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Oliver turned House Into a Trampoline Park!

Mar 09, 2024
Diana and family Dad hi Oliver yes it's F sorry Oliver I need to work here go please idea thank you you're welcome blue it's so cute wow hi oh no Oliver what It happened, don't worry, I have a new one, it's for you, hello, red. yay oh no h wait what happened look oh no idea T 1 2 3 4 done wow hello guys come to Oliver's party okay come hello hello hello hello Oliver let's go to the party okay mommy, let's measure your height yay let's start uh- eh , yeah, come on, uh-huh W, well, let's get the party started, wow, Joline, pick what's going on there, I look, uh, wow, hello, what a cool party, yeah, bye, uh-oh, yay, slides, there you go, come on, red, yellow, blue, green. what's going on byby it's time to go to work what hello dad the car is not the place for a pool oopsie wow that's amazing come on come on how did Oliver do it hello hello Oliver the dining room is not the place for a pool oh no bye -bye bye see you hello mommy the elevator is no place for a pool oopsie oh that's not okay mommy bye bye what is this hello a closet is no place for a pool okay daddy okay daddy kids Diana it's time to go to school Diana good morning mommy good morning Diana the bathroom is not a place for a pool oops I didn't know bye K come outside come on okay okay wow wow come on let's go IP I wanted yay quick and my turn hello oh no iser I know what to do come on hello , Oliver, yes, I know, MH, yes, let's cool down, what, Oliver, no, I have an idea, this will help us and a blanket, come, hello, this is mine, do you want to play with me?, yes, one . moment oh wow, come to sleep, sleep, you won't help us, are you ready?
oliver turned house into a trampoline park
Hello, dear Oliver, you have been accepted into magic school. Wow, it's time to eat for Adam, yum, don't you want to, no, no, no, no, no, how. Can I feed Adam? Come please let me say And what is this? This is invisible. Rob, huh, I'm invisible now, the plane is coming, open your mouse, m y and woo, thanks Oliver for your magic tricks, yeah, where's Sodam, he disappeared uh-oh, look. this cool owl I made w h wow my owl is alive oh no bye let's play basketball yay come w wow yay smell what have you done oh no ah help help well welcome to my orange JY come come wow amazing I like what happened to my flowers w uh -oh oh no h Oliver, can you please fix it, yes, wo, Oliver, where is Saddam Adam?
oliver turned house into a trampoline park

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oliver turned house into a trampoline park...

I missed you a lot, yes, thank you Oliver, hello, hello, we have nice


s, but they are not decorated, let's decorate them, yes, first, what is that? fidgets H what shape is this circle triangle square wow nice necklace and bracelets great here for the world decorations finish much better great job my turn I'm going to use these ducks to decorate my wall yes much better Super H too small good great idea wow That's better, yes, Oliver, you're right, yes, we need something comfortable on the floor, it looks very nice. Next step, ready. I'll do the same as Oliver.
oliver turned house into a trampoline park
Interesting, come on, yes, much better, incredible. Wow, yeah, something cool, uhhuh. I will decorate my


with it. oh no no oh oh no help help yes thank you Oliver, you saved my life uhhuh, let's try again sweet, sweet, we have to add the furniture. Like hello, what's next? and more balls, wow this was fun, oopsy, guys look what I have. I have what is that, you can choose uhhuh my bu it's okay wow thank you I want bow here's your ball thank you hello come on come on Oliver still there understand it's sad good choice wow nice this is for you thank you or how nice yay time to play wow it was great lemonade lemonade come buy lemonade w hello one please one lemonade 1 second H done thank you you're welcome yum yum yum yum yum yum yum lemonade lemonade two lemonade please two lemonades 1 second ok ready Rome one is for you for me yes thank you and and bye-bye blue yellow green red blue wow oh yellow H H yellow C in a blue garage uhoh no, we have to bring the blue car okay, come on W what is this WOW, let's review, let's color it gun blue yay W come on super blue red H I know what to do let's see wow yes now it's red red yellow oh blue car no no no no no no no idea or it's so much fun come on oh no ch yay yellow green W red red car in the green garage oh let's paint the car green yeah hello time to wash , now my car is green, green, old, I need to study H, you need to study too, okay, are you ready first?
oliver turned house into a trampoline park
We'll teach shy, this is cute, I'm not interested, okay, come on, wow, we have to collect Square. yay Circle rag rectangle triangle rumes good job Oliver next lesson cars purple green pink you look interesting no h maybe the big balls come yellow blue pink green red wow we need to put them in the right colors good job Oliver And super the next lesson is about animals elephant hipop G okay wow someone is crying we need to find our parents nice thanks panda the elephant no now next is one who likes to play cars okay do you like the garage big?
Oliver, are you ready? Yes W one, two, three, four, five, yes, you are everything. and

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