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Pastor Bullón - Cómo vencer el miedo, la ansiedad y la preocupación

May 05, 2024
This chapter 5 is interesting, verse 1 says thus justified because by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ what does justified mean what does faith mean we are justified by faith interesting that we the concept that we have of life Christian in general is a theoretical theoretical concept what happens um a practical man for example we can discuss the topic of life which is life and books and more books have been written philosophizing about life which is life here Jesus comes and with an extraordinary practicality I am life the discussion is over the philosophy is over I am life so Jesus is life he is here and if I am a human being and I want to have life everything I have to be the Jesus who as he is life when I am in Christ I already have life full life that is a topic that we are going to study later what is truth and here comes the discussion what is truth each one has their truth not that truth is relative not that The truth is that Jesus is coming.
pastor bull n   c mo vencer el miedo la ansiedad y la preocupaci n
I am the truth. It is over. You want to be in the truth. You want to know the truth. Seek Jesus. You are already in the truth. Because Jesus is the truth. Salvation, which is salvation. I have studied a subject at the university for six months. called the theology of salvation six months studying salvation now Jesus comes and with tremendous practicality he says I am salvation do you remember that when I entered the house of looting he said today salvation has entered this house who entered the house I took out a doctrine a philosophy a library of books a person entered Jesus said salvation has entered wants to be saved all you have to do is look for Jesus you give him your life Jesus is already saved because you are salvation and what is justice Jeremiah speaking of messiah who would come says in his days in the days of the messiah judas you will be the saved israeli will be safe and this will be the name by which the messiah will be called lord our justice what is justice jesus wants to be righteous leavejesus and when you go to jesus you are justified what is a just man a man in whom there is no sin what is a sinful man a man full of sin you want to get rid of your sins you want to become righteous go to Jesus and when you come to Jesus there is no longer sin in your life everything It was forgiven you, you are righteous in him and this you have to believe by faith what is faith faith is trust the synonym for faith is trust when everything you say if I have faith you want and I trust I have faith in God I trust in God I I don't have faith I don't trust faith is trust and Paul says here that we are justified by faith that is, you have to believe you have to trust that although you have lived sinning all your life if you come to Jesus your sins are forgiven you have to believe you have that trusting life is trust you have to trust in Jesus the first night I said our problem is that we believe everyone except Jesus any guy comes he deceives us because we believe him now Jesus comes there we don't want to believe it is so simple to live the Christian life believes Jesus trusts his but look what the text says when you come to Jesus when you are justified by faith justified because by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ we are going to understand we are going to say that you have a terrible problem in your life you are owing fifty thousand euros if you have no way to pay you earn two thousand euros per month and you owe fifty thousand euros how does a person who earns two thousand euros pay how to pay a debt of 50 thousand euros you can't and the worst thing you have done is borrowed that money from the agio these notes are those that lend money and high interest and if you don't pay they kill you and now you don't know what to do how are you going to pay a debt of 50 thousand dollars if you only earn 250 thousand euros and you only earn two a thousand euros then someone tells you he finds you desperate there I don't know how to pay I don't know what to do and someone says look there is a


who is preaching there in a church well suddenly God helps you and you come and you sit down with a hope that God perform a miracle in your life and may God help you find the 50 thousand euros and then I preach here and at the end of the sermon I say how many want to give their lives to Christ and you get up and come forward here look when you give your life Christ deep down deep down we are going to do something extra we are going to be sincere when you come forward deep down what is it that you want God to make you see tell me with all sincerity what is it that you want him to make you see the 50 thousand euros and God could make you fall from the sky 50 thousand euros could not, look dear, never doubt the power of God, never doubt the power of God because God is God, if God wants, remember the people of Israel were in the desert dying Because of hunger, I didn't have to eat, I didn't have to eat, and then Moses went down on his knees crying that night and said, "My God, what car are you sending me to take the people out of Egypt?
pastor bull n   c mo vencer el miedo la ansiedad y la preocupaci n

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pastor bull n c mo vencer el miedo la ansiedad y la preocupaci n...

