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Out of Bounds Secrets | The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe - Boundary Break Ft. Narrator and William

Jun 09, 2024
At first, Stanley assumed he had broken the map until he heard this narration and realized it was part of the game's design from the beginning. He later praised the game for its advantages. Well, wait a second, uh, wait a second, I need to deal with him. something for a moment, stay there, who the hell are you? I'm trying to run a critically acclaimed bestselling video game here, if you don't mind why are you flying around here outside of level i? oh, I see you're one of those content creators, aren't you okay? I made all the content you're seeing here, so you're not actually creating anything.
out of bounds secrets the stanley parable ultra deluxe   boundary break ft narrator and william
Are you more like a content paparazzi or some kind of flying photo rat running around behind the scenes taking tiny, rad photos for your rat blog on a much smaller version of the internet for rats, go ahead, rat boy, stick your nose in every file cabinet on your computer desk or piece of 3D cheese, the only thing you have You will find a disappointment, be sure to subscribe to rap boy for more paparazzi content, but anyway, that being said, don't worry about the


fancy spoilers for Now, I'll be sure to let you know when to click on the video if that's what you want.
out of bounds secrets the stanley parable ultra deluxe   boundary break ft narrator and william

More Interesting Facts About,

out of bounds secrets the stanley parable ultra deluxe boundary break ft narrator and william...

I'm worried, but for now let's take a look at the intro screen of the game and one of the most interesting things from the beginning is that Stanley's computer shows a picture of your desktop, but by taking the camera off its axis you can see . which still continues to project whatever is on your screen, but to achieve this effect there needs to be a separate entity over what is clearly a static image of Stanley's office and therefore if you move the camera beyond of that entity, what are we going for? to find it on Stanley's computer, well, I thought it would be what you see at the beginning of every time you start Stanley's


, but I was wrong.
out of bounds secrets the stanley parable ultra deluxe   boundary break ft narrator and william
The monitor has an image of a Win Amp mp3 player. Many of you probably don't even know it. I know what that is, I'm old enough to know and I even forget, but basically in the past this was used to play music files from the Windows desktop, so this is a great opportunity to ask director and designer William Pugh what is. It's happening here, this when the amp player has no function other than to make a couple of texture artists and developers while working on the game work haha, well this was ultimately done by a person who is at fault .
out of bounds secrets the stanley parable ultra deluxe   boundary break ft narrator and william
The answer is Dominic Johann and it's up to Hackers and hackers and development enthusiasts like you to separate the texture files and check them. There are some funny jokes in there that made me go haha. It was nice when I saw them while I was working on developing this. game, so Stanley Parable has a lot of easter eggs that are in the game that you can see, some of them are a little bit harder to see than others, some of them are hidden behind certain things, but I want to talk about some . some notable ones like the sheet of paper which is one of the notes used in the indie game gun home and then fans of




might remember this ending involving a female character named mariella at no point can marielle be seen well . face, that's what it looks like here, but we also have Stanley upside down.
If you take the camera under the concrete, you can see Stanley's face, something that would otherwise never be seen by the player in the original game, but some of you may have already seen. in all this online or whatever, one of the things that is different and new for this video is that if we take the camera inside Stanley's mouth we can see that there is geometry intended for his teeth, the interesting thing is that there is no texture for his teeth and instead appears to display the texture sheet of the character model itself. You can see one of the easiest indicators of this is Stanley's shirt over here and then there is this room here with all the monitors for each employee number and most of them just have images of one office, but for this one here for the employee 528 there is an error screen and of course you would never get close enough to read this message, but if you could this is what it would say: error error beep boop error alert due to a failure of the type of error we are experiencing in an error error beep error beep comment error beep boop consult the programmer because of the error that occurs in this error error error error may be the real error please stand up beep boop error beep boop error honestly right?
I know what it's like to put so much detail into little things like this. I mean, I'm writing this and I have no idea why anyone would ever see this texture. It will increase the value of someone's gaming experience. I do not know if you. You're reading this, you're probably the only one Hello, the irony of me reading this to you in a YouTube video is not lost on me, so this ending happens when you choose all the options the


