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PANCAKE ART CHALLENGE Christmas Edition! Learn how to do DIY Pancake Art!!

May 31, 2024
expressing inner feeling about her being hidden all the time but now she's letting it all go so let us know who won the second round, sean's elsa or my burnt grinch oh my macho elsa okay here's the third round , okay, that's easy, it's my turn, let's see what. I get here, hopefully I'll get Santa, okay, oh no, it's not a question mark again, so now I can choose what you're going to draw. Jack Frost, okay, I think I'm ready, Rudolph, it's super easy, right? and she has a big old nose. oh cute look at that eye I'm looking at you right maybe I'm just with my torso up he says hello hello come get me come get me it looks good to me oh oh oh this I don't know what it's called antlers it looks like a tree right , that's cute, yeah, oh my gosh, everything I draw comes out cute, oh my gosh, I think this cute spirit is just coming down to me, okay guys, I gotta do Jack Frost here, okay, so I'll start with the hair, the shaggy hair, oh no, get extra shaggy, I don't know how to do shaggy hair, what is this?
pancake art challenge christmas edition learn how to do diy pancake art
No, I think that's a question everyone has right now, is it shaggy enough, no, that's not the cut of the thought and then the arm, the arm and then the body, the feet, the actual feet , then you also have a crane hook, okay, here's your crane, up here, he looks like a funny guy, here we go, it's ready for Christmas, okay guys, that's my Jack Frost so far, so it's white . Green hair, I mean blue shirt, sorry, but that looks good with extra floss, so the last thing is a nose, a little cherry on the cake, there you are.
pancake art challenge christmas edition learn how to do diy pancake art

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pancake art challenge christmas edition learn how to do diy pancake art...

Come on guys, I have to fill in his face and neck, here we go and let's not forget his little feet, he's not wearing shoes today. Okay, here we go, come on, Rudolph, it's time for the Christmas flip and you're like, "Come on, what was it?" is this this broken antlers not both antlers now he's just a normal person with a big nose oh he's too cute I don't know who he is okay guys I'm ready to flip okay you have to be very fragile because I didn't connect all the pieces right Oh no, his neck has to be fragile.
pancake art challenge christmas edition learn how to do diy pancake art
I'm going to be very careful with his neck, it's a stick, he stopped, okay, guys, okay, I already have a feeling he's going to break it, be careful, his neck is super. thin, it's already off, okay, okay, that one's over, I'm afraid of his neck, ah, he looks like a baby, one, two, three, come back, come on, Jack Frost, but he's still smiling, really , now he is a normal boy. He's okay, guys, who do you think he won? Third round Rudolph without his antlers oh no my She broke off or farmer Jack Frost let us know okay guys final round okay let's turn which one is which one is come on give me Santa because it's Christmas oh, no lurking. with gifts okay guys my final round santa please santa santa why do you keep getting question marks again? luanne, you must like me choosing your design, okay, so you're going to draw, oh, because we haven't seen it on this screen yet.
pancake art challenge christmas edition learn how to do diy pancake art
Oh thank you, I can do this right, Santa, I'll make you proud, it's okay guys, it's stalking, it's easy. I'm going to make a big old stocking so I can put lots of things in it xxxl, Santa Claus, here I come. So Santa Claus, first I'm going to give you a nose. Here he is too big, not sorry, Santa Claus and then he has a little beard. Okay, this is my version of a beard. I have to start there first, there we go and then him. He also has a big beard like that and then obviously he has the face, his Santa hat, you're going to love this, okay, and then his eyes, there you go, Santa, another little extra detail in the stocking because it was too much. boring and simple. right guys Santa's nose comes on Santa's hat comes in red Santa's shirt is red yeah so I'm coloring your stockings in the middle white it's a big stocking you have no idea how big it is I'll show you when I turn around Okay guys, I'm completing Santa's porridge board here we go, okay, adding some decoration to his mittens.
I know I can complete the mini of him being black. The other gloves are great. He will just love me for this. Okay, then Santa. He's got a white beard I can fill it all in and finish it I'm in the zone right now I'm just creativity flowing in my head The only way to get it out is to just go out with my


Hey guys it's time to flip Santa and oh no he's breaking the arm oh no, no, make him proud, you guys are ready, okay, okay, one, two, three, ho ho, ho, santa, santa, wait, wait, how many guys, I just noticed something.
Why does your Santa Claus have a propeller, oh, what a pillow, there are people here, right, this will probably be the best job I've ever done on my


, uh, career history, three, two, one, oh, yeah, that It's beautiful, okay guys, who do you think won my birth again for the fourth time? Santa's arm or Sean's cute stocking I know Rudolph and he's Santa Claus he looks like a skull but he's Rudolph no, that's not Santa Claus okay guys, thank you very much for watching our Christmas


of pancakes, tell us which pancake you like the most and which one isn't your favorite, okay, oh wait a minute guys, look what happened to my period, it's missing the antler, oh it's Elsa, she was behind this the whole time.
Okay, today we're going to do the pancake


