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Pamela Leiva - Festival Internacional de la Canción de Viña del Mar 2023 - Full HD 1080p

Apr 25, 2024
We are already back on this first night of Viña


, the reunion


we have been waiting for for so long and it is finally in the homes of all of Chile through the TVN and Channel 13 signals, a big hug also to those who are following us from all of Latin America Where we got thanks to being Plus we are happy to connect with you again to meet again with the best of music and of course with something that can never be missing in this scenario, humor just as feminine power is felt in the fifth Vergara and It's going to feel much more now our next guest is a fierce fighting woman and also with her personality and friendliness she conquered everyone through the reality show 10810, look, she went through the preparation, yes, through the courts, but her dream was to be a comedian and Today she rises as one of the protagonists of the standard tonight fifth Vergara she wants to reach the summit in the most challenging stage for humor in Chile we received her then with this tremendous applause for her to the lovely Pamela Leyva Hello good night tape Vergara Oh how nice To be here tonight, dear friends, I am so happy with me, this stage was a dream, calling you, you don't know anything, How this issue was, Oh, you have no idea, I don't remember when they called me from the production of the Viña


and they told me Pamela.
pamela leiva   festival internacional de la canci n de vi a del mar 2023   full hd 1080p
Do you want to go to the festival, I told them yes, but with one condition, I only want to go the day Karol G is there. And you know what they told me, they told me Pamela, but Karol G's audience from the pigeon mommy is too young for you. And I told him, No, gentleman. no no no no no no no no it's a young audience for me they are bugs and we bugs are not old look at treating me like old people all unfortunate I was surprised that they treated me as old in fact the other time I went to the dentist because I'm having a dental treatment I'm missing six teeth I'm not the fourth tooth I'm the fourth tooth well no boyfriend ever complained I must say today and I remember that I went into the dentist's office and he started taking my data And Pamela asks me her age 40 years old doctor today told me that he looks young, I want to eat doctor, I told him and I ate it, so I paid for the treatment, said the pot.
pamela leiva   festival internacional de la canci n de vi a del mar 2023   full hd 1080p

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pamela leiva festival internacional de la canci n de vi a del mar 2023 full hd 1080p...

Hey, but I'm really very happy to be here and I know that many people in the house are asking and why have you been there this was not the one from the real and nor the one who ate the coca So I assume I assume that people have no idea who came here so I'm going to tell the mother of the lamb I'm going to start from the beginning I am going to introduce myself, my name is Pamela Angelain Leiva Farías. I don't know who was in fashion when I was born. I was born from a clandestine relationship between my father and my mother.
pamela leiva   festival internacional de la canci n de vi a del mar 2023   full hd 1080p
She was the first daughter. It was my father's marriage. In other words, I was born in trauma and leaving the box I was born. In September, then, taking it out, my parents ate cured for the new year and I say the first daughter was out of marriage Because later my father had three more children with different women, well, stupid. So if at this moment someone who is grouping up with me dad and tells him that I am his daughter, don't believe anything about that gentleman, please, please. Well, I came to the family made up of my mom and my older sister, Medina, no, her name is Medina.
pamela leiva   festival internacional de la canci n de vi a del mar 2023   full hd 1080p
That's her last name, her name is Sandra, what's happening? It's just that in my mother's house we address each other by last name. Yes, because my sister. My sister repeated the same story as my mother and she has two daughters too, because they have a different father, so in my house we have a different father. Well, look, María Faría, Sandra Medina, Pamela. Leiva Catherine Trinidad Muñoz we seem to be on course with you I swear today if I go Hey I remember that when I was six years old and I was filled with anxiety I went up to my mother and asked her Hey mommy why is Sandra Sandra Medina and I am Pamela Leiva and He turns me around and you tell me why you don't know why Because he who does it to me once doesn't do it to me twice today my mother today at this moment my mother must be peeing in the house because a character loves me My mom really is a character.
The night I was going to tell her that the vineyard festival was coming, the old woman didn't have a heart attack. I said, Oh God, I can't, my mom can't die without knowing I'm coming. to vineyard We had to spend Christmas night in the hospital with her the next day I went to see her in the hospital and I told her mommy I uploaded a photo to social networks and all the people have sent you encouragement mom let's see she told me Read the comments, I already told you, look, mommy, Juanito wrote to you 21 Aunt María, get better.
Ah, how cool, mommy, Angélica Castro wrote to you. Angélica Castro wrote to you today. I hope she doesn't go back to Cristiano. Mom also wrote to you. Lucho Jara Lucho Jara and goes and my mom calls me Pamelita Pancho. Saavedra must be dying. In fact, my mother is a character because I really feel that no one prepared us, no one prepared us during the pandemic to see our parents grow old, no one told us how hard it was to see our father grow old and like that The pandemic aged him badly. Poor people, in fact, without going any further, my mother was the first Chilean diagnosed with coronavirus in this country.
Yes, in December 2019, she diagnosed her children herself while watching TV, watching international rock on the news, I remember that it was there. I'm watching, seeing if we're going to take eleven to the Puente Alto, my mom's house was in the Medina, my mom was there, and I was watching TV, making a big big TV that I bought for my mom, when suddenly Carlitos Zárate appears saying a new virus is happening. The city of Uncle has presented, I told the Medina to change the TV and my mother, not the Pampa, and the Tepalla hits the TV, dilated pupil, no one could get her out of there.
