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Our Little Sister Almost Lost Her ARM!

Jun 29, 2024
What's up guys, welcome back to the channel. Let's spend a fun day with Demi. They know she ran away from her, but they know we forgave her, so her BR mom and dad haven't forgiven her yet, but look at this cool ice cure. I kick it, calm down, oh, we're here enjoying the water. Darius is here too. It's good to have you back bro, it's good that you're always welcome back to the channel, um, I was just joking, but yeah, it's a great day, taking advantage of it a


. before it gets too cold here, so let's find some fun activity to do and just have a good time back and uh, you know, look what the day is about, yeah, honestly, I'm not going to lie, that's the biggest playground.
our little sister almost lost her arm
I've also seen that crazy chaos there sometimes. I'm trying to get off, yeah, too heavy, what did you say? I'll be too heavy, no, I said we should go there, don't start again, you're about to be. punished again watch your mouth the bag uh you have what she has there she has money there what you have there it's not safe okay let's have fun today let's go so we're on DAV Busters right now I'm going to try to earn that Panda 8,000 points or 8,000 tickets, come on everyone, let's have some fun here I'm, I'm, I'm excited to play these arcade games, are you ready to play, yeah, obviously, okay, let's go. the score to beat is 65,000 we have to throw the balls as much as we can we have one minute you are ready we have to throw the balls into the hole the three of us are about to beat this high score I promise you everything that I will beat this high score , you can do it, go throw it in the red, throw it in the bed, that's the most points, come on, come on, come on, come on, Demi, come on, I'm telling you, we're about to do it.
our little sister almost lost her arm

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our little sister almost lost her arm...

Be this 1, we got 50,000, how was he even throwing the balls fast? Yes I did, this is your fault okay next game we have to get more points so next game is spin the wheel it was a 2,000 ticket jackpot so I hope we win that's going to be Huge, let's see who gets the highest score. lcas spinning uh 2,000, let's try to get the highest score, okay, come on, we have to go out with that Panda, that's how it will be. come on give us the jackpot give us the jackpot oh come on 40 tickets 40 tickets not bad okay we gotta move on we gotta move that's not enough tickets bro that's not enough tickets Lucas and I are going to have a basketball competition I mean, who do you think is going to win? none of you guys, no, actually vote for someone, no, me and myself, okay, you think you're going to win, okay, go play, okay, no, go, go right there, yeah, okay, so there you go.
our little sister almost lost her arm
Vote for a person who will win in the basketball competition. I don't like you, so it's okay, come on, I know I'm going to win, baby, okay, we'll see, thanks for voting for me. jacket oh my god, okay, come on, let's do it, we're leaving, oh, come on, we're leaving, we're leaving, who's going to have the best score, what do you think Demi's not going to lie? They both suck, so I don't. I don't know like water uhoh 7 more seconds who do you think is going to have a demi I don't know who do you think I don't know Marcus oh I'm like that I'm like that oh oh oh oh wait you're playing I'm going to try to win us some tickets so we can go get the fries, okay let's go left, let's go left, well yeah let's do it, here we gon' lie, oh come on, come on, can we get it? oh come on, oh call the guy, call the guy, what did they rip us off, yeah bro, I think we were about to win like 1,000 tickets, no joke.
our little sister almost lost her arm
D Marcus, get on my shoulders, we're going in from above, we're going to have to try and put the rings in the bottle, okay, come on, let's do it ooh ooh, okay, come on, they're killing it here. Demi got us 42 tickets, 42 tickets, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, get us some tickets, oh come on. What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? This game is a team, this game is a team, hey, what's going on here? Jesus Christ, win us some tickets, oh my God, oh let's see how much you made, oh, 90 tickets, a win is a win.
Well, a win is a win. I think I actually swiped this twice, so maybe we'll have another one, oh, we'll have one more. Dar will get all the tickets today Demi, which one do you want, whoo, whoo, wo D, I'll take this, okay, come on, well, I feel like a kid again. I'm having so much fun, yeah, oh, it's my turn, St. Let's see who gets the most points, okay, come on, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, go first, get the point, oh, oh , who was that, oh, who was that, Demi just got. two points about Markus oh me she me she's getting bad bro she's still acting she's not going to get the prize she wants we need 8,000 tickets to buy that Panda let's see how many tickets we have yeah bro we've been here for 2 hours bro let's hope let's have enough 134 what's up, we've got two cars 134 7,900 years, we've got enough 8,000 years, we've got enough, yeah, we've got enough, we've got, we've got the panda, yeah, let's rack it up guys, call her, call her up winner winner chicken dinner me D we have enough for the panda are you excited yeah how the baby is okay too he will get the panda brother will get the panda oh this is exciting we work hard for that Panda brother yes brother 2 hours of play uhoh got Okay, thanks brother, I appreciate it, thanks, here you go, fool, we got you, hey, so big, it's bigger than you, we won the 8,000 Panda ticket and we achieved our dreams, don't forget Jase, your dreams, let's move on guys, this is it.
Someone have a good day guys, thank you. I think it was a ketta or something happy. Ketta is watching. It's very kind of you to wish someone happiness. That's good. Happy would be very proud of you. By car. Do you want to continue? I want to continue no, continue, wait rock, paper, it's a shoe, whoever loses has to continue, okay, can it even support your weight?, oh, come on, rock, paper, scissors, shoot, rock, paper, scissors, Shoot, I got it. to continue bro that sucks good luck mogus we'll be watching we'll be watching you from here yeah I can't wait to see more since this is so embarrassing bro happy holidays look at this oh you look so handsome. right now so hard no, I'm not, I just saw her laugh, she's lying, now I told you he was going to break it, yeah, she's actually having fun now, I think so, too much, I want to get off now, I want to get it . have a good time D yeah, what's good, you're probably starting to get dizzy now at this point I'm not doing that again bro, I'm not doing that hey, you


that day no, it wasn't F he was smiling, yeah He made it fun, yeah, okay guys, have fun on the playground, okay, see you, okay, we'll come back and play, playgrounds are fun, brother, brother, I feel like today, see, yeah, I feel like today's Ben, I feel like she's playing, yeah, I haven't seen her smile.
This brother, yes, brother, yes, you will return to where you are. I'm in the car, we had a situation, so she was playing on the slide and then she fell on me, she hurt her arm, actually, yeah, you better pull the car, is everything okay? She's fine, she just fell in love, she was having too much fun, okay, hurry up, we're here, what the hell, bro, you literally just left. I hope she's okay, yeah, she, yeah, she's holding her arm, bro, should we get out of the car, yeah, what? You just make her arm fell on an arm or something.
He wasn't looking at her. Everything is alright. Let's get in the car. Give us some space. Give us some space. Okay, okay, Demi, yes, but why is the camera still on? You want us to notice. off camera mhm, yeah bro, she just had her arm, so give her some space. I love you guys, go watch our latest videos, don't worry ma'am, everything will be fine, we'll get you some medicinal ice or something. You have ice, you have to put ice on it, it will be good, her arm


fell off or what did I fall, she fell hard on her arm, brother, it was crazy.

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