Now I've brought them to the desert. They're dying of hunger. I don't know what to do because everything." I am the leader everyone looks at me but let me look for the food, sir, what do I do and Jesus and God said to Moses Moses commands the people to sleep hungry tonight but tomorrow wake up early because they will see the glory of God and the people He left and went to bed and early the next morning they opened the tents and saw the glory of God because during the night that had passed a human had fallen from the sky and the desert was white full of food and they saw the glory of God I tell you one thing You may have come in tonight desperate not knowing what to do with a terrible problem and you know everyone has a problem you can't understand my problem I can't understand your problem because everyone has a problem you come desperate and you don't know what to do and I would tell you Tonight go to sleep sleep early and tomorrow wake up early because you are going to see the glory of God and now you ask me because it is going to happen no don't ask me I don't know but God told Moses that and the next day the people saw your glory god made manna fall from heaven god brought water from the rock god opened the red sea god closed the mouth of the lions gods god god sent a raven to Elijah to bring him food god is god therefore you are in debt fifty a thousand euros you don't know what to pay you they are killing themselves they are losing to kill you come here and give your life to God if God wants he can make you drop the fifty thousand two euros never doubt the power of God but generally God does not make you drop the money You know what he does when you come here, what is what Paul says when you give yourself to Jesus justified, well, to God, what does he give you?
pastor bull n   c mo vencer el miedo la ansiedad y la preocupaci n
We have more instead of giving you 50 thousand euros, he gives you peace and you go home. kind of sad well sir thank you well I'm not going to tell you anymore that I don't need peace we all need peace but if you knew me if you really knew my problem you wouldn't give me peace you would give me fifty thousand euros which is what I'm needing now now I'm asking you is what? God does not know your problem because instead of giving you 50 thousand euros he gives you peace because that is where the problem is because generally you think that your problem is that you are unemployed your problem is that you do not have a home your problem is that your car is old Your problem is that your documents do not come out Your problem is that you are sick Your problem is and I am not going to deny that those problems exist in your life but your real problem Do you know what fear is fear What is the opposite of peace because in There was no fear in the world, but when Adam and Eve came here and committed sin, the first negative feeling that he placed in their hearts was fear, fear, until then there was no fear, he placed fear as if to say, yes, I put fear in their hearts.
pastor bull n   c mo vencer el miedo la ansiedad y la preocupaci n
Of these two I no longer have to do anything, fear alone is going to destroy us and indeed 99% of the problems that you have in your life have fear as their origin, even if you don't believe it,


, how are you going to say that, pastor, I am unemployed, no. because of fear but because of the crisis, it is not the fear, not the pastor, it is the crisis. I am going to explain to you that tomorrow you are going to look for a job with fear in your heart, your hands are sweating when you are going to do the interview, it is logical that you are going to shake hands with someone. you shake hands wet hand cold sweaty and from the start you lost your job and now everyone is always a pastor what is my fault if my hand sweats and why does it sweat fear fear then when you go to Jesus and give your life to him he doesn't make you job falling from heaven he takes the fear out of your heart and gives you peace now you are going to look for a job with peace look how to look for a job the one who has peace in his heart no longer walks like that with his head to go down and I hope they leave my job I hope they pay me three thousand euros per table and my goodness if they pay me three miles and if they pay me four my God and I don't think I deserve 4 but and you go and you go and when you interview in your heart trembling I hope Let them say yes, I hope they give me the job, I hope, but that is the attitude of those who are afraid.
Now, when Jesus rips the fear out of your heart, look at how the person who has things happen first raises his head because he no longer looks for a job. you are afraid now you have faith now walk safely you remember that one day god told brand leave your land of your kindred to a land that I will show you do you remember that and he told him like this and wherever you go you will be a blessing and They see you, I will say, I will bless him, okay, God said to him, there will be, well, there will be, you are now, you are going here, you left your land from your relatives to the Spain that God showed you and you arrived here, now you are going to raise your head and you are going to walk firmly. because God has told you that is if you have given your life to a couple of others if you have not given your life to God you are nothing in life but if you give your heart to God now you walk straight head because God has told you Wherever you go you will be a blessing and whoever blesses you will bless then when you go to look for a job and the person you are interviewing with asks you questions in your heart instead of saying I hope he gives me a job I hope he changes you go.