Carlitos Árate began by saying, the virus has a headache and my mother, the virus has sore throat and my mother the virus has a lack of smell Medina that's what I have the corona virus the coronavirus loves me today Hey I don't know if it happened to you and please confirm it but during the pandemic I became my mother's social worker it was enough that the government announced a Bonus but a monkey so that it would start to say we are going to give a new Bonus to citizens cell phone mom calling mom calling now Hello mom Go in and see if I got the bonus I already told my mom mommy wait I got in Chile takes care of my mother's case, it doesn't correspond Bonus, do you know how many times I was about to deposit terrible money in him?
Let's see, I want to do an exercise, please, Quinta Vergara. What a thrill to say that it's not an exercise and I want you to raise your hand. those who love their mother here I am here I catch all the orphans the traumatized ones now leave their hands up Who wanted to kick the mother in the crack with the same love Hey but look I don't have children I have it in the mother that in the same lecera with a different name Concha la Lora that makes me angry Hey, she takes the chos out of the basket from zero to me in a second that makes me angry Hey, look at the pandemic, my mother is not a high-risk population, a 71-year-old woman With all the associated diseases that a woman of her age living in Chile can have, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, amagononona, ethnicity that had everything here when the pandemic started, I told Medina, Medina, we are going to lock my mother in the house, we don't want it to happen to her.
Nothing, you stay with her, but we had her back, even in the light, the old woman spoke inside the house. I went every holy Friday to leave the merchandise with the vegetables. a little bottle of wine because it's good to put the old one in too if a Who came out well son I started to push it inside with a broomstick while my mother from the chabalí fence sorformes As she says, first I picked it up from the fence singing to her mom Mom, what you give me is so much. Hey, a tooth started to hurt in the middle of the pandemic, looking for a dentist all over Santiago until I found one in Paseo Bulne from Puente Alto to Paseo en Bulness in Uber, the old lady so she wouldn't get infected, which is a pain. mahón less of a bulne walk to Puente Alto in Uber so that the old woman wouldn't get infected and when she arrived after the dentist she arrived with nine kitchen cloths and slippers I'm an idiot who doesn't know anything about what happened to the Chinese and on top of that they lie to your face the old people without rest for me that in revenge all the times I lied to him that I was going to study and I was going on the road when he hands me my pack of kitchen towels and slippers because he buys us all in the house he gives me my peace I tell him Thank you, mom, but you don't.
I'm at the dentist, daughter. Nothing to see. What am I thinking? If the dentist's assistant bought this for you, you know. Look at the old woman lying to my face. Thank you, but later. Well, I know you're not there. They're not applauding. But it started me. to applaud José Luis eduardito Fuentes huachito rego excuse me With great respect Oh I know that you are in a relationship but with great respect no and José asked me for a photo I told him my love I give you everything With great respect he said please Where is the Priscila No, I don't want to be tied up Hey, thank you, now, now, we'll get together, I'm going to send you a thank you for tonight, I almost don't want to be tied up, I don't want to be tied up, it's not possible, well, later on, you already screwed up, no, but we can have problems.
Hey, look, the bugs, we're respectful. We bugs are respectful and he has a girlfriend So he's not going to send relationships we're that that So I continue with my mother I continue with my mother because my mother is waiting for this part protagonism in the house sitting if they don't do it to me she's going to take it away from me in face all your life you went to the vineyard you didn't finish naming me well I'll continue with my mom my mom I've already stopped showing assholes on TV please in my moment well I'll continue with my mom my mom was part of the Chileans who never even got a Bonus You're welcome during the pandemic So when the box of government aid merchandise arrived Hey, she was happy Hey, she's happy because she felt like she belonged in Chile, she was so happy that she asked my sister in Medina to make her a Boomerang, taking out the noodles, sent it to the family group.
Seriously, I remember that I called her on the phone and told her, Mommy, daughter, I got the box, and the old woman doesn't even yell at you. I got the box, daughter. Good things. Look, one is poor but she is also grateful. daughter comes good things daughters noodles luquete daughter comes a bag of sweets that she is going to keep and a jar of peaches that she keeps for the punch for the weekend and here I realize that the mothers are getting excited with subtleties with Little things for my mom, what had her most excited, what had her most excited is that in that box of government aid merchandise came a package of condoms.
And I told her, but mommy, give those condoms as a gift. She didn't tell me if I took care of it. Like you already occupied it, yes he told me he made some Cuba and I sold them Look at my image a round of applause for my mother who is at home today Well continuing with my story of why I am here well everyone knows me from the reality show And they know about my past and I remember that for the first time my mother decided to take me to a doctor to lose weight. At nine years old, I went to a doctor who was recommended to her by a lady on the bus.
I wonder at what minute my mother went from getting on the bus to wandering around. the barales school passage to say a city today I have a problem with my chubby daughter and on top of that she took me to one of these doctors who make you these magical preparations of pills that they send you to make at the pharmacy that they give you everything they give you amphetamine caffeine cyclosine amoxicillin baking soda with lemon all together and you can take them now Andreas Imagine if, at the age of forty, I was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Imagine what it was like for the nine weons with those pills, it was the devil so big in The room, Miss Naughty, a week after I was taking the medication, she sent for my mother from school. They had me in the inspectorate tying up a chair. These days they told my mother, lady, what is she giving to the girl and the madman asked my mother to take me to the doctor. because my mother is the old mother, let's see here there are people who have children today with a joy that they say it but the best decision Well today the modern mother the little goat says an ambulance doctor House and doctor miracle at the same time expresses more They weren't like that because the old mom they cure at home I came to see the pediatrician when I was 15, one time I had a wart, you think my mom was afraid to take me to the dermatologist where I saw her one day at work to pamper myself.
