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Paulina Porizkova 1986 Late Night with David Letterman Interview

Apr 27, 2024
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, one of the best models in the entire world since she was discovered six years ago, oh look at this good lord, this woman's face has appeared on the cover of more than 300 magazines, including two of the editions of sports illustrated swimsuits, as well as in numerous commercials and television videos will soon star in a movie called Anna friends, please welcome Paulina Poretzkova. It's good to have them back. Yeah I'm glad. What did I do with the name? Is it Ports? How do you say good? You say it, I don't think you can pronounce it, but try putiskova poriskova not pogiskova portis, okay, so, no, no, no, no, I want to get this as close as possible.
paulina porizkova 1986 late night with david letterman interview
Okay, now you change it every time joriskova portis does it. sounds like my name, thanks, oh yeah, it was even close to this guy I was so close yeah, very good, well, it's lovely, it means something, do you know if it has a literal meaning? Yeah all Czechoslovakian names have meaning and my name means hunk now I hate to say it really means punk yeah well that's nice yeah yeah last time you were here you said what I thought were some pretty amazing things about being a model, you said I really didn't care about the job and that the people involved in it were, I don't know, they pulled something, yeah, similar and disgusting, and they saw me and they really should be doing time, that kind of thing exactly got you into problems saying those things. things uh not really, I thought it would but it didn't, I was very happy about it, I guess I don't know, so you still feel that way about modeling, well look, being a model, you have to face it, I don't are you.
paulina porizkova 1986 late night with david letterman interview

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paulina porizkova 1986 late night with david letterman interview...

In brain surgery or cancer research, you live by how you look and that's mostly because of your parents or God or a plastic surgeon, so you know it doesn't really have anything to do with you, it has something to do with it, I think. I said everything I wanted to do. Do you find that models tend to be vain, shallow and superficial and absolutely oh really no, but you don't fall into that category? Well, of course not, I don't consider myself a good role model, really, what do you think of yourself as a human being, Dave, you'll see that human being, human being, but you know that's not going to make you a lot of money?
paulina porizkova 1986 late night with david letterman interview
You have to do something, that's exactly why I'm a model, yeah, it's not. Like we need more human beings, I'm not exactly a shortage of them, no, I totally agree, therefore I'm a model of a human being, you're a model of a human being, that's true, uh, but you also want to be an actress of Of course all models want to be active, no, I never wanted to be an actress, in fact, I stumbled upon it, so now you are an actress, you are in this movie, yes, and what role do you play in Anna? the name, yeah, the part is called, I mean, the movie is called Anna and my part is this young Czechoslovakian girl who comes to New York very appropriately and looks for her old idol who is played by Sally Kirkland and uh .
paulina porizkova 1986 late night with david letterman interview
What kind of idol idol in what sense? Well, you know, Sally plays this Czechoslovakian actress who came to America and was never successful, but in Czechoslovakia she was a big star, right, it always happens, and are there big stars in Czechoslovakia, is there a thriving film industry? Well, Lenin is a big star. Well, no, that's not exactly what he had in mind. I meant more on the lighter side of things, oh no, no, no. Usually it's more like uh. people like hussock, lenin and gorbachev, they are the real stars, yes, yes, okay, now back to the plot, so you are this woman who comes to the United States looking for that, that's it, and I'm starting to see myself horrible and, now what?
It was that little laugh there, what was it about? It's because you know that could never happen in a million years. You look horrible, don't you? That's your way of telling the rest of the country that it was funny, yeah, yeah, yeah, really funny, well, I just love you. I have to do a commercial here okay, okay, we'll do a commercial and then we'll come back more with


, okay, john waters is here to


, bonnie raiden, of course, pauline parzikova, words to that effect now, uh, what? you do? anything, uh, with yourself, to do to yourself, tips, beauty tips, that's what we need, anything, any tricks, you know, uh, well, my basic beauty tips don't exist, that's not very interesting, right?
I'm so sorry, I'm really not how old. You're a woman, you're 21, 21, so you probably don't need to worry much at 21, don't you yet? I'm definitely looking forward to the time when I actually have to know, you know what models worry about? about weight weight wrinkles yes definitely definitely uh dry skin oily skin uh that's a little boring isn't it? speak for yourself okay um but no there are tricks that men and women use when they are models yeah of course I mean I think probably Every model has about 50 tricks to keep looking good but I really don't think it's Well, give us an example of the most popular ones.
Well, I only eat bran muffins for breakfast and for lunch I only eat poached chicken with a little lemon juice. on that and I always go to bed at nine o'clock and wake up at eight, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, there's nothing wrong with that again, you're making fun of these people, well, yeah, it's a Very boring way of life, right? Don't you think now what time you go to bed at night two three really like that and then what time you get up okay depending on if I have to work seven eight seven eight in the morning wow, so you really don't have much? sleeping sometimes not sleeping is boring there are so many better things to do than putting things on your face and watching your diet I mean for God's sake you know McDonald's would close if I didn't visit them you could eat McDonald's Yes, yes, and You were recently according to this magazine here, the men's quarterly magazine, did you notice this?
You are included in a list of the hundred most intelligent people in the United States. No, i did not know. How did you get to this list? Don't know. I'm serious, but I don't mean it in a mocking sense, uh, but of course not, but I wonder what they knew about you as a model that led them to put you on the list. The red hour back is also on the list. Are you on the list? No, I'm not on this list. I'm not on this list at all. uh let's see who's on the list here. uh


, you're on the list. lee iacocca william paley uh john updike, so that's a pretty impressive list of people here, yeah, with the possible exception of Red Auerbach. um, you know it's a joke, it's just that we're just looking for jokes here tonight.
Yeah, no, we're not going to have much luck, but thanks for asking, when is this Anna movie coming out, well, it should be out next August 1987, 1987, so we've got a ways to go, right? Yeah, we definitely do, but you know, I just want everyone to be aware of the fact that I'm in the movie and I think it's going to be a really good movie and I'm not going to play the woman in red. You know, yeah, this is a real part. Chase scenes. Are there cars exploding? That kind of things. It's not an American movie.
Then it is. probably us how did it get on the list uh paulina it's good to see you again good luck you come back at any time it's always a pleasure to have you we have a round of applause for the station identification but we'll be back

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