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PIT maneuver ends CHP chase in South Gate I ABC7

Jun 06, 2021
uh slow down or possibly even execute a pit


, but you can see the speeds continue. Uh, can we put the speed tracker on? I'm not sure if we'll get a fairly accurate reading, but it looks like you're doing about 45 miles per hour there, so slow down for another intersection, miss this red light, slow down for the red light, and then continue with caution there, so several units will continue northbound on Vermont Avenue, we will continue to try to figure out what the original wants. was here, we don't know why they originally tried to stop them, what I can tell you is that there are several agencies competing for jurisdiction here trying to figure out who's going to handle this right now, it's chp right behind him guys.
pit maneuver ends chp chase in south gate i abc7
Yes, just a few miles ago, he actually slowed down, let a passenger out of the car, ran out of the vehicle and then the


continued. We have no way of knowing if there is anyone else inside that car besides the driver. I haven't been able to get a close enough look at the driver's seat yet, but at least one passenger who was in the car exiting the vehicle as this


now continues down Vermont Avenue it appears four CHP units are staying with him again through another traffic light in red. I can see those units behind him protectively blocking traffic and I wouldn't be surprised if we started to see some South LA units start blocking intersections in front of them, so you have about five units right behind them, They would love to be able to place units in front of them to avoid any type of traffic collision as you continue running these red lights.
pit maneuver ends chp chase in south gate i abc7

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pit maneuver ends chp chase in south gate i abc7...

It's not a high-speed chase at this point, but he's certainly showing a very, very reckless disregard for the safety of other drivers. even though you're slowing down because of some of those red lights, you just go through them and sometimes, as I mentioned, on the sidewalks and in the oncoming lanes of traffic, like here, look you're now on the north side in heading


heading north through Vermont. very dangerous situation that definitely intensifies the chase here and what that does is it puts the authorities in a position where they are less likely to call off the chase, they are less likely to just let him go because now he really poses a great danger to public safety in the middle of rush hour, we're not sure what the original desire was, frankly, we think it came from the Bell Gardens area.
pit maneuver ends chp chase in south gate i abc7
I'm not sure if it was the Bell Gardens police that were trying to start the chase or if this has been the California Highway Patrol chase all along, I'm actually told this started with the California Sheriff's Department. county, so the LA county sheriffs were chasing him, chp eventually took over and he ended up in the huntington park area like we were. Flying through


Los Angeles, he eventually reached the Linwood area and headed west on the Imperial Highway before returning north through Vermont. He's been in Vermont the entire time we've been on the air with this chase.
pit maneuver ends chp chase in south gate i abc7
I have to excuse the shot because we're actually going to fly around Lax's approach path, but again, for no particular reason, you saw at one point there that he just headed into the oncoming lane of traffic and didn't have anyone in his way. . just entered the southbound lanes for no reason really reckless and again just one of the many dangerous


s you have shown here yes there was at least one passenger jumping out of the vehicle a little earlier in the No way to know if anyone is left more in the car besides the driver, but there was at least one passenger that he let out at one of those intersections and, I mean, the South


area, but as we go, hopefully.
Sometime we'll be able to get a better shot. I think you've taken a turn trying to get more information. As we speak, but I think he's turned a corner. I'm not sure if it's going west or east. like that chp helicopter okay number so it's still going north it's still going north I guess it's still in Vermont so it's approaching 54th Street Vermont and 54th this is its location it's still going heading north here, we'll keep going and try to go up the east side. of this chase and I hope to get a better view there, he's right there heading north of Vermont and it looks like just from that shot it looks like he's gained a little bit of speed.
You saw that red Honda CRV now returning to the correct lanes. It appears that once again he was going the wrong way, so he is still on Vermont Avenue all the way down the street and there is some traffic this Thursday afternoon, a lot of people need to be aware of this and stay out of it. the road here is dangerous, yes, you know, they have given the go-ahead in this situation to execute a pit maneuver if they have the opportunity, the problem is that the opportunity does not require any other motorist and the immediate danger is not that the pedestrians cross the street and speeds have to slow down to about 30 to 35 miles per hour, it looks like that unit over there may be approaching him and if he slows down enough, we could see that pit stop attempt to try to spin this car here approaching. at another intersection which will be Vermont Avenue and Vernon, the car makes its way to the right, another red light, that's the pit attempt and it looks like it really didn't have a good chance there so it continues north. to put the pedal to the metal here and accelerate through that eastbound pit attempt, turn onto King there, yeah, just south of campus, so now you've made that turn onto the harbor highway, you're going to hit the 110 freeway here and you will have a chance to take the freeway, I can tell you that if you do, the northbound and southbound lanes of the 110 freeway are pretty busy right now, you won't get very far very fast if you decide to take the freeway . and that's going to happen here in the next 30 to 40 seconds, I guess he's going to stay on King and just continue this chase.
