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Out of Order | Kongsuni and Friends | English Full Episode | Kids Cartoons

Jun 04, 2021
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at home finally here I should go to bed you sound tired dad I'm fine what's wrong? You didn't play with Grandpa too much, did you? Oh, we barely played it all. Grandpa was too slow to do what I wanted. kung Suni huh, if grandpa heard what you just said, he would be very angry, then he would know how I feel good, I love you. I'm sure he was doing everything he could. Who is that hello? Sounds like my


surprise, let's go. play oh sure again please i'm not tired at all if you say so just make sure you're home for dinner hey no it's not i know hey, slow down we can't keep up guys stop complaining okay, It hurts, come.
out of order kongsuni and friends english full episode kids cartoons
Hey poor thing it'll get better soon listen if you need anything just call me I'll come help you ok see you soon there's something different about you maybe it's your new original shoe it's a plaster sale not a shoe it's the worst, oh I'm SUNY, come play with us, I'm going to take the swing, that swing is mine, let's ask him right behind you, hurry up, we're almost there, why are you so slow, guys, keep going , when did they become a? turtle, what a turtle, eh, oops, what's wrong with you? You walk like a turtle, oh no, that's how grandpa felt all the time.
out of order kongsuni and friends english full episode kids cartoons

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out of order kongsuni and friends english full episode kids cartoons...

He wishes he could keep running like before. I bet grandpa wants the same thing as me, don't cry. I shouldn't have bothered you, I should apologize, apologize, yeah, that's it, hey, hey, grandpa, hello, honey, I'm out for a little walk. I came to say sorry, uh, sorry for what, because he was saying some really bad things to you before he realized it. It felt oh, don't worry, you're not upset, remember what I said, I said you were as slow as a turtle, but going slow isn't that bad, look, look, the clouds move pretty slow, but they're still beautiful. now they are even more beautiful with the sunset.
out of order kongsuni and friends english full episode kids cartoons
If you were running, you might miss these beauties. Beauties when you go slow, life has much more to offer, just ask your grandfather, huh, is that true? Why, of course, uh, oh, could I? I couldn't have said it better, thanks for the ugly bug bites, I've got you now, what did he say? Look, I'm a vampire, wait, that sound sounds like a vampire or a mosquito. Good point, mosquitoes aren't scary like real mosquitoes. They also drink blood, they're like little mini vampires, huh? Do you think so? My brother told me that if that's not enough evidence, I don't know what is, oh, are you saying that if I get bitten I won't transform as quickly after three bites? that's when you might start to notice some changes oh no yeah look who's home you're having fun today yeah mom what's wrong with Chloe it's just a bug bite what a bug don't worry just a mosquito will go away now you're hungry let's go get you a snack, come on, I don't want a vampire for a sister, not so fast after three bites, that's when I might start to notice some changes.
out of order kongsuni and friends english full episode kids cartoons
What's happening? You're okay, see you. Chloe needs our help. What are you talking about if Chloe gets bitten? twice more by a mosquito she'll turn into a vampire, are you sure? Uh-huh, look, mom will be really angry if Chloe starts changing, I guess, but how can we stop that from happening? There has to be some way, but what isn't? I know, oh great, hey mom, yeah, what can I do to stop a vampire? How strange, ah, vampires don't really like garlic, yeah, hmm, but mom, they're so small, what is this thing supposed to do?, hmm, maybe they're afraid of the smell of it, huh, Kong Sunni.
Hey, would you mind looking at Chloe for a minute? Chloe laughs, what's going on? What a mess. Hey, she just wanted to help. No mosquito will ever pass by me. Yes, they are too afraid to approach. Hey girl, hey, daddy, head, anyone want some ice cream? You know I do, oh okay, I guess I'll just have to eat it all myself, wait, don't do it Chloe, can you sit here for a minute? I'll be right back. Can you take care of her for me? um oh right, hey dad, do you know how to make vampires stay away from you?
Well, that's an interesting question, hmm, right, are you sure? Uh-huh, you see vampires, they like dark ones, in fact that's what they're known for, wait, why do you ask long story, another bite? that's the second one. Wait a second, did your dad give you any advice about vampires? Yes, he did it and now I have to plan, nothing will escape us, that's the spirit, let's do this, okay, mosquito. Madness, aren't you tired? It's past bedtime, no way. I'm not done until she's safe. Are you still with me? Say all that sound Tell me you heard it Yes, you heard it loud and clear There it is foreign Foreigner Where do you think you're going now show yourself show how annoying I'll drive?
Well, well, someone stayed up late. What happened here? Mom, there was a mosquito. Are you serious? She was trying out what a vampire is. Yes, Sam said three mosquito bites will make you one. In a vampire. Don't make fun, it's actually true. Kong Sunni, do you really think so? that of course yes, if that was the case, I would have been a vampire since I was a child now that I think about it, maybe I'm tone down, my bad, this is all made up, I've been bitten one um two two three and four times I'll do it from today oh wow but look I'm still not a vampire he is A-It's okay being bitten by a mosquito doesn't make you a vampire are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure it's okay, it's just a little. It stings a little, that's not good. It's been biting me all day. Someone help me. That's cool, so here it is, oh hey, mom's on it. Could you look at that girl? You can't handle the tooth, oh what's wrong? What's going on? Did you eat cookies before they cooled down again? I didn't want some ice cream. Oh yes, please, you've been eating a lot of ice cream lately. What did I say? I like this flavor too, yeah I could eat like a million of these things. I better save these hmm eh, remember to take it easy now, honey, it's okay, I'm almost done anyway.
If you don't slow down, you won't feel so good, sure, ah, I'm going to brush my teeth now that I'm done oh wow, you're so responsible, look at you little entrepreneur, you're right, I'm very proud of her, so the cavities knew. you've been hiding them all the time you've been eating a lot more ice cream lately than someone your age should please don't tell me okay, my teeth have been hurting a lot the last few days oh, i guess you need to see a dentist, what not Instead, I'll just brush my teeth. I don't think that's any use.
What's going on? Wow, those are those for us, of course, we'll have our little picnic. Now let's count these candies here, one for me and one for me. Eve one for Kong SUNY one for me one for Eve and uh oh I don't think I brought enough, don't worry. Eve may have an extra one, but I thought this was your favorite kind of candy. She's right, what's going on? I have marks on my teeth like fake black moles. It sounds to me like you have cavities. Let's see, can you show us? I had never seen one up close before.
I bet a dentist could help. I had two really big cavities, but I fixed them all really, huh, but wouldn't that hurt? How bad was it? What I didn't cry was super fun. Wow, you are so cool. Are you sure that's what happened? Well, I'm not sure if that's exactly it. What happened, but is it very close? You cried for so long, just for a couple of minutes. Hello guys, I have to go wait, slow down, see you, wait, aren't you going to the dentist? No, I'm doing something even better, huh, and what is that? milk, huh, if I drink enough of it, my teeth will turn white again, uh, I don't know, oh, I told you so well, now what is it, come on, here we go, I'll do it again 100 times in a row, huh, not that. fix your teeth silly it's okay sale I need you to start counting for me are you sure you're at come on one two three four five six twenty Thirty eh, slow down your teeth are going to disappear they're okay now let's take a look?

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