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Oprah Winfrey Best Ever Motivational Speeches COMPILATION | MOST INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO EVER

Apr 17, 2024
I didn't know or why I should have known, but I want people to know that my daughter, our daughter, was loved, she was loved by her brothers and loved by her friends and her. she loved us and she had a life that was bigger than her murder and I said well, I can do that, I can make sure that people know that her daughter's life meant something, that her presence here on planet Earth for 16 years really mattered and here is my Intention: I want


yone who hears your daughter's story to be able to see their friends and see themselves. and know that staying silent can be a killer and that is why


y question I ask you comes from the point of view of an intention to serve the life of your daughter so that her life has not been in vain that is the first program that I won an Emmy for when I aligned the intentions and from that moment, from that moment, I do not make a decision without still checking with my inner truth what the real reason is why I'm doing something, this whole idea of ​​quantum physics.
oprah winfrey best ever motivational speeches compilation most inspirational video ever
Newton's law nature the way the order of things works and how life and nature itself operates and I could see a reflection of myself my own being in all of that and read Newton's law third law of motion that says that for every action there is an equal one and The opposite reaction was like a religious experience for me, I just get it, all my bells, whistles, lights and dance emojis went off because I could see that I had experienced a little bit of that in the color purple, that beautiful line where she screams like a lady.
oprah winfrey best ever motivational speeches compilation most inspirational video ever

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oprah winfrey best ever motivational speeches compilation most inspirational video ever...

Sealy says that everything you try to do to me has already been done to you, which especially caught my attention in the movie and I understood that in reality everyone is saying the same thing. Newton says the same thing. Missily says the same thing as us in this country. and the other countries call the golden rule that really what you publish comes back all the time and what really caught my attention is that you should not do to others what you would like them to do to you, it is really when you do it, It's already done because That's the law, how did you turn your pain into a purpose long before pain became a purpose?
oprah winfrey best ever motivational speeches compilation most inspirational video ever
It was just an acknowledgment of what had happened to me and one of the things we talked about in the book What Happened to You is that whatever happened to me You and I wanted to make it clear to everyone that there is not a single black woman. in this room who hasn't gone through something that helped her build strength and then something else that helped you build strength and then something else that helped you build strength. I mean, sometimes you go through so many things that you say God, don't teach me anything new today. I don't need to develop strength, but this is what I know is that strength, time, strength, time, strength, time, strength, every time you got stronger, you were. building power because strength, time, strength, time, strength, time, strength, equals powerful, so we're sitting in a room with each other with all these powerful women who have their stories of what happened to you and now you can convert into post-traumatic wisdom.
oprah winfrey best ever motivational speeches compilation most inspirational video ever
What I was able to do was take what had happened to me and use it as an empathy generator for myself and other people, and it is my empathy and connection that has allowed me to be the woman I am today and therefore everything I it has happened it has happened to you if you are willing to learn from it to open up and no longer allow stigma and shame to make you hide your secrets, but rather know that your vulnerability is where your true strength lies and take that pain and turn it into something. meaningful to you and as maya used to say, now I wouldn't take anything on my journey, not even sexual abuse, sexual assault, you know, when I was raped, I didn't even know, I didn't even know what a penis was and like so many other people in this room who were also sexually assaulted when they were young, I didn't tell anyone because I knew they would turn on me, I knew I wasn't in a safe environment where other adults would trust my word, and so I kept it to myself until that I was literally on an Oprah Winfrey show, someone shared their story of abuse and I thought I was the only one, I thought I was the only person who had been raped, dying and sexually abused until she was 14 years old.
So I think being able to take your pain and turn it into purpose and power starts first with being able to empathize with other people who have gone through the same kind of pain and everything that has happened to you has also happened to you. . If you allow it, there is nothing that has happened to you that you cannot now turn into something that is useful and meaningful in the life you are leading going forward, how do you stay on the positive path? You know, not the positive hormone. Even for yourself, you know I would never do that again, but when you have so many negative forces, even in your family, they can intervene, how do you stay in a positive place?
