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Our Most Irrational Fears

Jun 02, 2021
welcome to hear cookies, I'm red and I'll be long this week at my dining table and at the illustrious card table in the creative house where Rhett I see your city, yes, once again, yes, once again, let's go, let's go to snorkel. in a series of topics that they have dictated in response to a message that we published throughout the universe. I mean, when they post messages it's like: Hey guys, do you have any questions for us? I wonder if the aliens are tempted to respond, you know? It's like there are aliens with the ability to monitor everything we are doing, are they a man?
our most irrational fears
I really want to respond and if they do, could they be using an alias like one of these people? We can't evaluate it from a physical limitation point of view, if you would like to respond, I mean the best technology we have right now can only move information at the speed of light, so if you respond, It will be years from now and it will be irrelevant now if they are here ohoho. you're assuming they have the limitations that we have, well no, I mean they may be here somehow or they may have a way to monitor us even from a distance in a way that we don't and also communicate with us, yes, instantly , yeah, my mind is really in the alien world because, although you know, I read the three-body problem, and then I read, and then I read the dark forest sequel, and then I was like, do you know what this is? too gloomy and this too heady and it's too much, I can't do it and then I realized I had been paying for audible and I had forgotten that I should listen to some audiobooks, you said, listen to books while you're walking around the neighborhood, I'll say I should try it, so I downloaded the third book, the last book in the trilogy I've been listening to a little bit, that may mean I can walk for a long time like I'm walking. like above our cousin I'm just walking like a way to listen to a book I don't even know where I am yeah and you get a lot more books and I use the term read I don't care I see. what someone says I don't specify I'm listening to a book I'm like I'm reading a book because I want to say who am I?
our most irrational fears

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our most irrational fears...

I'm not a book listening guy no, actually I am and I've gotten through so many more books than normal, do you think that's why I've been walking so much? Do you walk slower or faster when it gets more intense or is it regardless, regardless? I walk more like what you're saying, you know, I want to keep listening. I actually finished a book last night that was great and only took me five days of walking to finish it, so it's a pretty short book, it's called The Stranger in the Woods. Member we did, would have made this a disaster. if in a later episode you're now stealing it from me, but we did that episode on GMM about hermits and our weird people, I don't know what it was, it was back in the day and we taught about the North Pond hermit.
our most irrational fears
Yeah, who lived by that lake in Maine and was isolated alone without any human beings, that's what isolation means, except you're isolated with people, I guess, except for one interaction in 27 years and he's believed to be the more isolated person. person potentially in the history of humanity, which I think is what we titled the video when we did that kind of news. It's an incredible story from a journalist who wanted to track down and interact with this guy, no, no, it was after he was arrested so what, and you. I know why he was robbing everyone, right, I thought why this book is rated so high, you know, and then I learned from reading it or listening to it because it's incredibly introspective, since the journalist is very introspective and the way he explores the concept of isolation and Hermitage, if that's a word, hmm, it's only a six hour listen and it's a good time to read it.
our most irrational fears
You know when you're trying to get some kind of perspective. no, like a connection with this guy who's done this, there's camaraderie like, hey, I'm not alone on this roof, his level of isolation, the funny thing is that at one point in the book it didn't occur to me that he was doing anything remotely close to which it was good that this guy was doing that no one or was it still matter no doesn't matter it's just that he's playing he's playing actually Wow at the end like I walked four and a half miles last night listening to this book and I was coming home and I thought I really don't want to.
I can see. I'm listening to the book on my watch. I don't even have my phone, I'm just looking at my headphones and I'm like it's 15 minutes late and I just walked in, if it was 15 minutes left I went and sat on the front steps and then I started really crying during this, There's a moment at the end where, oh, don't do it. spoil it where it will make you cry if you have a good heart, what do you mean you don't know if I have a heart? I say it for all people, not everyone cries for everything.
Brett, no one is listening to this conversation. yeah, it's just you and me, man, and I'm not talking about that, I was going to make it a mess for later because I know I'm the ranger in the woods, the stranger in the woods, I think his name is, so, what? where are you? Now you land on podcasts versus audiobooks and how are you navigating it? Because I know that you also like to listen to podcasts and if you get into a good series, yes, and I see it when I think about it, my thing is always if I'm going to listen to music. because you know or I'm going to listen to a podcast and now I'm going to listen to an audio, but I think the audiobook has taken the place of the podcast for me right now, yeah, well, you know, for some reason, because I have a list of podcasts I would listen to a lot.
