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Out of Bounds Secrets | Wii Sports - Boundary Break

Jun 17, 2024
Hello, welcome to Breaking Boundaries, a show where we basically take the camera anywhere we want to try to find


and new discoveries for some of our favorite games, so I made some out of


content for Wii Sports a few years ago. five years. I got a It's much better to try to figure out what to look for and how to present it, so I think you'll really enjoy this episode whether you're new or old, but there's only one way to find out. Let's take a second look. In Wii Sports I'm going to


this down into categories, each category will just be a different sport and I have one little thing that doesn't really go with any category and that is the menus, the menus use three dimensional graphics.
out of bounds secrets wii sports   boundary break
So if we remove some of the buttons on the HUD and then move the camera, we can see that the planet is completely modeled and that these lines that appear to move behind it form a complete circle if you move the camera enough as well. The blue haze is just a 16 by nine square and is also completely flat. Let's start with what I assume is probably the most played sport in Wii Sports Bowling. To start, let's turn the camera around when it shows you your character before you start bowling. and you'll see there's a lot of music that says whole bodies disappear at some points and in some cases body parts just start disappearing, but there are a lot of elements in the background that I'd love to talk about here first of all.
out of bounds secrets wii sports   boundary break

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out of bounds secrets wii sports boundary break...

There is a vending machine and if you zoom in you can see that it's just blue and brown rectangles with no other defining features to speak of, as well as a pink trash can, the camera on the back will show you that's not the case. rendered on all sides, in fact Wii Sports saves a lot of resources, like for example these bowling balls in the background aren't even fully modeled, they take an incredibly minimalist approach, something you normally see in distant cityscapes in the background of others. games and also as far as I know there is a desk here that looks like what you would normally go to get your bowling shoes and whatever, completely off limits and I think the player doesn't see it at all, you can also see the roof in the original footage. but moving the camera over there will show you that the ceiling cuts off at a certain point once the developers know that the player won't be able to look up; however, there is a reflection of the ceiling in the wood grain and Wii Sports uses an older technique where everything is duplicated at the top and bottom so you can see what the rest of the ceiling would look like if it were modeled, which It has a different pattern than the ceiling you see with me too because of the sacrifice.
out of bounds secrets wii sports   boundary break
You can see how the channel works. I know someone would ask what it looks like when the bowling balls come back out and you can see that their coordinates are basically placed from where they were in the channel all the way to the inside of this machine where it arrives. spit now for this practice area there are a couple more things to look at, one there is a reflection of the bowling balls that are stored in the background and these lack textures so while they have the colors, they don't appear to have them. interesting designs and also since the camera in the room is designed differently you can see what the ceiling should actually look like when the ball goes down the lane and unique to this area there are two red dots at the end of this room and taking the camera there will show you that they are completely speckled red orbs anyway, we'll give you a zoom of the entire bowling alley.
out of bounds secrets wii sports   boundary break
Hey guys, we are going to talk about gmg performance glasses again and why are we talking about gmg performance classes? well it's because it's actually my favorite product that I've talked about on the show so far and let me tell you why you know a lot of us nowadays play video games or talk to each other on the computer which exposes us to a lot more light blue than someone about 20 years ago, so with these glasses they will filter that light and help improve your life from the things that blue light tends to degrade and there are a couple of good reasons why you would want to wear a pair of glasses like this one, one of which helps you sleep, which is a problem I tend to have.
Two that also help reduce eye strain, so I'll be using them much more often. because as you can see here being in front of a computer screen all the time makes my eyes look a little watery like I'm about to cry or something and that's not good you know, you want to look like a normal human . being like the rest of society so I'll probably use them a lot more often and again thanks to gmg for sponsoring the video right now they have a black friday special where you can save up to 50 until november 29th ie . until midnight so if you are interested definitely click the link below so you can take advantage of this 50 percent off which is a huge discount and thank you later because I have definitely used them before and it definitely helped me so thank you again guys and let's get back to the program.
Now let's look at boxing and first I want to talk about Matt's gym. If you go to the training you get this special area that is not used in the regular boxing game and As I said before it is the gym that belongs to Matt but first there is a lot to see here, if we zoom out the camera completely you can see that There is an entire outdoor area that the player never gets to see, complete with fences and outdoor trees. grass and a sky dome are really impressive things for a disposable area, but inside the gym there's a lot to look at here and keep in mind that on a normal console this would be at best 480i with a panoramic camera, for What's all about this is hard to look at now that we can look closer, we can see that there are all sorts of newspaper clippings for Mats, clearly Matt's glory days here as he has hair in these photos where he doesn't now. and they say several things like ko legend.
And come on, champ, here's also a better view of all the trophies you've won over the years and even better of all is that there's a hidden room in the back, but also a scale and inside the scale says Nintendo anyway, we move on. From there, let's talk about the main event, the actual boxing matches, and this is something that some of you may not have realized and others are eager to let me know that of course you knew about this, but if They're not paying attention, they might not realize it. that when you start boxing your audience is almost nonexistent and I say that it is a little difficult to recognize because to begin with you have a lot of people in the first rows which is where your focus will be mostly but as you go further back in the rows there are less people, in fact the balcony seats have absolutely no one now, if you get to the pro level those seats are completely filled with me and to save resources the me's in the front have more detailed bodies but are not modeled yet. on all sides and then a few rows back they have no hands fun but they all have unique textures on the back of their heads in case the camera pans in that direction and then further back are the mies that have absolutely no geometry 3D for them at all and their faces have no special textures on the back, so if you take the camera behind it, it looks like a group of me looking at you instead of the boxing match and then you might remember earlier those seats that were completely filled with no one, well, now they are filled with cuboids that have a texture on top.
In fact, the strangest thing about e