details. For you, you get this whole outdoor area that you don't really get a chance to explore.
Your character just starts walking in some kind of scene. You lose control of the character. If we take the camera outside to explore it, you can see. To be honest with you, there isn't much to this environment, it's a lot of visual tricks to give the perception of a large open area, but one of the most interesting things about this area apparently through some research I discovered that the original game had The skull is on the left, but for Ultra Deluxe that skull is no longer three-dimensional, but rather a nice long, flat texture that has the illusion of depth.
If you could see the skull from your perspective as a player, for me I just find it. It's funny that they left the skull inside anyway, much less did anything with the skull to save resources. What's more interesting is something that's a little harder to see. It is a building that is on the top of a mountain. It has a strange texture. a little post sticking out of it, but I was really surprised to see a building up here and so you can really soak it in, let's take a moment to wait a moment on this shot. a little bit and also that bridge has a really weird grid texture and then you might remember the room of the gods, this is one of the darkest endings you can get in the game and by taking the camera outside its intended limits you can see how The geometry for this entire room is formed there is a large cylinder that rests on the largest circumference of the main room of all the buttons the player can press.
I was a little surprised, I didn't think it would be fully modeled. So I thought maybe there would be a white void or something and then there's the end of the escape pod and there's a little sign telling the player what happens when you get this ending, but the warning message is covered in dirt. So it's harder to read what's really going on here, but the full message is underneath the dirt and by cropping the camera a little bit, you can read everything it's supposed to say and I'll read it to you. It says warning. Entering the escape pod will initiate a relay that, once activated, cannot be deactivated or paused.
Both the


and the player must be present for the escape sequence to play as intended. Don't continue, don't continue, don't continue, don't continue, don't continue in the same way. In the area there are a series of floors that you have to climb to get to the escape pod, but if we take the camera under the floors that you can get to, you can see that there are several floors that are actually rendered and some They're even labeled talking about the escape pod itself. If we look at the escape pod, there are a couple of details that are a little difficult to see, but there is one that goes completely unnoticed by the player on the back of the escape pod. from an easter egg left by the developers says bitter man here is William from the development team to explain this is the bitter man easter egg created by andrea the 3D artist from Stanley Parables from 2013 and this easter egg refers to and knew all this for the So I didn't have to research this, uh, this is all about the bitter man, the character from earthquake 2 who escapes from the asteroid via an escape capsule just before it explodes and lands on sterogos.
The seemingly bitter man survives the crash landing, but his fate from this point on remains unknown. This is a deep psychological and thematic reference to Stanley's nature and his interaction with the escape pod in the escape ending is very profound. that's why we won the igf Choice Award uh 2014 it was this texture gag that drove us over the top, if you're watching this video and you haven't purchased or played Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe for Steam PS4 PS5 Xbox One Xbox Series X or S or Nintendo Switch, then you are expressly prohibited from viewing the rest of this video.
I won't understand, I will spoil you and I will find you and sue you. Bye, okay, with that out of the way, let's start talking about the new content, so I talked to William about this effect that is used a lot in this game. Apparently it's called wormholes and I'll let me explain it further, but I just wanted to show you that there are many cases where it looks like you should enter another room only to find out that's actually the case before you enter. The only thing you'll see out of


in the room is emptiness or, in a case like the one I just showed you a moment ago, a wall behind the wormhole path.
It's a really cool effect and it's amazing how fluid it is as I show you more images. of wormholes in Stanley's parable here is William's explanation for this whole thing this room is incredibly complex this is using a dark and secret technique called wormholes they would it was developed by a team at the digipen institute of technology for a obscure and never made game called narbacula drop never did it was a one off game from the early 2000s it didn't evolve into any major franchise these wormholes are used to help lazy level designers like me who want to create individual parts of a world like the monitor room and the part before the monitor room and glue them together without having to merge all that strange and complicated geometry.
These wormholes are used to transport players, objects and things. Between two completely different parts of a video game level, the wormholes can be in different ones. orientations, locations or rotations and sometimes they are used in the game, they are often used in the game without you knowing it, silly little gamer, you look at these two doors, a picture of the two doors appears, look at these two. doors these two doors are not real they are fake they are an illusion created by the game developers to deceive you the correct door is not a real door it is not a door that you can pass through in real space it is a wormhole, that's right, you guessed correctly wormholes, thanks


, I appreciate it, so next, in one of the endings where you leave the narrator, there is a room here that you can't access, it has a bunch of monitor panels, just I wanted to take the camera up close, I can't really explain what you're seeing here, but you can definitely speculate in the comments section below.
There are a couple of cases in Stanley Parable where objects are stored out of


and they simply aren't. Used like in this whole nostalgia themed area they show the serious room and under the floor there is a texture for dirt that doesn't seem to be used, maybe it was supposed to be placed on a glass panel and maybe that glass was removed , but Whatever the case, this texture is completely off limits and then in the base game you can take the camera under the floor here in the meeting room and for some reason under the filing cabinets there is a reel of thread and, again, what makes this notable. is that


parable is a pretty clean game with almost nothing stored off limits so seeing an audi like this is incredibly rare and then we have this segment here where stanley keeps pressing the button and it increases the passage of time and I thought so.
It was really cool how they achieved this effect, instead of changing the contents of one room, the developers created multiple rooms and simply teleported Stanley to each individual room the player arrived at next and then, for