I especially listen to them while driving. I was already listening to a lot of audiobooks, but little by little audiobooks have been displacing podcasts, but it's an interesting dynamic because I also listen. I listen to music when I exercise,


people need some type of music and I understand that some BPM is small, but I want what I get from the book or podcast more than I want it. feeling I get from music when I'm exercising, and some books can become too complex to listen to while you're around. I mean, you have to be new, you have to be embodied to really exercise because if you're so Instead of walking, I think it could be dangerous, but I do both.
I still listen to more audiobooks while I work out and then podcasts, but I find that podcast because they're kind of a lighthearted conversation


of the time. Now you can tune in now and it's better for working out but I can't count to 10 like I can't count reps and listen to the book I'm listening to. I mean, it's a very complex book and I'm not that complex of a guy, so I really have to try hard if I had to count to 10 three times in a row. I couldn't do it, which reminds me of meditation.
You know, this is what it is. meditation where it's like you count your breaths and when you get to 10 you start again most of the time. I never get to 10 the first time, you know, I definitely couldn't, it's very difficult, no, I don't want to. To try to keep doing my reps, sometimes I find myself in the teens and I want to say, oh, you're supposed to start over, yeah, that happens sometimes, man, because you can count, you can have it on autopilot unless I do, but In two quick things, although two quick things before we get into that, all the time you need.
First off, I want to acknowledge the fact that you're most likely aware that there are unforeseen circumstances, despite keeping my fingers crossed that we do the podcast separately, so actually unfortunately, breaking the screen can break this, your cookies. here because you'll find out tomorrow anyway if you listen to this when it comes out, but we actually went back to the studio, y'all, this comes out on Monday along with the episode there. at the same time Oh again, Monday, not Sunday, so no one's out, yeah, so the GMM episode you can watch today if you're listening to this on Monday, when it comes out you'll see it's just me and Lincoln Stevie in the studio because the three of us have been in quarantine and we've determined that it's safe for us to get together and film the show together and that's how we're going to do it until we hear more information that allows us to bring in a few more people and social distance and masks and all that, so along with that we will go back to the ear cookies to do with the dimly lit round table so that the echo that you hear especially on my side is gone the USB audio quality, which I have seen some people complain about audio files because we are using these USB microphones that will disappear, we will use Did I let you mention that we can see each other directly, first of all, without delay, through the delights of the snow and we have filmed, so yesterday I went in and we filmed some episodes of GMM with Stevie and it was a pleasure, right?
Yeah, I mean, yeah, she was. I mean, I think I said it in one of the episodes that, like I was very, I tried to sleep through the night. before because I was so excited about it, but I was also nervous because it was just the three of us in charge of a lot of the technical stuff, but Morgan Morgan had set up this amazing system with GoPros covering the space and filming the Setup panel. like the audio output and different and we, Stevie, would sit and control and maintain all these things, so everyone was on Morgan and the rest of the team that was necessary for all the episodes that were monitoring live and communicating. with us even though we were the only three feet, we were the six hands for who knows how many people were watching, plus five camps like our traditional five camera setup running at the same time our audio signal coming from the microphone and being monitored. by Chris, our audio guy, who was looking at a video of just the waveforms or just the audio kit, basically, yeah, it was an amazing system and he sized it for the team, we told the team, but it was like if they were one of What we have said several times is how easy they make it for us when we are in the studio.
Yeah, well, they actually made it easy for us when they weren't in the studio. Now there were a lot of moving parts. and cleaning and things that we don't normally have to worry about, yeah, but still, I mean, when you watch these episodes, you'll be able to watch next week's episodes, which are still only three a week for now, you can say the ones today. episode, yeah, this week's episode, there was a joy that you had that, yeah, gospel joy, if it had been made, I was so relieved that the system worked and then we realized that there were a couple of problems at the beginning when starting everything and everything. the cameras woke up, but then there were their creative limitations, you know, when it's just the three of us there.
