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PAUSE/AYOO Moments | Joe Budden Podcast | Compilation

Apr 19, 2024
No, but I'm never going to joke with you like I have things I want to joke with you about and more bits that never seem to get aired. I think Joe is trying to tell us something else. Like that's my back, he's gonna ride until he can't anymore because of my back, oh, look at him, idiot face, oh, I think Trey's okay, I think Trey could give me 20 minutes of beating, he's okay on the applause contest like that but that was everyone said a mega but that was crazy that's cool no I'm reaching out that was 120 minutes to hit a record that was funny oh wise Nikki even responded she's a superstar that's a lot that should be like you guys I can't even hear that, I just want a broomstick up your ass so bad, that's my holy take, that's my oh, you're right, that's my, okay, just look I'm still waiting for my lot that you promised me two weeks ago down the road tower I'm also looking if anyone sees tell them Joe Budden is looking for it I have a proposal that will be hard to refuse hit my line


nine without


hey me here in this weather oh god 25 year old Joe would have done it I've been crazy in a 38 year old teenager it's nice Oh Iggy Azalea I don't know when this clip came out.
pause ayoo moments joe budden podcast compilation
I say Iggy Azalea is the only thing tarnishing his legacy as a music executive. There's a nice contraction flowing to me, this is like when Michael Jordan, when he said he's a music executive, reread the whole quote, this firearms 300


, Matt, look, I have what everyone will bring, a gun. I stopped because I thought it was a song we would all enjoy trying out. to look at me like it's already hard to go deeper into Chris, shut up, you can't make it through a ten second clip, pause, no, nothing, I'm saying, pause to ask that, no, now, when, how long do you need a clip to be defendant? oh wait a minute, I know, so you can get off in 10 seconds, one second, that's a problem, why, how is it possible?
pause ayoo moments joe budden podcast compilation

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pause ayoo moments joe budden podcast compilation...

I agree, first of all, I have a girlfriend, okay, oh, worry about that man with the weekend mustache, because I always look. I really want to go out for a weekend, but not with the mustache, I better be filming a movie or something, man why Suzie, that's when people change, they look dead drastically. The wife said the best part like you already know the detective hangs out a lot: the law says the right one. that's a protective mustache so you have to do a Louis - one day it's definitely definitely a motorcycle with my face what are we going to do a guy?
pause ayoo moments joe budden podcast compilation
Spier a minute with my face but it wasn't there, I couldn't navigate, okay, you went to the hairdresser, do something, so it may look like I want to look totally good, give me the Super Trouper that's common since I loved her, that was my man in secondary school. I have the board of directors of Carolina and I am not one of theirs of any of these me. My headphones, why are you making fun? It's up here now. It just made me want to be antisocial and only think about music, but then there's some six-by-seven called John who decided to get on with me in the younger way.
pause ayoo moments joe budden podcast compilation
Oh, pause for more. Get to the beat you just said, I said, named John, I want to continue with you, just stop, you know what's mine? Out of boredom, everyone goes to the katana once and AH and forgets all the New York slings you saw me when you woke up. iron to dress that day you see me doing that signs early I didn't do that I don't know they called you eight but I was in the room it wasn't like that it looked so eighty Rory your love for love I feel the love in the room don't worry bro what kind This is what we almost finished today with steak?
Well, they have beef, ox tails, beef, something, pause, any kind of yeah, meat poles, mmm, I'm not really a big rib guy, pause your mother. but if you can't get any, now she takes the rib tips or the steaks or whatever. I love you, it's okay, we're back 101.9. I have so many questions that will be very fun because I don't know if he's throwing up, he's gay, he's bisexual. I don't know, but it's great, it's a hilarious interview, it's a great man, tell 'em weird, but sex, man, it's a solid replenishment, it's a great storyteller, it really took you there, vivid imagery, um, what more is happening?
Wait and that's a city girl score. City girl, that's a city girl, school, yelling and flexing all over, come on, that's not a boyfriend, yeah, everyone's sick, it's not a want, Rory's not a hero, everyone said it, it's not, that's not Nullah, sick, it's a n1i. Matt, I'm suing one down the line, it could be an issue depending on what was on the index and then who else was on that tour. I didn't see it, oh yeah, oh, I don't know if I can bear all those prices. Even her fans, but I would like to see her love break.
I heard it, I wanted to do it, but um props, yeah, I'm just going to catch up with them taking away how great the trade surveys were because you're reaching out and fishing Rory this. That's why I didn't say boy, y'all, the only Joe would say pause because it was definitely like you said yet because you were going to travel in my mind just now. Wow, it was on test for like three seconds or something. It is normal. spring, any stomach lady, never talk about what you can handle, but I will leave the joke and the purposes of the


, let's have a laugh, why do you have a stomach?
Sorry, okay, listen, yeah, wait, wait, like it was more condensed. I could have taken more time to find the ones I really like, but it's very long and daunting, and in the first three or four listens, nothing sticks. I'm fine, no, and no disrespect, because that's disrespectful. because chance disrespects us I don't know that song, we didn't focus on making records and growing, yes, exactly in the first season, that's the problem we focused on making the record, only he also became more big, yeah, it gets bigger any day, don't you have any chance it was a zebrafish wait, that's what we're real Julian, I was getting, I was giving him the tick, so this is a stupid joke, but it's terrible, trey songz comment, everyone is crazy, this is going a completely different route today.
I may not even post this episode. You know, yeah, I have another two hours to make a hole in this wall. I'm saying what should be don't Lima take the blame, forget about this, my ears are screwed into my head, oh I put the headphones back on and the guitars sound good anyway, why did I bring it? That's it, they released a bunch of snippets that Nicky put on the record and the verse sounds good, listen to it if it's here, yeah, no, obviously we didn't play a full ring. I'm ready to go in and cover it. and take my pick my pick suit God, how do I like that in drag?
You don't want to see that. Oh, what do you hear? This is a progressive podcast. If Jill wants to dress like a woman, she's perfectly fine, we won't judge Michelle. Not dressing exactly like the last few episodes I wasn't sure I knew how to identify myself. Listen if anyone thinks I'm gay. I promise you I can find it. Joe Men's new left pocket. I know the last pockets. Did they come? hands, okay, so we're good, yeah, a few


later, a better job of masking it, yeah, well I hear my famous high take and women always get mad when I say the power of a cock, in my opinion, He is much more powerful than Bob. power this is not helping your gay case I don't know what power, but if you've explored it, you've done your research and it's just safe to say uh-oh, my role in your network, you know, every time Erickson laughs, I'm just saying like an investigation, so yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing Nikki's show.
Yes, for me there is Rory Lanes and we were honored to know what he was seeing. A ghost power for the people we return to maintain. Yeah, yeah, let's rock. like crack when he arrived how are you? I left no, no, with the glasses they said that hitting him is calm, good time, don't worry about it, stagnant joke, hey, the court is here, so what are you talking to me about? Blame me right now, don't talk about your man? Tell me about your man. Talk to me about myself as if I wouldn't interpret it. That will be bad.
Don't do all that wrong. Oh my god, I have to tell you. your league players won't support me enough because they will tell you ACL for your vacation for your birthday, don't do it, I don't see what you give them, my playoff B, which one of you is bad, I just don't do it. I don't want to see battle rap. Rory's bougie. Definitely every alcohol necklace in the coffee shop is a little bougie, yes, and you're bad.

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