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Organize Your Cleaning Schedule! (Daily, Weekly & Monthly Cleaning Routines)

Jun 14, 2024
Sometimes it can seem too overwhelming or, let's be honest, almost impossible to get a


routine going, but if you look at the overall task and then break it down into small parts and


it, it seems accessible and, most importantly, it feels doable and repeatable, so in this video, we're going to break down those




, and


tasks so you can finally put together a



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organize your cleaning schedule daily weekly monthly cleaning routines
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tasks, it gives you the opportunity to plug and play and customize the program to what suits you best. meaning for you,


family, your life circumstances, etc., so let's start by looking at the things we need to do daily;
organize your cleaning schedule daily weekly monthly cleaning routines

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organize your cleaning schedule daily weekly monthly cleaning routines...

The things you want to focus on are the ones that accumulate the most, where clutter can accumulate the fastest, and where things can start from scratch. to 100 very quickly, so tasks like cleaning the floors, cleaning the floors, putting things away, dealing with the kitchen counter, bathroom counter, dishwasher or dish buildup, cleaning up after preparing a meal, and even doing laundry daily, those little things that start to build up and get irritated. and stirring up and creating clutter and clutter at home, that's what we need to address on a daily basis, so if you can stop for a moment and think about what an average day is like in your home, where there tends to be those messy bottlenecks or those messy bottlenecks, make a list, those should be the things that you prioritize and focus on daily and if you want to try that, you can watch the videos we just made on how to create a morning and evening routine because they incorporate all the daily Tas Tas that we do at home and I think most people would need to do it in some way now if you hear this daily stuff and you feel a sense of dread and you're like, oh my gosh, I have to add all this cleaning to my day.
organize your cleaning schedule daily weekly monthly cleaning routines
I'm there with you. I do not like to clean. I don't want to spend another minute cleaning, but I will say this. It seems to me to live in a messy house. be a little more annoying than having to do the cleaning myself, so knowing that what I've managed to do instead of adding cleaning to my daily routine is that I just found ways to incorporate it into my day so that that way it doesn't I have to think about it too much and because these tasks are just rote right now, it's not like, oh my gosh, I have to make more time to do this, it's like, oh, I'm in my room and I have to go in that address. to the kitchen because our laundry room is right next to the kitchen.
organize your cleaning schedule daily weekly monthly cleaning routines
Well, I just grab a basket of dirty clothes and carry them with me. I put a tide capsule. I throw away my clothes. I put it on and then go on with my day. Add an extra minute. but it allows me to do that task in the morning while my daughter is sitting and eating breakfast. I'll use that time to unload the dishwasher and put in anything else that's built up overnight after we go through it. I mean, it's just these little things that you can add to your daily routine so that you don't feel like it's extra or that you have to make extra room for it, it just goes within the flow of your day now, the weekly and monthly tasks, yeah, you do them.
I have to incorporate that, but the daily stuff should eventually feel pretty natural, now putting in your weekly and monthly cleaning tasks and I should say monthly and beyond because some jobs you only need to do a couple of times a year, um, will require a little more . more planning, so this comes down to the type of person you are. Are you someone who likes to put things on an online calendar? That would be me. Are you someone who keeps a journal and writes things down or likes a planner and writes? write things down if that's you, then great if you have a big calendar on the wall where you write down what's going on with the family and want to add cleaning tasks on there or if you just keep a spreadsheet to find the system that works.
I'm not going to prescribe something to you, you just have to find what makes sense for you, then you'll do your weekly tasks, and in fact, I should mention that I wrote a whole chapter about this in my book, which I'll also link below where it comes in. in complete detail and lists tons and tons of tasks you can choose from to create your daily weekly and monthly routine, so yes, check out the book if you have. What you will do is rethink your home, you will think about the flow, how often the spaces are used and then how often you need to clean those spaces to feel good in your home. like melissa maker says, i have to clean my dining room every two weeks, so i need to clean it every two weeks.
I don't know how often you have to clean your dining room like we never eat in our dining room obviously so we don't clean it that often but if we didn't have a seating area in the kitchen and just ate in the dining room it's better You think we would be cleaning it every day because I have a cleaning company. I would often talk to customers. and we would decide what cadence worked best for them, whether it was weekly or biweekly, and clients who were able to do some type of maintenance between their visits tended to prefer biweekly visits every other week, while clients who could just say "no." I don't want to do anything, those were the people who were the best candidates for weekly cleaning, so also think about how dedicated you are to your daily tasks.
If you're less dedicated, you'll have to do heavy cleaning tasks more frequently, which means a weekly cleaning would make sense for you, but if you're someone who's really good at doing those cleanings in between cleanings, there's a good chance you can extend it to BU. weekly, so some of the things you'll want to do weekly or biweekly. it would be deep cleaning your kitchen, so it would be appliance fronts, cabinet fronts, you know any task related to deep cleaning your floor, cleaning your upholstery, giving your furniture a good cleaning in that space, emptying the Trash, clean the trash cans, if they're nice. smell bad or have drips on them, check your appliances and make sure there's nothing you have to deal with, like things in the bottom of your dishwasher or crusts on your refrigerator when it comes to the bath you'd like to give your toilet. your shower your bathtub a good cleaning mop the floors give the countertops the sinks cleaning the mirror Etc. so you are doing your intense cleaning there this is a good time to wash the sheets and towels in your bedroom also remove the dust the house and deep clean the floor, so you will vacuum those open spaces, mop your floors, etc., if you want to get really technical about it, you can think about how long these tasks would take you approximately, humans are not always the best. to measure things, so next time you try that job you might want to take the time to know roughly that it takes me 30 minutes to clean my bathroom, so I have to set aside 30 minutes to do that job so you can really take it seriously your


