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Place it in GOD'S HANDS! He will be present in your DIFFICULTIES and TRIALS.

Jun 30, 2024
he who dwells under the protection of the most high


rest in the shadow of the Almighty I


say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Strength my God in whom I trust surely he will save you from the foul snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find Refuge, his faithfulness will be


shield and Bulwark you will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that lurks in the darkness nor the pestilence that destroys at noon because he loves me says the Lord I will rescue him I will protect him because he recognizes my name will call upon me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with a long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation Psalms 91 see 1:6 and verses 1416 according to these verses instead of just trying to get out of the valley of the problems out of the fire if you start saying God come in let me feel


presence in the fire show me your greatness in this problem then you will have a peace that surpasses all understand understanding a joy when you could be dejected a hope when you should be discouraged God bless you today I will be taught by the word of God I boldly confess my mind is alert my heart is receptive I will never be the same in the name of Jesus God bless you in CS Lewis' book called Miracles tells us since we are participating in the war between supernatural forces the forces of Good and Evil we must expect to be beaten when individual soldiers protest because their side appears to be losing or because their pains and wounds are incomprehensible to them they do nothing more than demonstrate their ignorance they are part of a great plan sometimes the great Victory is being achieved through their apparent defeat sometimes their suffering can be a means to obtain a much greater good that in the end they will recognize as good and when they ask for help they are not only asking for relief from pain but they are asking to be strengthened. to see the work of God in your lives and do his will I want to talk to you today about inviting God in your


as it says in Psalm 46 verse 1 God is our refuge and strength, a very


help in the problems most of the time we we are praying to God get me out of this challenge get me out of this problem at work get me out of this financial setback there is nothing wrong with that but before you leave you have to invite God in sometimes the miracle is not in getting out it is in what God going to do in the situation.
place it in god s hands he will be present in your difficulties and trials
God, take me out. Why don't you start praying? God. Come to this hospital room while I undergo treatment. Enter this problem at work where people are not being fair. Get into this anxiety. I'm dealing with what is more powerful than God bringing you out, it's when God comes in and starts to change things, he comes in and gives you favor despite who is trying to bring you down, he comes in and gives you a Grace that you can't explain. to overcome what should hold you back in Isaiah 43:2 assures us that he will be with us when you invite him in that verse says when you walk through the waters I will be with you and when you walk through the rivers they will not sweep you away when you walk through the fire you will not burn, the flames will not set you on fire, so if you focus only on God bringing you out, then you will be disappointed because God does not work on our schedule as it says in Ecclesiastes 3:1 there is a time for everything and a season for everything. activity under the sky sometimes takes longer than we think but when you ask God to come in you can relax God I know you are here with me you are ordering my steps and at the right time you will take me to where I am supposed to be you don't have to fight against everything you live upset without being able to sleep at night that happens when you are focused only on getting out God is waiting to come in when you invite him you are saying God don't just change the circumstances change me help me not only go through this situation but to grow through it as it says in Romans 5: 34 not only so but we also glory in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance perseverance character and character hope then my God help me to learn increase my faith let my character rise if God would deliver us from everything instantly we would never reach our full potential God works on problems he works on uncomfortable situations and sometimes God is not taking you out yet because he wants the odds to be more against you so when he takes you out it will be a greater miracle in Psalm 23 verse 4 it says although walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil because you are with me your rod and your staff comfort me now voices will whisper God does not even listen to your prayers That's why nothing is changing God is preparing to show himself in your life when he takes you out no one can deny that his favor is with you Lewis tells us in the problem of pain now I know Lord why sometimes you seem to close all the doors in front of us it is so that we come only to you as long as we lean on whatever it is you must not destroy those supports if you are still hard on us it is only to make our happiness more complete God said in Isaiah when you pass through the waters I will be with you when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep you away when you walk through the fire you will not be burned It is interesting that God did not say that would keep you out of all the fires you will not have to face any flood no, he said that challenges will come, there will be adversities and things that we I don't understand it, but the key to this verse is when he said: I will be with you in the fire, in the flood , in the famine.
place it in god s hands he will be present in your difficulties and trials

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place it in god s hands he will be present in your difficulties and trials...