He pulled out a hair He tied the wart the hair Yes, after three days the wart fell off I was going to vote for him No he told me The lady caught a piece Marraqueta put the wart inside the Marraqueta We had to continue to the street to look for a black dog with white spots Give him the marraqueta and run your mother's shell run without looking back because if I looked at a tie the rumba for the race came out again I must tell you the honor of my holy mother that that wart never came out but that's where my issues with weight began every year I got fatter I got fatter I went to school in a school of nuns I know it shows and at school I danced and belonged to the bar team you remember that today they are called leaders Well I said five six seven eight one but Hey I put off my act and people said Look how the chubby girl dances Hey how the chubby girl is flexible Look how the chubby girl jumps and I danced too and I said I dream of being a dancer and one day I approached my dance teacher at school.
I say teacher, I watched a lot of Carousel as a teacher when I was a girl. When I grow up I want to be a dancer, today the teacher looked at me with a complicated face that I couldn't do it and told me, call her. Then just go on a fast diet, otherwise they won't receive you. at The Academy and there I started to diet all the diets there were and because there was little girl. Look at the diet you name for me.The diet that I have done I did the moon diet the apple diet I did the cabbage soup diet that every Chilean did Because I live that I lived Crossberger it worked for him and we all said if he could We can too we already have all the good in the fair buying the cabbages the onion the diet didn't work for me one day I complained to my mom I tell her mom I've been on the diet for three months and nothing happens she tells me but daughter yes I followed her at the foot of the milk look at a cabbage eight onion three kilos rack of ribs Well, after I left school for the first time I arrived, despite being a little dry, I was nervous, I'm going to do it.
It happened to me after school for the first time, I got over it. Thank you, thank you, cry at the drop of a hat, thank you. Well, but Leaving school, it was the first time that I surpassed the bar of one hundred kilos and I said, this is my life, I'm not going to change, I can't, I've struggled since my childhood with the weight, I'm silent, I'm like that, I said, I'm already. and I met at that time between studying between studying and I met a Colombian friend, the Colombian Paty who is around the gallery that my dear friend came to see me and I remember that I was or you see love life All this in another Chile so that understand the context in another chile where one could not find clothes to wear where the doctors When the doctor I want to lose weight told me to shut your mouth where the bus drivers charged me Two fares the unfortunate ones because it took up too much space in the seat another good chile another chile and I remember that one day we were crossing the street with my friend and suddenly a bastard passed by in a car and he went and yelled at me, "Go away, you girl, and I should get dirty with Paty." We stared and suddenly we saw that the guy came in a fast food service that they have you in the car and Paty sees it and says Oh no, this one is going to listen to me No damn who the Colombian woman met smile no she doesn't know I don't skate for you Paty that it's going to be for you Paty the Paty tells me Mari, we arrived where the bastard was asking for Paty, he hits the glass, dad, dad, the guy lowers it, that is, he lowers it and starts saying bye, triple gonorrhea, carechimba, no damn, look, what a crazy face is coming, you're coming to yell at him.
She to you Where were you born or damn But she even told him what she was going to die from, you bastard, she told him, "I'm going to kill your father, your mother" and he turned to look at this, the queen is going to kill him again and in fact I'm going to kill him again. and pass the hamburger well at that time I was here Nico legal legal technician between being my practice a court in the second crime court former third of letters of Puente Alto was the current one and four in charge of the alcohol cases and the lack of drug law the twists and turns of life and it turns out that I had to go to work in that court wearing a two-piece office suit and I couldn't find clothes for myself at that time because I ended up buying clothes in the men's sports section and and my Mom lent me her suit that she wore for my high school graduation to go to work, that is, I looked like the same hole and I dreamed I dreamed of Putting on a white two-piece suit and walking into that court, justice will be done and I remember that one day my mom arrived, she calls me daughter, in a store that has a European name of a European city, a brand of clothing arrived that has special sizes for women.
Let's go, we left with my mom for the mall, we arrived at the store. Hey, but they had everything. the sizes on the table and the size L A to z with Lora suddenly sees a rack


of two-foot suits in all colors red yellow black Blue with the stripe white polka dots I approach a saleswoman there is a saleswoman Here I am like the good ones saleswoman It's like they don't want to attend to you, Miss. Please excuse my intention not to disturb Miss. Excuse me, please excuse me for interrupting you while you're playing with your cell phone, Miss.
Everything is good evening, Miss. Could you pass me that white two-piece suit in size 54? It happened with a wanting face and you made me yesterday like the hole is that the suit is that I told my mother mommy Come with me let's go we left with my mother to the fitting room I let the lady sit next to the lady who distributes the numbers I turn around my mother starts listen that It's cold, not because my mother, the old woman that you looked at and screwed up, you have to talk to her separately because she has the face of a helpless woman, you feel sorry for her, so you talk to her anyway.