It is okay with positive karma if there are many negative people in you. your life don't look at them look at the energy you are creating to attract them don't look at them look at yourself what you are doing to attract those people because if you are surrounded by negative people there is a part of you that is willing to tolerate that no, I agree agree I agree because there were a couple of negative people in my life and I chose to keep them in my life because I didn't want to push them away like you don't push them away because you know because they were friends so you know it all comes down to I mean who do you want to be in the world who do you want? be not what you want to do not what you want to achieve who you want I know what kind of person you are when they read your eulogy what you want the words to say about the kind of person you've been in the world do you know the answer to that question? do you know the answer to that question?
I'm asking everyone that, do you know what that is? Because in the end you know I was in uh one of my dear Harpo employees has been here for 20 years her husband died suddenly of a brain aneurysm it was the


beautiful ceremony I left that ceremony wanting to be a better human being because the words What was said about him as a human being as a father as an uncle as a friend the words people said about him were so loving and passionate that I thought Wow, when I die, I don't want people talking about how many shows I did.
You wanted people to talk about how your love affected them, the love that you put into the world, yes, it affected them, so if that's the paradigm that I'm living of how I can serve and be the


loving and generous person, whoever be my talent for all the girls you are advising. How do I do that with love? Ultimately I tell you that negative energy will change and when you become that force for yourself you will not allow it, I don't care what their title or role in your life is, you just won't do it, sometimes you have to divorce yourself from your friends and your family, and if you handle them with love by doing so they will come back you will have a chance to reconcile I speak from what I know but I have had family members who I have said I will not allow you to treat me this way I will not I will allow you to treat me this way this way and it took three years for a family member to come to their senses, call me and let me know that your senses have returned and what you can do when you have done everything you can.
Stand, it's one of my favorite gospel songs, I always get goosebumps when I hear it, especially when Donnie McClurkin sings, He prayed and cried, He prayed and cried after he'd done all he could, Just stay well, Today I read a story about a 65 year old person. A Ukrainian woman who used to take pride in her beautiful embroidery work and now sews bulletproof vests for soldiers and is grateful to still be standing to fight the war, made me think about what it means to stay standing in the face of the gravest adversity. story of a man named yuri huddled in a church basement saying this is hell imagine 200 people sitting in a room for two days we can't even breathe fresh air well I don't want to imagine it but I know we're not supposed to turn A As the days go by and the Ukrainian people continue to stand in the face of such terror and devastation, then, in our own lives, what can we do to continue to stand up for what is right, what is just, what will bring us peace?
Martha Beck says peace is our home. We deserve, you deserve peace, what can you do this week to advocate for peace in your own life and in the lives of those you love and do it that way? Let me know in the comments below because I love hearing from you and we know that What the world needs from all of us is more peace. It's a tough world out there, but you're ready for it and you're ready because there's nothing more powerful than using your personality to serve your soul's calling. of us has been called to the planet to use and right now in this political moment where everyone is hysterical right now the call is for whatever side you choose to be on to use more of you to bring the light and do that you have to have clarity about who you really are there is no life without a spiritual life there is no life without understanding what pierre desjardins the philosopher and mystic said we are spiritual beings having a human experience so your real work as you go try to find one and you have all this anxiety and fear and your real job is to know the truth and create a spiritual practice that allows you to stay in it so that it becomes clear.
I'm not talking about your religion. talking about whatever it is that nourishes your essence so that you can do what you came here to do and one of the reasons I was able to be so successful all those years on the Oprah show is because I understood that. There was really no difference between me and the audience. I was an audience surrogate because I know that the audience and you and you and you want the same thing that I do, we all want to be able to live the truest expression, the purest and most complete expression. of ourselves as human beings, that is what you want and to achieve it you have to practice, you have to develop that spiritual muscle that allows you to control yourself and not have to ask others about a decision, but rather have the clarity of your self-knowledge the comfort of your own knowledge and to achieve this you have to live in the space of gratitude which is my number one spiritual practice.
I practice being grateful and a lot of people say oh Oprah that's easy for you because you have it all I have it all because I practiced being grateful I came across this beautiful quote the other day I don't remember who it was from that she said don't waste your time wishing for what you want. Other people have remember the things that you now have things that you once only hoped for, so I live in that space every day practicing gratitude because I know that being grateful wherever you are, in any place or space in your life, being grateful changes your personal vibration.
