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Piers Confronts Tommy Robinson Over Controversial Muslim Comments | Good Morning Britain

Apr 05, 2024
Would there be a ban like the one Donald Trump suggested in the United States? Would there be a ban on Muslims entering the country? New Muslims trying to make a home in this country. I think we need to protect the British public right now. What is the answer to the question? ask British Muslims, yes we, yes the British public. I didn't say non-Muslim British public. I said the British public. Would I stop you? B. I would temporarily stop Muslim immigration to this country until we solve the problem. I differentiate Muslims from Islam, but you, what you do not do, differentiates Muslims.
piers confronts tommy robinson over controversial muslim comments good morning britain
Muslims are people. Islam is an idea. Islam is an idea. bad idea it's an idea it's a fa it's not an idea that you can change your mind no, it's a faith like Christianity like Scientology like all faith religions it's a faith like Scientology so Tom, if you say the problem is with the Islam, right? accept that you are Islamophobic because there are 100 verses in this yes or no you are Islamophobic there is no such thing as the word Islamophobia phobia is an irrational fear it is not irrational to fear these things now if I lift this book and say that there will never be peace on this Earth as long as we have this book is a violent and cursed book.
piers confronts tommy robinson over controversial muslim comments good morning britain

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piers confronts tommy robinson over controversial muslim comments good morning britain...

Can I tell you who said that? Can I tell you who said Sir Sir William Gladstone make Sir William do that with the Bible show some respect show some respect show some respect have you read this book for people? have you read this book there are over a billion people verses in this book that incite violence and murder against us show some damn respect for people's religious beliefs right I should show some respect for a book that incites murder against me and he calls me this he calls me an animal this I didn't let Sir William Gladstone held this book over his head in Parliament and said there will never be peace on this Earth as long as we have this book is a The violent and cursed book was Sir William Gladstein, of whom we have statues all over the sea of ​​our capital, was he a great one or in his lamb the Winston Church as a complete church?
piers confronts tommy robinson over controversial muslim comments good morning britain
No, I am quoting some of the best leaders in this country. You're sounding like a bigoted lunatic no I'm not someone you're basically an Islam hater Islam basically thinks all Muslims are to blame we've seen you on video saying it and what you're doing now is deliberately inflammatory it's deliberately poisonous which you are having the completely opposite effect of what you say: you are provoking hatred, you are abusing people's religion, you are abusing their faith and you are being a complete disgrace, what do you know about the prophet Muhammad? We haven't established anything, you're IGN. I know that you are deliberately insulting, do you know that the prophet insults people who have deeply held religious beliefs and that you spin the Quran in your hand in that shameful way?
piers confronts tommy robinson over controversial muslim comments good morning britain
This book is the reason we are in such a mess, that's a reality, no, us. We are in this mess because people adopt Islam, they are terrorists and they abuse the nature of Islam and its terms and perpetrate evil and it is completely wrong for them to try to claim that the vast majority of Muslims who are decent and law abiding that people try to use and mock their faith and their holy book is an outrage to their holy book when they kill non-Muslims wherever they find them and take them captive and ambush them and prepare for them in an ambush, who It's killing who I am. no hat this my

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