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Peter Kay VS The Audience | Stand Up Heckle Compilation

May 24, 2024
I still can't believe I'm spending so many nights in this place. You have to maintain a level of enthusiasm every night and when people echo, I mean, they shout things and you just go in a different direction and sometimes that's that's the magic, that's the spontaneity, you know, we're in this street at midnight and I'm very thirsty, yes, I'm going to be thirsty. You could photograph the moments you are choosing here, don't you dare? No, no, what possessed you, we're all in shock, all of us young people, the glue, go on, I haven't been caught on eBay, isn't it blocked by the goonies in that cave?
peter kay vs the audience stand up heckle compilation
I mean, you're going to jump in to help me, no one. like shouting out random thoughts like tourette's next time someone says penny if your thoughts sell so let's take a look at you what did you say? I love Guam. Oh, you will see that you have opened a thing, although everyone shows that you have not. I didn't ask any of you, I asked that lady what that lady said, no, no, no, no, you're right, you see what I pointed in that direction and I said, uh, I didn't point in that direction, what did you say? , honey, no, no, you don't under


you don't under


I'm sorry no no I didn't even say it then no no someone helped her she did it again he did it over and over again during the night we were out I'll try to beat the material between them woo , but I can't, there you go like a truck reversing anyway, I love it, she's probably in this one here, what did you say?
peter kay vs the audience stand up heckle compilation

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No, no, then, behind her, the one in front of her now goes. It's taking me a good hour to do this, but we'll get there eventually, what are you saying? You are not behind her or in front of her. Shut up, Guam, no, oh my God, come on, love, just come out and come and tell me in me that I can't handle it. Not anymore, just come and tell me, come on, tell me what it is, come here, what did you say? I was telling you it's the vodka, I'm from Barry Island, I'll tell you what's going on, you could breastfeed, an accident, that's what's going on real strong mate, you look like Geraldine, so what were you screaming, it's the vodka, all that, that's it, everything was, what is vodka?
peter kay vs the audience stand up heckle compilation
Vodka is also doing your show, of course, I have makeup, have you seen them get a chair over here? Turn around, look at that, look at the lights, although I can't exactly see anything peeing and putting on makeup. I would look like a ghost, it doesn't matter if you wear makeup on your feet and you didn't put makeup on your feet. eyes, you're taking that vodka intravenously, you're slowing down your word, what time do you start after cbeebies, what time would you say, I know what I mean, you know what you mean, yeah I'm gonna say you're out of your tits, but there's not enough room, well it's on her butt, this lady every time there's a space, he's on what a crazy slogan, here's one when sometimes you don't even make people shake sometimes The noises just echo, look what's happening, I have someone, someone left me. goat in israel just come in here you know he's not there now oh go away get that Gorton what's that noise?
peter kay vs the audience stand up heckle compilation
Could you hear a noise? Then you heard it like thunder. What is it? Leave me your wallet, you cheeky bastard, you dropped your wallet, that's dust. staining I have no idea I don't know if it was a girl or a mini rocket I don't know We've all heard it, right? And it lasted a little too long, didn't it? a bit disturbingly too long and between you and me I hope it doesn't happen again because you feel guilty about the environment I can't put a cork can in it has been at all I have to take it out put it aside With all my recycling I just happen then, a ship that smuggled the shipment just echoed me anyway, I'll just overlook that, a ship never echoed that before, thanks.

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