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Overnight SURVIVAL Battle in the Edge Space!!

Jun 02, 2021
Hello everyone, welcome back to the Walmart version of Dude Perfect, today we are going to survive the night here at the Edge Space. It's a 2 vs. 2 game. Jraf and Bobby Shakey Hands. Oh, look at the Shaky Hands merch. This is a little more precise here. looks more like me, look the rules are going to be pretty simple, we're starting to split into two teams, get into this, jfred will give you all the details, okay, grab your weapons, friends, two weapons, one team, Bobby, come on, oh, so we are. a team, what's up? k dirk, shout out to k dirk, you guys hit 100,000 likes on the stunt jumping video, so naturally what we promised was that if you liked it 100,000 times, we'd let Kevin and his friends set us on fire .
overnight survival battle in the edge space
So Kevin, is there any progress on that? Have you contacted your friends? No, oh gosh, do you want to do that this month potentially? Yes, if you can, okay, let's do it. Yes, we will also make calls tomorrow. Let's do it. Also subscribe. this guy's golf channel, if you like golf, come on, we have, we have john, what's up, players. Oh my god, I wasn't planning on having my head. You guys loved them in the giant skee-ball video. All I saw was people. saying, "Hey, bring John back, bring him back. I'm embarrassed that someone brought John back and I think, ladies and gentlemen, you're going to see more and even hear more of John.
overnight survival battle in the edge space

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overnight survival battle in the edge space...

We can attack them or they can attack us." us, so we can." Either we relax somewhere and just wait for them to come or we just go out of our way and attack them so that the team that wins three rounds, the first of three, wins. We are going to go up because they have the warehouse and we have the upper floor and we are going to build a shelter we have about 10 minutes to resolve a fort situation because they can't attack in 10 minutes let's go up here, yes, go up there, I'll cover you, it's Okay, cover my ass, okay, I have to stop you.
overnight survival battle in the edge space
I knew you can't do something, I think Joey said 10 minutes before the first attack happens, we've got the high ground, Bobby, you're coming, you're scared, cover me buddy, I'm covering you with the camera, so let's move this, oh , I have a little more. one on top, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but are we going for aesthetics or definitely not for more utility? I have an idea, so we are going to cover this ladder, so if they try to go up the ladder they are stuck in the trash can they go inside the trash now well let's wait well, what about the evaders?
overnight survival battle in the edge space
What do you think his plan will be? They have much more


to hide. I'm telling you this right now. It's a fun job, I think we should try to find them, man, I'm going to get bored. Okay, guys, we've been sitting here for about an hour and 30 minutes. No, no, they haven't shown up, so. In fact, we're going to make our way to go look for them, okay, let's move, let's go look for them. Jordan, yes, one of us can hide here. Yeah, okay, since I think you're taller, you should come down here. Which is not a good idea.
I'm going up very slowly, very gently like a redhead, okay, cautiously, oh Jordan, they're coming. I see it was. I see how I'm trying to get shot. You're about to get shot. John, why did you make a move, guys? I'm out, he's not out, we've got all the ammo, oh shoot, he's not out, I'm not playing, are you guys aiming at me? I don't understand, oh come on, I was so confused for a second, he's under the stairs, you got him, oh. Man, I thought Bobby was shooting at me, I thought, what the hell am I out, Bobby?
No, you have to handle the crew, he's under the stage, perfect, I'm going up, Jordan, close the door, close the door and then come back. On this side Jordan, where are you? Shut it up, w


. I don't know if I can give you advice, but then you can come this way and eliminate them. Oh friend, they're blocking your door, watch out, oh, not him. They're not going through that oh so close nice to have diplomatic immunity here yeah yeah bobby what do you want honey that's my dog ​​yeah well I didn't know he was behind the stairs that's one for us I hope that was exciting for you guys at home because that was exciting here this actually worked pretty well no doubt, I know what I'm doing man I was so confused by a second man, I should, it was just a bad game on my part, why did they do that?
I just want to apologize to all my nerfs, you were in Battle Universe at one point, I say let's go to the conference room and hide there and wait for them to find us, we're about to sneak out, yeah. Yeah bro let's sneak it's my middle name Joey Sneak it's a lot of work for us so if you like these creepy