In fact, she has the face of a brave woman. How did she get here? I go into the fitting room. I start to try on the clothes, let's see, let's see the jacket, let's see if I can dance, let's see if my camel toe is marked. a key with my friend, in fact now when I was leaving I told her If you see me you can see me in the shot if not when they see me That's what they say to me friend you ate marraqueta I don't tell them I'm ready I leave the fitting room with my shiny two-piece white suit I leave the fitting room suddenly I see my mom she was already handing out the numbers I'm a garment she said when she sees me looking she looks like that look buddy look mom do you like how I look in my little white two piece suit daughter what makes you look so important you look so important You look so Distinguished, I see you just like Doctor Simi or Bueno but it turns out that in that chile from before, the people who went up there suffered from morbid obesity, rather than opening the doors, they closed on us and that was when I realized that when I went out for the first time.
I once faced my work world with a resume and a photo and they closed the doors so much that I ended up working as a nanny inside but I was lucky enough to come to a very nice family where I was responsible for three children, one nine, eight twelve and one I was 24 and I remember that one day I was mopping in the kitchen, I was mopping in the kitchen one day in the morning, cleaning, then we saw breakfast and Jimmy arrived because we didn't make friends because I was 25, he was 24 and a guy arrived. One day, Jimmy came to the kitchen and said Pame, listen to this please, Jimmy, I'm not leaving.
Tell me, No. I still felt like I had ownership in that house. In fact, I had nothing. All the nannies in the condominium were prohibited from joining me. I, the Revolutionary, like Gladys. Marín from the condominium demand its imposition, I told him not to impose the minimum on holidays, he returns and turns off twice as much, he has two join me, church, listen, and he handed me an audiobook, little girls, little boys that talked about how important it was to change one's thinking. word to change life and have the life we ​​want and at that moment for me that audiobook arrived like a lifesaver in the middle of the ocean and I did nothing but believe and I began to do everything the audiobook said.
You have to be grateful for all the days even if you have nothing to be grateful for you will always find something to be grateful for and I got up every day at six in the morning before breakfast was served I got up I sat down on the bed I said thank you thank you for having this room without a window Thank you for having this pile of clothes to iron Thank you because the piece left my underpants lying there thank you thank you later the audiobook said you have to visualize seeing the future how you want it for you and for me at that moment my biggest prison was obesity and I dreamed of losing weight I dreamed of being able to lead a normal life And then cara raja began to cut a pure photo of my skinny girl Diana flew with the Boloco Chair with my face in my room and also the audiobook talked about having to make a plan So since I wanted to have surgery because we already saw that the cabbage diet didn't work for me, I don't know how whoever did it, I said, I want to have surgery, but I don't have money, so I already know what I'm going to do.
I'm going to study law and thus raise money. and he operated on me but for that I have to give the pcu ready, I said, I was part of Jimmy, I told him Jimmy, I'm going to change my life. I'm going to give the psu, you have to help me study, ready, Pamela takes me to pay for the test twenty-one thousand five hundred pesos there to the bank of Chile to go with hazelnuts Conde we started to study every day I studied Well, there while I was ironing the cinema Jimmy Pamela one by one two Jimmy two we started for the basics no and I apart from being a snob I told everyone world that was going to take the pcu today I am going to take the PC I am going to change my life I am going to study today Everyone was happy with it and I remember that one day in November I would say that I would take the test on December 2nd of the year 2008 at 8 in the morning there at the Lyceum at 115 high bridge it was born to foreshadow that one day I was with Naomi with the other Anita that I was taking care of, we were studying, Pame told me, I want to know if they are going to show Shrek on channel Trece, I'll tell you I said, I blew up the book and I'm going to review it.
I go to the page of Canal Trece when suddenly a Wagner appears. Do you want to live an experience this summer? I know. And a questionnaire appeared and I started to fill it out. I'm bored. Well, the name is Pamelain Leiva, faría age. 25 years old, weight 120 kilos, height one meter fifty-five, describe yourself, I'm fed up with everything, but you're well-cut, indicate that you take medication, indicate why, yes, I take laxatives, you don't need further explanation, ready, I sent the form when a couple of weeks had passed, when one Friday I received The call from a person who found me here a little while ago from the Chinese Roberts when she says Hello to Pamelain Yes to her Hello We are calling you for a casting on Channel 13 on Monday December 2, 2008 at 10 a.m.
Thank you very much It was the same day as the pcu. Oh, I remember that that weekend I left Franco and I arrived at my mother's house with this secret. I didn't know who to tell. I told it to my 13-year-old niece. At that moment, I told her, daughter. Look at the dilemma that I'm What do I do I don't know Nina bituno I remember that morning is Monday December 2nd I got up at the edge of my bed and I said what do I do sir despite looking for you I started looking for you I started a casting as the hole participates the casting is on top of me Tomorrow, little boy, look, I think that everyone who has been in that situation when they are hiding something from their mother can understand what I experienced.
I got up and my mother had me the meek breakfast, you bastard, a buffet breakfast, she told me daughter, today you are going to changing your life has made you crazy all year long with Jimmy studying. Now you are going to become a great lawyer, remember daughter that for two bad ones they will deduct a good daughter. Answer confidently and I will go with the marraqueta head here if I knew that already I wasn't going to give the test anything, I remember that I'm leaving now, daughter. Good luck to you, my mom from the fence, daughter, she's with you the entire course, she answers confidently, and instead of taking the micropa yapa Puente Alto, I took it for Inés maturrejola Hollywood.