I'm very grateful for the expanded team and I mean, you'll be able to see the difference this week. episodes and again, it's still only three of them, we'll go to five as soon as we can, but that's not this week as you're hearing this new, but yeah, it was cool to be in the space and you know after. What I told the team and what I was reflecting on is funny because yesterday while I was driving home after recording the episodes in the studio I started listening to the audiobook because I'm so hooked on this story that I just want to keep going, but then I thought, " You know what?", I'm going to pause this and reflect on what happened today and so on during the trip home, which was much shorter because there was still no one on the highway.
I just took that time. Stop and celebrate the fact that we did it. I mean, when I got home I was able to convey to the team what I myself would appreciate and that was the experience of being behind the desk and liking it. to be in the same space and do the show and it was the most normal thing I've felt since I've been in quarantine, I mean it was just refreshing, it was a relief, it was like a sigh of relief driving to work to do and do it and then driving to Coming home felt like how I used to be and then when I got home, you know, I walked back into a space where no one else felt that and we were navigating all the challenges of the buildup of isolation and frustration and how all of that goes sideways. , but I had more in my tank than I had in a long time because just a sense of normalcy is so powerful that it's funny, it's funny that you talk about that transition of basically going to work for the first time, I mean, we've been working, but the idea of ​​going to the studio and getting back into that rhythm is like I was in this space where it's designated as a place where I do my work and then I went back to my house and I was, I was in the same place, I felt very good, I was as it was, so I was very proud of our team.
You know, they show us all the time how good they are, what they do and how. they facilitate what we're best at they do they do what they're best at so we can do what we're best at and that means it works well mm-hmm and yesterday even though we had doubts about this process like what it is It'll be like it just the three of us were there and all of that would be remote, well they figured it out and it worked and then we could move ona good time, which is the key for us to put on a good show. having a good time so I was thinking the same thing and then I came home and we had experimented with this, you know, we've had trouble getting Shepard to do her schoolwork without constant interference or, among other things, intervening, so she and I had a conversation last week where we were like I'm going to try something new even though this is like the last week of school or the last two weeks of school.
I thought let's try something, just to see if we can get it. You know, we'll give you the opportunity to basically set your schedule and do your job and we'll communicate at the end of the day and what we're trying to do is try to instill or establish trust with you so that then you can have the right freedom because nobody enjoys this constant discussion about are you doing your job, you do it at your job and this is especially hard for Jessi because she's the one I'm here in the creative house or whatever and she's dealing with it constantly so you know that I get home and first of all I'm going to grill some tuna steaks, that was my job for dinner, but I was also going to see Shepherd and see Shepherd and then like he did something. things, but then he didn't quite do it and there was an argument that broke out about that and then there was an argument that broke out with Locke telling even more about what we were.
I was in the kitchen and Jessi was cutting something. pair of scissors and then I was walking and she turned around with the scissors and I collided with her, no one got hurt but then she thought it was my fault, I thought it was her fault, they were yelling at each other and she had the pair of scissors, guys. and basically with everyone in the family except for Barbara, I don't think Barbara has done anything to make me angry, she rarely does, it was like I left this place where everyone was doing exactly what I needed them to. they did in order. to make my life easier, yes, to a place where no one did anything, they made my life easier, it wasn't about me being easy in my life, it was about being part of this family where everyone has their own needs, everyone has theirs. things that they're dealing with and we're all tired of each other and it was like it went from zero to 11 all of a sudden and then after dinner Jesse said, "Do you want to go sleep in the creative house this night and see that bed I put there you think you're giving me a hard time about what she was like there's a there's a bed yeah, I thought oh yeah, it's a child's bed, do I look like a child?
It's not a child, but? It's a double bed, did you sleep in it? How did it feel good? I didn't sleep in it I said I'm not going to do that I said You know I just need some time to myself I guess because she's giving it to me and I didn't. , so I took my really long walk, you know, four and a half miles and then you sat on the steps and cried, was that yesterday um yeah, last night and well, I'll have to say it word no, I don't have, I mean, just. I'm saying I can relate to what you're saying throughout this Inn and all I can do is be grateful because you know not everyone has most people and I'm not saying we don't have frustrations at work. from time to time, but you know it's a rare thing to be like a man, they just did all this for us and that's the level of ownership.
