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ONE BREATH CONTROL PART 2!!! | Morissette Amon - Akin Ka Na Lang | Vocal Coaches/Singers Reaction

Mar 15, 2024
oh my god, oh my god, look at his face now that he knows he made it. Yes, you better sing. Every time she changes notes, usually most


you lose a little bit of


every time you transition to a new note, you're losing a little bit. a little


the way he is able to


his breathing in a way to keep that note in that powerful belt the way he abducts his strings to the right contracts the thyroid retinoid muscle in the


cords I won't get too carried away, but I'm just saying the things she's doing right now when you understand what's happening behind the scenes.
one breath control part 2 morissette amon   akin ka na lang vocal coaches singers reaction
It's like you just did that like you really just did that oh she brings it back oh beautiful wow beautiful wishes you went there with that beautiful whistle. record the riff at the end where did that come from oh my lord my face is melting oh oh my god, just his ability to carry so much power with his voice up to that


of his range is like one of the hardest things about singing


icularly the style she's singing in oh i'm 107.5 okay oh my god okay leave it stop maurice oh it's that beautiful sweet ending you can't do that to us marissa i thought you finished the bacon show and everything and then just Go into that final note so sweetly that this girl is someone very, very special, I think she's in love, yes I am again, that's a world class talent, wow, what's that line man looking at , she has a rare and beautiful gift, wow, what a storyteller who is she oh 107 yes, my god, this is like the garden of Eden, yes, she was great, wow, yes, congratulations to you girl, wow, wow , oh my god, I need to listen to it again, the ending, oh, I'm impressed again, hey. 107.5. wow, that was intense, I have no words for that, that's amazing, wait, let me try, I'll try to say some words, I mean, it's obvious what my favorite part is, right, that was amazing, oh man, beautiful line, okay , stop that.
one breath control part 2 morissette amon   akin ka na lang vocal coaches singers reaction

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one breath control part 2 morissette amon akin ka na lang vocal coaches singers reaction...

I just haven't stopped I loved everything about this phrase I'm I'm I'm floored that's all I can say beautiful oh 107.5 so good this girl this girl and she wants to finish with some I'm done I'm done with you
one breath control part 2 morissette amon   akin ka na lang vocal coaches singers reaction

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