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OPENING A BUNCH OF APHMAU MEEMEOWS! Celestial, Under The Sea, Unicorns! #aphmau #unboxing

May 02, 2024
I like that they all make a rainbow if you get several of them and then this rare one is so pretty. I love the weird unicorn cat. I rate this new series a 10 out of 10. Well we only have two more series left to open oh no I don't want this video to end we have to choose which one we are going to open next in 3 2 1 YY meeny miny mo catches a tiger by the toe, if he screams, let him go, my mother said to pick the best one and it's you, let's make these squishies next. I have no idea what's inside these squishies or what to expect, I don't even know what series. they're supposed to be um, but yeah, I've seen some squishies like some


s online and they turned out like a squishy pancake, a pancake cat, so maybe it's like an older series, but we'll see what cats we get.
opening a bunch of aphmau meemeows celestial under the sea unicorns aphmau unboxing
I really like the packaging on this one because it's actually like a cat. Let's put a cat inside a cat. Did you know? I'm going to open them all at once 3 2 1 boom and here they are all unwrapped so let's go with this one since this is the first one I opened let's see what's inside this cute adorable kitten meow oh what is this ? There's another package inside, ooh, I see it, it's peeking out, oh my God, wait, this is amazing, it's a, I literally said. pancake cat and look who I got first a pancake cat I summoned him ooh that's squish squish squish squish squish I like his tail so cute this is so good I put you there oh look how he moves and then if I want to keep him save him I can keep him inside about this little thing because everyone knows I tend to get my squishy a lot, they just attract dust and all that and I still don't really know how to clean them, so okay, let's go with this one, let's see what's inside this squishy oh, I like it open them.
opening a bunch of aphmau meemeows celestial under the sea unicorns aphmau unboxing

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opening a bunch of aphmau meemeows celestial under the sea unicorns aphmau unboxing...

It's fun to open them, see what's inside this one, this one is different too 3 two. 1 wo this is great oh it's like a macaroon wao oh look at that so bright wo oh I love the color of this one it's pink on the top blue on the bottom with a cute cream filling it's so cute I like these oh they're so funny wow I want more I want more squishies for some reason I really like these maybe more than the stuffed animals I don't know okay let's see what's in this 3 2 1 this is a potato chip this is really fun oh can I smash the chips oh can I wo oh that's fun I really like this little potato chip squishy it's so cute the tail doesn't move as much because it has so many chips it's really cute to look at them all together how cute These are cute let's open this guy up hopefully I won't they will deceive I want five different squishies, they are so cute 3 two 1, what the heck this one looks like a strawberry shortcake, a Valentine's Day strawberry shortcake, oh this is so cute. in the details of the strawberry oh that's different wo that's so cute oh this one is adorable I love the squishy squish squish squish and then the squish on the side let's make this squish wo oh that's cool look so cute this one is cute Me like this one the best that's my last favorite squishy let's open it up 3 2 1 boom and then see what's inside I feel like this might be a dupe just because of the shape it has here it's a dupe oh but it's a dupe of my favorite one , so I'm happy and they're so cute together look at my cats my cats are happy and soft, let's squish them all at the same time squish squish meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow I didn't expect them to like them so much, They like them, they are my favorites now and that leaves us with one more series to open, it will be this one here, this is litter five under the sea, they will all be ocean cats, what?
opening a bunch of aphmau meemeows celestial under the sea unicorns aphmau unboxing
It's just that I have no idea, but this is also a very new series that I found recently, so here we go, let's open up some ocean cats that look like a turtle, this green one here, let's open this one first, so this is going to be a series new one that we have never seen before along with


that we have not seen before, these are the ones we can possibly get now. This series is a bit difficult to find. I found this in the Valentine's Day section, so if you're looking for the series, check Target, check Target's Valentine's Day section because they'll be hiding there.
opening a bunch of aphmau meemeows celestial under the sea unicorns aphmau unboxing
I didn't see this in the normal collectibles section, so it's very interesting. I can see this one is like a lobster. I do not do it. I know what this creature is, a jellyfish, we'll see, let's find out. I don't really know my sea creatures. Well, there are fish. Fish live in the ocean. Let's read the checklist. Yes, yes, let's do it. I get this out first, oh my god, litter five under the sea, yes, there is a lobster cat, a whale cat, a dolphin cat, a stingray cat, a seahorse cat, octopus, jelly cat, oh, it's a jellyfish and a turtle cat for the weird ones, well, let's see what. we have in the first one what cat is this in 3 two 1 it's going to be a boom what is that what is this oh okay I need to look at my list this is a seahorse cat look at the seahorse cat okay then the seahorse horse of sea is main, the fins you can definitely see it.
I like how bright it is. Sparkle Sparkle. Beautiful. I love the colors. It's very different from what we've been getting. This is like a deep orange to yellow orange. PO check I like how shiny it is so cute, let's make the next box. This box here looks good