I think that's what's so impressive with so many members of our team is that they say this, this is not just rhettandlink singh, this is our thing and we're going to do it right, like we do it in a great way and it just does it. , it makes it fun, you know, yeah, and I mean, we have so many people who have it so hard. I mean, some of you don't even have jobs to go to, so you know a lot of people that you know I love. I want to acknowledge that and you know if there's any way to simulate based on my experience.
I guess the stimulus and I don't know if there's much to do is if there's a way to do it if there's no normal in your life. a way to simulate it, you know, I don't even know what it would mean, even just taking a look for a few minutes helps a lot. Okay, before we get into the questions, let's do a little add-on, let's take action. I'd like to dress us up and cut us up like a couple of chimpanzees. We don't groom each other, we grew up and we have grooming products available at Calma Mítica because these links support them right there.
We have a legendary pomade for all your hair. need, I'm basically out, I have to look at your hair a little more, she's too long, oh, I'm carrying a hand in more, let's head, a dick is too long, yeah, there's that and the mythical Lynx lip balm peculiarly perfect. The peanut butter mint flavor is available along with rets wood berries. I think we still have some of that. This particular one says links because it's on the label, but it also has a printed label that says link because it's yours and it's yours. mine and it's mine that's right this came from the office where I think it was in my makeup bag omg Graham yourself people always say they're pleasantly surprised because they think it's just some kind of gimmick we sell lip balm, but I will compare this lip balm to anyone's lip balm.
You will be pleasantly surprised because it is peculiarly perfect. Get it in a pack of two. Mythical calm. Well, let's start with a question from Michelle Miss Belvedere on Twitter. mm-hmm, what is your most


fear? Funnily enough I'm afraid of wind turbines and other big things and bouncing wind turbines, wind turbines, how do you say that? She told me: windmills like the ones that go to Palm Springs, the huge windmills, those up there, yeah, I mean, you pass the ones on the highway, if you go to Palm Springs, remember that the first one time I drove to Palm Springs was when we were going to the wrestlers' reality house.
I don't remember what religions were called. from Legends House they had a reality show and they brought us in as guest judges because the wrestlers were divided into two teams and did local commercials, we met the loud Roddy Piper, may he rest in peace. Mean Gene, may he rest in peace. Mean Gene, cool guy, that guy, man, you just get the feeling that this guy was full of stories. I wish we could have spent more time with him. Hillbilly Jim, you know, hacksaw, that wasn't the one I want among Christie's favorites for some reason, but Remember that was the first time we went out, we went to Palm Springs and they and we got put in a it wasn't a limousine , it was a car, we were both in the back seat.
I'm like a Town Car and I was like shit. look at those windmills, you remember that was the first time I saw it, probably you too, I don't remember the moment and specifically, but yes, maybe we saw someone, we traveled all over the country on the mythical road trip, but this She left the most indelible impression and I identify with Michelle. I feel like I have clarifying questions. I can use them because, first of all, they are much bigger than you understand or can appreciate until you get close to them, I mean, even like them. Because it looks like they're moving like that, yeah, but if you went up there and there's a reason you know if a bird flies at you it's like getting hit, it's like a golf ball with a baseball bat or worse.
Oh God, oh, I mean, these things are so many, they go so fast, they're so big that it doesn't seem like it. I imagine if it was right next door it would have an awesome feeling of fear that you can endure. a tour we should make decisions by looking at the holes it's like looking at a whole hillside of them it's scary I think we don't listen I don't we don't have to analyze Michelle's


she's really asking us what our


fear is I think you know which one is yours which is your easiest Heights I don't know what yours is actually I think I have some I mean, I don't know if height height is an irrational fear there are certain situations where it is very rational, yes, to be afraid of heights.