Are you trying to get out of something that God is going to take you through? Are you fighting the process? It is not like this? Just God, I can't take it anymore. Everything will change if you start inviting God into the fire. He has already promised that he will be with you. Maybe he's just waiting for your invitation. The right attitude is God. I know you'll get me out. but in the meantime I ask you to enter into this challenge of my health, enter into this loss that I am going through, enter into this depression that is trying to stop me when you invite God into your difficulty, you will feel him breathing in your direction. empower you by allowing yourself to benefit yourself Lewis once again tells us in his book an observed pain God is not a magical agent he cannot simply be invoked to serve our human wills but in our most difficult moments he is there not to immediately relieve us of pain but to provide us an inexplicable strength that only reveals itself in the presence of suffering is a greater testimony that God kept you out of the fire or came with you into the fire and brought you through it David said that even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will not fear evil some why because you are with me when you know that God is with you when you have invited him into your situation you will have a smile in the midst of difficulty you will have a song of praise in prison like Paul and Silas you will not be complaining about the problem worried about when it will be solved You will be at peace in the midst of the storm.
place it in god s hands he will be present in your difficulties and trials
The reason why David did not live in fear even though he went through valleys and all kinds of adversity is because he understood this principle of inviting God to enter the problem, he was not just waiting to get out, he knew that God was there with him, if you're just praying, God, get me out of here, you'll be discouraged until he changes. Joel I can't enjoy my life I have a son who is off course I am dealing with an illness my finances are low when this changes they don't have a good attitude you are waiting for God to take you out while God is waiting for you to invite him in you have to do like David father thank you because you are with me right here in this valley I will not live in fear worried I may not see a way out but I know you have a way out Lewis tells us in his book Mere Christianity if you want to get warm you must stand near the fire if you want to get wet you must get into Water, if you want joy, power, peace, eternal life, you must approach or even enter that which has them.
place it in god s hands he will be present in your difficulties and trials
They are not some kind of prize that God could, if He wanted, simply give to anyone, they are a great Source of energy and Beauty that springs from the very center. of reality, if you are close to it, the dew will wet you if you are not. you will stay dry instead of just trying to get out of the valley out of the pro out of the fire if you start saying God come in let me feel your presence in the fire show me your greatness in this problem only then you will have a peace that surpasses understanding a joy when you can be downcast a hope when you must be discouraged in the scriptures three Hebrew teenagers would not bow before the king's golden idol the king was so furious that he threatened to throw them into a burning furnace the teenagers said the King, we are not worried, we know that our God will free This made the king even more angry.
He ordered the guards to heat the oven seven times hotter than usual. Why did God have the king heat the fire even more? He wanted it to be a great miracle and then in Daniel 3 verses 24 25 it says then King Nebuchadnezzar jumped to his feet in amazement and asked his counselors were there not three men there that we tied up and threw into the fire they answered certainly your majesty said look I see four men walking in the fire unscathed and unharmed and the fourth looks like a son of the gods. He wanted the odds to be more against him.
The fact is that God could have kept them out of the fire. He is God. He parted the Red Sea. opened the eyes of the blind it would not have been a problem for God to change the king's mind or help those teenagers escape but God does not save us from all the fires sometimes he will take you through the fire the good news is that God knows how to stop make yourself fireproof people do not determine your destiny bad times cannot stop God's plan for your life addictions unfair situations you do not have the last word now do not be discouraged because God did not keep you out of the fire God does not prevent all situations Negatives he uses adversities to move us towards our purpose as it says in James 1:24 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face


of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance, may perseverance finish its work for that you can be mature and complete you will lack nothing we would never know his power if we were never thrown into the fire so to speak you would not know that he is a Healer if you never had an illness we would not know that he can move mountains if we never faced great obstacles now stop complaining about what you are facing is no surprise to God the enemy may have lit the fire seven times hotter than normal they did not do this without God's permission God is in control not only of your life he is in control of your enemies instead of complaining about the fire start inviting it to the fire when it is with you you cannot be defeated you and God are the majority he is a supernatural God floods famines what should bring you down cannot stop your destiny instead of complaining about everything that does not stop you like if you recognize that God allowed the difficulty I'm not saying that he sent it but he allowed it because he had a purpose as it says in Romans 8 verse 28 we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him those who have been called according to His purpose The purpose is not for you to live miserably worried and afraid His purpose is to show His glory through you It is so that other people can see His power and favor in your life Without great


You will not have a great testimony Without great battles No. we will see great victories these teenagers said we know our God will deliver us they made that Statement of Faith then they said something even more powerful but even if he doesn't we still won't bow down that's the kind of person that gives the enemy a nervous breakdown when you can say God, this is what I'm believing, because this is what I hope happens, but God, even if it doesn't.
It happens my way I will continue to praise you I will continue to be good to others I will continue to show up on Sunday and serve I will continue to pursue my dreams that attitude gets God's attention you are saying God is not my will but let yours be done but also We often put conditions on God and conditions to our prayer. God, I'll be happy if my boss moves to the dark side of Mars when you get him out of my life. Then I will have a good attitude. Have you ever thought that God might be using you? that person who does a work in you to make you grow develop your character to teach you to love those who are not very kind instead of praying God take me out of this situation I ask you to start praying God enter this situation help me have a good attitude help me do the right thing when the wrong thing happens it's very powerful when you can tell if he never moves if he's here until he goes to heaven I know you've given me the strength to overcome being able to be happy in the midst of this difficulty and not I will let this person this disease this Injustice steal my joy now you are growing now you are climbing higher because sometimes God is waiting for us to pass the test before He takes us out blessed is the one who perseveres under the test because having passed the test that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him James 1:12 the king ordered the guards to bind the teenagers'