It seemed like when we saw him make that turn, we could make out a passenger. in that unconfirmed passenger seat, but it appeared to be someone in that passenger seat, so he stopped just before the freeway and made that southbound turn on Figueroa parallel to Highway 110. It looks like traffic is pretty light on southbound lanes. but in reality, to drill that well safely, those northbound lanes will also have to be cleared. You must remove any damage to city property. He should limit any damage to parked cars, but if they get the chance, we might see him here.
Look, it just, it just, well, now it seems like it's approaching more traffic and look, every time it hits traffic, it just goes around it and slowly crawls over the w lines on the incoming. lanes just squeezing trying to evade these CHP officers, yes, heading south on Figueroa, now it's really done a complete switchback up and down south, first on the east side of Highway 110, then back up towards Vermont and now he's basically retracing his steps. but it's essentially covering the same real estate going back and forth south of Los Angeles, up and down both sides of the 110 freeway, more CHP units join the chase here, I guess they're fine, the best information I have is which in fact they are waiting for lapd to eventually take over this although it doesn't look like those units have arrived but we have heard several calls for lapd to take over this right now the three vehicles are still there at least they are all chp cruises, sorry giovanna.
Was someone talking about you again, no, unfortunately not, but just based on the reckless driving, that is enough to continue with this search, especially the type of driving we have seen, unfortunately we do not know what other crimes he may have committed. compromised, maybe they ran the plates and it resulted in a warrant or we possibly don't even know if it's your vehicle, frankly there are so many unknowns, presumably at this point, chp knows they have that information, but at this point we don't. Find out exactly why the sheriff's department decided to start this chase. It's interesting though because at one point they finally decided to hand it over to chp instead of holding on to the chase, which could have been for any number of reasons, frankly, but it was an intentional decision.
From the sheriff's department at one point, I'm not sure if it ended up on the highway but that would be the main reason we would see chp take over, but as far as I know I haven't heard anything else. about the original desire and, frankly, I haven't even heard what highway it traveled on, maybe the 710 to get out of Bell Gardens, but in any case it continues all the way south, now down Figueroa at 58th Street, with a little More traffic once again. and then turn through another red light here and look at all those chp units going along with it, they obviously feel like they have clearance to do so, so they don't have cross traffic and they'll continue with what is essentially uh, I don't mean which is a low speed chase, but it's certainly not a very high speed chase, at certain times, he definitely stepped on the accelerator specifically when he tried to evade that maneuver in the pits, uh, but he's just keeping up. joy here more than anything else and hopefully when we get to the driver's side maybe we'll get a better glimpse through the driver's side window.
I thought it was down for a minute, but it looks like the driver's window The side window is up again and now we can clearly see a passenger possibly on the cell phone in that passenger seat, turn the indicator right and that's going to be a challenge as we continue to try and, uh, try to keep our eyes open and we. We're going to try to go around the south side of the Lax access road on Highway 105 and maybe gain some altitude here, but it's in kind of a no man's land. It will be interesting to see if Lax is cleared in their airspace to allow law enforcement in there, it looks like it looks like a California Highway Patrol is actually doing a turnaround, chp is in orbit, okay, it's doing a turnaround heading south on Hoover, I'm told that's why you see that CHP helicopter doing that orbit there, I was wondering.
Maybe he had to turn around to prevent some plane from landing at Lax, but instead it looks like the suspect turned right, turned south, coming out of Gage toward Hoover, now heading south again toward Hoover, thanks Florence, it looks like you just nailed it. an east turn an east turn coming out of hoover towards florence so now heading east on florence avenue chp continues turning left with it again heading back east and once again heading back towards the highway yes coming back towards us, so we're doing It's all about the face, now we're turning around with him going back to the harbor highway and you really know, for us here on the air 7 hd it's like a cat and mouse situation, another I turn south now in Figueroa and we will try to keep an eye out. on him again, but now he's overtaking us in the other direction, you can tell just by Rob Gluckman's expert camera work on the back of Air 7 HD right now, doing an incredible job of trying to keep your eyes in this restless driver. just making his way through South Los Angeles and weaving through these streets taking these officers for a very fun ride this afternoon, but unfortunately it's very dangerous when you consider all the people who don't see him coming, whether they're pedestrians crossing the street or others.