I am afraid of the heights that are associated with it. I'm afraid of heights. Also, not having handholds makes sense as a railing like your wife sent us that video in our group chat of those people at some tourist attraction where you have to like walking on these weird things that look a mile high and one of them It's like they were boards that were on - what are those metals, why, what metal wires, cables, why am I? ever forgot the word both but one and you had a jumping trip one of them is like a trapeze where it's just a board and two ropes and you have to like the swings and you have to go to the next one now I'm not saying I'd be fine with this, but I'd be much better off with that one because I have something to hold on to and then the second one, which is just the cables and the boards, and you just have to go to the next place like and there was something about being taken, I haven't said that about the next board, but then after a couple of those, the boards started to separate more, so you had to jump and it was like fucking Mario, yeah, and you're tied up. you're tied, tied, but there's nothing to hold on to, so you just stand there and it's loose like tied, but you forget about it, you know it's totally loose, so you don't feel any protective measure, so that is a. but my wife makes fun of me all the time for my fear of bats, yes I remember the story of being in the hot tub where the bats kept attacking to death, so yes I mean most places in the United States, because I mean I'm saying in most places because it happens in California and it happened in North Carolina, like when dusk comes and you start to see the light of the air, it's a bird flying erratically like no, that's a bat, it's a bat and it's flying in strange directions and swooping down. down like and getting really close to your head and I told you the story of what happened to Heather Dinklage while she was growing up where we were outside of her and a damn bat landed on her bitter hair on her neck, what at least Did she say she bit her? her neck, but I think it may have gotten caught in her hair or something might have scratched her.
At one point I had claws in my mind, all the bats will never come into contact with you because they went like sonar, you know what I? I'm saying they're not going to come into contact with you, they're going to come to you no, no, no, if Heather Dinklage is any, is there any indication that, well, that's the word, I'm looking for you. "I have never been touched by a bat, but you, but you are afraid that I have never touched a bet, okay, but you will write on the back that you are a bee, as if it were flying.
I am afraid of a flying bat." I wouldn't do it if you gave me a bat and pet me, no problem, maybe it's even cute, it's a mouse with wings, but it flies and has the potential for bike and rabies, so what happened to the situation with Jessie What are you talking about? It's just that I got out of the hot tub and I was drying off and they had been flying over the hot tub the whole time we were there, but one came right at me while I was drying off and I just fell to the ground because I had nowhere to go, I couldn't get in the water. like I normally would, so I just fell all the way back and Jesse never let me forget that and I was like, "You don't know if I had Dinklage there, you were there." She wasn't there but you weren't there either, yeah she told us about it but I mean she was my neighbor and that will make you fall in love with a bee man, you know you like bees.
If you just want one bee, that will increase the chances of it singing to you, that's my belief, my experience with a bee is if you stay still and I'm not even talking about when I had 10,000 of them on my face and trying to get into my eyeballs with my nose. holes and the hole of my mouth. I'm telling this like it's a normal walk with the dog and you hear a bunch of buzzing in a particular flowering tree and there's like beef coming around you and like if you're still there they'll leave you alone. Like, oh, you're not nectar, right, yeah, I find it hard to relax because it's different, but I think it's based on the fact that when I was a kid I had a bee on my hand that bit me, I hope you don't.
It even stung me, I mean, I know you're right that they don't normally do that, but especially if you don't know they're there and there's one under your arm and you reach up there, they can sting you, man. there's a chance of getting bitten, i know it's not the end of the world but i just don't like getting bitten so i would say it increases the chance of getting bitten, it's the lost barrier to being around you man, well you know I'm I'm going to be afraid of something well my choice is blood flow and you know it.
I mean, everyone knows us at this point. I mean, people are afraid of blood and so am I. I mean, you know, I was cut off by the tried and true story. I opened the Barbie on Christmas morning at my father-in-law's house with his knife and ran to the kitchen. The next thing I know I pass out and I look up and I'm in my father-in-law's arms. in the sink that was embarrassing I like that you said I've never experienced that but I have this. I'm just scared when I think about blood flow and I actually looked that up before this.
I'm afraid ofIt just adds to this bag of things that I feel like I have to process and I told my therapist. I feel like during this month as we head into June, I'm going to take in the news quickly and not feel like I have to be informed about every single thing that's happening with the virus or every single thing the president says. say or do something like for a second turn off the tap and see how it affects my health and personal outlook because many times even before, even when I get up in the morning and I'm about to meditate if I went on Twitter and saw the last thing I added to that process and it is very difficult to let go, yes, so in that sense, what I get in response to this question is that I feel, to a certain extent, ignorance.
It's happiness, yeah, I mean, I think it's clear from the situation that the key is moderation. I mean, welcome to my world. You know, I err on the opposite side of just not being more ignorant about things that are happening, I mean, when you talk about news. Especially it's like it gives me a different way because I feel like I think you have this feeling that there's something you can do, whether it's the fact that we have a platform or the fact that you like writing and rebuilding things. together, so there you have an outlet to comment on these things that I really feel personally because I don't have the same experience.