I was having a conversation with Cheryl. Sandberg the other day about her book option b and we all know she lost her beloved husband David and I told her how you got over it and she said practicing gratitude I didn't believe it at first but I started writing three things . every day that I was grateful for I said oh I've been doing that for years because when you wake up in the morning looking at the world for what you're going to write or what you're going to say to yourself at the end of the day that you're going through grateful you have a different perspective on life I'm just waiting for someone to open the door to see if that's on the list some days you just have I keep breathing because life sometimes gets in the way but practicing gratitude as a spiritual practice to Evolving yourself and getting closer to the truth of knowing who you really are is one of the most valuable things I have ever experienced and I do.
I have diaries and diaries and diaries and diaries full of five things a day if you don't believe me just for a moment do this close your eyes everyone here we are going to do this for five seconds you are going to inhale and when you exhale just say thank you inhale exhale do it one more time let what you are most grateful for in your heart right now just rise to the surface breathe deeply thank you open your eyes don't you feel better you feel better researchers have shown that if you can do it just for 17 seconds a day 17 seconds a day take yourself to the space of presence and gratitude, you literally change your vibration.
If you can't give yourself 17 seconds, then you don't deserve a good life. You can't give yourself 17 seconds to breathe and say thank you. so let whatever happens to you happen to you finally I leave you with these words I am very happy to see my friendship babcock who is my lawyer here his wife nancy is a trustee here and chip and we go back to 1998 where he was The trial for saying something bad about a hamburger is under Oprah said something bad about a bird, so I said something bad about a hamburger and I was on trial in Texas for six weeks, night and day nine to five on the witness stand for days testifying about hamburgers. and I was confused, I was like I didn't understand, it was a disaster, it was a disaster, I forgot the intention, I forgot the intention and I had to stay still, it was hard to stay still because the ranchers wanted to knock me down, okay?
So here I am at the witness saying that I'm being tried for saying something bad about a burr and the prosecutor is saying that you, young lady, conspired to bring down the entire beef industry, right? He strategized with his team and came up with the idea. that you were going to do everything possible toend the livestock industry, right? So I didn't do it the more she spat at me and accused me of this this really caught my attention, at one point she said this young woman is a liar because she knew and deliberately tried to get my clients out, it's offensive when they call you a liar and You're not and the more I spit and the more I ranted and ranted, something happened to me in the middle of this crisis that I started. to stay still what is my prayer for you I started to stay still the crazier he got the calmer I became and finally he would call me a liar I knew it at that moment well now that's not my truth you can say a lot of things but I'm not a liar and I didn't conspire to take down the entire meat industry and the more I became, the happier I became.
I'm in the middle of this test. Chip. I can tell you that I got off the witness stand and went. That was great. He said why I said because I was able to see and find out who I really was when they called me a liar, they called me a conspirator, they told me who I wasn't and what I know is that everything is a trial, everyone goes through tests, I'm just in a real trial, everybody. if you live long enough there will be a test in your life it can be an illness it can be a job it can be any number of crises that lie outside of you to try to tell you who you are, you are not and it is your job Know the truth and let that truth set you free, so we're a couple of weeks away from 2022 and I know a lot of people made resolutions, some of you already broke them, whether it's putting your health at the top of your priorities. make a list or follow your passion.
I know the mark of a new year is that we have been conditioned to reset and get excited for our next chapter and all the possibilities that await us, but today I want to propose something to everyone. to propose that you resolve something very powerful to love who you are right now and of course I think wanting to be your


self and setting goals and intentions is really important, but I remember I made a stop on the 2020 vision tour and met to this reporter. In Miami we took some photos together and she told me Oprah, the next time you see me I'm going to be a lot thinner and I responded well, the next time she sees you, I hope you're as healthy as possible. at that moment because right now this is the healthiest you can be at this moment and next time you will be the healthiest you can be at that moment.