Motorists in this area it's a very dangerous situation regardless of just navigating, yes, eastbound Manchester, another eastbound turn, another eastbound turn, this time onto Manchester Avenue and that will put you on the opposite side, going under the 110 freeway, under the 110 freeway now exiting. on the east side of 110. It's going east on Manchester and we'll try it and it looks like it's going to come out onto Main Street, which will be the main street that we're looking at right there across Main Street at a slow speed and those officers that they continue right behind are very hard to see, but now we're turning around trying to get back to the main street he did, turned north on Broadway, turned north, turned onto Broadway, leaving Manchester, well, in a situation like this.
We use that CHP helicopter as a little guide to guide us. You can see chp flying below the Lax air traffic, able to stay out of air traffic control and continue following this chase and from this angle it looks like the helicopter continues north that last that last turn was north on Broadway , I understand that you are now approaching Florence Avenue again ifsome of these, if some of these street names sound familiar, trust your instincts, we've covered these streets several times. over the course of this chase as he continues north north on Broadway, but we have been north and south, north and south, north and south several times as he takes these officers with him for this dangerous journey , but you can see the CHP helicopter now orbiting the intersection of broadway and florence just east of the port, the port highway and you can see from this angle here the traffic on the highway is much lighter on the north side, heavier On the south side, in any case, you can see that it continues in a northerly direction.
Broadway at 73rd is possibly showing signs of a turn here or maybe they're just running another red light, but they continue, you know, every time they run a red light they risk missing it due to the dangerous nature of running a red light. red, so in this case we've seen them continue to keep the pressure on even at these red lights while making these random turns this time onto 73rd, I think eastbound onto 73rd. sorry, florence eastbound, florence on heading east from Broadway, very often, that's an indicator, something we see too often, is that they start to concentrate on an area that they at least feel comfortable with, whether he resides here or knows people in this area or has some other connection to the neighborhood, appears to stay in the south of the neighborhood, has had many opportunities to enter other jurisdictions, has had opportunities to enter the freeway but has not done so, stays on streets that They are always more difficult to navi


if you are not familiar with the area, it is just a guess, but it is very possible that he is familiar with this area and continues east of Florence now on San Pedro Street, that is exactly correct and, as this pursuit progresses it really raises the stakes because you continue to break the laws, you continue to run these red lights and it really reduces the chance that they will just let you pass at this point it's almost a requirement that they run you off the road in a address. or the other and that puts everyone at risk, it puts the public at risk, it also puts the units right behind him at risk and we're going to last more than 30 to 40 minutes at least by my count, I'm not exactly sure how It's been a long time, but now it's an extended period of time that that same unit has been right behind him.
At some point, chp will have to swap out that head unit for a new unit, a new set of eyes, and a new clear head to continue. this chase safely if the LAPD doesn't decide to eventually take it over, so one of two things will happen: either they'll turn this over to the LAPD, but most likely the LAPD will California roads and the Sheriff's Department may have to do it. Units in position here, sorry Jay, just wait a second and they will head downtown heading south and turn south from Florence, so now after going under Highway 110, it turned south toward downtown, also a street I was on when we first tracked this down.
In his pursuit he took the center until he reached Imperial Highway, so we return to very familiar territory for him and he is basically circling this general area, since it is a large area of ​​​​South Los Angeles that he is circling, but anyway it's going around in circles doing a complete circuit around south LA it's such a complicated thing you know it's a juggling act like you mentioned dial you have chp you're very close to the county sheriff's jurisdiction , the compton office, you have southgate police, you have lapd, he is really spanning several different jurisdictions and that could be the core reason why the california highway patrol is just hanging on to it for now, we will see that now It's turned south, uh, or sorry, it was already heading south, jay, you said it made another one. exit central still heading south central heading south central 83.
We could take another look here as we go down 105. You see that aircraft orbiting right above him at central and 83. is the last intersection I have, so we'll see how chp decides. to handle this, but as he was saying before, they may be in a position where they have to start getting units into position to swap out those units that have been following him this whole time. He just turned towards Manchester so he could have a look. now it made an eastbound turn toward Manchester and I'm sorry, eastbound, eastbound, Manchester on Firestone, Manchester on Firestone, so we'll see, it looks like maybe the center of the screen that tree line could be uh, where does it come from here, uh that.