and you'll know okay, I need about three hours once a week to deep clean my house and I'm going to do chores during that time, then we have the monthly plus category and you can turn this up or down as much or as little as you want .
Cleaning is a Choose Your Own Adventure situation. No one can tell you how clean your house should be, that comes strictly from you, so if you love to clean, you really value a clean. space and you want to spend time just loving your home there are many things you can do some examples of a cleaning task you might want to do monthly would be cleaning the inside of your windows. I have a little girl who constantly puts her hands everywhere we have a lot of windows in the house so I clean those windows monthly. I mean, I think it's a very annoying job, but it makes a difference, so it's worth it to wash blankets, yes, those things get a lot. of cat hair buildup on them and food stains, so washing them once a month also makes sense if you have window curtains, you may want to do it monthly.
What about the roof? The corners have a lot of cobwebs, that's something you need to focus on. monthly also maybe give your upholstery a deep clean, clean your front hall closet and give your kitchen appliances a good cleaning, so clean your dishwasher, clean your oven and clean your refrigerator, deep clean, clean your carpets and upholstery, another thing you can do quarterly is rotate your mattresses, you can also check your light bulbs, honestly I can go on and on and on, there are so many things you can do twice a year that you can consider changing your closet Whether it's a front hallway closet with snow jackets and pants to swap out for lighter gear or your bedroom closet with a spring, summer, and fall-winter wardrobe.
You may consider giving your window curtains, as well as any upholstery or carpet, a deep clean with a steam cleaner. This could be a time when you want to clean your walls or clean your chandeliers, there are many tasks you can do every couple of years; things you don't really want to think about cleaning, but should be done once or twice a year and set up. These long-term cleaning tasks really come down to knowing your home and knowing its contents and how they should be maintained. You know you might not have to do much if you rent a house and the floors are old wood, so what do you care? about the floors, but if you recently installed new marble floors, that's a whole other ballgame, and by the way, at, which is our website, we have tons of printables, ebooks, and online courses, some of them They're free and they cover a There are a lot of things like that, so I encourage you to go there and see what you can learn if you've made it this far in the video.
I want to thank you because I know not everyone sees it through to the end, but you did it and I appreciate it, so I wish you the best of luck on your trip and setting your agenda. I'd love to hear in the comments below what an obstacle is for you and how I can help you. Get to know me and I'll see what I can do. If you want even more ideas on how to set up


, you can watch this video here. Thank you very much for watching and we'll see you next time.

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