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Phil Sneaks Up on His New Bidet & Jase Doesn’t Believe In ‘Enhanced’ Bathroom Experiences | Ep 858

Apr 20, 2024
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phil sneaks up on his new bidet jase doesn t believe in enhanced bathroom experiences ep 858
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phil sneaks up on his new bidet jase doesn t believe in enhanced bathroom experiences ep 858

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phil sneaks up on his new bidet jase doesn t believe in enhanced bathroom experiences ep 858...

You can start on this path to recovery. free by visiting Covenant./use promo code Phil for 30 days free or by clicking the link in today's show notes, that's Covenant I thought I made that up, no, no, you did, oh, oh, he, he, he, listen. okay involve the lawyers we have we have copyright this is my good friend Craig Jones from uh from El Shores and he had knee surgery so he has a lot of time with his right this is a good idea so who was on the podcast list, he's a graphic design guy, so he sent me this, so the t-shirt, that's the guy who sent, that's the guy who sent the email and said, are you doing something with this? not that guy, he knew someone was going to do something, but he says don't settle for artificial, that's in lowercase letters, period, period, it has a big EI and then it's a big circle with a big EI and underneath it is intelligence eternal. and then under the circle it says when Christ gives to Eternal don't settle for artificial when Christ gives to Eternal he is a graphic guys that he sent me that I was just listening I mean, it's a real conversation I mean, you start to think about the implications of deeply fake artificial intelligence, I mean what I had this day of conversation with one of our pastors, I mean the way technology is advancing in the very, very near future, in the very near future, you will have video footage of people doing things you never did and you're going to flood the internet with images and videos of PE with AI deepfake you can literally type on your computer spit on me and a video of Jace Robertson robbing a bank and and it will produce that so now a big fake for me is when I'm doing a post pattern in the yard, you're still doing a post, we're going to do a bomb and we're going to quarterback bomb, so tell me.
phil sneaks up on his new bidet jase doesn t believe in enhanced bathroom experiences ep 858
What you mean by that is a deepfake is a video that is generated, it's not even a video because it's digital, but it's a digital video like a picture of you doing things that you never did, that's part of it, I want say. actually you can take that's what they call they need a better name than that yeah it's like it's there it looks real and while you're chatting we can actually take your face put Phil's voice on your face and you want say. It's strange what they can do, but one of the biggest things that experts predict, whoever they are, is one of the problems with deepfake and AI machine learning and where all of that is going is that they are saying that We are not going to be able to know what the truth is, we are going to have a truth crisis, how do we know what is really real when the Internet is flooded with false images.
phil sneaks up on his new bidet jase doesn t believe in enhanced bathroom experiences ep 858
Now Phil will be immune to all this because he knows it. not to go on the Internet, but for other people, you are explaining why yes, I mean, it seems to me that these are fairy tales that use images of real people, yes, but it will be difficult to distinguish between them, but I think one of the things the ones we talked about, I mean, this is my dictionary, but I'm not trying to distinguish it right now, but what if you see a video of someone doing something and you think I'm like with Phil on that?
I don't really watch videos of people doing anything except speaking the word of God well that's where you want to camp so Z zachel so the other day we were doing the Eric Max show for dad's new book and so we're talking. and dad says now here you go Maxis comes over and grabs his encyclopedia and starts reading it and matxa says what are you reading from there Phil and he said the World Book Encyclopedia and I said Eric, that's his Google, he just takes it out and starts read it, yeah, that's just what I'm saying, it's there, I'm with uh Solomon on this, there's nothing new.
Under the sun we only have a digital version, yes people make up stories they have been lying. Well, I think it gives the people of the Kingdom an opportunity. We doubt you mentioned Eternal Intelligence. I think people will look more for Eternal Intelligence in a world where they can't trust you can't trust artificial intelligence, so what are you going to look for? You're going to look for a source of intelligence that's not artificial, and the only thing we can address is: I love the term. by the way, Eternal, I mean, it really is. I'm curious where you went with them.