and feet with ropes that they threw.
I put them in the oven. It was so hot that the guards died instantly. It seemed like this was the end for teenagers, but people don't have the final say. If it's not your time to go, you won't go, nothing can get you out. The


of God in a short time the king came to check them, he looked through the oven window and wasConfused, he said, "Don't we throw out three tied men?" I see four men loose and one looks like the Son of God. God can. I won't keep you away from all the fires, but don't worry.
He will enter the fire with you. He will help you overcome what seems impossible. That illness should have been the end. The medical report said you were done. But like with my mother, God. He entered the fire with you and here you are still strong that person you lost or that person who left you broke your heart that should have made your life bitter but look at you now you continue moving forward doing great things fulfilling your purpose how can that be God came into the fire with you the psalmist said God is a very


help in problems, we know that God is always with us but when you are in


and you invite him you will feel his presence in a great way you will be more aware that you are not alone when you are thrown into the fire to speak you will not become bitter you will remain in faith knowing that the fourth man is there with you the God who controls the fire The God who heals who restores who rewards you for injustices right there watching over you protecting you ordering your steps Moses went through a difficult situation he did not know how he was going to go out.
I'm sure he was tempted to worry and think about how great his enemies were, but God told him in Exodus 33 Moses, I will go with you, I will give you. rest everything will be okay for you maybe you are facing some challenges life hasn't turned out the way you thought you asked God to keep you out of the fire but it didn't happen your way now you wonder how you are going to overcome the illness how your family will be restored God He is telling you what he told Moses I am going with you you are not alone in that fire I have you in the palm of my hand I am fighting your battles that obstacle may also be too much for you but it is not too much for our God at this moment he is doing push back the forces of Darkness he is preventing the fire from burning you he is not going to let those Waters drown you he is your protector your liberator your provider your healer no You don't have to do this alone, you don't have to figure it all out, you won't know all the details, you have to walk by faith and not by sight, knowing that he is there with you, that he promised that everything will be okay for you.
When the king ordered the teenagers to be tied hand and foot, they might have panicked, but they understood this principle that God does not keep us out of all fire, but he enters the fire with us, they did not fall and remained at peace. . because in Philippians 4:6 7 it says do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God and the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus but Me I imagine how this outcome might have been different if they had complained, become bitterly discouraged, maybe we wouldn't be talking about them, maybe the fourth man would never have shown up, the way we approach our difficulties makes all the difference, are we going to overcome them? without getting burned without the smell of smoke like teenagers or we will get caught up in them and miss out on God's best.
You may be on fire right now, but this is not the time to complain, this is not the time to simply pray. God take me out of here more than ever you need to start saying father thank you that you are in this fire with me thank you that no weapon formed against me will prosper I am at peace I will not worry I trust you Lewis tells us in letters to Malcolm mainly about praying to I am incessantly trying to explain the reasons for suffering not as a means of damnation but of redemption our pain here is necessary for our future joy that is why when we pray we are not only asking for things but we are asking to become the kind of people that they can receive those things I believe in what you promised that everything will be fine for me look how wonderful God is the king he said let's not throw three men tied up I see four men loose when the teenagers came out the only thing that burned the fire were the ropes that held them his hair was fine his skin was fine his clothes were fine just the robes when you get out of this difficulty the only things that will disappear are the limitations that were holding you back the fire will burn the fear will burn the negative mindset will burn the relationships that were bringing you down you will walk free , safe, healthy, promoted Victorious, ready to fulfill your destiny, there was an executive at a giant corporation in the hallways. of the company Whispers and envious glances surrounded him his exceptional ability and confidence intimidated his colleagues they conspired in the shadows plotting ways to keep him under control the executive on the other hand was fighting an internal battle sleepless nights and worries clouded his mind he searched for answers With hoping that God would intervene and change his Destiny, the pressure spread to his marriage and the stress began to take its toll on him physically.
One day, during his prayers, something changed. He no longer begged God to take me out of this


