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Our MANSION TOUR in Krewcraft!

Jun 02, 2021
Hungry, okay people, please gather outside to eat, feed me, I'm finishing this platter, this cute little platter, wait, give me some, oh wow. see art oh wow wow doesn't it look doesn't it look amazing it looks amazing thank you thank you good job everyone it's time for a good lunch I'll set the table lunch lunch lunch okay, let's get a table Yes, that's how fancy we are here. I'm going to lose the cherry. Wow, delicious. Thank you. What's on today's menu. The menu is the best food ever. My inventory is very full. I need to throw away some things.
our mansion tour in krewcraft
Be good. Oh, so it will be. It's going to be amazing, you guys are going to love it, mmm, it's wheat with a nice potato biscuit sandwich, no, it's not a sandwich and also some tea. tea lots of tea just let me cook the tea first here, I'll make some of tea up here is your lunch all some potato biscuits hot potato biscuits and toast it's just potatoes flattened into a biscuit shape yes that's like potato biscuits yes Draco just eat the hash brown eat it we're grinding working and sweating in that


and you just give us flat potatoes, yeah, and I got tea for you too, where's my tea?
our mansion tour in krewcraft

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our mansion tour in krewcraft...

Let me have some tea, yes, I have to put it. My things are put away, but I have some piping hot tea, look, oh, I don't want green tea, buddy, it's just that I only have green tea, you can't be picky, tea is good for you, it's got a lot of antioxidants, baby , Back to work. you drink yes, more whoa, rainbow draco, how much more did you drink, more, more, I need energy, how many areas have you built so far, I built two, two, one is ready, okay, I'm almost done with all my stuff, how are you? , huh?
our mansion tour in krewcraft
I'm still designing my candy room. Well, I have to go do the jacuzzi. Good help. Good rest to all. Good rest. It was nice to chat on the way back to work. Nice and relaxing. See you later. Mark um Dracco. Stay away from the teapot. Draco. Can. Don't drink all that chocolate, what are you doing? That's too much caffeine for you. Look, I need it. I need to finish my rooms. I don't know who built this trampoline, but those who built these trampolines aren't supposed to be. touch the water anyway um I don't want to build that hot tub right here luna I'm going to ruin your pool to build a hot tub I mean I don't care go ahead okay that's good so we'll get it done. a multiple pool, so it's a pool here, a jacuzzi over here.
our mansion tour in krewcraft
I'm going to close it and we need some seats. Actually, this needs to be bigger. Let me see, we have our chairs here. This actually looks pretty good. This is exactly what The jacuzzi looks super flat like this. Possibly I made a pool for children. This doesn't look good. I will destroy it. Hot tubs aren't supposed to be drownable, so I think I'm going to put some slabs right here and hopefully my head barely touches the surface. This is the perfect spot for hot tubs, but hot tubs usually have chairs for people to sit on. Draco, can you throw me some marble slabs?
I'm out. I need it to make seats. I have many. of marbles, okay, throw it, throw it, friend, you also made this diving board, it's atrocious, I didn't do a dive, you're a liar, you're the one who always talks about diving boards, okay, I didn't do the dining room, the diving. board, they are framing me, well, someone did it, why so much friend, I don't need that much, my inventory is full, okay, let's make the little stool, I should make this jacuzzi have a fire, this is going to take a lot of work unfortunately no we have sand to make this bubble but this will do this is the jacuzzi it's nice warm um you won't get ripped off at all with this it works fine let's put some doors on these we put stairs here this is going to be a problem let me fix this and put the doors of glass.
I already finished the jacuzzi task. Last but not least is the basement. I'm going to go check it out and finish it for this part of the basement. I want you to be surprised, so I won't show you what I'm building. We'll do a time jump after two hours. Our house is finally furnished. Wow, that took a long time to fully furnish from the basement to the top. roof roof who wants to introduce us first do you want to talk about landscaping first design me oh yeah me I was designed by me designed by luna lunar landscaping and re what do you call it? not even I can I have one well so the landscaping this part was done by me the fence the beautiful fence was designed by lunar live yes yes rearranged a little the lunar fences remember lunar landscaping five stars I like it I like it it's very serene you know this front yard I like it, let's go to the house.
I have designed the first area. I'll give you a


. Welcome to the crew house. This is the semi-bar kitchen where the crew eats. Yes, what are you serving today? Gold. I'm starving. I'm serving paper. dishes and green tea um oh yeah, okay, can I have some cinnamon cookies? Just take one because there's not enough rainbow, take one thank you, thank you, I'll make them beautiful again, I can't apologize, I'm sorry. I'm doubly paying attention, you pay attention, okay, this is the living room, the custom rug designed by me, you see an abstract mafia, wow, there is no TV in this living room, why do you jump when you get off?
Oh, what are you supposed to do? What is this, yeah, what is that, yeah, what is it, modern art lights, no, no, this, don't look at the ceiling, don't look at me, I don't like it, don't ruin it, it's part of my face, I was not here? before someone blocked my ceiling don't look at the ceiling the ceiling doesn't exist this is the beautiful custom modern table it's called ocean blue where the crew sits and dine this is beautiful i like that starving gold there are two plates because someone He ate from here and didn't bring his dishes to the sink oh dirty dishes okay dracco it's always draco so this floor is nice but here's the guru should we go to the basement first?