I managed to win on the 13th this is where I sent the letters to Professor Rosa suddenly I see Gonzalo Valenzuela passing by I Gonzalo Valenzuela wanted to think afterwards that I ate him it's not a lie until here but I'm decreeing Oh I remember that I arrived at the Canal lobby With my heart


of dreams, I approach, I say to the lady, Hello, I'm coming to a casting, your flesh, entity. Call me Angelaine, wait on that corner over there with all those six-foot-eight blonde Argentinian models that are there. I turn around and it was like a You must have seen my photo well, I said how much I weighed How tall I was Hello girl, how are you guys waiting for a long time no no I'm on my cell phone I'm not from cms of the time Jimmy Pamela answers sure one plus one two all my friend success in the test the Medina is They made him go through the entire course with you they made all the avatars go through first Oh I was so sorry, but on top of that they sat me on an emergency staircase and Channel 13 suddenly I see Saavedra pass by who was just starting I see him I didn't see I'll pass I said Pancho places What do they talk about?
I come from the future. Well, I went to the casting and I gave my all during the casting and they told me the typical thing they tell you when you go to a casting. We called you. They started passing the rules. The Real TV says, Well, they don't tell me to let me know. before January because I don't know how I'm going to continue supporting this lie. How did your PC go before the results come out in the newspaper? Do you remember what's going on when you get the Ruts from the people you disliked to see how things went? test Well, one day they told me that I was preselected, I had to have medical exams ready, I had to go on Monday to have medical exams because I was already in the second stage of the reality show when one day I was in my room lying down and suddenly at 12 at night he came in Jimmy put up a fight and come in let's go run around I told him Jimmy I can't I'm taking care of your grandfather what if my grandfather wakes up twice a year let's go he told me Well I already told him I totally you're like my boss if your mom I'll throw you out It's your fault today we went for a ride he took me to the girl's house we got there someone lived there near Alto Las Conden and the kids arrived and they brought a hookah and they are some water pipes that you smoke tobacco that have water and I have some big hoses, they brought it and they told me, Pamela smokes, I smoke today.
Thank you, kid, thank you, thank you for inviting me. I feel like I belong here. Jimmy. This is strange, it's like Pame smokes more. Jimmy told me, my friend and my boss, Jimito, it's strange. Jimmy, why are you? You're laughing, Jimmy, if you want me, tell me what's wrong with this Jimmy? Jimmy, what's with marijuana? Well, I haven't told you anything. I didn't go to give anything. There it is, Jimmy. I told you, I didn't tell you, no, and then leave it there because later he told me when I told him Jimmy if they don't leave me because of you I told him Jimmy if they don't leave me because of you he told me Oh relax if the TV is all drugs he told me he didn't tell me he told me and I Jimmy I love you I never knew I never knew Because apart from that, I am I am I am I I told him hold on very little hold on very little beautiful I still have a little routine left No but really there is nothing else on top of that I told him I am a balm sandwich I am a snout So when I went to the doctor VAT and I ask myself the doctor who is doing the exams for the reality show asks meconsumerrogas yes I told him for the first time last But please don't leave me out Look it's Jime's fault as my boss I can't say no please I'm not going and you don't know anything when I went to do the medical exams I remember that I arrived at the consultation and another lady told me I came from Channel 13 and she already told me we are going to do a pregnancy test today I told her don't worry I am a virgin due to healing from illnesses she venerates the same thing and we are going to do a drug test on her amphetamine cocaine and marijuana I Oh he told me in this jar the pregnancy urine and in this jar the drug urine I went into that bathroom little girl I don't know if you have ever felt that fear that one goes into the bathroom praying I said I'm going to depart through the bottle of pregnancy our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven angel of my guardian sweet company do not forsake me in the night until I rest the arms of Jesús José María amen I never knew if I tested positive for drugs I never knew but I remember it as if it were yesterday that on December 23 I remember it as if it were yesterday that on December 23 at one in the afternoon I receive the call When they call me Pamela angelaine You are the new member of the reality show 1810 on Channel 13 today I ran to my boss where I resigned she told me but Pamela where are you going Pos reality but I'm going to leave I saw lunch lady don't worry ahead of time ten Lucas is going to make up for Please participate in the channel to sign the contract but I realized at the end of the contract that I signed the contract ready.
There I found out that paying Lucas I went out I told him it doesn't work for me anymore I went out to call and give the news of the most important person in my life my mom doesn't My mom, I searched on the public phone, called my mom Hello, mom, daughter, mom, I have very important news to give you, mom, mom, listen, I'm the new participant in a reality show on Channel 13, mom who encourages it, Raquel Arandoña, mom, mom, mom, that's pure shit. Oh, he cut me off. the phone now the old woman feels proud now now When she said, get a decent job that pays taxes now the old woman when I appear in the newspaper looks like Jehovah's Witness in the passage going house to house showing my photo Now when we go to the supermarket and the cashier tells me She stares for two more seconds than necessary.
