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May 12, 2024
1870s, the US met they were trying to come up with a universal currency, they were going to try to get all countries to make a gold coin with the same amount of metal. Yes, it was an idea to try to facilitate international trade. The Mint made these


, they made a little over 400 of them and gave them to members of Congress to see if they would get their approval, yes or no, in case they went ahead with the project, they ended up voting no, but the congressman he had to do it. He kept the coin that most of them brought home.
pawn stars top 5 super rare coins
Put them in a safe place and to this day they are in amazing condition because each one of these


when they were delivered were in better condition but this one actually has a little bit of wear on it yeah but its condition is a little bit desirable because any better condition starts at $200,000, so for an extraordinarily


coin it's obvious, let's say in quotes, affordable, okay, so how much do you want for it? I'd like to get $100,000 for it. Would you accept 90 grand? No, I couldn't do it 90 91 I could go down to 95,000 and that is a great deal for a coin that is usually almost impossible to find under $100,000.
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I'll go for 92, yes, I would sell it to you at that 92,000. Thank you very much for sending it to me. I'll send you a check in the mail, okay, that sounds good Rick, thank you very much, see you later, take care of yourself buddy, so you sure don't like this hat, you know how crazy it is to do business with you, what you just spent. $92,000 I know they're all relatives and you, it's okay, don't worry, I'll sell it, leave me alone. Hey, how are you doing? How are you? I'm quite well. I would like to sell this gold coin.
pawn stars top 5 super rare coins
If I could accept eight escudos. This is a Spanish stamp here, this is like the real bark of Spain, where did you get this? I got it from my grandfather when he died. He left a safe full of contents, yes, look at interesting things in the safe, not really, no, no, holy grails. or something like that, not that I know of, today I'm going to the


shop to see if I can sell my grandfather's gold coin. He kept it in plastic, so it's in very good condition. It looks very old and I really don't have one.
pawn stars top 5 super rare coins
Does it have any use? I'll see what they can do for me here. Do you know much about this? I don't know much about this at all. Well, I know a little about currency. I mean. It's ad escudos um, it was from Lima Peru, they had the worst mines in the world, I mean, it was 2000 feet deep, you would go down, there were cave-ins, there was no ventilation, there was nothing, it was really very brutal, but they made a fortune for the Spaniards When the Spanish occupied Latin America and South America they used forced slave labor to work in the mines it was brutal and dangerous work and life expectancy was short the coins back then were


the size did not have to be exactly right, you just had to have the right amount of gold, the right weight and the right purity when these coins are stamped, you didn't always get a big hit like this, it's almost too good to be true, this coin is exceptional condition and he Seen similar coins selling for thousands of dollars at auction, so if this is a real piece of 18th century Spanish treasure, I want it, do you want to put it in ponds or sell it?
I want to sell it, what were you looking to get? of it I would like to get 2000 if I could, okay this coin is in very good condition but it is easily counterfeited, there are a lot of fakes out there so I would really like someone to take a look at it if you don't mind. I have a friend who knows everything there is to know about this. Let them in and we'll see what we can do. Sounds great, okay, thanks. Hi Carl, how is it going well to see you? Rick, why did you pick me up?
Very early, well, I called you here for this. It was one of those things that seemed too good to be true. I am an expert in Spanish colonial coins. If you want to know anything about Spanish colonial coins, I'm your man. a Lima ad scudo and in this corner there is an L which means Lima Peru mint eight is the denomination of the largest gold coin is Spanish the PVS in the center is an abbreviation of were the Latin term plus Ultra which means more Beyond these two columns that represent the pillars of Hercules, which was the Strait of Gibraltar, they used to think that you passed through there and fell off the edge of the world.
A few years ago there was a big scandal over a forgery, that's why I wanted them to check it, did you throw ? that on the scale, yes I did, it's 27.0 G, that's correct, very rarely will they be correct at 27 G, most cast things are underweight. I know your concern is if it could be fake and there are a lot of fake pieces from everything I can see in this one. I would say it is absolutely genuine. So how much do you think it's worth? I would price it at 18,000. Well, I really appreciate you coming. Carl. Thank you.
Rick. Congratulations. I like finding treasure absolutely fine, so the big question is what do you want? It seems like 18,000 to me. No, no, why would I give you 10 grand? How about 12? How about 10 grand? No, I can, I can take it somewhere else. How about 105? I could pack it up and leave. I wouldn't take anything less than 11,000. Oh, um, I guess I have to do what I have to do. 11,000 11,000. Okay, I have a deal. Thank you. Let's do the paperwork. I understood her. I'm surprised how much the coin was worth. I had no idea considering I was only asking for $2000 when I first got here and now I'm getting $11000.
I feel very happy with that.

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