the P for a come on I missed what you are doing bro, oh my god, I can't get that K down, bro, suspicious to me, mods, mods, spam, oh my god, I can't peck that kid, he's Booga too, that kid got boogianed, where are you lookin' ?
platinum to unreal solo ranked speedrun
What the hell do you have to escape from, car? Nice after, look, just spring, yeah, Bo gang, this is so scary, bro, I got mats, I just erased them, yeah, this kid's name is definitely like Alfred jingle muffin or something, come here, buddy, P piece, oh oh. full piece 200 get out of my game bro mix up what are you doing bro my aim is so bad oh 200 what are you doing bro who did I just say I don't want oh H oh my bad I wasn't familiar with your game I'm so smart bro oh god My, this kid hits like a truck.
I just got hit by a truck, speaking of truck, oh shit, oh my god, I'm just not going to test them all. Wait, wait, I gotta go for it, I gotta Okay, I went for it, I went for it and when I thought my sniper was reloaded, man, what a bad tension and they're shooting at you 200 my bad 200 Kyle, I just can't be known as the best sniper, kind of like I just can't. get arrested bro i'm a crazy man a oh my god no my kill bro like i don't know what to say you get stuck later buddy oh that was so clean for me ow jeez the next person will look like this Look, I'll go like this 360 a, but The thing is he doesn't have much confidence so he was making so many boxes which means he's scared of me he knows I'm the best player which scares him so I'm going to use that to my advantage yeah the GG's brother Justin cool get 190 86 boss now it's a one V one one 3 2 1 wow shit let me reload this grab real quick here grab here slide 360 ​​cool there Come on, come on baby, so after that game.
For some reason I forgot to show you what percent rank I went up to, but even after the high kill win I only went up about 16%, so going into this game I'll be elite, 47%, oh shit, oh oh. I'm so smart oh my god it might be over it's never over until it's over it's never over until it's over my soul be popular be popular you have a sniper for me and he's got my range thank you those first two shots were warning shots Obviously, I told you, you know what you deserve, that brother shot me in the back, you deserve to have that mistake, he doesn't know, it was in that car, he doesn't know, I know it was in that car, he doesn't.
I don't know, I'm going to get in the car, okay? What are we doing here? Of course you have a problem. I feel bad bro, but to be fair, Jesus, I only won that because it required a deep breath, come on baby. they traded no they didn't, oh my god I'm the best, huh, new AR and he probably thought he was a sniper, that's how you have no range, that's how you have no range, baby,


player, get out of here, where did you just do it brother? started flying tberry I'm so sorry kind brother I need this come on baby get out of your Deadpool and no one is understanding this Mythical I'm going to catch you in a storm come on out wait it's validated what are you doing bro come on?
I won the 50/50 man, that's how real snipers do things around here, buddy, you're just a rookie, you just got hit by the veteran, welcome to the league, buddy, welcome to the league. I'm going for no reach, no, I need this. kill how many mats oh my god thank you oh come on baby he died get one step closer to that record baby let's see if I qualify what so you might be wondering what I meant by closer to the record at this point they've just passed around of 3 hours since I was in Platinum and I am already almost


and that would be very close to the record.
I think the record was around 6 hours and I'll be there in no time, but let's not go too far ahead now. At least find me a sniper if you're not going to find me a shotgun, you shred his leg twice, that's crazy, I'm the best brother that would have hit him, I'm the best right now, come on, can I stop hitting? like a fucking baby, jeez, dude, you can't build anything there, you can't build there. I know bro, it sucks, quit the game, why don't you quit the game, bro, Santa loves the Club, see ya, Santa, wait, I know what locket you got, oh god.
God you're one, no don't run, oh my god, thank god I finally killed the guy, now I have all the Medallion and I have no builds but it's okay please have mats, oh my god you're stacked, Yes, I win this game. I'm the best, you ain't polarized, dude, cute, oh my god that was too close, come on baby, come on bro, come on bro. They are totally selling me, thank you. I finally killed this guy, oh my god he was so annoying. oh my god I'm so good I'm so good bro greatest comeback ever oh no don't do me Eagle Peak please we trade buddy yeah way to put it together kid how to do it to him , my bad physical education, oh oh.
I can't tell if he is mean or provoking me, how do you do that? What am I running out of builds for? Oh, I'm so good, the medallion we put together, boy, I didn't get the medallion. everything good, everything good, yeah, nice, I need it, I need it, it just had so many versions, come on baby, that's the best game ever, the way they put it together, damn, the cheese pizza CH is so good, now let me ask you when was the last time. You think he wants Chuck CH, come on baby, what a mole, what no scope with lights T 100 Sunny Bowl, oh my god this SMG bleeds?
I'm real? Le James, no way, he just pumped me 133% for coming third, seriously, I'm dead, he didn't look at me I'm on a give up baby I'm not a give up baby oh sorry bro oh oh my monkey man see ya buddy 39 30 what what hey wow oh my god 200 oh my god I don't like what bro It's not like you're just playing there Dr. off my game dude oh my god oh nevermind I love this . I feel so bad, I just completely regret this kid's game, bro. I just played in my game. I just got pushed and classified, oh.
OMG Mir was in a pH carpet video oh wait wait oh oh and he has a sick car. I got my toes, give me my toes, what they just did to me with flashbang, oh my god, wait, wait, wait, okay, cute brother, that would be it. would have been the game would have been the game oh my god oh I love fortnite sounds like a good kid it's time to ruin this day I'm stuck 90% 90% 90 okay oh oh H love yeah he couldn't build I love Cars, a control weapon so good. I love cars, Mr. President, he made me drop my sniper to aim at him and I'm so angry, uh two, because oh oh, he just killed us both, please tell me, I hit him alone, please, this purle B.
P's B please come on let's get out boy so I finally hit unreal and unfortunately no I didn't get the record for hitting unreal the fastest Champions League was a pain and I couldn't really get out of there no matter how many . High kill wins I got. I just wasn't getting much ranking percentage. Let me know in the comments below if you want to see more


videos and I could also make different types of speed races like Solo versus Duo Platinum 2 a real Solo. versus Squad Platinum 2 and real, let me know in the comments below what you want to see, thank you all so much for watching until the end, but without further ado, see you in the next one.

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