It's 92nd Street, so if we go, come towards us a little bit and we'll see there's Firestone and Hooper going east, Firestone, so now it's in Firestone, that's right, Jay, it's in Firestone Fire, starting Compton Firestone in Compton Ave. and uh chp it looks like they're basically blocking traffic behind him now something we also see quite often for the safety of the rest of the traffic uh you know behind him uh in this case it looks like he's slowing down dramatically since the last time we saw him uh, further west from here it looks like it's almost going about 25 or 30 miles per hour, which makes me wonder if they're going to go ahead and give the go-ahead again for that pit maneuver.
If it goes slow enough, it looks like we're timing it. at just under 50 miles per hour, but that may very well be because the unit behind him gets closer every time the main unit gets closer to him and even shows signs of stopping him or turning him around, he just said, you know, press The accelerator. and then it continues basically accelerates right out of the pit attempt, in this case it just continues east on Firestone Boulevard and they could have a situation here, look at that Firestone is completely empty, an open road if it goes slow enough, we could see. they're coming after him, yeah, and that puts you back to an important here if you go through alameda street, you go through alameda street at firestone boulevard, so staying on firestone heading east through alameda street is still Quite industrial, but there is a lot more traffic in general here. as he continues east, we'll get a little bit closer as he continues east and that will give us a much better view here in the next few minutes. uh, this is it, we're in Southgate jurisdiction and now we're continuing east on Firestone trying to get a better shot and here we are, we're coming down Santa Fe Avenue now, it's got a green light, there you're referring to the passenger, we know that There is a passenger in the passenger seat, plus another passenger who jumped out of the vehicle earlier, so at some point there must have been at least three people in the car and we don't know that it is very possible that there are still more people in the back seat , but in any case, he is still in all those lanes, he will not stay in just one lane. it's all over the paint and just dodges cars when approaching traffic here now it looks like a turn south onto Long Beach Boulevard from Firestone Boulevard so south on Long Beach Boulevard from Firestone and it still maintains about 45 miles per hour hahaha to the west. to capistrano avenue sorry off uh he's tweety heading west he's tweedy boulevard heading west and sorry jay once again yeah tweety heading west yeah tweety heading west off long beach boulevard a much less traveled road than long beach boulevard i must tell you that if you continued south on Long Beach Boulevard, you were going to hit a lot more shopping areas and restaurant areas as you continue south, but fortunately you would get off at Tweedy Boulevard heading west on Tweedy and you can see California Highway Patrol. actually it seems like they're backing off slightly, they're backing off a little bit, giving him a little bit of room to play and that may well be intentional, trying to bring the temperature down and maybe hoping he'll slow down or uh or on second thoughts, but I think maybe the speeds were picking up a little bit, so maybe they decided to back off a little bit, but they're still within sight of them and they're clearly still chasing them with lights and sirens blaring. wait wait a minute thank you hey jay can you hear me jay can you hear me jay are you awake jj jay jay if you could hear me please stop the streets I have all the streets I don't need any more streets please, please, thank you, okay, yeah, now I know approaching, it looks like it will be approaching 105.
Here we are in Linwood and it will have another chance. He hasn't taken advantage of any of these opportunities on the freeway, but he will have the opportunity to get on the 105 freeway something tells me he's just going to continue south and that will put us in much more manageable airspace to continue following him south to via the imperial highway here, but now it looks like chp has definitely backed off a bit. Compared to before, at least he is complying with the speed limit, but you still know the reckless turn with him, this will be a westward turn.
The Imperial Highway here was previously granted a little further west of here, but it has actually been on the Imperial Highway. That's exactly, I think, where we were when we first joined you at the beginning of the broadcast, so once again we'll continue on these same streets that he's been familiar with all this time here, so it certainly seems like speculation. from my part. like this is familiar territory, uh, for him he's definitely establishing a pattern, what they're looking for now is if it's a tight enough pattern, obviously, he's traversed a very wide portion of South Los Angeles, but if he tightens his pattern , then you start bringing the option. for maybe a spike strip, if you can predict the turns a little more regularly maybe you can get units into position and place a spike strip in anticipation of him turning left or right on the same streets one and again.
