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Jun 02, 2021
that's great youtube you already know what it is, it's your boy damian and I'm back what it is again guys with another today today today today as you read from the title I would go dressed as a super thief as a super driver thief, so basically my dad told me He called a while ago and apparently my dad's car broke down and my dad wanted me to call him Uber, so I told him I had it, but what he doesn't know is that I'm going to be pulling. like the super dressed up as a thief, so this video is going to be crazy, I already know because my dad is the type of person that my dad overreacts in every situation, so I'm going to put my dad in a situation and I'm going to try to get his reaction, hopefully I'll get a good one from him and von will be like, "I really don't know how Avonte is going to act, so if this video gets at least a thousand likes, I'm going to drop another motherfucker again, man." Also guys comment below what other videos should I do next if you are new to the channel subscribe right now join the family because we are leaving the hits behind for the rest of 2019 also guys we are doing post notification thanks at the end of each vlog so if you guys want a chance to get a shout out on the video all you have to do is turn on post notifications once you hit the comment button below so I'm about to do that.
picked my dad up in an uber under disguise as a robber prank
Actually, just around the corner from where they are, so I'm about to get up, set up the camera, get that reaction, so let's do it, man, come on, yeah, Damien, damn, I'm bigger, right? How fast can you get us to the nearest auto zone or? Too many O'reilly excuses appreciated, I'm just saying Halloween ended with popsicles, yeah it's kind of funny, it's all a little weird. The guy has a mask, it could be the radiator because why was there a little bit of mess coming out of the radiator before, oh yeah, yeah, just a little bit, but then I saw it when we stopped at the light, so they might have a uh I called them and they said they had it in stock so okay oh damn wait bro my knees bro my knees are on. the board brother I'm six and five who are you talking to?
picked my dad up in an uber under disguise as a robber prank

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picked my dad up in an uber under disguise as a robber prank...

Relax bro, I don't care who you are bro, hey bro, we can pass this whip over me. I'm not going to kill us while we're all on the whip. but still brother can you go please let's not rush in this room. You're driving like a maniac bro, relax, guess the other zone alive. Damn, what the hell is wrong with you? Seriously, bro, what are you doing? Don't they have rules? This here hurts my knees, bro, my knees on the dashboard, right here, I don't care, my knees hurt, bro, like this, okay, man, you're a car guy that walks around here looking like that, the Right man, no, no, I forget.
picked my dad up in an uber under disguise as a robber prank
I know his hands are on me, bro, it's okay, man, don't worry, bro, I got something here whipping, throwing my phone, it's okay, bro, relax, right, hey, okay, bro, stop playing with me, brother, I remember it too, oh, destroy this car, stop playing with me. bro, what's up, what's up, what's up bro, stop, bro, stop, bruh, don't say another word, you too, shut up, bro, this, shut up, big, for no reason, in fact, give me your jewelry, give me your chain, I won't give you much. me your money give it to him give it to him please just give it to him brother give me your chain mine don't say anything just give it to him just give it to him brother hurry up don't just give it to him Give it to him, give me your fake chain anyway, take the chain again, relax, man, oh actually, give me your wallet, both of you, give me your wallet, give me your wallet, bro, okay, stop pointing at me, give me your wallet, bro.
picked my dad up in an uber under disguise as a robber prank
Look, I'll give you, I'll give you, give me your, I'll get, brother, here, brother, I have a hundred dollars for you, brother, I want your whole wall, brother, give me your wallet, brother, I want to give me this, brother, shut up. give me your wallet give me a wallet don't say anything else man in fact give me your take off your shirt what take off your shirt now I'm going to piss the whip you take off your shirt vote for your brother okay brother I don't think you want my shirt, look at this, my armpit is sweaty, bro, I'm mad right now, let's give it to a vine, just pick it up, you know he can hide his jacket, but leave it, where do you want it to go? the floor hit that on the floor don't say anything else you have a okay okay okay okay not your watch I just got this give me your watch don't say anything nothing give me give me this hey no Don't say anything buddy take off your shirt no I'm going to take off myself, take off your pants, what, take off your pants, brother, now, brother, someone playing with you, man, hurry up, I'm hurrying, hurry up, hurry up, my last car, shut up before I hit you twenty dollar butt. car shut up before I hit you, you hit me, you're my car, hit me playing with you, brother, you really want the pants, brother, take off your pants, it's okay, don't say another word, say something else in my life, brother, relax, brother.
I'm trying to take my broken, you have our wallet, our jury, let us go, everything we did, everything you asked of us, please, I have a family man, please shut up, can I keep my shoes, take off those, take off your shoes, will I talk about shoes? I also took off my shoes, sir, my pants right here, my shoes right here, sir sir, just like you ask, sir, hey brother, let me go, brother, please, please, I have a family, please, everything is here, my phone, back here, everything where is he going to get in the car, why? you have to take a car right here sir right here take your shirt over here brother take off your shirt no, I'm not going to take off my shirt what I just talked about give me your earrings what's good here take the earrings brother give me me, you shirt, this is my shirt, these screws, brother, pick up these screws, okay, on your stuff here, put it here, there, brother, thanks, brother, what's all that?
What was everything you were talking about before? What is wrong before? You can have it, brother, it's replaceable. give me your ring give me a ring give me this shake brother you can't take daddy's ring like shut up do something about it it's replaceable brother do something do something brother let me get this whip out brother yes sir who were you talking to before man let me get out of this job, bro, what are you talking to, let me out, that's who you were talking to. Get out of my hair and then even out of my mind.
What are you talking about? I don't care, brother, who are you talking to? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Dad, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Dad, I'm sorry, Dad, you know, that's what I thought, this isn't going to be fun, talk to anyone before, sir, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sir, I'm sorry, dad, I'm sorry, dad. get out of my question you two get out and walk nice take off your socks oh give me your sock oh my god brother take the socks can you keep them brother can I replace me give me what's up walking really walking I'm in naked brother, that's me, brother, I'm David, a what you mean bro it's a joke bro what bro I was joking guys you got me in bad shape what's up bro why did you dress like that because I just got robbed in Uber driving?
I already didn't get an


, I already finished whatever, you're good again, it's a joke, it was a joke, let's do it here, this doesn't have a lot of cheap shots, man, it's okay, don't worry, who, what a lot . cheap shots okay, hey, listen, okay, hey, listen, brother, I didn't really mean to hit you, brother, it's okay, it was a joke, brother, I'm in your head without a double head, brother, you're in my head, everyone you threaten me. You gotta be so messed up right now wait you're getting yours bro you said what you're getting yours what you threatened me it was a joke man I'll never get over it you won't see me for a month.
Like why not, what did you mean? You're my dad, he's not saying sorry, dad, and my car sitting there broke down and bro, this is going crazy, bro, oh, if you guys enjoyed this video, be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe. the channel if you are new and joining our family because we will be releasing back to back hits for the rest of 2019, but without further ado, we will see you guys who are in the next one, leave in peace.

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