I told her to be kind to herself and she looked at me and said, Am I doing this right? Start loving right now who you are yourself, your flaws living in a space of lack focused on what you don't want or what you don't like about yourself I promise, I have learned that it doesn't work, take a moment to observe what really goes through your mind about yourself and what may be holding you back. The energy of the universe responds to positivity, so if you tell yourself you're not thin enough, you're not. good enough when that negative talk starts in your head stop walking away from it when you let those thoughts of not being enough seep in you can't really show your


self so your actions must be aligned with all goodness and the force. that you know to be true about yourself, so this week I invite you to put on your happy sweater wherever it is or whatever it is for you, calm all the negative self-talk and allow your confidence, your sense of know that there are better days. go ahead to be at the forefront of your thinking tomorrow is never a promise so let's accept and then celebrate ourselves right where we are now thank you, thank you for where I am and who I am now, let that be the blessing and the intention for ourselves.
This week, you know, as a kid I thought I was going to be a social worker or a teacher or somehow be in an environment where I would be connected and talking to people to honor that calling. I had no idea that God could dream. This big dream of a TV life for me, but we all have a calling and your real job in life is to discover as soon as possible what you are meant to be and begin to honor it in the best way possible for you. I have seen over the years on the Oprah show so many people who have been able to achieve success in their lives and they have only been able to achieve success because they answered the call.
A lot of people think it's about being famous or being known or about doing great, amazing things, what you'll hear today and see through the stories is that sometimes the calling is right in your own neighborhood, sometimes the calling is something that was just a whisper to you and when you begin to honor that whisper and to continue to end up being the best that you could be in my own life, I have to say that I had no idea that I would end up being who I have become, but I had a strong belief that the calling was something greater. that what Mississippi was showing me the calling was bigger than my front yard the calling was bigger than my grandmother thought my life could be the problem is that everyone meets hysteria with more hysteria and then we're all getting hysterical and it's getting worse What I have learned all these years is that we are not supposed to match it or even get caught up in resisting it or pushing it away, we are supposed to see this moment in time for what it is, we are supposed to see through it. and then transcend it, that's how you get over asteria and that's how you get over the mutual attacks, the trolling, the petty partisanship on both sides of the aisle, the division, the injustices and open hatred, you use it, use this moment. to encourage you to be emboldened and literally push you towards the rise of your life and to borrow a phrase from my beloved mentor maya angelou like the moons and like the suns with the certainty of the tides like the hopes that spring up on high, you will rise well I know I made it here, Steadman, and I have absolutely different philosophies because he teaches the idea that he has a book called "You can make it happen nine steps to success" and he always talks to me about having a vision that with I don't have a vision of that people perish and I always say I don't have a vision I don't have a vision to get here to where I am my vision was to surrender to what I believe was God's vision for me and I always say that God can dream a bigger dream for ti that you can dream of for yourself now i think i need a vision i think stedman is finally right that to keep moving forward i need to develop a vision for myself and one of my big goals is to use this tv show as a forum and catalyst for the change in people's lives.
One of them is to go out into the world in a more impactful global format to help women and children around the world without education, people perish. without education no one will be able to survive without education women cannot overcome poverty they will not be able to learn to take care of themselves they will not be able to advance the planet so I want to use my life and this television show to continue doing it I think some people think they have the impression that I was born with power, that I was born coming out of the womb ready to interview a member of the Klan, but the truth is that I know very well what it is like to be marginalized and to be told in a subtle way or very directly that my contribution is not or was not welcome, that my face was invisible and that my needs were an affront, so when I was doing the news in Baltimore I asked to be paid the same as my co-anchor, who did the exact same job I was doing and I expected They were going to compensate me, so I went in and asked for the same amount of money, so he was doing the same job as me, except he called me babe all the time.
Baby, yeah, baby, anyway, I was told that by my news director and the general manager because first I went to the news register, then I'm a general manager and they told me that because I was a single woman who didn't have a mortgage and I didn't have children, I had no right to earn the same amount of money as the man sitting next to me doing the same thing and in that moment I realized that my employers didn't understand that, they didn't understand my value. but you know what i did, so i switched to am chicago, the team is working hard and they had been working for a long time and after about a year they asked us to unionize, that work started to pay off in no time, now already we were not. called am chicago or the



national show i got a raise but my producers didn't so i went to the boss at that time and asked my producers, who by the way were all women, i asked them to give them a pay raise and my boss, this is in 1986, he said why are they only girls, what do they need more money for girls? uh, I've used the word affectionately sometimes to refer to women as girls and there was no affection in his tone, it was absolutely condescending, so you know.