Look in your heart, don't tell him, but in your heart tell him like this, look, better give me the job for your own good, give me the job because God has told me that wherever I go I'm going to make a blessing and if you bless me With that job, my God is going to bless you, so for the love of your own family, give me the job. It's another attitude, it's not the attitude. Oh, I don't deserve, like, you don't deserve, whoever put you in the head that you don't deserve, the other day, I I was traveling in Brazil and I saw a truck and it was written on the back of the truck I am not the owner of the world I work in big letters now but I am the son of the owner what a tremendous thing you are not the owner of the world but your father is the owner of In this world, you believe that God is the king of the universe, of course, yes, and you are the son of God, and what is the name of the king's son?
You already saw a prince looking for a job for 2,000 euros, ways that princes know how dear deep down you are. You need to learn to be able to art of God's promises to claim what God has promised you but the other day someone told me the pastor pastor you are preaching the gospel of prosperity and I tell you if I am preaching the gospel of prosperity because that It is in the word of God God wants you to be the head and not the tail God has promised you that he will open the windows of heaven and will pour out blessing until it abounds not until it abounds God has promised you now there is a gospel of the prosperity pirate false liar falsified that is fashionable out there and that he says is the gospel of prosperity false says like this bring a hundred euros I say a prayer and you are going to be employed that is that is the gospel of prosperity liar but the gospel exists The true prosperity that is, give me your life and let me lead your life.
I am going to be in control of your life. You are going to be a blessing wherever you go and whoever sees you will say, "I will bless him, but that same person who He said that I was preaching the gospel of prosperity he told me but Pastor Jesus was not poor so we Christians have to be poor yes dear Jesus was poor the foxes had a cave the little birds had nests but the son of man had nowhere to lay his head that It is true but because it is true because I wanted when you are born you do not do to live even if you do not deserve but you are born to live but when Jesus was born he was not born to live because he came to this world so that to die from his birth Jesus addresses death then his life was a life of renunciation of despised he was for us because he carried our pains he carried our sins poverty he had nowhere to lay his head the foxes had caves the little birds 'news the no because he was walking to death but so that for that Jesus went to death for what reason for you to go to life the one who had to walk to death was you but Jesus loved you so much that he came to bring death so that you receive life do not confuse Christianity with poverty but When you are a Christian, the little or how much you have is multiplied in your life, the little or how much you have is multiplied in your life, you know that you have to learn to live by faith.
Look, I travel all over the world and wherever I travel, they are always there. building a temple he is so pastor help us here and see if he had to help all the temples that are being built in the world where he traveled where he would get money from but one day I found a temple that really simple brothers and I bought approximately two pairs of shoes per year two pairs I told you to the Lord look Lord I am going to give an offering that I do not have but I am going to give it and I am going to make a deal with you I am going to give the offering I am going to give the offering of three years of shoes that is two pairs of shoes per year, six pairs of shoes, that's what I'm going to givethe temple but with one condition this pair that I have is going to have to last three years is the deal I am making with you I gave my offering 5 years have passed here is the perfect shoe as if I had bought it last month pastor how many do you have is the The only thing you have to learn to live by faith is to make a pact with God to make a deal with God and you have to believe that your God is God, that's why, dear, when you ask him for something, God doesn't command you things from heaven, he takes the fear out of your heart. peace places you now with peace you are going to live differently fear is the cause of all your problems it is full of debt the problem is fear pastor how to overcome fear and I am going to test you on Saturday you open your closet and breathe like this and I don't have clothes there are 25 dresses I don't have clothes and those 25 don't but they've already seen me with that and what's the problem they've already seen you with that no but what will they say now we're getting into the problem so you're going to buy one new clothes not because you don't have them because you are 25 you are going to buy out of fear that they will say that you are poor that they will say that you have already been with those clothes and for how long it matters to us that you are with the same clothes what is the problem fear then how have they invented a little card called a credit card that comes to you by mail and the card says you have a credit of three thousand euros you do not have three thousand euros you have nothing it is not because they told you that You can spend three thousand euros, you have three thousand euros, you have nothing but you spend the three thousand euros and when the time comes to pay, you have to start the debt and there, sir, the problem is the crisis, no, the problem is not the crisis, the problem is that You have spent money that you did not have and why have you spent it?