videos of me getting little sleep give it a thumbs up because if you don't I'll never do this. Once again I discovered a way to take a nap. I'm going to keep the light pointed at you, if you don't mind, don't point that light directly at my eyes.
They'll have to find us. Jordan, you take first watch. john maybe like post the camera we both take a nap wait why is he getting enough sleep too he will be awake during your nap time I think we have a little time before they come let's decorate this place let's put this in front of a table that's it this high and I climb on the table they're perfect they're perfect I mean straight I could just close the door oh that's true oh yeah this is how we keep John close I just just closed the door right?
Seriously, oh yeah, honey, is this a good place? If you're sure? I mean, I don't ambush people a lot. Well, technically I just have to look out this window and see if they're coming, so I'll sit here. oh god, dude, I'm not even mad bro, that was awesome, I just saw you, you just left, oh, dinner's ready, I don't know, this is a war zone, I gotta take my supplements, bro, I guess that we should talk to them and see what happens, hello, how? what are you doing I where are you I can't tell you oh he can't tell us wait why because they want to kill you secrets don't make friends so I think you should tell me I'm good because I'm trying to kill you okay bye oh frank yeah really he wants to be with me, so he'll call me back, I didn't hear where he was coming from, they're not in the main warehouse first, okay, okay, right there in the corner, this is it.
In that case it was so close shields, where did they get them from? why did you do that? well, I don't see Joey, though oh, there they are, they're good, we're fine, we're fine, get the legs, oh no. legs don't count huh, okay, I got 'em, I see you guys, that was terrible, oh, Bobby came here, run, buddy, run, mommy, oh, we got a pin, we got it, Finn, sir, I'm not playing, why do you aim so high? I'm here, okay, okay, oh, I hit you on the shoulder. Do we save the center mass and just the head, center of mass of the torso, shoulder count, that's right, let's go to the torso, I suck, come on, that was something that happened, oh man, right when he turned around.
I had a splinter that big and I shot it, right, baby, that's right, Bobby, baby, well, come on, baby, Bobby is single-handedly winning this game, guys, I apologize for my failure, I didn't realize that the shoulders were part of this, we are part. from your body they're going to know we're in the little house if I call from the little house and then you leave and go look for them and if you're cornered you'll get them beforehand I think that's a bad idea, that's a good idea, okay, yeah , no, that's a bad idea, I say let's just post here, wait, how are we going to watch TV or something?
How are we going to win this game, ladies and gentlemen, before we start the next round? See the sweater I have? What I'm wearing, let's talk about it, will be part of a limited edition, only available Black Friday weekend, starting Friday all weekend long, it's the only time you'll be able to get this. It's part of a package, so neither are you. get it now or never because we mean it hey someone someone's calling me we should answer what's up doug what's going on I don't know I just thought I'd say hello and see what's going on and dude I'm trying to take a nap bro you're trying to take a nap, eh, I want to know, are you trying to buy time?, what's your guys' plan of attack?, take a nap, how long are we there by the little house?, how long are you?
I'll be here tonight, hopefully we can go home at some point, but what's your next plan of attack? I want to know so I can plan ahead, we'll go there and shoot them both and then we'll win, oh man, Brian is Bobby. Watch out Brian, the fucker is cheating here oh, they're trying to distract us, that's right, the door was closed, he's cheating on you. I see you, I lost Joey, I can't see what that line is, what do you want me to do about it? he yeah that happened when you were there i hoped you were there how he shot me how did you do where were you i was on the stairs you went up the stairs yeah that light was blinding me john i'm doing my job man this game sucks you're in trouble bro Hi, Bobby, son, what happened?
I almost broke the window. I'm almost going to have a lot of glass everywhere. I can't see anything with the light on. I mean, okay, I'll do the same, I guess. Oh. we have we have kevin there helping very well kevin cameron look how is that what was that guy that I have been carrying this team just go after him you have the shield hey you have a lot of money man no, I'm doing that come on joey, you have this guy, oh , he has an ear count, what do you mean you're okay? The time they come to us, he's been doing well for us so far, Bobby Shaggy Hands, people get it, what if I hide here?
You could, if you want, the first to die will probably be you, although yes, they have to lose the right shield. He is on the stairs. We're sneaking up the stairs. Fire Brian is on the right. I have Brian. Keep your eyes on Jordan, but we don't stand a chance. How are we going to get them? Brian said he's losing confidence. He said we have no chance. I don't know how we're going to get there. They, oh man, they got, they got partners on high ground, okay, Jordan's back to the left to keep his eyes on Brian, I got Jordan, come out, yeah, they barely got me, hey, good girl, hurry up, he's Well, watch out, watch out, he's by the stairs, Jordan, watch out. next to the stairs jordan where is jordan?
I can't see where he is oh he caught me yes yes brian is still gone run to the left he's between you two now joe you can save us all you just realize joey huh I just realized what I did Don't be deodorant, oh my god, this place is open, keep an eye on that gun so you can pass it to me at any time, I will attack you directly with Terminator, yes, that's right, hide what happened. Have you ever seen a man get shot in the head and he has a smile on his face afterwards I can't see your head what did he say he's right there he's cornered he's cornered oh my god buddy that shoulder came back to bless you get ready oh no, damn he's ready damn come on he's cornered hey take the jordan slope you look at the other side of the silver guy I don't know if you get on the back of yourself oh brother come on jay fred he's in heaven you're right okay joey it's you and jordan right now damn what an intense moment here at 357 in fringe


it all comes down to this jordan not to put any more pressure on you how are you feeling ?
I'm feeling pretty scared, hey joe, how are you? so close it was so close oh that's right baby that sounds done baby so it's done come on we just have to be patient you just have to wait for it damn you got it you just have to wait for it buddy how are you where did I hit you? right there take me real low right next to the belly button how do you feel Brian buddy I'm hungry okay ladies and gentlemen congratulations to the winners bobby and jay fred guys don't forget to go pick up your sweet merch from bobby's shaking hands.
Link the description below and also remember to stay tuned for Black Friday weekend. We're releasing this along with the bundle that you can only get on Black Friday weekend and make sure you check out our latest video in the dark that we made five. nights at freddy's right here it was creepy it was creepy it was real and it was fake at the same time what what what what

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