I feel frustration and a kind of helplessness when those things happen and it's not a pressure to get involved it's a frustration because I just don't feel equipped to do that, I feel like sometimes I think but then if I'm bombarded with a lot of things I get this feeling palpable capacity, you know? All you know is that you talk about things that add up and that to me just forms a book, it's not a pressure, it's something that I just get buried under it and feel like I can't do the things that I want it to do.
I need to devote my energy and attention to a mistake, so there are times when there are certain things in the news that I need to know and at least be exposed to. I don't have to have an opinion that I would then like to tell someone publicly about this, but it's good and it's healthy to understand what's happening there again and just stay in the front of the news, so you know, I tried to listen first, which is like a very quick like the headlines, you know, it just takes you through the headlines and then you move on, but I'm not reading these articles and I like to go really deep into a lot of things, so that's been my correction: I need to be a little more I need to be a little less ignorant about things because yeah, I think it simplifies my life and allows me, gives me the ability to invest in the things that I need to invest in, but there are some things that come.
As an aside, if you didn't anticipate that, you need to be informed, so I've made some adjustments at that level, but in this case, I do try not to go too deep into it because wealth, health, the basis of personality, is very personality. based on, for example, well, those of you who follow me on Instagram or Twitter know that, first of all, I'm incredibly sporadic and sometimes I'll just go out for a run for a few days or a few weeks where I'm pretty active. platforms and it's usually an indication that no we don't have a project that is taking a lot of time and at the beginning of the quarantine we suddenly had a lot of time because our lives were turned upside down and our business was turned upside down and then I get very frustrated when I see people saying things that are not true and there has been so much misinformation around Kovat and it's like people are divided into two camps and it's not like everything has become politically correct and that's why I signed up.
I'm not an authority and I try to say that over and over again. I'm just a guy interested in this stuff who has a platform that makes a living on YouTube, so I'm definitely not an authority on any of this, but I like to point out and elevate voices that are two voices that are authorities and you know, I passed because of this phase where I felt like I was putting something out there and people would like it. If you have questions about it or criticize it, I would get involved personally and you may realize why I haven't done so for the last few weeks and largely I mean there are several reasons, one is that we are busy with other things. a couple of things that are taking up more of my time, more of my attention, there's also a sense of hopelessness, you know, there's a sense that there are some people who are so committed to them that they're just deeply entrenched in their trench. that nothing you can say, no fact you can point out to them is going to change anything, so a sense of hopelessness just arises, so I've backtracked on that and then what I'm adding is fine.
I also don't even really want to know what's going on in the news for a moment just for a moment personal health but I am very grateful to the people who day to day especially those people who are tora T on these topics and there are Some people who I follow on Twitter are like a daily briefing on Kovat and here's the latest you know or you have certain websites like Snopes that are committed to setting the record straight on all of these topics and them. We constantly have to deal with misinformation. I'm very grateful to those people who are in the trenches and fighting that battle and trying to let them know, fight this information and get the right information out, but I just can't do it.
No, it's not healthy to do it, but like you said, there are some things you know, like what happened with am in Arbor II or what happened when we were recording. This just happened two days ago, two days ago in Minneapolis, George Floyd, right? you know, I'll post something on Instagram or Twitter about it just to acknowledge that you know, I want to elevate those voices and I want to bring attention to something with my platform. I'm not trying to pontificate or just come on. and try to say something about it. I just think this is something you need to know, so like you said, there's a balance because I don't want to separate myself completely because there's so much injustice and so much misinformation.
That happens all the time: if you have a platform, I feel like you have to be involved on some level or if I mean not even a platform, I think for me it's like I know we're very lucky. you know in many ways and we are privileged and it's not necessarily fair and it's like that, you know I can live in this bubble of ignorance and be happy and it's in this and if you take it too far it's I just don't want to be that person and it's just not It's okay to say "it's okay" as long as you're happy "then I'm okay" you know, "that's very self-centered, now you have to take that" to the extreme right but you also have to know what your limits are and I think that's what we're talking about so I'm not going to check it out and I'll do whatever it takes to be happy, you know it's not just us, I don't want my actions to be just about my happiness or just about the people I love the most because I know them and I'm or am related to them.