You are afraid that you are going to eat with some friends. The time comes to pay. I, I pay. You don't have money but I pay because so that others think that you don't have any. I don't know if you have realized. that we live to please people and that's where we get into trouble psychologists say that womanizers I hope there aren't any here you have a womanizer womanizer is someone who is not happy with a wife I was looking for a woman here the other woman here a lot of women and there they call him a womanizer.
Psychologists say that the very Greeks are the most fearful. This is interesting because the womanizer generally thinks that the most macho is the bravest but the psychologists say that they are the most afraid but they are afraid that this is What if there is a womanizer here he is not going to like it he is afraid afraid of not being a man so in every adventure he tries to assert himself I am a man I am a man he goes with the other I am a man I am a man I am a man I am a why because he has afraid of not being a man because he who is sure that he is a man my wife at home ready for what else you realize how fear is the origin of everything what things jealousy is fear insecurity that is why when Jesus Christ gives her life The first thing he does is remove the fear, put the peace in place, now compas, you no longer need to be doing nonsense, I'm sure, confident, Jesus healed you, but God is a god of miracles.
I've already told you, God works with two types of miracles, supernatural miracles and natural miracles. Things, a supernatural miracle is a miracle when God breaks the laws of nature. For example, there is a law called the law of gravity. It's not true that this law says that if I let go of this microphone, what's going to happen? It's going to fall. It's going to be attracted to the center of the earth but what would happen if I let go of the microphone and instead of falling it begins to float that is a miracle there a law of nature is being broken then God acts many times with supernatural miracles God breaks the laws of nature For example, for the sea to open, that is not normal.
God broke the law of nature. Water comes out of the rock. God broke nature. A man was dead four days ago. He already smelled bad and suddenly he resurrects and walks. The god is breaking the law. law of nature a paralytic 38 years have not given and they begin to give God broke the law of nature God can make that type of mylar the other day someone told me no pastor but that was from the bible today God does not do yes today God does those types of miracles the other day I was preaching in the USA it was a church more or less this size and at the end of the preaching well as I always say how many want to give their life Jesus comes and the first lady who got up with difficulties and a half, it was a lady who was a little chubby.
If she got up and came like that, almost dragging her feet, she came, but the people started to cry, the people started to hug each other, I would have to, that's what was happening, but when I finished and the pastor came out here, I The pastor hugged him, he was crying excitedly, he said that she is that lady who got up the first one, she suffered a traffic accident 18 years ago, she broke her spine 18 years ago, she couldn't walk, she was in a wheelchair, all of her legs were weak, and tonight she got up and started to walk. walk and we are not in biblical times God can be miraculous I participated in a thanksgiving service in Rio de Janeiro of a six year old boy who ran after the ball the car hit him and killed him they took him to the hospital he died And when all the family members were already crying because the doctor left the surgery room, he said, look, we did what we could but it ended and all the family members hugged each other and cried, suddenly a young doctor enters, makes his way in and touches the child's head.
He takes his pulse and everyone looks at him but he needs the other doctor, he said that he is dead and the doctor came out and when he came out the child started to complain and suddenly I called the nurses and he said that today the child is walking and they invited me to do the thanksgiving service' the boy walked in carrying the bible to preach that night god is god now there is one thing the supernatural miracles of god happen when he wants with who he wants where he wants and because he wants that is, supernatural miracles are divine attributes are not human they do not happen because man wants no they do not happen because the pastor who prayed was consecrated no they do not happen because the person had a lot of faith no supernatural miracles happen because God wants where God wants when God wants with whom God wants and I'll go to prove in the time of Christ how many corpses there were thousands and how many he resurrected three and us why not how many paralytics there were thousands of how many he made walk a few and the others why not how many lepers there were thousands how much dark no more than twenty and we That's what I'm telling you, supernatural miracles are reality, they happen but when God wants with whom God wants because God wants then you are going to say pastor but then God is unfair because he does miracles to some and to others no it's not that God does miracles with all just with some supernatural miracles and with the rest natural miracles that are the same as these but that are natural, pastor, I don't understand it, it's a natural miracle, he's unemployed and hours in front of him, God, Lord, give me a job and at that moment your cell phone rings. and you take care of him and he tells you look two months ago you came to interview we need you tomorrow at eight in the morning he is employed what miracles is that supernatural it was not normal but now a natural miracle you are unemployed you come to Jesus he takes the fear out of your heart peace places you now tomorrow you are going to look for a job with peace but it is a different attitude and you get the job here god made your job fall from heaven here you still have the job but the instrument to get the job is yourself but you are cured of the fear because your patient with fear can't find anything but cured from fear there is something else and I'm going to tell you an example to show you how fear is terrible I was preaching in a city of an opera house it was a five-story theater a theater round so I had to be preaching looking here because the people were on five floors.