luxury, the ending that It involves you playing different games. It has been completely changed. The first game you finish is Fire Watch and you start in the watchtower, which is shocking because there are a lot of environments you can look at off limits. There are even items on the map here. Honestly, I think out of the entire game, this area probably has the most environment.
Also if you take the camera outside the watchtower you can see that it is encased in a giant sphere and that I think the sphere is a trigger to raise the walls to prevent the player from exploring and then the next is a game that we have Covered here on



ing. I'll be sure to leave a link to that episode in the video description. If you are interested andthat game is Rocket League and once again I think it's a straight asset port since this map looks pretty familiar to me when I worked on it for the limit


ing episode, although I don't remember if there was this texture. here in the stands it looks like it might be out of place, I can't say for sure, although there is usually a giant crowd of little eggs that would mask something like that and then there will be an ending here where Stanley tries to convince the cube about the magic of the number three and if you take the camera to this waiting room that you can't seem to get to for some reason, there's a low poly rat hiding in one of the couches, I love it.
I don't know why it's here, but it's cool, really I appreciate that that was left there for people like me and also in the exact same area there is a hallway that Stanley can't access and at the end of that hallway is a sign that doesn't seem to be used anywhere else so in It is largely unused because it is placed out of the player's view. It's a sign that says how I stopped climate change and then in parentheses it says I'm 11 years old, by the way, also for one of the rooms that we talked about before with the button that allows you to skip time, there is a crack in the ceiling and if you take the camera above that crack and look at what's there, you get a non-textured plant which is pretty impressive, but you also see the texture sheet. for an area that is a bit stained at the top and then there is an ending where Stanley will place the cube in the escape pod, showing this from another angle will show you that the cube you have been carrying actually just falls under the map and then it's replaced by a pair of arms that aren't attached to any body as he places another cube into the capsule and then there's this article that's supposed to be for the end of the game that also talks about Stanley's parable and a big part of this review is buried under the sand and I just want to show you what the rest of the dialogue says.
I won't read it all, but I just want to read this last sentence here, Stanley Parable 2 received. almost the lowest aggregate review scores in video game history, second only to ernesto's small file size adventure, well it says, but I looked into it and a fake game called ernesto's small file size adventure was mentioned. ernesto on the developer blog before the release of ultra


, so this is a reference to that blog which is unfortunately only referenced out of bounds. Also, when you finish the game, there is a new animation on the title screen and there are some details that can be difficult to see, so I want to show you what I found.
By zooming in first you can notice that the bucket is actually in the driver's seat, but also that the license plate is from Utah, it says super bad and then underneath it says camaro. There is also a part of the game where the narrator has you fall into an endless tunnel, in quotes, endless and it loops before leaving you at the bottom of this tunnel and the interesting thing is that you can see here taking the camera out of bounds with The color orange. light on the cube representing the player's position in which the player reaches a certain point before being transported back to the top of the pit only to fall further and further and to perpetuate this effect the top of the pit does not It's really the top of the well. well it's a texture to represent the top of the well which is eventually replaced by it and in fact if you look closely you can see when the light from the ceiling disappears and it just becomes a white dot.
That white dot represents when the texture replaces the real thing. atmosphere in the sequence I told you about before about stanley trying to convince the cube that they can go back and do this shipment without the cube and there will actually be an audience waiting for stanley now it's intentionally meant to be very, very dark and I have I increased the lighting to show some of the details of these characters, but this is what those low poly models look like up close and lastly, for some reason, at one point, when you play Stanley Parable 2, there are two constants: you have the cube or not, the cube will always be hanging, it will be somewhere directly behind Stanley so it can't be seen if you are not holding the cube and obviously if you are holding the cube then it will be in sight. and lastly, the other constant is that a Stanley collectible is always and I mean always, no matter how many collectibles hanging in the void.
That being said, I just want to say a big thank you to Crows Crows Crows for helping me with this episode. Whenever I have a guest developer on the show, I leave you with the final words, so I present to you Williams Outro, thank you again sir for being on the show. Remove it from the div viewer. Many other guest developers would try to trick you. an intricate and complex exit, however, I will get to the point. I'm here not because I'm a big fan of


breaking or because I'm passionate about the nature of game design, but because I need to promote this product, Stanley's parable ultra.


is available now, and despite what you've seen in this video, it's significantly larger than the critically acclaimed original game.
Let me remind you that it is available right now, at this very moment you could be playing the game, it is now available for Nintendo. power up xboxes on playstations, it's available on Steam on Mac Linux, it works pretty well on Steam Deck last time I checked, so go to those e-stores and buy the game if you're watching this video because you already know. all about Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe and you're a fan of it and you're supporting the cause, then I need you to go and make sure you've left a positive review. I need you to go to and sign up for the newsletter please, can you do that for me?
It would make my day if you could interact with this product, thank you so much, big respect, big love, thank you for having me. I'll come back in the next video for more information. I will be a permanent fixture in breaking boundaries. from this moment on new cast member new cast member


pugh remember I hope that's acceptable

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