the box. I feel like in this series I would really like the dolphin cat, the turtle cat, and the jellyfish cat. I just like how sleepy it is. it's a mystery, it's a mystery oh these are harder to open in three two one we have a is this dolphin is the dolphin cat oh the funny look on this one on his nose looks like a dolphin nose oh my god the fin is a dolphin wao and So they still keep their paws, check the paws, there is that badge, this one is so cute.
I love the nose and fin up here. I didn't notice this. That's what makes him a dolphin. What sound does a dolphin make? I tried. Okay, we have dolphins. cat and we have cat seahorse I haven't been crossing them off where's my marker? Crossing off seahorse cat and also dolphin cat pick one at random this one at the bottom I wanna be chaotic this is a one off series guys let me know what the other series were so Series 3 wasn't series 4 was Celestial Series 5 It was under the sea, but what about series 1 2 3? What were those series?
If any pruning experts know, please let me know so I can see what series I missed. and maybe get them in the future oh 3 2 1 we have oh my gosh we have the weird one wo look at this turtle cat oh my gosh this is a very different shine than we've seen in the past look at that look closely, it's like tin foil shiny, but it's on fur, it's really cool. I really like this effect. Looks like he's been chewing um yum yum. He has been eating some of the food that turtles eat. They eat turtles? grass, look at me, oh, and the shell, this is really it. cool, I like the turtle cat, he's so funny, oh this is so cute.
Let's cross out the weird turtle cat. I didn't expect to have it so early. Turtle cat, you left early, why? Look at that green, red, blue, so pretty, next one, let's go. back in order, well that was a little chaotic for me, now we have the weird thing, eh, okay, I'm going to open it normally because the other way I've been doing it it's like it comes out and it's very intense. very scary things jump out at me so I'm going to open it this way the normal way 3 2 one oo hi wao is this jellyfish oh my god it's a jellyfish it's so cute I love its face but then look at its jelly wow Okay Alou she is going crazy with these new cats.
This is an interesting and cool detail. Royal jellies come off and then this jellyfish pattern on the top and then around her tail is so cute and this one is a little sparkly too. This is good. I love the pink. Let's cross out the jellyfish cat. The jellyfish cat was rare here, so that's pretty cool. We have yet to find the lobster whale. The stingray and the octopus cat. The octopus cat has a lot of legs. Wow, we got to see that one. Oh, I hope we get that one. that's interesting let's go with this one it's going to be random again let's open it this good this one this way 3 two 1 wo we have whale cat, yes, this is whale cat ooh, my God, there's that fin ooh the stripin ooh this one you I know what they look like these look like whale sharks whale sharks have spots so that's what it reminds me of look at their little teeth this one is cute I like how simple the design is it definitely looks like a whale it's a nice blue color Okay, I'm going to take this one down here for your Solitaire and let's see what's inside.
The lobster cat also looks pretty funny, look at its little antennae. I would like to see that 3, two, 1, we have an octopus cat, oh my God, he is. very surprised bubbles came out in his eyes oh my god the legs wa let's count them 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight legs this is actually an octopus this one has crazy bubbles on the side here wo this is cute this is a good octopus yes Anyone come up with an octopus cat design, it would be about this is really good, boom, we only need three more to go, what if we get the whole collection right?
Oh, we already have the whale cat, okay, so if I get a dupe or if I get them all and then an extra one. I'll save that one too. Let's open this one. Only two more left to find here's the bag. 3. Two. 1. We have a stingray. This is the stingray cat it definitely looks like. a rope a manta ray because of his fins here he is like a man like have you seen Man Ray's manta rays? They are very similar. They look like birds with the insignia. This one is so cute and so is his tail.
Manta rays have a very pointed tail. the ends of them this one looks like it's swimming in the ocean meow meow meow oh my gosh no dup so far this is crazy my cat tower is tall okay the last one we need to find is the lobster cat I'm so excited to see Lobster Cat Crossing Out Stingray Cats and let's go ahead and open this one or else here we go we've got the bag let's open it up three two one we've got lobster oh my gosh this is the funniest one ever all because it actually has lobster. claws, oh my god, the antenna this one is very soft, it's like blurry, the other one is not good, the others are soft, they are still soft, but the hair is not as long as this one, this one is very soft, wo I feel like wow I think this might be my favorite of the whole series oh my gosh the back is so cool it's like it's put together here I really like that effect then there's the lobster tail it's so fun , this is so good, oh, I really like this. one and then there's the lobster legs check how cute.
I really like this one. I didn't think I would like this one. I didn't think this would be my favorite. I'm very surprised that it's so cute, so this one I'll be. I'm saving up for a giveaway so here are all the apmau mow we got today. Wow, that's a lot. OMG this was such a big opening. I hope you had as much fun watching these as I had opening them. I love it. the Squishies I love the figures the bag clips all the mystery mini plushies we have I feel like my favorite series of all I mean we have a lot of


series but I really appreciated the figures the Squishies these shiny ones the limited edition ones and of course , also the newest series, this lobster cat.
I don't know, it's so cool, let me know if you have any special requests for me to open in the future. I have a blind box San Rio video on the way. For you very soon and yes, see you in my next video, goodbye.

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