I finished preaching inside when I entered the dressing room and the pastor who was going to take me to the hotel was waiting there and suddenly the door opened and I entered a bed and in the bed a boy for a quadriplegic a boy who from the neck down did not move anything because the paraplegic from the waist down does not move but moves his arms the quadriplegic moves from the neck down and this boy could not even be in a chair wheels he was in bed because from here on down he didn't move anything and they had already told me the story because that boy was born and raised in the church but when he grew up he went to university and in the university well following things in his head and one day he looked To the father, the mother said, look, one thing, you believe in the gospel, the Bible, that's nonsense to me, that's nonsense.
Look, I respect your faith, but just as I respect your faith, you respect my convictions. Don't talk to me about God. Don't talk to me. in English oh but son please comment if we are not going to fight because if I do not get involved in your life in matters of religion you have no reason to get involved in my life let me respect me and poor parents there comes a time in the life of the son of the father who only has to cry and pray now they cry and nothing more and the parents were like that one Saturday morning the parents were in the church the boy with his friends in the river there on the river bank eating roast beer roast meat beer and more beer and roast meat around 4 in the afternoon they were all already half stung by alcohol the problem with alcohol is that it takes away your notion of prudence and common sense they decided to jump into the river from a large rock about 3 meters away but the The water was cloudy, they didn't see that the water was deep, but there was a rock in one place in the water, a rock that was almost 50 centimeters away, and this boy threw himself headlong into the rock, breaking his skull, and they took him to the hospital between life and death. death for eight months in that suffering and when he leaves the hospital he comes out alive but condemned to a bed for the rest of his life because from the neck down he didn't move anything now anyone in those circumstances would say goodbye ask for forgiveness sir I regret help but he Not on the contrary, he rebelled against God.
You know that I rarely saw someone insult God like this boy did, but he was spoiled, it was terrible. You know, he not only insulted God with ugly words or feces, but he attacked the parents and look, he was. worse than a baby because you had to change the diapers, bathe everything and a grown man and the parents did that job all with care and love but he mistreated us the parents yelled at them he insulted them the church pastor went to visit them he expelled him to the Pastor, the boys from the church went to visit him.
He didn't want to receive anyone there. I came to preach in the city. Later, the brothers thought that I performed miracles and brought him to me and talked to me. I'm going to continue with a man who doesn't want to know anything about him. God and he comes in the camera comes in he comes in screaming insulting me he has never seen me and she starts to attack me but hey you can insult me ​​what you want is it doesn't affect me I got up if I get close to him he said look he said I I know how you feel, as you know how I feel, he told me, you have to learn to trust God so that he can talk about God.
That's when he stopped insulting me. He started insulting God, but that's when he left me nervous because he insults me. Do you want but goodbye for that I told him look look very calm here what is your problem and he tells me like what is my problem look at me what is my problem then you can't walk that is not the problem of the month so it is not a problem do you want to change with me I'm not telling you the situation, I don't want to change, but what I want to tell you is that the fact that you can't walk, that's not a problem, your problem is something else, your problem is your heart full of poison, that poison that exudes what boots you think are bad for you.