the lunar landscape five of the basement. -lunar interior designs of stars, not five stars, a very good point, hey hey, I have to talk about this galaxy wall that I made you see, so I am very proud of it, you know, it tells a nice story, like You know, like herobrine steve herobrine steve. vines vines humans I see, I see, yes this reminds me of cactus dye, yes art, it can remind you of anything, let's move on, this is Draco's only mini golf room, why is there a chicken in there now? Yeah, it's um, it's the npc added in the game is a chicken, wait and how are you supposed to get a hole in one?
Yeah, I don't know, this is not me. Did it melt well? An egg for a chicken skull is still bad at golf. I have mine there, yes, right now. over here rainbow homework here is the sweet chocolate bar it is such a cute ice cream chocolate ice cream and everything is candy themed this is very cute I like it and once you grab your delicious treats from the machines you head to the movie theater , welcome one and everything here is popcorn, what are we looking at? What movie are we watching guys? We are watching Pinocchio fights.
It is not at all an imitation film. We can totally understand the real world. It's frozen. Draco. Be quiet. Popcorn. I wanted the space behind me to be. very nice and quiet, so this is a table where you play card games, rainbow, you have no money. Nice try, hey, here I have a vanilla cookie, but the good thing is that this is a fish tank, oh, I love it, wait, what's there? There's even some. like a little cave fish exactly you know what when we get out I'll show you where it leads and here I built the little library area this is very little this took me two hours what's cozy is a cozy reading corner isn't that's it, but when you sit in this area of ​​the library and you really look and you don't read, what do you see, I see it, I want it here, wait, what, oh that's great, that's a secret, it just smells like a nice area, the room that It's four. rooms because I'm not like this giant twerking game closet you're so lazy giant twerking game closet what was my secret I think you had a recording secret secret game twerking giant closet oh you know what's amazing with this is also the youtube room i I guess you have the YouTube room, um, with a really old computer gaming setup, you play and then when you get Victory Royales, this floor is like a nightclub floor, so you just start twerking, you're like The patterns on the walls hurt my eyes.
I'm going out, that's a very cool secret room, although yeah, very cool, hey, let me out and how do you let people out? How do you let people out? Although you can't wait I want to see you let me out wait it also works like a prison no and don't come out until you're done hey go film yeah you both go no I'm out I can't get a win right now You know, come on, thanks, although it's a pretty good hiding place now. for the second floor, as you can see, it's beautiful, beautifully designed, I see it, I see it now, oh, I see the k, that's cool, oh, it's so bad, I mean, it's so cool, it's the green room, yeah, wait when we find the green room like a green.
The recording room is not like a green screen flower room, yeah well I thought about the green thumb, so now this is the green room, okay, the green room, it's a good job, it smells good in here, Moon, are you going to work and walk? No, there is no such thing. twerking lunar this is why you are so sneaky everywhere what is this yes what are you doing why are you going to the bathroom oh this is the bathroom oh yeah luna and jack will help me do the bathroom because I remember so the bathroom that's nice It's a little disappointing It's nice Are you wondering where the sink is? yeah the toilet and just wash your hands in the toilet after flushing this


ain't got no class at all let's get out the bathroom it's so bad it's the party room oh oh more cookies You see this guys have you seen the abomination?
Look what's underneath. That's how it is. I see nothing. This is just a design they see when they are on the dance floor. the worst bop this is the worst bop play the worst bop it's okay though below the floor it's okay that's enough people popping it great to see look blobby keep vibrating top floor top floor oh that was me too oh wow luna you are an interior designer there is a master builder what can I say? Oh, it's just the relaxation room up here. I wanted to put a pool table here but I couldn't make one.
Alright. There is a pool table in our imagination. Yes. A television. A great colored sofa. I guess I'm having fun, oh that's cool, the balcony Luna forgot to put doors on, but it's okay, the view, the view is nice, I like the left side, but there's one place we haven't checked the backyard garden, yeah, okay, cannonball, I missed, no, wait. a trampoline like that is not how a trampoline works I just said whoever it is this is the jacuzzi where you relax and vibrate vibes it doesn't look very hot girl even the ghosts come it's uh it's a warm jacuzzi gold what is this?
He got the gold, a local drinks bar where I serve lemonade, ice water, no sugar, no ice, no lemon, just water. Okay, gold, you have some uninvited guests and Luna is trying to beat them all up further. Okay, move on to the next part of the outside. Hurry up. quick, oh so the secret room I wanted to talk about is this pool, it actually leads, come on, follow me, it leads to the basement, oh, I feel like then you could drag people in from inside while swimming, why would you do that? a little dangerous because thieves could just walk in and look, oh shoot, well there's no one there, okay, okay, let's go back inside, that was good, no one died here in the pool, let's just close that one, bye ghost, you know , I could all stay here. day and I watch the hallway swim up and down up and down I just remembered something there are no bedrooms wait is its name blue here is the bedroom is stained wait didn't we make the bedrooms wait how is your bedroom you lie on the couch no where there's our spawn set because oh, like a bed, no, yeah, because that's the goal of the mansion we were supposed to put.
Yes, we live here now. Congratulations, you built an uninhabitable mansion you can relate to. Leave a comment below about which room was your favorite in our mansion. We would love to know. and let's add beds now, bye

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