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Our Turbo Crown Vic Might Be The MOST FUN Car In Our Fleet! Everyone Needs One Of These

Jun 03, 2021
It's not bad, it's not bad. Dude, honestly, I'm happy with it, let's take a closer look at this real quick, well, it says 658 right there, this thing is going to kill someone, dude, if we could calm this down, I'd be a sick little sleeper, but I it actually got a little thinner, we may need to put some fuel pressure back on it, but that broke man, so this thing back with catering wheels I think will do pretty well on the track, hope to see another like two miles an hour easy, maybe actually more than that because the converter, you know, should be able to go faster, so I don't know, man, there's a hole and that stall speed is up there, yeah, yeah , because once the second came in, well, it was breaking oh 19 pounds when you changed the last gear, it saw 20. oh my God, oh my God, that's where it could be, I think it's probably, oh, although if we turn too greedy with her, I don't know how.
our turbo crown vic might be the most fun car in our fleet everyone needs one of these
Don't build any Ford engines now, yeah, yeah, I think we should probably put a little more fuel pressure on it and just let it go after that, I think we'll be fine, so that's a big 10-4 in your tailgate. Dude, it's got 60 pounds of fuel pressure now, boss, hey, you ready to make some power, oh, we're making some power, buddy, that dog's going hunting, yeah, buddy, that's good, honestly, give it a shot two more pounds of pressure, it's amazing that you want to pass the fuel pressure. yeah, we don't even need to run it, it's like the middle 12 across the pole, it'll bring it down to 12 2 12 3.
our turbo crown vic might be the most fun car in our fleet everyone needs one of these

More Interesting Facts About,

our turbo crown vic might be the most fun car in our fleet everyone needs one of these...

We're ready, we've got a nice little fuel mixture, we've got a higher octane, 93. I think the Crown Vic has quickly become one of the


fun vehicles in our


and I can't wait to take it to the track because that will happen a little later this week, hopefully we can probably get it running. mid seven, which should be something like a mid 11, but a mid 11 corona victim man, super excited, now guys, to give you a quick background story on this car, they donated this car to us and it ran well, I mean 300 wheels. horsepower and we built a


kit in just over a full day.
our turbo crown vic might be the most fun car in our fleet everyone needs one of these
Amazing video. I hope you can take a moment and look at it. I definitely had a lot of fun building. I wanted to thank many of you who have placed an order for our new t-shirt and if you haven't seen it yet, check it out right here. This is a new design we came up with, we love it and we've gotten a lot of really good positive feedback on it. and we will have a link in the description for that and these t-shirts should start shipping towards the end of the week right here alright guys the quote i wanted to leave you here is from the late great billy graham he says prayer is simply a two way conversation between you and God.
our turbo crown vic might be the most fun car in our fleet everyone needs one of these
Okay, I wanted to leave you with a song here that will be welcomed into the jungle by Guns and Roses. I think my kids were introduced to this recently and they thought it was the best thing I remember hearing a long time ago, that some kids broke into a school and got on the pa or something and started shouting some of the lyrics and started screaming. shout some of the lyrics to the jungle. This teacher went crazy and thought it was like a death threat and she ended up closing the school and the SWAT team came in and all that because I thought it was a death threat and just some dumb kids that you know were like yeah, yeah, yeah anyway.
God bless you guys, have a great day, see you in the next episode.

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