I told her, Yes, now I remember when my mother gave me back my last name and let me into my house again and she told me daughter, what did it make you want to go hook up on a reality show? I'm going to give up. the PC with Jimmy, you didn't study with Jimmy, what is he going to want to expose you to, daughter, and if they bother you because you're chubby, I told her, mom, that's not going to happen now I'm a stickers, there's And I told my mom at that moment I told her Mommy because I also remember what the audio in Jimmy's book said that you have to learn to listen to your heart and your intuition and I felt deep in my heart and soul that this reality show came on was going to change my life. and I was not wrong, he changed it and thanks to him I got my bariatric surgery where I managed to lose 60 kilos and I was left as I am now but also but also and I would really like it and for all the people who perhaps are experiencing a process like mine What happened was obligatory Well, but I also realized that I also had false expectations in that surgery because of course my life improved and my health improved a lot but I deludedly thought that because I was skinny I was going to get the love of a partner and the truth is that not love as a couple has nothing to do with that, it has nothing to do with your physical appearance, it has to do with other things and you all know what happened to me.
I am a divorced woman. I love to say it. No. I remember when I just separated. When I just broke up. I separated I told my friend no man is going to be able to touch my body Yes and now bareco passes hands of the subway with and today today we are gathered here at the song festival and it is because music has always been a part been part of our healing and our catharsis, music always accompanies us and for me I have managed to overcome my most difficult moments in life thanks to music. I was like that when my friends, when I was newly separated, took me to karaoke, they took me and we sang so I invited a great friend I invited a great friend come in but I haven't played the guitar yet Come here Because I want to introduce you properly I want us to say hello to the great Paulina Muñoz please a great friend of mine singer that pauli me I always took the music to karaoke.
Hey, we all listen to the song from La chaquira or not, how we were, we are like this. Hey, but really, and the first one that came out gave her support to Shakira. Who was Paquita from the neighborhood because there is an emblematic song that we have sung? everyone to the karaokes that song All with the uterus that song that I sing does as Pauli says filthy rat come on little girl of life subhuman specter of hell How many years have you made me Two-legged rat I'm talking to you because a standard even though it is The most damned one.
Compared to you, he is very small so that no woman will ever have to suffer at the hands of those bad loves because we no longer want those animals in our lives. Well, maybe a donkey, an anaconda, but never again a rat. Come with me and scream face. with two legs I'm talking to you suck it Miguel rancher absent to the most damned Compared to you he has it too boy come on little girl 5 4 a false idea of ​​love was never a contract of an imposition position that although he sees you more and more your way that you can't Don't even suspect at all.
I am not that woman at your feet. The best of her soul knows how I will share with you. I am not that woman who stays at home waiting for Marin. Go wash your slit and cry even if you feel desires more than once. I am not. that woman, people point at me, point their fingers at me, whisper at my back, I don't even care a bit anymore because it happens if I'm different, they don't belong to anyone, I don't have an owner in my life and that's how I'll continue, I'll never change. Who cares if she's a lesbian, we're here. in another chile children little girl love is love or not and who cares if she is a maraca she is like that and that is how she will continue Malagas in the end she is like that how is the fifth Vergara we are going to continue taking advantage of this moment I want to tell you I am in a school in a nun's school thank you thank you I studied in a women's school in a nun's school at the entrance to my school there was a great phrase that said the change in society will come through women year 97 I didn't understand what that meant phrase Well, I was worried about buying the photo of the backs, I'm going to go to school, but today, year


, that phrase makes more sense to me than ever because the change in this society comes from the hand of us women coming And in this scenario I want take advantage of paying tribute to a woman to a singer who said it all When no one said anything a woman who taught us that to make love well where do you have to come Pauli So tonight here at the Quinta Vergara a great tribute to the great Rafaela Carrá raise your voices and sing with us guys 1 2 3 for tonight for tonight I don't want to be it anymore I don't want to be it he said that it was my fault but that there was his freedom and I told him if it wasn't you I'm going to do If it wasn't you I have known that it is dangerous to always tell the truth Yes, I have known that it is dangerous to always tell the truth that is why here I bring you this party but yes Listen to the party with friends thank you very much good night How fantastic this party how fantastic it is night, a dream come true, tremendous applause for this tremendous woman, a tremendous Chilean comedian too.
Hey, look, please, Pamela. Enjoy this moment. Thank you very much for being with us tonight. Let's see because what the audience is saying. You can see that you are excited. Pamela, very good. I dreamed about this many times then I dreamed of being here I dreamed of being able to enjoy and for people to open up to me Look, we want you to get closer to the public Paulina, come with us, come with us Paulina, enjoy this moment because I want to talk, Pamela, to your mother, Mrs. María, please. Take a deep breath, take a seat, feel proud of your daughter because tonight the fifth Vergara demonstrates, let's see why the public asks for it, Martín, the public asks for it, Chile is heard loudly for the world, ladies and gentlemen, there is a silver seagull for Pamela Leiva, raise it, raise it. and show it to all of Chile, Latin America and the world.
