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Orson Welles on film editing.

Jun 01, 2024
This is a moviola, it's a movie


machine, but when we say we're


or cutting a movie, we're not really saying that enough movies aren't just made on set, a lot of the


making happens right here. so a moviola like this is almost as important as a camera here


s are saved, sometimes saved from disaster or savagely deleted this is the last stop on the long road between the dream and the head of a filmmaker and the public to whom that dream is addressed turned to carlisle and said that almost everything examined in sufficient depth will turn out to be a musical course, this is profoundly true, films have movements, films move and then there is the movement from one image to another , there is a rhythmic structuring in that counterpoint, harmony and dissonance. a film is never right until it's right musically and this moviola, this filmmaker's tool is a kind of musical instrument, it's here where other cinematic instruments are tuned and finally orchestrated, so if you find me ending our conversation here, you'll understand What a filmmaker I am.
orson welles on film editing
I'm talking to you from my home.
orson welles on film editing

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