, but instead he cried for God to accompany him. In this difficulty, give me the grace to prosper where I am planted regardless of justice, show me your favor despite those who try to tear me down remembering Isaiah 41:10 found strength do not fear because I am with you do not lose heart because I am your God I will strengthen you and I will help I will uphold you with my righteous right hand with this new perspective the executive bravely faced the fire he did not expect God to remove him but to strengthen him right there years later when the company was sold he remained the only executive retained now he led the organization with confidence knowing that God was at his side the secret not only passed the test but in the fire he invited God to the difficulty and his attitude changed everything even when others did not recognize his effort he remains firmly aligned with the Divine will so when you face challenges remember that the creator of the universe is at your side invite him to the fire and you will find supernatural strength to do what you never thought possible that is what happened to Joseph in the Scriptures when he was a teenager his brothers sold him into slavery he worked for a high military officer R rank in Egypt called Potiphar Joseph in a sense had every right to be bitter and angry his dreams were shattered he was in a foreign country he didn't know anyone but you never read that Joseph was complaining he was still the best where he was that's how it was except that the potier put him in charge of his entire house Genesis 39 says that the Lord was with Joseph and was successful in everything He did Joseph did what he was asking us to do.
He not only prayed that God would get me out of this problem and I would have a good attitude. He said: God, come to this problem. Help me shine. Help me stand out. The next verse says that Potier saw that the Lord was with Joseph. Can people see that God is with you in the fire? Are you being the best you can even when it's unfair? Are you shining when you could be complaining? Lewis tells us in his book about an observed pain. We know that the experience of suffering is profound and inexplicable, it seems unfair and meaningless but it is in the furnace of pain where we discover the presence of God in a more intense way, he does not abandon us, but is more present than ever shaping us, strengthening us and getting ready us for what will come next Joseph was falsely accused and put in prison for something he did not do verse 21 says but the Lord was with Joseph there also in prison in betrayal in Injustice it is significant that the scriptures tell us three times in with just a few verses of difference that the Lord was with Joseph we understood it the first time but God wanted us to see this principle that when you invite him to the fire you will have a favor that will push you up when life tries to push you down a force. to highlight when you could be sitting a power to overcome what should stop you after 13 years of being in the fire God brought Joseph out and made him second in command in Egypt, you may now find yourself in a situation that you don't think about will change but what God started in your life he will finish now may not happen on your schedule instead of just praying for God to get me out of here being frustrated because it's taking longer than you thought why don't you start inviting god the father , thank you? that you are with me in this battle against cancer you are with me in this fight against Addiction you are with me in this divorce in this separation when you invite God you will feel his presence in a new way Lewis tells us in Surprise of Joy that the important thing is not that all things happen according to our plans but we are sure that God is in control, He is present in every detail of Our Lives even in the most difficult situations and it is through these experiences that He Reveals His glory and guides us. to our true purpose in Mark chapter 4 Jesus said to the disciples let's go to the other side of the lake everyone got into the boat but while they were sailing a great storm arose the waves broke against the boat the wind was so strong the disciples began to panic thinking they were about to die Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat they ran as fast as they could Jesus woke up don't you care we're about to die Jesus got up and spoke to the storm suddenly everything calmed down now these disciples had seen Jesus perform great miracles healing lepers raising a child from the dead when Jesus said let's go to the other side you would think they would be confident there is nothing to worry about the Son of God is on our boat he I only said we would go but even though Jesus was with them they still panicked, they didn't realize that the winds and waves could not stop the God who created the winds and waves, the creation could not stop the Creator.
I had no reason to be afraid the Son of God was in the storm with them I wonder if you are doing like them worried about something even though God is in your boat he has already promised to return you Health that you would lend and not lend that you and your house They would serve the Lord now the circumstances may seem opposite the medical report is not good your loved ones are of course it is easy to live worried upset but I can encourage the highest God is in his boat those winds cannot stop you the illness the injustice people cannot get away from your destination you can also relax everything will be fine for you sure the waves may be big but you have an advantage the God who controls the universe is right there with you as he says now do your part start thanking him for fighting your battles start shining where you are being the best despite the difficulties do not wait until he changes you have to invite him before he eliminates you and if you do this I believe and declare like those teenagers the fire will not burn you you are about to see the Fourth Man appear unusual things are to happen unusual favor unusual healings unusual breakthroughs unusual promotion the fullness of your destiny in the name of Jesus and if you receive it you can say Amen today I would like to give you the opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life would you pray with me Lord Jesus?
I deeply repent of my sins and ask you to come into my heart today. I accept you as my Lord. and Savior, recognizing your sacrifice on the cross for me, wash me with your blood, purify my soul and transform my life according to your will, guide my steps and strengthen my faith so that I follow you with all my heart Lord in my difficulties, I invite you to be present and guide me I do not ask you to take me out of the fire of Trials but to be by my side in every Flame supporting me and strengthening me.
You are my rock and my refuge. I give you all my worries and challenges knowing that with your presence I can face any adversity. Light my path. Give me wisdom. and courage to overcome obstacles and keep hope alive in my heart in the name of Jesus I ask you amen if you prayed these words sincerely we believe that you have been born again find a church based on goodbye and keep God first in your life we ​​hope that This message has encouraged you we would love to hear from you we are praying for you and your family until next time

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