Pamela Leba is already with her silver seagull. Hey, how impressive, Martín, everything you fought was worth it. It was worth it. Not giving the test, Mrs. María. It was worth it. Yes, no, please, girl, put up with me. Let me win the prize. second please Let me win the second I have something I have another part I dreamed of this happening And I would also like you to let me win the second seagull that is a woman with conviction a powerful woman we can continue Of course we do want her to continue and we want to give you a tremendous applause because he continues on the stage of the fifth Vergara the great Leyva later please thank you very much thank you very much they brought me the water Thank you thank you all the secrets no because he is also engaged he is pololeating no So come here Hey I'm really so happy to be here tonight here then after another Seriously today here the pelvic floor is going to come out for real Leo Oh my God Lord Jehovah what a night we have had I never thought I was going to go out with a boyfriend from here Thank you love Hey I really asked so much to be here here tonight because I knew that each one of those who are here tonight is not random and that we are united by a message and united by a similar vision of life and I was saying that I had had surgery 13 years ago and for me since I also had surgery, part of a path of self-love and today self-love is super manipulated and I think that everyone finds their meaning of self-love and for me, loving myself has been learning to set limits on saying no because I am good at Say yes, don't ask me for money because I say yes, learn to eat well, take myself to the doctor and it has been so important to find our self-love because women were never taught that that is what women were always taught that love is given outwards towards the children towards the husband towards the house towards the hit and never towards us that is why it is so important, children, I invite you to each one find your meaning of self-love I learned all this on YouTube I started with ties How to make him think of you call you on 5 minutes How to overcome a relationship when they were nothing until I arrived love yourself and within This discovery with myself wonderful things have come to my life one of the first things that came were the mushrooms No I don't mushroom it cyclosin in low doses is proven that it helps treat depression the other thing that came into my life was the medicinal know the tuer then he showed us all this taken I had all this taken and as a result of that my pelvic floor quina arrived because I realized that at almost 40 years I was pissing and I thought Today I'm hot I wasn't pissing I'm wet I don't remember when I got to the gynecologist and Pamela told me what's coming doctor I have a tremendous problem it seems like I'm a nymphomaniac Pamela didn't tell me you have urinary incontinence and I what What?
He's telling us, doctor, how he insults me like that. Look how he sees like this. I have a urinary continent. If he would never make me a small goat and he's not going to call the Chilean a Megalodon either, so that he doesn't say material fatigue, I still don't flirt with Gonzalo Valenzuela and well, that's where I started. with my pelvic floor exercises half contraction full contraction in fact I am exercising right now I am known as Pamela angelai the cornet titrator and for me learning to know my body learning to connect with my pelvic floor was also an act of empowerment with me with my sensuality with my sensuality with my body and I allowed myself what I had never allowed myself in my life and I went on vacation to Rio de Janeiro alone because I who grew up watching Brazilian television shows I who grew up watching Fabricio dancing today How many times we danced the mausiña chuchuca dance How many times did we grab the crank I said I'm going to Brazil to give it my all and no and I prepared myself I prepared myself I started studying Portuguese before going there so as not to have problems with the la llorona language I used Learning In fact, the other time at the institute they put together a whole group of us with more students so that we fail more and dance.
The teacher is going to ask everyone. Now why do you want it? You are Portuguese and everyone. Good evening, in a doctorate, so I am doing a master's degree. And they were going to ask me, Concha la Lora, what am I going to say about being hot, young lady? Well, it turns out that I went to Rio Janeiro to give it my all and I left with my heart broken into a thousand pieces, Rio Janeiro and they already darned it with a needle like that. blunt tip they are going to pierce the lung but happy eye and I put it right Rio Janeiro four days I remember that I met a friend the first who is seeing me right now from Copacabana she knows a friend the first told me Pame I'm going to take you I took the first day on the road and panema and panemas with a place of mine cuico and cuico is the same here and in the bankruptcy the ají fome el huevón I said No I had another one in my head another reel like that bad the city of God body dancing people touching each other I don't know anything else if I had six months ahead of me to pay for that trip I wanted to give it my all and one day Pamela told me calm voice I mean stay calm I'm going to take you on the road to peace Hey I told him but Maybe I weigh a little, no, Pamela told me, it's a place in Rio Janeiro called lapa, which is from Rio's bohemia.
Ah yes, yes, I knew, yes, I knew, I told her, in high school, they told me, they told me, they told me, I said it, and He tells me but Pamela we can't go to that place alone because we haveCaragringas Look, I told her, I look like Salma Hayek, but she's Mexican, that's not the case, Pamela didn't tell me, here they call all the people who are foreigners gringo, Oh no, I did know, I knew, they had told me in high school, I knew, I knew. I told him, he told me, ready, we're going to meet there at position five in Fernandinho.
I won't have some caipillas. The best caipirinhas in Rio Janeiro are there at position five in Copacabana. If you're going to play there, tell him it's on my side. They are going to give one away, we arrived at the five stall in Copacabana to have some caipirinha and even if you don't believe it, in Riojaneiro, people recognize me on the street. It's not that it's full of Chileans, how can you drink it on the street and one slapped the Chileans who He is next to the pacos taking a photo and adding here a photo a photo a photo and I remember that I got there to position five Take me some caipillas when suddenly some Chileans call me pamelito a photo already little boy either h and chile when suddenly little girls I see that a 90-metre Hungarian guy comes in, big ass with avocado blues and a hand like that.
When it rained, only lips, I said, Oh, they must be like soup. Oh my God, what I'm telling him makes him uncomfortable. Look, he was like the cop, but in about 20 centimeters more, he saw the garoto and it started so taran taran so taran taran today Ready I went to where the garoto today everything was fine and ready we went to the road Alaba we got there one dance some cachaças some cachaças Let's go there I didn't have time to lose son I didn't have time to lose Hey, we're leaving in the car and I don't know, Girl, if you've felt that happiness Who's doing here throbbing that starts to rise little by little when you're certain that they're going to put it on you, little girl, I'm a happiness that you don't save for one Well, I was in the car with the man next to me, my friend takes me.