Again, it's a big challenge. You know, the spike strip is something we talk about a lot when it's executed perfectly. It's really something extraordinary because they are really the most difficult tactic to employ in this case. I think it's probably more likely that we'll see a pin maneuver in any case it looks like it's now uh maybe final it looks like it's ready to enter it might be ready to enter the highway here it's still on the imperial highway okay yeah it's still there on the imperial highway which runs parallel to the 105 freeway, so that's the 105 freeway near the bottom of the screen, imperial highway, one block north of the 105 and a much more residential area now as it continues towards uh, toward Watts I think and the oncoming lanes of traffic are going the wrong way again through this intersection and that's all to see, it's a maneuver that chp has to back off because they can't just blindly follow it into the lanes of traffic that They approach, it looks like they have clearance and they can maintain it as they continue through that intersection, but if you do it at high speed at the wrong intersection, that's the chance you have to miss them, that's the risk they take when they back up, but they have to do it For the safety of everyone involved, they can't just stay behind him.
All the time while running the red light they have to back up in certain situations in order to move forward safely, so that's what they're doing here, once they go through the intersection you see them coming back behind it, you see a little bit of traffic and then it goes on the wrong path so you know it goes into the opposite lanes of traffic going in the opposite direction, so once again we're seeing here there's a lot of traffic there, some cross traffic I can't tell if it looks like they have the red light clearly everyone has the red light there they're all stopped they hear the sirens so I think maybe the cross traffic actually had the green light they're stopping for those sirens and The chase now continues safely through that intersection.
Unfortunately, it's a numbers game, if you keep running these red lights you will eventually get the wrong number and someone could get hurt. Fortunately, we're not dealing with a high speed chase, but as Mark mentioned above, even at slow speeds every time you go through red lights and stop signs at will it's a dangerous situation here's a nice shot through the window on the driver's side getting a very clear angle now I can't seem to tell maybe you guys could I have a better view with the monitor there, I can't tell if it's a man or a woman, both men, so there are two men, one man in the passenger seat, still on the cell phone and the driver just coasting along like it's It's just a regular afternoon pulling up to another intersection here, man, he just drove these officers to giveone ride and now we're back to where we were before, once again this will take you right under the 110. freeway at the 105 and 110 and if history is any indicator here, I daresay your next turn, If you turn, it will eventually be a northbound turn, you still have to travel south of the 105.
Look at that, oh, a close. I called closely to that innocent motorist who was there while he made that random right that is Broadway off of Imperial Highway onto Broadway. I said it right there, it looks like he was going to make that turn to the north and sure enough, he decided to turn right. from the left lane and was within a hair's breadth of that sedan, I don't think they made contact there, but that's the risk they take, very, very dangerous, almost hurt someone and continues now north on Broadway from the Imperial Highway, once again parallel to the port highway. they're right behind him they're right behind him Broadway is a little unpredictable if you continue north on Broadway it's going to get a little more commercial a little more industrial and they might have a chance with little traffic in their way.
I'm hoping to get a chance to execute a pit maneuver that I think at this point would be almost the best bet for everyone involved, unless you run out of gas first, so we have no idea how much gas you started with. It continued for quite a while, but now heading north on Broadway, once you pass this residential section things could open up for chp to try to execute a pit maneuver. He has cars parked on both sides. There he has a big median that goes. to play in his favor here if there's no traffic there's a little bit of traffic and now it looks like he might be moving forward that gives him a ramp there or is it just a left turn lane no he's just crossing to get around.
I see, I don't think he knows where he's going. He's literally making this up as he goes along. he literally picks it up as he goes and continues north through that red light, a major intersection on northbound Century Boulevard at Broadway CHP with those same five units right behind him keeping the pressure on and keeping everyone safe by having those lights and sirens. The other thing is that if they exit, in some cases they decide to do it right, but when you exit you lose the lights and sirens, which is a big warning to everyone at the approaching intersections that there is police activity on the road and that they should stop. slow down or pull over to the right to let those emergency vehicles pass without those lights and sirens it becomes even more dangerous if you continue driving and they don't have those black and whites right behind you so the chp is doing a excellent work. stay right behind him unbeknownst to you unbeknownst to you no real accident here but so far they've been very lucky but there we are look at this in a much more commercial area and there's almost no traffic there and he's going slow . enough, eventually I would dare to say that maybe they will try it at one of these intersections or maybe not at the intersection, frankly it would not be at the intersection, but on one of these straight lines it is very possible that they will try it. best spot, yeah, I wonder if that was while we were over it or I guess it was probably before we joined the chase, I dare say, but as it continues north on Broadway to 85th, you see it again heading away from We once again, as we're back on Highway 110, we're back on the approach path of Lax and that's why you'll see it start to veer away from our shot here in the next minute or two, if it continues heading north, very it may well rotate. every time you've done this, you've actually turned, in fact, the last few turns have always been east as you go around this neighborhood just east of Highway 110, but can we why not just for a second?