Well, yes, let me end my sermon here. You might need this after hearing this. Wait for Phil before you get to Saul. Let me finish my sermon. and then we'll look at Second Corinthians 5 is what I read first, but this is what I did. I gave them some statistics because my point was that if we are out there sharing Jesus, that will keep them out of a lot of trouble. mhm morally, which it was so you're saying that a good defense is an even better offense. Remember how in Acts 3 and 4 and even five where Peter kept saying we can't help but talk about this?
Like hey, stop, we're going to put you in jail, he's like us, we can't help it, it was a movement, it was a declaration of Jesus, well, if you're involved in something like that, which is what Celebrate Recovery is. Well, we have to talk about that where you come in packs and you'll be surprised how good your behavior will be while doing that, and that was my point if you're willing to go. out there and I suffer for Jesus, but before I read Second Corinthians 5, this is where I went. I think you'll like this. I gave you these statistics.
Population on earth. Does everyone know what it is? 8 billion, I think now, yes, it's more than 8 B, look, they actually have an indicator of the current population, now it's fascinating, you can just look at it, people are being born, people are dying, literally in seconds, You're watching people get bored, yeah, it's just now. I don't know if that's an AI thing. I saw it on Internet Z so you have to look into that so there are 8.1 billion 3 or 4 days ago and look this is scary the population has more than doubled since I was born. wow, at 54 years 55 guess what is the average age in the world what is the average age I want to see how close they are to this average age what is the average age of a person on earth I would say 30 30 years looking for it Zach what do you say Phil I would say 30 years I was going to say he got it yes 30.7 mainly because this is a man without the Internet The man without the Internet has realized who needs the Internet and the majority of humanity if they make a turn for better or worse , but especially if they make a turn to be good, whatever you want, you'll be good.
I just noticed that they all vary, the vast majority of them, between 28 and 32, well, that's you and that's your time. They say people are more open to conversion, they have built a history and you had to have gotten it from the holy spirit, so let me read to you what I read to them, so I said, see if you are someone like that. Well, I better move on because I'm past the average age and there's a lot more people here than when I started, yeah, twice, so I told him that's why I'm here, we, we, you need to do it. let yourself be inspired by the Holy Spirit realize that you are a son or daughter of god and G of the Father God and Jesus is at the right hand let's take that and let's go out and start declaring Jesus act Style 202 that's what I'm doing Yeah, well, You weren't in the audience, but I don't know if they were doing that.
I had already chosen to be like that, so I read based on Paul's Ministry, which will relate to where we are going. because we are going to go where when he was Saul, so I read verse one of chapter 5 that says now we know that if the earthly tent that we live in is destroyed, we have a building of God, an eternal house in heaven not built by human hands then I read verse 10 which says why we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one receives what corresponds to him for the things he did while he was in the body, whether good or bad and there was a gasp. in the audience.
That's what I love about Celebrate Recovery, his emotions are on his sleeve. I read that verse and heard as if someone stayed. Some of you are realizing that you are going to stand before God after this 10 falls and then it was like a pause and then you laughed. I said I wasn't joking and Paul wasn't one of those Jay-at-the-wrong-time jokes either. Let's take another break, so we talk a lot on the podcast about our own personal kind of things. conviction of being pro-life uh and how we align ourselves with one of our sponsors, which is a group called pre-born, yeah, you know, we've been studying about the apostle Paul and one of the verses that I read and I thought about what these guys do it when I read this, but he said in Galatians 11:15 when God had separated him from his mother's womb, yes, and you know we are just not sincere, that God created us and wove us in our mother's womb .