Well, now I found my wolf, then I followed my good friend. Take one for me. Send a photo of the bastard, send the location. Oh, ready, we arrived at the Motel, there we found the ones in the Lapa neighborhood. I went into the car. I went to the bathroom to give myself a rinse because someone like that is going to show her the bathroom and that's when I had a reflection at that moment in the motel bathroom. And I remembered something that my great friend Viziani told me when you eat someone outside abroad. He feels that he is insulting the name of all Chileans.
Sorry for saying it like that, but they didn't tell me not to say it like that, but I was sorry because I said that stupid guy is going to forget my name. But he's going to remember my whole life. He ate a very toasty chilena and I remember that there I was, Gonzalo Valenzuela listened carefully, there I was in the motel bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. At this point, we came pure chile to his side, they also crossed over to pam pam pam. I felt that the entire national team I felt like I was with Gary Medina Alexis Sánchez Arturo Vidal and I Concha la Lora comes out to give everything to play my best game is going hard Dad Ninja pa sat me on top of the black guy to give everything Concha la Lora to bring out the wild goddess inside her squeeze let's go let's go for my mom for my dad for Shakira she's in that one she's in that one when suddenly the cat goes and tells me valgaroto he goes and tells me I love José and Well I stop moving and these conversations begin with the same in my head we don't know this now with myself telling myself but Pamela that the pandemic didn't teach you anything that the only thing we have is the present and that if the man tells you that he loves you it means that he loves you that he came to question you and I found myself so right that I said to myself and told the garoto you know what else I love you too ready We finished the first round Party goes to the bathroom but happy happy he arrived he gave me a shower the second he rinsed it between I put it on a towel I lay down next to the man what's your name Today we're at it when suddenly I hear a siren outside look today he finally made a tata he's stupid because he's rehearsing it in every show it never came out finally he got a round of applause that Are the controls there, please?
Thank you, I felt the siren. Well, a siren, suddenly I heard a sound. You came down suddenly, some Pizza on the stairs. Yes, and me today. How strange, suddenly at the door, dad, dad. Open the door and I said, but what if we said three shores? Porta pulls open the door, kids, and seven police officers from the military police of Rioja neiro come in. They are doing a raid looking for weapons. Leave the box with us. They caught the garota on the floor. They turned the bed. Let's not forget that I was on the ball. Please, me in a corner.
A police officer points a gun at me and tells me that you are a prostitute, look, you know that I do this without profit, I told him, I am like an NGO as a roof for Chile, they are there with their little shirt. Oh my God, my God, what a scare, my God. That's what Portuguese was for me. That's what my class was for, for your sake, go and tell me, tell me, view, view of the bathroom. You don't know the humiliation while I was looking for my panties, you bastards, I was looking for my pants, my overalls.
I said, My God, if this issue had happened in Chile because I had seen all the movies of people from Teña abroad I saw brillito I the midnight price I said my God what is going to happen to me because if this had happened to me in Chile a Paco a Paco of the seven Murillo Open a photo that my mom has gone upstairs I went into the bathroom praying, you bastard, praying, pulling up my pants My God, Lord, Jehovah, our father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Hey, I left the bathroom without knowing what was going to happen to me, I have no idea what.
What's going to happen to me because it was really very complicated What happened a little bit, thank you very much, good evening, thank you. There it is, Brazil, the national standard has a new figure, the golden generation of comedy already has a tremendous scorer, she says goodbye with the applause of the bar. from the fifth Vergara Pamela Leyva come come come come come Fabricio Santiago come come the public recognizes all the work that this woman has displayed on stage a narrative in her life said it But also she did not anticipate I want to win her and here she is with all her status You earned it by far, look at what the public is asking for.
Look up at the gallery, they are asking for something for your faith and that is expensive on this first night of humor in Viña del Mar at the reunion festival. Oh, golden seagull for Pamela, Pamela, sorry Garota. from Puente Alto, live this moment, please give me both of you this photo We want it We want it Stand forward and lift up your two seagulls that Viña del Mar gave you, you earned them and you give them to Viña del Mar You earned it by far Pamela, you tried so many things you pursued your dreams tonight you achieved it although many did not believe it supported by your family by Mrs.
María seeing you at the house by the Gimme here how you feel at this moment I did not want this day to ever end I took a photo with two seagulls in 2018 to never lose my focus in a difficult moment in my life and today I have my photos, you deserve it, you earned it and they have fought for a career that has been consistent over time and there is a turning point today because from Chile to the world Here is Pamela Leiva yes guys come out I also want you to give a round of applause to my entire team because I did not come here alone you are not alone a round of applause please to all my friends people who accompany me Thank you very much Quinta Vergara were the best dream of my life Thank you very much to the great Pamela Leiva who gave us everything tonight I am sure Pamela that on this stage you will meet again we want everyone to applaud you because here begins a new era in your career you have worked so hard for this Enjoy it And to celebrate Pame with this applause we say goodbye to Pamela Leiva, we are going to take a break on this first night of vineyard 2023, so we like this start because the Enriqueña competition has already begun, we continue in pineapple pineapple two three

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