I want to see if the CHP helicopter is still up. Is that chp jose or is that lapd? I think it would be a good bet at some point lapd even though we haven't seen them in action yet. I'm sure they are flooding this area and preparing for an eventual takeover of this chase, but you can see it. Now continue north on Broadway at West 75th Street, coming out of the nose, yes, that's exactly right, in fact, we just got the OK to turn around, so we're going to go around the east side of the 110 Freeway. when it comes out.
On the other side of the north side of the access, as you mentioned, if he continues north, we will be able to turn around and pick him up further towards mlk, closer to the university park area, so we will see if he stays in it or as I mentioned in the past who has made several right turns, including a right turn at mlk at the start of the chase, so he may be looking for another right turn to head towards the Southgate area again, but again, that's the way it is, these are these turns are just It's not predictable enough, at least from what I've seen, that they have been able to try a spike strip attempt at least in the last few minutes, but at one point, as Jovana mentioned, they actually had a chance , but it just didn't work.
In this it turns out he's making a westbound turn, he turned into the oncoming lanes of traffic now it looks like he's getting ready to no, no, he's just going around, avoiding all that traffic, yeah, through the red light just to run the red light and uh with all those co chp cruisers in tow now continue on to the east area of ​​the city sorry sorry downtown more like thank you yeah the highway North Brown heading north, slowing on Vernon, turning right. Vernon Avenue, now you have a clear picture of him as chp continues. I thought for a minute that I was going to continue towards downtown Los Angeles.
You know the other trick in the book is to try to hide between the buildings downtown if you wanted to continue. On Broadway, that was a possibility, in any case, now he turned right onto Vernon Avenue, where the traffic is sporadic, but you see a few cars at the light there and enough for him to squeeze in and turn around, he's probably going to go through this red light through this red light here and chp like you're cruising with it, it can't go over 40 miles an hour, in fact, we'll show that speed tracker in real time and you can see, yeah, clear. 30 miles an hour, you know, there was another stretch along Broadway where I thought maybe they had a chance to get close to them, but obviously they didn't think they had that chance, so the chase continues here, you just start to get really worried. as time goes by and their stamina level decreases, you know, at all these intersections you see cyclists, now you see other pedestrians, some people cheering them on, other people just strolling with their kids, it's a dangerous situation, it gets more dangerous. every second.
Although we're not talking about a particularly high-speed chase, the only good news here is that as it continues to burn gasoline, it eventually burns more and more gasoline, that will become a factor that we don't know what it started with, certainly, the crv . capable of decent gas mileage but maybe showing right turn signs here on Avalon, don't just slow down, slow down for the intersection, there are some motor officers approaching that intersection, those are motor officers from lapd, so again they are in the area they are in. around and at some point I hope they will have the opportunity to take charge of this.
I can tell you that California Police Department aircraft are assisting the California Highway Patrol. From the helicopter again, another red light with a bit of backtracking and it passes over the double. yellow lines through this intersection in front of a school in front of the school and continue now east on wadsworth, so vernon avenue and wadsworth avenue is where we have a little less traffic now, but as you get closer to these traffic lights, he's established a pattern that just goes around him through the light, oh, a handful, at least I mean a variety of streets, you can almost, you can almost count them, he's only been on a handful of major streets, no It goes through many side streets, not many.
On dark corners he t


to go from high to high and has avoided all highways at the same time, so he doesn't like highways. It's a good idea considering the traffic this Thursday afternoon and you're not willing to venture onto an unfamiliar side street where you might end up in a dead end or something, you're just going through these specialties, going through the lights, I think You know your time is running out here, your hours or minutes are numbered, it's really just a matter of time. At this point, you know that the benefit of time is always on the side of the authorities.
In a situation like this, you would prefer to see him in a safer area, like a highway, where there is less risk in a situation like this, especially with someone driving. so recklessly, it's just an ongoing danger to everyone in these neighborhoods, it's a fair question and as I mentioned, we've bypassed several different jurisdictions, but we've already invested quite a bit in this, um, at some point they may take over or there may be another reason why they're just allowing the California Highway Patrol, uh, lead, you know, maintain lead agency status here, in any case, they're working together cooperatively, you've got the lapd helicopters above you.
