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Phone repairs are getting ridiculous - Here's why.

May 20, 2024
original parts. I have no idea, but I'm very honest, so it's not a good thing that they accepted a service. before knowing they could do it and a little alarming that they don't know w


their parts come from, is t


a way to order the original parts and wait a little longer? I can ask the guy in the main lab for half an hour. time I will contact you, yes, he did not answer me, it is not available on the market as I told you before, so you do not have an estimated time of when it will arrive exactly.
phone repairs are getting ridiculous   here s why
I think I'll leave it, so thanks. oh dear, hey, we're bright and early on day number five and we're headed straight to our official Apple date. Now we will talk about how the official Apple is cheaper than many other places where the official prices would be shown separately, so I am not sure if it was taken into account that it is cheaper when you do both at the same time with the 50 removing the BL rear, now it's okay, that's how it will be. It shows you taking off taking off because on older models you would have to replace the entire back of the


, which means I don't need to clean my


or anything like that.
phone repairs are getting ridiculous   here s why

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phone repairs are getting ridiculous here s why...

That's really good. How does the warranty work? Is the same? warranty that I bought it with or you get an extended warranty it continues the warranty that you have right now or if you had less than 90 days it would be extended so we're out of stock right now business days off so Tuesday so which guys can't tell me now when it will be available it will be a text message uh it will be a text message this is a pretty positive experience to be honest yeah it's obviously expensive but now we know it's not as expensive as it seems and It's really nice to know that the official Repair Path no longer requires you to delete your vote and I guess the other part is that I don't love that this is the case.
phone repairs are getting ridiculous   here s why
This is your only way to ensure that you can actually keep your warranty as soon as you start


