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Original Honda NSX review, what made it special?

Jun 09, 2021
Welcome to a new video from Harry's Garage and there are two cars to see today. The two versions of the Honda NSX that you see behind me. I have one of the late 2005 versions of the


NSX and then in the blue corner the new Honda NSX. technical tour de force I really wanted to wait until I could live with this car. I've had both cars here for about seven and eight days sometimes, so now it's time to get into the details of them and my


idea was to put the two cars. together and we see the evolution, there is no evolution here, they wear the same badge on the nose badge and they have the same NSX name, but they are chalk and cheese, so 25 years between these two cars we have seen a technical revolution. so I'm not going to put the two cars together.
original honda nsx review what made it special
I'm going to start by taking a closer look at the original NSX, the 2005 car behind me, okay, the first thing we need to understand about the original Honda NSX is why they actually produced it. Firstly, and at that time, Honda's road cars were these front-wheel drive hatchbacks and fairly mundane cars, although they had VTEC in their arsenal and were great cars, but it was a long way from their involvement in F1 and management. from Honda. I thought it was a bit important to do this whole F1 thing, having been so successful in F1 and then McLaren, why can't we produce our own real sports car that has the spirit of F1?
original honda nsx review what made it special

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original honda nsx review what made it special...

This driver was excited to drive the car, so that was the reasoning. behind coming up with an NSX in the first place and they really went back to basics they wanted to make a really light car with a great power to weight ratio but not overpowered, they wanted it to be a kind of gentle driving car and a lot of people proposed this because it's mid engined , it's directly against the Ferrari at that time they were three to eight, they were looking at that but it didn't have the turnout they wanted and they thought they could make it lighter by making the hole from an iminium and using a highly tuned VTEC v6, that's how the NSX first of all and it's a very nice car, you know, this is a lasik car so it's unfortunate that it doesn't have the pop up. light, you have these lights, but replace the cover.
original honda nsx review what made it special
Then see the light and a kind of slightly bulging eyed appearance. I'm afraid they are good old regulations. There were countries where you had to have your headlights on all the time so they couldn't. They continue to be sold in the right place, in a way they became outlaws and that is why we have these types of lights. They look good in gold. The original cars had a black roof and black pillars to give it this fighter rocket look and it was a little larger than you might imagine. The reason the NSX and this overhang are the only possible Krista in the rear, it just seems a bit heavy in the rear.
original honda nsx review what made it special
I'm afraid it's because it was big enough to fit golf clubs back then and with the original NSX from Canada you can convert the new one. one, but you may be original and I wonder if that's why it's so big on the back right. Let's open up some of the apps above and show you in more detail under the skin and I brought a magnet to show you. I've always had a problem with the amount of steel they managed to cram into this car, so now I use this magnet. You will see that although both are


of steel, all of this is animal.
It's amazing how much aluminum they used in this car and the other thing. What you'll notice is how open it is, there's no spacer in the boot, a sort of space saving separate luggage space and at the front I can see the road below, there's the ABS over your radiator etc. It's not a baggage-free capacity at all, but of course, everything is. on a minion, let's now look at the engine next and using them you can't see it at all, not like in modern times for us at McLaren, everyone is showing off the mechanics on this day, you've got the strange parcel shelf.
I can't see it from where you're standing but there's obviously glass between the police evidence in this area but I lift this muffler and expose the wonderful v6 VTEC engine that was VTEC when they had this variable fan valve timing so I could get good performances and The original 3-liter engine had 278 horsepower. It's wet sump, not instead of dry sump, but everyone loved it. This engine goes on forever. The maximum power test of the house is seven thousand three hundred rpm and raises the Baptists to more than seven and a half one more detail. I want to show you that it's in the trunk because almost my favorite detail in the trunk is a little plane here that I lift up and expose the tool kit and there's one thing that I discovered in everything that I couldn't believe and that's the jack that they were so obsessed with. with the weight in this era that Honda


