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Oliver and Mom - Water Police Rescue Adventure

May 30, 2024
Diana and mom family hey Aqua


is on duty yes Adam it's very hot today oh yes idea wow yum yum I'm afraid pirate what's crazy wow uhhuh treasure I'll steal it what's going on this is my treasure help me help me your help me, someone needs help , this I'll catch the pirate with the net, yeah, hey, stop right now, okay, okay, I give up, no, no, you're under arrest, oh no, come on, thank you very much, you're welcome, hello, no, no, oh . no, what happened, look, help me, okay, run, uh-oh, help me, I'm here, take this, come on, come on, you can do it, you need to warm up, thank you, bye, now you're under arrest.
oliver and mom   water police rescue adventure
H oh no, yo you have a flat tire, let's send your tools T wow, well done, there you go, what should I do with that? Try to remove the tire, okay, oh no, on the way to help you stay calm, help me, help me, one, two, done, yeah, thank you. Aqua polican high five woohoo I'm just doing my job look oh no huh where's all the


? Help me, help, help, oh no, run, uh, hey, hold on, please, yeah, wow, the letter is exactly what I need to get this, yeah, come on. Come on, go up, thank you, you helped me a lot, you're welcome, yes, and remember that it is very important to follow the rules in the


oliver and mom   water police rescue adventure

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oliver and mom water police rescue adventure...

Hello, we are going to do the water balloon challenge. Yes, choose your color. I'm the first. Okay, my color is red, yes. I'm next, come on, come on, yellow, it's my turn. I'm green, hello, my color is blue. Wow, everyone has lives during the challenge. The number of lives will change depending on your success. Okay, are you ready? Yes, the balloons are here. it's blue thank you red balloons for you Rome wow green color for you yay and yellow one and yellow is my favorite color done we don't need to feel the water balloons come on uhoh wow and uhoh it's not tasty you need to burst as many balloons as you can it's possible but remember that the darts are sharp, okay, take it, yay, wow, uhoh, we need the challenge, don't stop, stop, stop, stop, oh, let's play outside the pool, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on Yes, I have a new challenge for you. blow up water balloons while driving the car, come ready, steady, go blue, oh no, I didn't blow up anything yellow, I didn't blow up anything either, here comes the monster truck, I don't have any green balloons, Z guys, look, hey, it's time to play, wow, it's like a trick line.
oliver and mom   water police rescue adventure
Yes, everyone lost a life in this challenge, you must slide as far as possible. My turn, wow, in this challenge, the color red wins, let's move on to the next one. Yes hello, you have to hit the balloons into the holes and collect the points. Fire, now it's my come very close try again oh yes 10 so ready Great yay 3 2 1 fire yes oh no I missed the challenge it's over, let's move on yes kids, are you ready for the surprise? Come on, try to PO your balloon idea, let's use dark and yellow, my turn. red 3 2 1 go green blue w w wooho w w w wow bye hello hello I'll get it oh I don't need any more water wow wo oh no someone stole my carrots please


police come on come on hello hello what happened they stole my carrot I got it we'll find the criminal oh yeah h no there is nothing here you L will help us wow look CH did you steal the carrots?
oliver and mom   water police rescue adventure
I don't know anything about carrots, show me your hands, okay? H Oliver, let's check the pool, okay? No, it's a yes, oh no, you're under arrest, I don't want to go to jail, come on, open up, open up, good job idea, look, look, what is this, huh, there's something in the air, huh, I don't see anything, look here on the road, uhoh? oopsie wow my new beautiful shoes H aha hello hello how are you hey hurry up woo what happened someone stole my new horseshoes H they are metal yes, okay the metal detector will help us yes, come on, come on, we have to check this house, you got it, we found you come out come on let's go oh no look look no no no no no no no no h idea I have my own key yay oh no he's out of jail again oh lunch time oh I need to wash my hands for a moment wow bye where are my bananas police help from the police help me police come on come on police police help me what happened please find the person who ate my bananas look Su come on come on yes yes yes yes yes wow hello bananas are not teor watermelon m- bananas you are under arrest, Stay still, no, come on, no, no, no, no, no, this time you won't run away.
I'll do it CH, yes, 24 hours on the ship, yes, Captain R, great, I want to choose my room, wow, my window, come on, come on, I want to show. you my room is fine wow big table secret door window swimming guide wow yes wow you can have a delicious meal at the B orange or pineapple M pineapple me too oh wow you're welcome oh I'm a sandwich I want a sandwich M yay eh yes that's okay yay me 1 2 3 come on yay hello wo wow hello hello Yoo don't forget to learn us on the boat and read too bye where is the farm yay hello hello come on dear yay lunch time M wow yum yum oh bye have a nice day WBY come on come on , oh, hello, look at broccoli, yes, wow, cabbage, look at corn, mmm, good job, it's a goat, I want to eat, thank you, bye, who is it, yes, cute, let's start, high five, bye, see you , pony rabbit, hello. beautiful, they are hungry yes, yes, guinea pig, drop tomato, yes, cucumber, yum, yum, very hot, much better, beep, chicken, yum, yum, come on, bye, cow, thank you, yes, sh, wow , donut, it's a playground, look, wow, yay, Don up, yumy, yumy, Yoo wo hm. wow super look at the cute boy in the house oh hi yes come come Adam come come yay Adam let's learn the colors okay this is green this is violet blue Adam how can I teach Adam bye bye idea there you go box plane mom look colorful airpl yellow yellow red red blue oo blue green green yay sound come on it's a clap wow yay come on it's B yes look wow that's great wow Adam eh do you want me a thin no maybe S no oh soft for yay hi mom Adam is already going Wow come on Wow woohoo super yay great idea Oliver bye

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