That's the funny thing, it's Jeremiah. He made the same comment thousands of years before, he knew there was something in that womb and that's what prenatal birth does. They empower our young mothers-to-be who are in crisis because most are not planning for this at all and it is unexpected, but we want them to do it. choose life because there is something special about that unborn child that has rescued hundreds of thousands of babies through ultrasound, so when you are considering an abortion you go to a prebirth center, you can hear the baby's heartbeat and when That happens, they call it a Divine encounter and I think that's a great way to describe it most of the time.
When a mother hears the heartbeat of her baby, she will choose life and that is what they do for the last 15 years before they are born. Cators have counseled over 450,000 women about abortion and over 200,000 babies have been saved, so these are incredible numbers. We want to support these guys and help them. Here's what you do to donate: Dial £250 and say the keyword baby that costs £250 into your phone. keyword baby or you can go to preborn docomo docomo I read those two verses to get to verse 11 which says now look since then we know what it is to fear the lord we try to persuade men Paul said we try to persuade people because the store The body is wasting away and we are going to present ourselves before the Creator.
I mean, we hadn't even gotten to the main motivation. Those are just general facts about why you should try to persuade men. Then I read the second half of that verse to the man. Although Jay, before you leave it, it's okay because in that sense what we are is clear to God, so he knows who you are and I hope it's also clear to your conscience, that's you. I think it fits well into a full sermon right there with the audience so I read verse 15 uh 14 15 The love of Christ compels us because we are convinced that one died for all therefore they all died talking about Jesus and what he offers and he died for all so that those who live no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was resurrected that's the offense helping the defense here yes, it's good, so I read verse 17 yes, it says, therefore, yes someone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old is gone, the new has arrived. the offense again driven by the holy spirit because I had placed a lot of importance on being influenced by the Holy Spirit and I shared the quick version of the guy being baptized in the ice J I said you have to remember the whole conversation started with one comment everyone was getting drunk We are in a meeting in a worldly environment hey jaay, what are you going to drink tonight?
I said oh I'm fine, I'm high on Jesus, which made him ask me a question, he said, oh, do you have any? a problem with that and I said no, I'm high on Jesus. I just stuck with it but he thought, oh, you must have a problem with that. I said as if he had never been drunk. I didn't tell him that, but he said and then here, 10 years later, a guy sends me a video of him being baptized in a cooler, so I told him a funny story about uhhe said I need to be baptized right now and they stopped The Chariot and he was yeah and then Philip quickly left and continued down the road or I don't know how far he was from where he took off and stopped but he came out that I actually looked for him I think It was like 20 miles, it's a pretty good little disappearance.
I mean, there was something like that that happened at Auburn University recently, um jnie Allen and what are the guys Jonathan Paduka or something like JP that they call? He was, they were doing something there like something like for you for a college age to preach the gospel and then they offered a time of baptism afterwards and they all went down to the water and they were just going to, I think, I think one of the girls said, "No." "I want to be baptized." I think she was like a person. I don't remember exactly how it happened.
Well, they came down there and then and suddenly there were like hundreds of young people in this pond on the Auburn campus being baptized. I saw the video, it was so powerful and I think what it is, man, you start moving like that, it's like a I don't know the physical nature of saying I'm going to get in the water what I'm going to subject myself to, I want say, and I'm going to do this in front of people, um, it's just dripping with the 99% book. of them cry, I noticed that, but you're right, Z is because it takes us back to these moments that we are reading in the early days, this is what was happening both individually and even in Acts 2 and acts 4 like groups, yeah, uh.
At least I did a marriage event this weekend and a couple came there with all kinds of problems, but before we got there to do our part, someone, the pastor or someone, had shared with Jesus that this was a place of departure. Both individually and also as a couple, we were able to change them, so over the course of that weekend they became convinced that that was what they needed, they needed to start in Christ and go from there, so the Sunday after we spoke, they wanted to be baptized, they had a The tank in the back of this thing was some kind of temporary public place, but I had never seen anything like it.