those non-genuine parts messages, it's already good. This is really interesting, since you've most likely heard that Apple has been in quite a bit of trouble in recent years. years of trying to control the repair process and rightly so, to be honest, because I mean, if you think about the percentage value of the phone we've had to pay just to fix it, it's almost cheaper to buy a used one that works. eBay, but I feel like we've just seen the first signs of that change.
phone repairs are getting ridiculous   here s why
Let's try Opera's Arya AI here. What has Apple changed in its newer iPhones that allows them to be cheaper to repair? Well, modular design, meaning the individual components are easier to remove separately, so I guess that's why they no longer need to completely replace the phone. They can just fix what's there and then it's also easier to take apart, so there are less mechanisms and adhesives to be able to get rid of all this and the new tab in the blink of an eye. new tab Island, which is one of the best things about the Opera browser, everything seems really organized, so if we go to Apple's iPhone 15 repair cost estimator, which is what we already did, it will tell us that it will cost $399, we knew that, but if you change that to the iPhone 14 pro, which is the latest phone to use the older less repairable 619 architecture to repair a phone, that's an absolute joke, the only question left then is this whole parts pairing thing that Apple has, this idea that Apple has to specifically assign. a piece to authorize that can work within your specific iPhone; otherwise it's pop up messages of non-original parts and voiding your warranty as well as in some cases the parts just don't work at all, that's also an ARA question to be fair, what are they? the arguments for and against Apple pairing parts on their iPhones, so yes, the advantages are quality control, it's Apple's way of making sure that if you get an iPhone you will have the iPhone experience all the time time, but I suppose to some extent it is too.
For customer security, let's say you go to a knockoff repair store to fix your face ID scanner, for example, and then they fix it with a knockoff face ID part that can scan your facial data in a less secure way. and then something happens. and then you blame your iPhone. I guess Apple is trying to avoid that situation, but on the other hand, part pairing severely limits users' choice when it comes to options for repairing their phone, as this whole process has been very shocking to me. It was expected that you could walk into these stores and there would be 15 different levels of repair options you could go for, all at different prices, but the truth is that it's not worth it for most businesses because the iPhone will reject most of them. of types of repair. and the consumer will not be happy with them and then yes, also the fact that people feel that this behavior invades their right to make amends for the fact that I have to pay £400 or else there is quite a significant disadvantage that seems like a problem , but there is a ray of hope, it seems to be going in the right direction because in fact, 2 weeks ago, Apple changed its policy to allow you to repair iPhones using used parts as if they still had to be original parts.
We didn't fix that issue, but they may be original parts from an older used iPhone that is not specifically the model those parts were designed for. Okay, let's move on to pick up the remaining two phones so we can dig into some results and if you want to try out the Opera browser yourself, sponsor of this video, so you can do all of this, the link is in the description. I highly recommend at least trying it. It's time to pick up the finished phone from Apple and the remains of the phone from I what's the reason the parts aren't showing up no not exactly ok ok thank you ok hello I'm just doing a repair so they did the screen and made the back glass.
You miss who, the box, that's me, yes, oh, you looked together, yes, M using a pixel, it's nice to meet you now. Clearly, this didn't go the way I expected it to. I thought there would be a really cheap option, a middle option. and then the official premium option and after all this I would end up telling you that the medium is fine now I would say the premium option is pretty much what I expected it to be, it is expensive, I mean £400 to repair a phone that once I've used it, it's only worth between 5 and 600, it's crazy, but you're also not likely to get an appointment right away, which means that although the repair in this case was pretty quick, it took 2 days in total because I had to do it . wait 5 days to get that repair; the total time is 7 days, which these days is a long time to spend without your phone, but there are clear advantages: you keep your original warranty and the warranty is extended if it is close to the In the end, your phone maintains its water resistance and I mean, it really feels like Apple gave me a new phone with the benefits of not having to replace the device.
I mean, I can't see a single perfection on either side. or the back, there are clearly some substantial quality checks when you go this route, the middle option doesn't make any sense. I mean if you want genuine Apple parts you will have to pay more this way than just going through Apple, everyone loses in this situation, you won't get the same quality checks, your back will be effectively glued together so it will be a mess and you will lose your waterproofing, your warranty will basically be voided. arrival and while they may use official Apple parts, there's still a good chance you'll get a notification saying they're not original parts because of this whole parts matching thing, so only Apple and the few sellers they authorize to work on name they have the necessary software to authenticate their parts and without that the resale value of your phone will simply plummet and that's if these third party sellers can find a real Apple part, which in my case they could.
I said don't bother, I'll have to take the L on this phone, but hey, if you find this video useful, then a subscription to the channel would be working, but I wouldn't, because they wouldn't. But the cheap option is much more interesting because in total it cost me $255 and in my case it took me a day and that is only because of the delay in the delivery of the back plate, but if they had had it in stock, this could be did a repair on the same day and obviously I'm in the fortunate position that if I ship my phone I have other smartphones I can use but a lot of people don't as a lot of people handing in their smartphone could very well mean living. with a dumb phone or no phone at the time, being able to minimize that gap is a big plus, but what is the quality of the repair?
I feel like we got an extra gift with these rubber bands. Okay, for starters, the tempered glass screen protector. what's on the front isn't actually the right size for this phone, it peeks out from the bottom of the screen in a way that once you first notice it is quite distracting oh it's really not good there's actually a crack in the screen protector there is already a strange shadow around the dynamic island which actually makes it look a lot like a fake iPhone let's remove this screen protector oh wow yes even without the screen protector the screen that placed is actually very large. thicker, so the phone is also much less fluid than it originally was.
The viewing angles are absolutely atrocious, as soon as you turn it more than 30° it turns into a red mess. Does True Tone still work? Let's see, actually, yes, the option is no longer there. for True Tone has disappeared from the phone because it knows it's not using a genuine part, the phone is much more aware of what parts it's using than I originally expected, it just seems like everything happens a little bit slower than on the real phone. Oh, but the back is the real problem, as the glue still leaks out of all four corners. It feels terrible, it looks terrible, but they also have it on camera.
If you look very closely, there is glue behind the glass of my phone. It's not great looking, but to be fair, it doesn't show up on camera or particularly affect the image quality, so you know that for the 10% of people who simply won't pay £400 to get their iPhone repaired, this is it a cheaper option that does this too. Getting the job done, the best option for most people will be the official repair route, but if this video has taught me one thing it's that the repair industry in general sucks and cases and screen protectors make too much sense. .

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