It takes a while to develop a voice, but once you have it, you better use it on things that matter, so I took a deep breath at that moment and said, either they'll get a raise or I'll sit down. I'm not going to work if I don't get paid more, honey, I'd like to believe I could have spoken that kind of truth to misogyny even if I'd been alone, but here I was on the verge of finally getting what I really wanted and I'd been working for many years. for a national program. I mean, I might have been too intimidated to stand my own ground against this guy if I was actually alone, but here's what you're never alone, you're never alone. only the sovereign sound of maya angelou's voice pushed me forward that day whispering i come as one but i am ten thousand so when faced with the opportunity to defend my producers i silently called out to some of the ten thousand and entered into the In my boss's office, holding hands with the women who had preceded me, I could feel Bessie Smith and Billy Holliday, an elephant's girl, and Pearl Bailey, Sharavon and Lena Horn clutching their green books looking for a place to eat while they sang. in nightclubs during Whites Only and I could feel Reese Taylor and Rosa Parks refusing to give up their dignity in the face of death threats.
All of these women were with me that day as I walked into the office in Chicago, as were Diana Carroll, Petula Clark, Joan Baez, and Mary Tyler Moore. and mom's mabley and barbara walters and all the amazing women whose names none of us will ever know despite their sacrifice and i'm pretty sure i even heard shirley chisholm urging me with this thought if they don't give you a seat at the table i bring a folding chair I understood that there were so many times that many women of my mother's generation and God knows my grandmother's generation were forced to grit their teeth and just accept it because standing up for themselves wasn't even an option.
The risk was too great and they knew it, but they also knew deep down what my dear friend Maya expressed so eloquently when she said: "You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to let yourself be reduced by them." ". Because these women and so many others like them made the decision not to allow themselves to be reduced by the many injustices to which they were subjected, I found the strength to act, not only for myself, not only for my producers but for all the women who in their ingenious ways subverted the rules laid the foundation and pushed the boundaries a little further for me we are all here to fulfill the dreams of those who came before us maya used to say you have been paid for young, so put your crown on your head and wear it, we are here not only to bear witness but to be the new voices of an extraordinary new era, you see, when I was a child there were no black people in the media, only buckwheat on television. and I was constantly doing that looking to find myself and what I found and said was leave it to Beaver, Donna Reed and Lassie, although technically I guess Lassie was mostly brown, the point is that now we can see ourselves reflected through entertainment but what i like most is that we are starting to see on screen what we are starting to see is starting to change the landscape of what we see behind the scenes what kamal was talking about about true inclusion and what i realized during all those years during the Oprah show and the reason yours is now thriving is how essential it is to see yourself reflected in other people's stories, it's something that you as white people never have to think about because how much The more they see a broader, richer, and more A nuanced representation of yourself, your neighbor, and the world, the more empowered you become, and it is that sense of empowerment that truly tethers us to the universe, gives us at least one idea of ​​how connected we all are, so what a blessed sign of progress it is.
To know that millions of children in 2019 don't have to stand with their noses pressed to the window or television screens watching a family that makes them feel less than, in comparison, today we can point to the work that says you are every little As valued and vital to the fabric of life as anyone else, you are part of a community, but it takes time, it takes time to see yourself, it takes time to listen to yourself and feel appreciated for simply being yourself, the Empowerment doesn't happen. Like overnight change, it's never just one thing, it's a series of consistent, big steps.small ones, which show us time and time again that genuine change is really possible.