is that there is no uniform texture for audiences like this and I'm going to point out all the different types as we go. Anyway, for this episode, here's a zoom out of the boxing ring area, now we move on to baseball and the first thing I want to talk about is how there's a screen versus here and there's two things to talk about with this one is that the versus is a 3D model and that 3D model is not modeled on all sides either; in fact any type of font in this game uses any type of 3D, if it doesn't rotate or show the back specifically then there is no rendering.
Again, that's the level of care the developers took to save as many resources as possible, but also with this versus screen there's a relic here that you can barely see. I'm going to slow everything down so you can see. be as good as possible, but what you're seeing here is that the two different camera perspectives shown for my character and the opponent were originally supposed to scroll up and down only to reveal the next screen behind it , but it seems that the director took a different approach and in the final product had a fade out showing the main camera.
Also, this is pretty impressive before the game starts, all the players are stored in this location and you can see all kinds of catcher's gloves as well as referee equipment representing where they are supposed to be. I found a pick removal code that works everywhere except bowling, which is a travesty because it seems like there's a lot more to see in the bowling area, but for baseball I can now see what it would look like if all Mies They were stacked on top of each other and they didn't turn invisible basically and now let's look at the baseball field.
Taking the camera inside the announcer's box will show you that there is a reflection texture. of the field inside the box now, if this were done correctly, it would be in the windows and not concave because it is supposed to be a reflection, not an interior, which again shows a change in creative direction, most likely originally there would be a texture here. to represent an announcer's box, but this must have been changed later in production. Plus, this time the audience looked like a bunch of sparkles unlike the buttons you saw in the boxing ring. Also here is a close up of several signs that were used. in this field that you normally don't have time to review nor did you have the clarity, but speaking of various signs and as I said, there are quite a few of these here, we have to go ahead and show you a couple of things that are It's great the equipment that is used in baseball, although there is no special message.
There are actually several objects that have things written on them like the baseball itself says baseball, the bat says baseball, this one is very hard to see, but the umpires' equipment says baseball. on him too and normally all the gloves have stars on them, but I found a mint one with a unique texture and that was the catcher, not the pitcher, surprisingly, who is the only character I could find that has a glove that says baseball, another A small interesting thing I found here is that even though the sun is used in baseball for the opening scene when you're doing the tutorial, the developers hide the sun by doing it backwards because it's not modeled on all sides, they were able to hide it. the player just turning it but of course using the camera here can show you where it really is and anyway let's zoom out on the baseball field and you'll find that there are buildings here that are used in later parts of the game which is really cool and we'll talk about the from the other segment, but I also want to mention the fact that the sky dome is shaped like a jelly bean and the void is bright green and the reason why they would do this in a large Most of this area is some kind of green , if there is any tear in the environment, it would only show green instead of black and now let's talk about sneakers.
Tennis is really cool because the outside environment is probably the most interesting of all. In other