, but it's a Halloween version, yes, that's right. mommy first daddy I'm going to judge to see who is better mommy or daddy first round we will do the classic pumpkin the cat your flashlight that's the easy one just two colors okay, okay, let's start, I can go first, okay, then. first I have to make space, here we go, I need black, so I have the eyes, the mouth is also black, but I'm making my pink version, look, that's not so cute so far, oh no, this is hard because it's so liquid, let's see, last time I think I won the


Yes, this time I will beat you too. It's revenge. Ready, what's yours? It's like a clown pumpkin. You are so big. I know. That's why Ryan is going to choose mine because it's big. I'm afraid of breaking it. Can I borrow your spatula? I need a double action. There you go. moment of truth three two one come on ah don't do too much actually I turned it over twice no it didn't turn out well look it looks like a pumpkin yes, but mine is bigger I think Ryan would like mine better, hopefully it's not too big, okay, let's see if I can turn it over without breaking it, okay, I'll wait, that's a few more minutes.
Mine is ready. I think it's fine, perfect. It looks delicious. It doesn't have a pumpkin flavor. Just do it right so you can turn it around. Let's see one, two, three. four oh oh wow it turned out well do you like it? Do you think Ron will choose mine? Now let's ask Ryan who is better. Which one do you think is better? This clown pumpkin or just the regular pumpkin. Ok, let's go. Alright Ryan, you ready to watch the first round, it's pumpkin, who do you think is better? Mom's pumpkin, super cute, or dad's pumpkin, who's winning the first round, dad, what yes, wait, look, mine is cute, mine has different colors, dad one, yeah, okay, second round. let's make monster let's make our own version of what a monster looks like are you ready, yeah, okay, come on, ah, what I'm trying to do is very difficult, I hope I can do it, let's see if you can tell what I am. trying to draw what are you drawing? are you trying? yeah it's going to be hard it's cute I like it and not the hair oh no it's liquid it's running I don't know how to add spiky hair with this thickness super fine okay.
Well, good luck, it's my extra eyeball. It has so many different parts. I don't know if I can turn it around. Let's see mom. You can do this? You're a little sticky. As you see? It is breaking. Oh, come on. See, yeah, wait, I don't think I have eyebrows, no, I do, no, I don't remember, I don't remember, but I don't think this is right, okay, let me flip mine over, let's see how it looks when I do it. . her on one like there are two you can do it you can do it three ah she's such an idiot there you go I don't know what this is so which one do you think looks best so far mo the monster four I know what this is Okay then, Who do you think is better?
This female hybrid between monster and ghost. Oh, ammo. Okay, so round two is monster vs. monster. Here we go. My hybrid ghost monster or dad's. They know who it is? Who is better? Mom or dad. I have to do it. go today, okay, round three, we'll do witch versus clown, who do you want to do? I want to do which one, okay, so daddy got the witch, I got the clown, come on little one, I kind of forgot what a clown looks like, what does a clown do? smile, it looks like I want to give him a red witch hat, so here's my clown so far feeling his mouth there, oh, this is just a you know what's at a party, so I'm going to put on a little party hat here, oh you drew the whole body yeah, oh, but I forgot I wanted her to ride the airship oh, I can still do it, maybe yes, it looks like a broomstick, okay, okay, so many thin parts, so let's see, oh, good luck, I know, but Bloomstick was absolutely necessary oh darling please come to me she comes from Hogwarts oh she's cute she's so adorable I love her oh she's so cute oh she turned out okay ok clown it's your turn she's too thin she's going to break I just know eyes, oh, it's even scarier now, look at the face, it's still stuck there, oh my God, it's so soft not now, it's going to break, I know it, let's turn it over, who cares Does it matter?
That didn't even slip oh no, it's burned, it's burned. and it looks getting creepier on the other side i don't know what's going on oh cookie monster not spooky oh my god well it's halloween its warmth is broken i really like yours it's so cute i know it's okay it's my turn , okay, wow Although the clown wouldn't be invited to a party, that's for sure. No, you don't want to invite him to the birthday party. Okay, guys, who do you think did a better job as a clown? Or, in the fourth round this time we are going to try Frankenstein.
Are you ready? Oh no, I ruined my frankenstein. She's supposed to be pretty, but she's not anymore. I can't tell if you're a girl. No, no, I can give you eyelashes. Oh, I can't do eyelashes. It's too liquid. Yes. It doesn't look like Frankenstein I'm very sad Maybe yours are better than mine Are you sure you are? I do not know yet. He is coming out well. Now we just have to wait before the flipping part looks better. once we flip it the girl frankenstein or the normal frankenstein the generic okay, I'm going to flip mine oh no, mine isn't ready virgin girl frankenstein one her face three is something right it's something I can say it has eyes and a mouth, like this that I'm going to put mine on the plate, please don't break it, no, I think I ruined it.
I don't think I can turn it around. Let's see, how cute. I love it. I don't know. I hope I can take it. Well this is round four, who do you think did a better job? Frankenstein Girl, that's not so cute or, oh, regular Frankenstein. Thanks Ryan, so I guess Dad won the pancake challenge again. Bye thank you. for watching our pancake video, bye, let us know in the comments below who you think really did a better job and which pancake art was your favorite and which pancake art was a no-no, bye.

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