Many people are worried about building a brand. I listen to kids on social media talking about their brand and I used to get really resentful when people were like oh you have this brand because I never, I didn't even think about a brand, I just thought about day in and day out making the best decision for me, but now I accept it. because I recognize that people see me as a brand but for me it is not a business it is a question of what you represent and I will say this you are nothing if you are not the truth and that is the if I could leave you with any message today, that is the Uh, the biggest reward is not the financial benefits, although it is really good, you can get a lot of great shoes, there is nothing wrong with a few great shoes, but those of you who have a lot of shoes know that having great shoes and a closet full of shoes , cars, houses or square footage doesn't fill your life, it doesn't, but living a substantial life can have substance through your service, your offering of your entire being and the basis of how you live a substantial life.
It's whatever it is. may it be true for you, what do you represent? People may not remember your every word, they may not remember your every action, but they certainly remember how your words and your actions made them feel, so let's leave here today with the collective memory of Wanting to Create Enlightenment in the world, let's leave here knowing that we can give people the feeling that they have been heard and respected. Let's encourage original thinking and humane treatment. Let's look for the words we don't know. Let's finish us and them. I have seen them create many problems but I have never seen them solve one thing instead, let us feed our artists, let us offer the possibility of something better for all of us because a new day is no longer on the horizon.
New Day now is one of the things that I started to understand in the mid to late '90s is that everyone I had on the show at the end of the show was like, "Okay, that was okay, how was that okay?" at the end of the interview and started tracking her down, it didn't matter if she was. I had gone and done a show where I was in a prison. I was interviewing a father who was in prison for life for murdering his twin daughters. and at the end of the interview, even behind bars, he said to me: Okay, how did it go?
And Barack Obama said it when he first sat in the chair and George Bush said it. This is what I learned sitting in that chair. For 25 years, at the end of the day, whether you interview me or I interview you, whatever your profession, wherever you are in your life, in your relationships, every person you meet, every experience that person I want to know, it was good. that's fine and what I started to hear was that what people were really saying is: did you hear me? did you hear me? and what I said meant something to you and so I started listening with that in mind with the intention of validating that your being here, you're talking to me, you're taking the time to do this with me, it's important because you matter and that's true. to everyone watching or listening, in every discussion you have, in every encounter, the person just wants to know if you did it.
Listen to me, did you see me and did I say anything that mattered? Everyone works hard and everyone has their own dreams. There was a time when I used to spend a lot of energy wanting things, of course it's easy for me to say oh, no things. I define you because I have many things. Things are pretty, I like them, but this is what I learned. When you can surrender to the dream, you can live in the space of the higher power, you can live in the space that you purposely have. come to earth to claim yourself, so around 1984 I was sitting in bed one morning, I was reading the New York Times review of the color purple and I thought, wow, this sounds like a really great book.
I got out of bed in my pajamas. I put my flip flops on and went to the store to buy the purple copy. I read the color purple in one afternoon. I returned to the bookstore. I bought all the purple books. I took the books to the office and told everyone. We all have to read this book oh my god you have to read this purple book I needed a book club I didn't have one so I handed the book out to everyone I knew please read the purple read the purple then I start I heard someone was going to make a movie about the color purple, but I didn't know anyone in the movie business at the time.
I was in Chicago. Do not know anyone. I started praying to God. God please help me find a way. turn purple, I say Jesus, I don't even have to have a speaking role, I'll be because I went to the movies and I saw in the credits of the movie, in the last credit there's something called the best guy, so I said Jesus, yeah just let me be the best girl, that will be fine with me. I can be the best girl. I can bring the script. I can help people with water. I can do anything, so I start praying for the color purple, like divine law would.
Jones comes to Chicago and he's in Chicago for half a day because someone filed a lawsuit against Michael Jackson claiming that Billie Jean was his mistress and that's not his song, so Quincy had taken the red-eye flight to Chicago and was in his hotel. room he was getting out of the shower and the tv in his hotel room is on am chicago there sits little chubby me with my jerry curl in am chicago quincy jones tells ruben cannon the casting agent i think i found sophia like this I get a call for canon from the movement that says I'm calling about a movie called Moon Song, would you be interested in coming and auditioning and I say I haven't been praying for Moon Song?
