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Percale vs. Sateen Sheets - What's the Difference?

May 10, 2020
Katie Golde: Hi guys, I'm Katie from Mattress Clarity. Today we talk about the




and satin


. Now, if you've been shopping for


for the last century, you've probably seen these labels and you may not know


they mean. They refer to different types of fabrics. It is important to know


they are because they affect the overall feel and experience you will have with the sheets. I'm going to talk about the similarities, the


s, and who I think they're suitable for. We'll also take a closer look at the two different types of sheets so you can get a better idea of ​​which one will be right for you.
percale vs sateen sheets   what s the difference
Let's delve into these sheets. Katie: I have a quick question for you. I want to know, after you watch this video, if you are more "Team Percale" or "Team Sateen". What do you think will be the best option for you? Feel free to comment below. Let me know. Write "Percale" if you like


sheets, "Satin" if you like satin. I'm checking back and I want to know which one you like. Personally, I'm Team Percale, but I think they're pretty good across the board. Of course, if any questions arise, leave them there too. I'm always checking. I want to talk to you about these sheets.
percale vs sateen sheets   what s the difference

More Interesting Facts About,

percale vs sateen sheets what s the difference...

First of all, both percale and


sheets are woven from different fabrics from different manufacturers. You will see them in cotton, bamboo and linen. What it means is how they are woven, but the other thing they have in common is that they are both used with long fibers. For example, the ones I have here on my lap are long-staple cotton. That means they are more durable and softer compared to short-staple cotton, which won't hold up as much. If you see these fabrics in any fabric, know that they will be synonymous with a higher quality sheet. You can't go wrong with either one.
percale vs sateen sheets   what s the difference
Let's dive into each one and I can give you an idea of ​​which will be the best option for you. Now is the time to learn a little more about percale sheet. They are very popular. You will see them everywhere. In fact, I'm sitting on a set of cotton percale sheets, and I'm holding them up right now to give you an idea that they're everywhere. First I want to talk to you about how they are made and why that results in the type of fabric you get. Percale, the fabric itself is very simple. It is a one under/one over fabric.
percale vs sateen sheets   what s the difference
Think about making potholder looms for summer camps, a very simple basic construction. This results in a crisp, lightweight feel. They are cotton sheets, so keep that in mind. They can come in different fabrics. There is something called "hand feel" in the world of sheets. That means how does it feel in your hand? I'm going to show you. It definitely has that, again, sharp is the best way to describe it. Cotton theft is happening. It falls very well on my hand, it's very soft. It stands firm. It has its own structure. To give a better example, think of a nice hotel sheet or a well-laundered men's or women's shirt.
Again, I hope you're catching that vibe I'm trying to share with you. That's the feeling of calico. Is light. It's a great option if you're in a hot climate, are a hot sleeper, sweat at night, or something. Opt for calico. It will fit better, but keep in mind that it tends to wrinkle a little more easily than other fabrics. What you will have to do, if you have an iron on you or you take it out of the dryer when it is a little warm and put it directly on your bed. What about satin and why is it as popular as percale?
A lot of that has to do with the complexity of the fabric. In a satin, you'll go one under/two up, one under/three up, even one under/four up. Although the difference may seem very simple, it creates a very different fabric, a different fabric overall. The result is a very different set of sheets. These sheets are a little thicker. They have a buttery feel. I'm going to hold and feel the hand so you understand this idea. You can see how it moves a little closer to my hand. It is extremely soft, a little thicker. Hopefully, you can see here that there's a little bit of luminosity, a little bit of shine.
I would go so far as to say a "silkier" overall feel. If you think about it, putting that on your bed with your beautiful pillows, your duvet, everything will create such a rich and luxurious feeling. I think that's very attractive to people. Now, again, I mention that it is a slightly thicker fabric overall, so it will be great for those colder months. Maybe you like sleeping cold and that's why you want that warm set of sheets. Satin will be the right one for you. It is durable. Be sure to follow the care instructions to keep it as long as possible.
It may not be as durable as percale, but the good thing is that it doesn't wrinkle as easily. By now, you have had the opportunity to learn a lot about both types of fabrics and hopefully you will have a clearer idea of ​​which one will be best suited for you. I want to briefly summarize them again. Percale sheets will be cool, light, breathable, and very durable, all great qualities. Remember that they are going to be a little more likely to have wrinkles. Satin sheets will undoubtedly look great on your bed. They are buttery soft, have a nice shine to them, but since they are thicker, they will sleep a little hot.
Note that they might be better for winter. Now, the fabric is just one of the many factors to take into account when purchasing sheets. Don't forget that you have the fabric, the color, the thread count and, of course, the price. For more information, check out our Mattress Clarity YouTube channel. You have a lot of things there. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Now I'm exhausted. I'm going to go take a nap on these sheets, so I'll see you later.

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