They sat on that thing and it was the easiest way to baptize someone because they were sitting in the water. but when they were both crying but left, there was something different and to your point, Zach, there is this physical exam that they came that weekend ready to get divorced, but trying to give it another chance, they found Christ and now they have hope while Leave it as something new and it will be different for them. I have no doubts about it. Yes, I wanted to check it out to see how much power it has in the Jesus story.
Like yesterday, two raised their hands. We just ask them. come here to follow Jesus, get baptized and follow Jesus. I said if you do, listen very carefully. Two raise their hands. Five were baptized. That's how it always works, yes, but you declare Jesus and I think I think the underlying thing before you declare them there. It will be a number after you declare them, the number increases only 99% of the time and the reason we mention this is because the last time we were in this text we pointed out that verse 37 of the NIV you don't know which one is in is your version that good if you read 35 35 says Philip began with that same passage of scripture in Isaiah he told him the good news about Jesus as they were traveling along the road they came to some water and the only one said look here water why shouldn't I having been baptized that is what I see every Sunday morning right there the omitted verse that is not in the oldest manuscript said Philip said if you


with all your heart you can the only one answered I


that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and gave orders to stop the car, then Felipe and the unit went down into the water and Felipe baptized it.
I was just going to make it clear if that verse was in the early manuscripts, it


't matter because this narrative goes against many organizations under the umbrella of the church in what they teach about baptism and I mean, it just teaches the idea that this is something public to show that you are in church or good. These guys weren't in any public place, they were in the middle of nowhere, on a desert highway, and the guy who said he had no idea who Jesus was at first didn't even know who he was, he had no idea, yeah, the Phils .
At that moment he told him the good news of Jesus because Jesus is what saves him, but then he saw water and said, "Well, here's water." Obviously that conversation had come up somewhere in there, not that this is a correct formula, but the fact that it just happened and so I have a theory about this because another thing that goes against it is all these arguments about whether you should do it or not. I mean, there are tons of arguments and what the unic asked is actually the opposite. perspective which is what I think your perspective should always be why shouldn't I why shouldn't I get baptized yeah what opportunity and I want to ask that's a better question when I want to do it now so when people ask me that, okay so Let's say, and I say, why shouldn't you?
Let's answer that question before we get into hypotheticals and whatever your answer is, read all the verses, but when you start going down that rabbit hole, you're getting over what you should be getting over, which is that you know that Jesus is Lord, he's innocent. , he is the son of God, he died for you, he was resurrected, he is at the right hand of God, you believe that, why shouldn't you and in my opinion, you have that little phrase Stop The Chariot. I think a lot of times we need to just stop the discussion, stop whatever you want to put at the end and say what are we doing here, yes, let's do this, yes, and I do it.
Think when theorizing. I think people have a hard time with this because the heart is a spiritual concept that you have given to God, but he made us physical beings and gave us the opportunity to recreate something we believe in. in a physical way not unlike the Lord's Supper, so you know when you take this to the end, which is so strange that I think something else goes against what you'll see in Paul's conversion, the one you read and feel in Acts 22. when he said what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash away your sins.
What is surprising to me is that the baptism of John you got the forgiveness of sins and not the Spirit, but you got the forgiveness of sins and then people today say well in the baptism of Jesus. you get the Holy Spirit, but not necessarily forgiveness of sins, which is a little ironic if you think about it, wasn't he the one who died for your sins? Even at John's baptism, they were believing in him to come. would die for their sins, yes, so I think we, our theologians, have talked about this topic so much that ironically they have watched Ed it down instead of just asking the Unix question why is this story in the Bible, they are out there.
The guy is on cloud nine because he has found a way to live forever, a way to start over. I mean, he's like this is Heaven and Earth coming together in Jesus and I can be a part of this, so you wouldn't want to make a decision. time out and have a 10 minute discussion about whether you should do this or not. He said why he shouldn't do it. Okay, so we're out of time. Put up with Zach. Hold that thought. We'll pick it up here sooner. We go into the hearing and finish that discussion in the next podcast.
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