They, you know, it's like you want, well, there's a way. to get me to still stretch myself and that starts with being informed and there's a way to fight every battle, but if you're not fighting any battles at least I'm not, I don't feel like that's the right option for me well and there's a way to be informed that it doesn't take all your time like you say I think you know one of the things that helps me and I'm not you know I'm not organized I am but I am very goal oriented and one of the things that helps me is that We're just doing all the things that I do, it's like okay, this is the day, this is what I'm actually going to do.
I would like to achieve this. of this done and I would like to finish much of this. I have a vision of what that day will be like and then I do it and cut myself some slack if I don't make it. there, but at least I know where I'm going to go and then when it comes to things like social media, even if you go to Twitter with the intention of finding out what's going on in the world, is there any news I need to know about being foreigner about something, it's one thing to set it up and it's one thing to basically go back there constantly every time you get a little bored and then when you learn about a problem, go down that rabbit hole and get started. arguing with someone on the internet about this or finding all the perspectives on it and then the next thing you know you spent two hours on your phone and you haven't accomplished anything, that's one thing and it's another to be like I want to know about this is like with a you know, yesterday I left, I didn't pay attention to many things, that's all, I said another thing that I didn't mention when I got home, all those things happened with my children and my wife, but in between.
From all of that, I came out and got on Twitter and that's when I saw the George Floyd video and I got really angry, yeah, I was really angry about that and then of course all I did was post it, I think oh this. In the morning, in fact, I just posted a photo of him on my Instagram and it's like I was sure he could do more, but I didn't find out until this morning when I had my space where I was like catching up on the news , yeah, um, in them you know I wouldn't want to have never found out, you know, and for it to hit me the way it did this morning because it certainly did and it does, but not last night because I set the parameters and there was things i invested in last night when my family i think we can leave it like this i think i want to change the subject to a more question cat in jia ling ster okay you can use my photo if you want could a snake physically wear clothes?
Do you know what I just want? I just want to highlight the video version of this with our answer to this question and share with you that Jenna put a scarf on Craig, who was taken away. Craig, the snake, takes care of him at his house. He has a scarf and wears it constantly because Jenna made it for him. I think he's actually using her. He uses it to clarify that he doesn't use it constantly. That would probably be some form of animal abuse, but he did it. I used it for a photo and she didn't.
I know I seemed to enjoy it as much as you can tell if a reptile is enjoying something. So yes, a snake can wear at least a scarf. I would think that's something. The snake could wear a shirt that would be like a tube sock, but I don't think they would necessarily need it. I don't think they need it. Are you ready for a crash, yeah baby, wreck, baby, one, two, three, four, I'll give you another one. reddit wreck I follow the details of the movie in the thread. I think I may have mentioned this before because I'm at it again.
It's just a little escape. You can read this thread and here is a recent one on Indiana Jones and the Temple. of Doom, you know, one of my favorites, John Williams, gave a brief round, you know, the kid who was with Indy, his own hero theme song, every time he's in action, the theme sounds like the theme song from the Indies for him, so there it is, there are many. movie details, you can get Jack Black to be in Waterworld, yeah, I saw that a few times back, yeah, if you just look for Jack Black in the water, that's crazy, he shows up as a smoking pilot, aha, crazy like oh.
Yeah, I mean, I don't actually know if that's true, but you know it's not, I see it there, it's seeing movie details, follow the Reddit thread and it may remind you of movies you should watch again or watch for the first time. you're watching movies, if you want to contribute to the thread, it gives you something to think about, it's like, hey, it's a small thing. I noticed that it raises the level of intentionality with which you watch your movies, so check it out if you're into Reddit movie details, thanks again for all your questions, it sparks some good discussions we didn't even know we needed to have , so I personally really like these episodes where they're based on questions about mythical beasts because I think.
We like, I said we'd address some things we wouldn't otherwise intend to address, so I want to do more of this. Follow us on Twitter every time we post those prompts and as always use the hashtag ear cookies to continue this conversation give your opinion on anything you want and we'll talk too let us know using the hashtag your cookies what do you feel about these these episodes where we respond to your questions because I want to know everything next week to see more ear cookies click on the playlist on the right to watch the previous episode of your cookies click on the playlist on the left and don't forget to do Click the circle icon to subscribe if you prefer to listen to this. podcast is available on all your favorite podcast platforms thanks for being your best mythic

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