it of aluminum, the only color I know with an aluminum jack still a little in the middle but beautifully made.
I love how they have the labels and they also have a little label that says keep in mind if you had the car engine this can get really hot because it's obviously on top of the exhaust anyway enough detail closes everything up and we're going to give a lap. The temperature is cooking today in the UK, about 28 degrees, so let's just go to its condition. a little bit, I hope we're interfering, everything's fine, well, go back in time when you get in here, roll up the window, sweat, look back, and the binnacle, great instruments in front of me, 8,000 RPM speedometer. goes up to 180 miles per hour, well we want to try that today, but if you've looked at three to eight, this is the same look we had the best of us coming down the door, very similar to three to eight and the glory is setting , oh, I just put it in the first place, but it already has an opportunistic and mechanical flavor and the other thing is the view from the windows down and you have this wonderful view from the road.
I feel like you can almost see in tone a completely different kind of token than other cars of the era. I can also see the exposed wings through my line of sight anyway, enough rappelling. I'm uploading my favorite parts that went up the driveway, everything is heating up and you'll join me on some better roads where we just explored it's all about the performance of the NSX and I'm also working my way up to the variety of favorite mints, even now I can say any sect is a 2005 garden model, the first in 1919. grounded, so I sent the original differences was really noticeable with you, right?
You didn't get power steering as an option during a Romanian as optional. I think at that time it was a standard from the beginning. We make these things optional. We have Never Sleeps stuff, remember there's the procedure based on which closed fifty-two thousand pounds when in 1990-91 and Ferrari just corralled three four eight worth closer to 17,000 a time, and Nancy's restless turn put it more online. of a price for the 911 instead of there is also the other mid-engine, Kyle appeared with the latter supreme. There was some difficulty with this turbo coupon that entered to get the snub, but it was a 220 230 horsepower mouse and it was priced at this time around thirty. five thousand pounds, so that's where the penitents sat in the market for this later car. mm they soon insulted the light in 1997, they got 3.2 liters, they mentioned that he got on a TV once in this car and that made a big difference to the speech of


the horse notices is a little more grunting in his sleep raises the frequency like this


's worth mm for the funny little lights the lights came on they disappeared and this one is doing the last introduction and finally the abduction ride as good as the originals what they did stiffen the suspension a little during the pyramid it's still light, very welcome, type of charities that the first 199 were exceptional, very short on the road, they also had narrower tires, the property and yet eyes, worrying tracks, anything else, when they were you, they knew the full picture. the very good she was talking about the water that houses miles per game drifting and it was a real problem the Apache just a car setup and trim and heels Toa pretty impressive the people driver's car everyone talks about how drivable they are even certain point, because you have all the controls, you have 100 layouts of these controls, etc., but the handling has a firm ester that can challenge drivers to access the maximum excitement, maximum limits, the vehicle there was not so quickly if you want.
Below, a small arm, cars near the resort, note, there I only had a balance Saucony. Many simply feel the distance from the back corner the more you put a paddle lightly, but only because in this, when Sally was behaving right around the corner and they turned on. but if you are aware of ii and relieved the office when you were behind, a hedge back and there are many things that are also a little more tied up in this jacket morning, statistically everyone needs another volunteer. I'm making a difference. now you became both a dis don't stop my book miniaturization something don't be crazy building a member obviously in his rooms Nero's time for five eggs with Ferrari presented the laksa to direct when three today of the strippers for a model with trigonometric identity, crazy people, neither change nor the right here in favor, you will be able to tell Elizabeth that Tahoe has introduced Muslim, the sound of the engineers, the company comes, they sing failures, they control, just tell Melvin Santi in the ladies' audience. enemy using a more sadistic Christmas the weight transfer we're all going to warm up and that's why Princeton cotton and the same really as when saying ducks and so much time don't leave anymore tomorrow Sabrina texted us after three lakes SOLAS energy fell by the wayside too long Royston, my 560 models on game practice, we saw, of course, why it made some sense, very kind, they are the type my name is ADO, but it stood for something and stood up to the durability work.
Benson, they didn't have freedom of speech, that was good. idea, I also alternate to Heatherton suspension on the beach after Nurburgring was. through a - to be interested in the right and the rigidity and the authorities and our standard swirls some control so it is very different Deerling I think Oh, we will return to the US the right or help how much technology is kept in the last 25 years

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