We have chp ground units. We've seen a couple of lapd units ready at some intersections to assist in the takedown, but again, when you go from one jurisdiction to another, you're kind of bordering between the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office and uh. and the lapd uh california highway patrol is one of the best equipped agencies uh when it comes to selecting qualified units as well and that sergeant has already given the go-ahead for a pit maneuver if the opportunity presents itself, frankly, I'm not sure and the The question would be if there were enough units in the chase at that point where one of them could get out and chase that passenger.
You know I don't know. It's an open question at this point. When that happens, it really helps. Aid. In terms of gathering more information about the identity of the suspect behind the wheel, can you contact a family member? Is there a cell phone number in the car where they can try to talk some sense into this person? In any case, at this point we don't know if that person simply managed to escape or if they are talking to him and, from our point of view, the driving behavior hasn't really changed since then, it's just a long and pleasant drive.
We haven't really seen him go above 50 miles per hour and, you know, we see him slow down, you know, looking for a turn, looking for opportunities that he's not really trying to hide, he's just carrying them with him for a while. ride, you know, sometimes we see where they stop at all costs, you know, just try and outrun the police. I don't think he's trying to outrun these units, he's just going for a walk and now turns east onto Gage Avenue. Hooper Avenue as we come back further east, we'll have a better view here down Gage Avenue, but your streetcar can't go faster than 30 miles per hour eastbound and you'll see another officer there at that intersection ready to arrive. involved or blocking traffic to keep other drivers away from this pursuit vehicle but it looks like it's coming at a slow speed oh yeah it just kept going so now heading east through that intersection against dylan gage avenue yeah, yeah, back in the Southgate Huntington park area, which frankly, I'm sorry, yeah, and that's the thing, like I said at some point and it may have already happened, in fact it looks like they've swapped primary units if you realized a little before.
It was one of, I think, one of the Ford Explorers that was the main unit behind it. Now they changed him with a new team. The California Highway Patrol is still the lead agency here and they changed those members with a new set of eyes to continue this. pursuit, that's the other thing that law enforcement has going for them, they have infinite amounts of resources if they really want this guy and it certainly seems like they definitely do because of the dangerous nature of the driving, but he's going to start get tired, while chp has the ability to simply swap units and regardless of, you know, regardless of resistance, they can continue the chase with another turn south towards Holmes, thank you.
Look at that officer coming, the chp unit approaching that intersection. Interest, yes, like that. we're moving away from that area of ​​the south of the now as he moves down florence avenue heading east down florence avenue at albany street, he's getting much closer to where this all originated earlier this afternoon towards the area of bell garden eventually if it continues in this direction, so we are moving away again from the Southgate area and the neighborhoods that point west of the 110 freeway, where it was really giving us a challenge to keep up with them because of thelax airspace we have now.
We're heading considerably further east and again much closer to the Bell Bell Gardens area and we'll see if they get involved because it started in their jurisdiction, quite possibly not at this point, it almost seems like the CHP is simply better equipped at this time to continue this chase and have shown no sign of letting go, they know they will often back off, they will 10 22 the chase, that's code for calling off the chase. when things get too dangerous and we've certainly seen this chase get a little dangerous at times but I think speed is the key factor here, the speeds have been manageable enough that they can maintain a vision behind him safely and hopefully catch him and His passenger is in custody, but he is now turning south onto Pacific Boulevard or that is Walnut Street he just turned, he just left Florence on the Pacific and is now continuing south .
We'll see that that's a bit of a curveball. this will put you in a whole new area, uh, if you continue south here, then, you know, there are so many different reasons, I mean, sometimes it's as simple as logistics, in other situations there's politics involved in other situations, It's just a matter of convenience. there really uh there's rhyme or reason I don't mean it's you know it's something negotiated many times in this situation there is a lot of coordination between all the agencies that we have been Mentioning and certainly, as you mentioned, everyone is monitoring, everyone is prepared to help the California highway patrol if this comes to an end in their jurisdiction, so they are following up on their police radio.
I am often told that We are watching eyewitness news on television and this is really the main way that they are just aware of what is going on in their own backyard so they know what they may be doing in this case. You know, we've been on a lot of state highways, not only is CHP responsible for highways, there are a lot of state routes that go through our cities that are also technically in the jurisdiction of the California Highway Patrol, but I think which from a logistics point of view is an assumption on my part, I think from a logistical point of view.