He hadn't been playing for the moon song. I've been praying for color. Purple said, well, I think you should come and audition, so I'm going to audition. You know, movie people do everything in secret. Steven Spielberg didn't want anyone to know he was making purple, so on the outside of the script he says moon song. but I know all the words by heart so when I open the script I know this is the color purple Jesus this is the color purple so I auditioned for the color purple I can't even believe it not only do they want me to Whether I'm The Water Girl or The Best Girl, they're asking me if I want a role in the movie.
Oh, that's what I'm thinking. The sentence. Prayer works. Three months pass. Three months is a long time. I audition in February, March, April, May, it arrives, I haven't heard it. anything so I call reuben cannon I say mister cannon I'm sorry sir I haven't heard anything I was hoping to hear something now and Reuben Cannon an African American man says don't you call me I called you and I did I don't call you do you understand I have real actresses that have auditioned for this role? Real actresses and he tells me who just left his office and I did well.
Well, I'm not going to get that role, so I hang up the phone and get started. crying I can't believe God played this trick on me I think this is a trick so I decide this is because the fat has finally caught up with me the fat has finally caught up with me and now I must get rid of it the fat in two weeks I'm going to go to a fat farm and I'm going to lose 25 pounds. I'm going to drink a lot of green juice. I'm going to do some cleanses and colonics, so I was also trying to make amends. with that I said god I don't understand I thought it was for me did you ever have that talk with god I thought it was for me I thought it was for me god you let me audition with someone named harpo that's my name backwards jesus that was a sign, right? was it a sign? and then three months go by and then Reuben Cannon says real actresses just walked out of his office, so I start praying on the floor.
I'm on the Fat Farm track and I'm running. On the Fat Farm track it starts to rain, you all know what that's like, but I don't even care because I'm praying to God to help me let it go, help me let it go because now I've become obsessed. with that and now it's controlling my life I start praying running down the track and I keep hearing this noise and I can't, there's no one on the track but me and I'm running down the track and I look around and it's my thighs rubbing my thighs rub together causing this thunderous sound there is no one in the truck so I really start to cry oh lord help me help me let go help me let go help me let go god help me let go and you Have you ever said this prayer where You say "okay sir, don't come and let it go, then you get up and go okay, I think I still have a little bit of that, I helped myself let it go, but I'm not going to be able to do it?" see the other actress in my part I won't be able to see it I won't be able to see the color purple I just won't be able to see it ever in the rest of my life I won't be able to see it so then it started I don't know where it came from I give it all I give it all to you my blessed one Salvador gave it all I sang and I cried I sang and I cried and I prayed some more until I was able to get to the point where not only will I not only be able to go to the movie but I can bless the other actress I can bless her I can say I bless you I bless you I bless you with this I give you everything I give you everything my blessed savior I give you everything and I tell you in my greatest testimony that the moment I left that thing I tell you when I left it when I left it and it no longer had me it no longer had control over me I no longer felt There was nothing about it anymore when I let it go when I intentionally handed it over to the power that was greater than I could ever know the instant it happened a woman runs out of the coffee shop screaming alfred your name everything free for 10 years no one could pronounce my name name, I said yes, she said someone is on the phone for you, his name is Spielberg, I get to the phone, she says, I heard you are on a fat farm, I said no sir, this is a retreat health, he says, I would like to see him. tomorrow at my office in california this was in wisconsin i was i would like to see you in my office and if you lose a pound you could lose this part no problem i won't have any problem not losing a pound so honey i packed my bags and stopped in the Dairy Queen, I bought three scoops in case I had lost half a pound and the next day I was in Steven Spielberg's office and he said: you're hired, you're hired, you don't have The idea of ​​the power of noticing another human being and what feel when someone knows that they have been truly seen by you is the greatest offering you can give and all those years of the Oprah show the greatest lesson I learned was that you I know that after every show, someone would invariably say one way or another.
How did I end up interviewing the father who killed his twin daughters? I would end an interview with the politician Barack Obama, Joe Biden, George Bush, Beyonce, they all say the same thing. How was that? Then I began to see that there is a common thread in our humanity in which everyone wants to know what that was like. I did well? Did you listen to me and what I said mean something to you? So I would have to say that. Recognizing that in other people has helped me become a compassionate person, a person who understands a person who can interview anyone about anything because I know that if your essence is the same as mine, you just want to be heard.

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