It doesn't do anything to others but that poison is destroying you. If your physical life is already finished, now you are destroying yourself inside with that poison of hatred of resentment and that will end only the day you remove that poison and You end up in front of God and ask for his forgiveness so he started to scream but like that and use the parents to take me out of here so that they brought me I told them that they didn't bring me from there they took him away well five or six years passed one day I came to this city to preach again in that same theater when I finished the application I went to the dressing room I was sitting and suddenly the door opens and I went into bed again and now I think about everything again and I get up and when I get up he came with a smile on his lips he says to me pastor pastor don't be scared don't be scared I'm not going to do anything to you and he arrived nearby vice pastor he doesn't come just to ask for your forgiveness sorry because the last time you were here I was poorly raised with you I I yelled at him, I insulted him, he said, I told him, son, I know how you felt, you were wrong, I think I was very hard on you, it's also actually from that day, I didn't understand you, I left here upset with you, you know that after a long time, that night was the first time first time I cried I spoke to God but not to ask for a blessing I cried because years ago I did not speak to God but that night I spoke and I said Lord if you are God kill that man kill where is that bad man without a heart how do they have the courage to treat me like this just because I can't move this I was hating you and I hate you for eight months but I couldn't forget what you told me that poison doesn't hurt me or anyone that poison is only killing you you and your problem will end the day your outburst ends in our case pastor one morning alone in my room I cried I cried I screamed I started all the poison in my heart I told him my God forgive me forgive me forgive me the next morning I woke up and I saw that the sun was shining to graze the sun was shining every day only I didn't see it I felt that thelittle birds sang pastor the little birds sang every day but I didn't know it I only saw my problem my drama that morning I realized pastor that although I couldn't walk I couldn't move my body I was alive I was alive pastor and I said sir to you I thank you because I did not die I thank you because I am alive from then on my life began to change pastor in this time everything knows I have brought to the church for baptism more than 20 young people I tell you more common like through people your little bags you can't move me You say pastor, the boys from the church take me to the red light district of the city where there is prostitution, homosexuality, drugs, there are those hells that are in the cities, they take me there, they sing with a guitar and the people get together because many are singing there and when They all gathered there, I preach, I am the preacher, they put a microphone on me and I preach and I tell you guys, I was like you, they found you, I ran, I shouted, I jumped with you, now look at me with you and I had to stay like that to recognize that there is God in Heaven, when I was like you, I thought that life was not going to end, you talked to me about God so that God was okay, if I was young, now look at how I am and I ask you, are you waiting to stay like me to return to God because we They come today because they don't give themselves in today and pastor more than 20 young people have already been baptized he tells me pastor and another thing I have learned to paint but paint like you paint and not so much not many hands and he calls me pastor well that was my problem and I Before I did what you are doing I looked in your eyes only what I couldn't move today why do I worry about my body if I can't move memories why am I going to waste time looking at my body but there is something you don't know You have noticed, I still move something, I move my head and I move it perfectly, so for this I have learned to paint with my mouth, I take the brush with the vodka and I paint and I am going to show you a painting that I painted and they brought the painting in four impressive you have to give it a little discount and a little imagination because it was painted with the mouth by someone who is learning to paint here is a monster with horns tail spouting fire from its mouth here on the other side there is a cross this monster advances In the second image it no longer has horns but it has a tail if it shoots fire from its mouth.
In the third figure it no longer has a tail or horns but it shoots fire from its mouth. In the other it no longer has a tail or four nor does it shoot fire so and when it arrives At the foot of the cross he is no longer a monster, he is a prince and he says pastor that day he was already me when I met him, this here is me now that I have given my life to Jesus and now I really grabbed him on the head and I told him son you are cured maybe you will never walk on this earth but the miracle and a6 when the trumpets sound you are going to jump like a goat and he calls me pastor every morning I get up and say lord thank you because I am alive today I want to serve you inside of my limitations I want to live for you I want to do your will you know that I know people in the world who have arms they have legs and they say I want to die I want to die because this life is worthless and I know this boy who has neither arms nor legs and says I want to live I want to live what is the difference the difference is Christ Christ is the difference between defeat and victory Christ is everything in your life without Christ you are nothing you can try you can fight you can strive you are nothing you will never achieve anything and What you achieve will only leave you with the taste of emptiness, bitterness, defeat, failure with Christ, the little you have or what you don't have makes sense, it has strength, it makes you want to live, you are victorious, that's why the Bible says today is the day.
Well, today is the day of salvation and if tonight you want to give yourself to Jesus and say, Lord, cure my heart from fear, get up in the name of Jesus Christ and come here, I want to say a special prayer for you.

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