, there are buildings that are similar to the baseball area, but there is a lot more detail on the side where you start, there is an L-shaped building that is green, I don't know if that is a reference to something, there is also a hexagonal . building too and all the windows seem to have a picture of what looks like a park or possibly a golf course, it's hard to tell but it's clearly a real life picture but the two times I was able to find them were here on this map like For example, going to the sky dome, we will show you some kind of city on the water.
I haven't been able to match the image perfectly to an existing area, but if anyone ever finds that image, please let me know on Twitter anyway. On the opposite side there is an oval building and there is an area where athletes entered and exited. Taking the camera there will show you that there isn't actually a door, but it's modeled there and that same green texture just spreads out. over the door and now this time the distant audience looks like a stained glass window which is again unique in itself unlike all other sports, anyway now moving on to the training area I can show you the entire wall in your totality for one of these mini. games that you can play and I can also show you the entire area in one go, this one only features trees and no buildings and then before starting the game you can see your Mies against a mysterious self and you will see that these mysteries Mine are completely modeled, they are only missing noses or other features on the face and at this angle you can see where the Mies are in relationwith the tennis court, well, it's a bit funny, I didn't want to save the best for last. but golf really has one of the most interesting things to talk about in this episode and that is that golf has a castle hidden within the nine holes, five have a castle in the distance that is not easy to see while you are.
Playing the game but there are hints of it in the distance and bringing the camera in can show you that there is a lot of detail, some of the things you will see immediately is that there are a couple of needles as well as a central point that has a door and everything rests on a platform and Taking the camera below the ground can show you that that platform goes down a bit and can't be seen above ground level, but since this castle is so unique, I decided to


down its texture and see if there is more to it than this. thing can tell us and I'm discovering here that yes, there is something on this texture sheet that isn't even shown on the castle itself and that wouldn't be easy for the player to see anyway, these two blue parts here seem to represent one of two things and it's a set of windows that the player doesn't see or a flag that was supposed to be placed above the needles, either way it was never used.
I tried to look at the entire model inside and out. just to see if there was any hint of the blue part of the texture sheet, so an already dark object in the game also has some unused items, which is really interesting inside the holes, it's a unique texture sheet that is not easily seen. by the player, so I'm giving them a good look right now, but also taking the camera below the ground can show them that the hole itself is much deeper than the texture would imply and that that texture is a complete square that just there are clips outside the circular model and then any course where there is calm water has a reflection in the water itself and the way that that is achieved again is by duplicating the entire environment on the opposite side of what is happening in the real world and paying the camera here can show you a really cool looking sky dome, one that is shaped like a soccer ball, this is only achieved due to the fact that there is supposed to be a reflective surface awarded to the player, for what this sky dome itself is pretty weird and honestly going through online courses like, for example, this is course six, shows that the developers put a lot of effort into these environments.
This particular one has a river that isn't really shown anywhere else in the game, not even others. courses and it's really interesting to move the camera and show you how the river flows into the ocean. You can see the separation between the river and the ocean itself. You can also see how the mountains are just a surrounding texture, but everything comes. together to create a truly beautiful environment, it's surprising that the developers put so much effort into seeing it, as they could simply take preloaded assets and modulate them to their liking. You're seeing a lot of unique models here and lastly, me.
I'm going to take a tour of the tennis court just to say thank you so much for watching. It's been five long years since the original episode and it's crazy to think about, so thank you so much to everyone who was stuck on the show for so long and if you're new here I hope you choose to stick to yourself, if not, Thank you very much for watching, I appreciate it, take it easy.

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