It just makes a lot of sense for the chp to handle this at least at this point, that could change but at this point the chp has a very good handle and I think the reason they're keeping up is because the speeds have just been what slow enough that they can do it safely, I think if speeds started to get out of control tactics would change dramatically, but with all the aircraft in the sky, you have those units on the ground, there is very little chance of it getting away about 30 percent. Some of these suspects manage to escape, but rarely when the helicopter flies overhead during the day, in a situation like this, there is very little chance of this person managing to escape.
There are exceptions, but in this case I think it's just a matter of time. by the time he runs out of gas, or runs out of power, someone talks to him on the phone or, eventually, maybe a pit maneuver, which I think we're all paying attention to, we know they've already tried a spike strip attempt. I think a pit maneuver will be the probable end of this chase, there is another person following him on his cell phone and that's the other thing, as the chase progresses, there are more and more people receiving notifications on their phones.
Call many people who they get breaking news alerts and citizen alerts on their phones, they know that this search is in their neighborhood and a lot of times, and you know, recently we see them decide to go out and take a look, if not, try to capture some video of This search It's always good for a few hundred likes if you get the shot right, but it's not really recommended, it's not safe to go out and try to participate in this in any way. I mean, you saw that woman right there on the sidewalk. What about if He? jumped the sidewalk and lost control, you know, from the street to the sidewalk, we've seen it happen and we've seen people get hurt and that's the risk they run the longer this chase goes on, uh, we're back, yeah, back. on long beach boulevard heading north long beach boulevard in ardmore as we pulled away he was on linwood now moving away from the boundary area back to southgate which is where we have spent a predominant amount of time in the southgate area but the speed is still well under 50 miles per hour basically doing the speed limit for almost this entire chase, so yeah, and once again continuing back along the same stretch I was on before returning to the Southgate area, which again You know, if I mean, it's really anyone's guess at this point because these turns have been very random, but a lot of times in Southgate I'm not sure if you're familiar with this area, but this is the neighborhood where I think the passenger stopped and got out. vehicle.
I think it was in this vicinity where the passenger exited the vehicle, look at this, a wild spin, oh, that was a spike attempt, a spike attempt, that's how predictable it was, that's how predictable it was, unfortunately, he was able to get around it, but this It's a pattern that's been established so much that I actually had a chance to put one in there unfortunately it didn't work out but we'll see if they try it again. I could be walking into him in a store in a mall here in his okay pulling at him coming face to face coming face -to the head with that chp cruiser, they can try, they can try to take them out here, no, no, wow, he could pass by there, here comes the hole, here comes the hole, if it gains a little speed, you can't either. go too slow for a good pit maneuver, or you have to go right in that sweet spot of 15 to 30 miles per hour, if it's too slow, that won't activate the inertia switch and the vehicle will still be able to move, so let's see If you go up here there is a narrow stretch of residential street here there are many cars parked but look there it is there there it is and the vehicle stopped and you know that the passenger and the driver with their hands out the window ran out with their hands out the windows that they are down they were ready for it they knew that this was the end and that officer with a textbook a textbook maneuver at the end of this chase on California Street and Seville Avenue now it is just a matter of executing a crime serious, have the k-9 unit ready in case things go wrong, but it certainly seems like these two, at least the two we know, we're not sure if there's anyone in the backseat, but we know about these two suspects that are now ready to give. they stood up with their hands at least the passenger put his hand out the window and I saw the driver at one point with his hands out of the driver's side window also this honda crv at gunpoint now two k-9 units on the scene down there and they're I'm going to give these suspects very specific instructions as they conduct this felony stop, that's right, the car is still in the car still there, yeah, that car is unfortunately going to go into the right state, no, no. , do not care. about the car, they want to see you get out of the car, you are trying to stop the car thinking maybe you could save that person's house, but in any case you need to get out of the driver's seat and meet the officers.
You see the passenger doing the The right thing was face down on the pavement and now, oh, another is that the driver, the driver, the driver crawling out on the passenger side after turning off the vehicle, the driver turning off the vehicle now crawling out through the passenger door, not sure what was wrong. with the door, but in any case you're right that the canine is a very intimidating sight, of course, yeah, I can't blame him and they'll give you the code for here in just a second, now that, uh, that's true, yeah , luckily I mean it was an hour long search yeah sorry thanks 10 4. copy copy we have about the 50 minutes we have about 20 minutes 20 minutes thank you jay have a good night I'll talk to you tomorrow

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