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Oleksandr Usyk FIRST COACH: 'Tyson Fury IS DELUSIONAL - he was BULLIED IN THERE!'

May 30, 2024
Aon khah here 4 seconds out with none other than James alib Basher, Alexander usk James'


professional trainer, we just witnessed how we took the undisputed titles by beating Tyson Fury. Your reaction to that fight, well, it's basically how we discussed it last time. We talked I II I I'm going to be right, yes, quite right and I predicted that I would most likely stop late. I think he was tricked out of detention. I thought that: USC TKO Tyson Fury. I think the referee had to intervene. and he gave a count because of the knockdown, but after he gave the count, he spent almost another eight seconds doing what I don't, no, I don't understand, you know, so that prevented the KO, the TKO from coming.
oleksandr usyk first coach tyson fury is delusional   he was bullied in there
You know, because the moment the referee moved, it was time to end the round and Tyson Fury was allowed to resurrect in the corner, but I thought the TR, the referee made a package, dropped the ball, you know, he is the


. an unknown referee. He had never seen that referee. He had never heard of that referee before. Maybe he was present, but I don't know during the fight. Usyk seems to have success from the beginning, then Tyson settled into the fight a bit. More in the middle rounds, Tyson seemed to control Usyk's pace. Did you feel like Tyson was in control during any part of the fight?
oleksandr usyk first coach tyson fury is delusional   he was bullied in there

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oleksandr usyk first coach tyson fury is delusional he was bullied in there...

Yeah, I thought Tyson came in after the fourth fifth round, he found his rhythm, uh, he started. He relaxed and landed some good counterpunches, uppercuts and good body shots, but he was inconsistent. He never found a pattern in which he could continue doing it. He picked his points and landed some shots, but Alexander Uset because of the pressure from his foot. he prevented Tyson from settling in where he could really deliver the blow that would make the difference in the fight. What adjustments did you see Alexander Usk make in the fight against Fury? Well, Alexander Usk came out and basically set a pace, set a pace like that. that stopped Tyson Fury from really moving because if you notice that Tyson Fury was on the defensive the whole fight, he never moved forward, he never prepared to move forward and push Alexander back and one of the first things you want.
oleksandr usyk first coach tyson fury is delusional   he was bullied in there
To teach any fighter who is with a southpaw is to push the southpaw back so that he takes charge of eating what he has to eat and approach the southpaw and push him back Tyson never did that usek was the one who had control of the foot pressure during the whole fight, he was pushing Tyson back the whole fight, what's up with the furries? It seems like the game plan is to target the body, there they are on the right path to go down that path to victory, well, you know, he, he, he landed some good body shots, but.
oleksandr usyk first coach tyson fury is delusional   he was bullied in there
He would have had to counter his body shots. We didn't, you know, there were a lot of ramifications in the fight where the fighters weren't able to do the things that, uh, they were capable of doing a lot of them. The pressure was on this fight to do well and win the title, you know. Congratulations to both guys, they stood up and did their job and did their job well. I thought it was a good fight, but having said that, I don't. I don't think they both really did what they could have done, it was a good fight, but not as good as it could have been.
I think when Tyson Fury is a big, tall guy, so when he goes to the body, he's vulnerable to counter punches that say he didn't counter. I thought usk would counter Tyson Fury's body shots and Tyson Fury was landing good hooks but they were inconsistent, there was no repetition, there was no consistency in his punching. which allowed us to come back and sweep the rounds, but just by throwing punches I was out, I was putting pressure on Tyson Fury. I think when I was between rounds I could hear Sugar Hill in the corner saying that they were looking to set up the left cck. hook uh and L usk on that did you feel like that was the right way to think too? true, but yeah, sure, it was, but usk is a kind of kg, it's not just going to come in, I knew the left hook I knew the Southp's big shots hook is the left hook that most people search with the right hand, but it's the left hooks that prepare the right hand.
Usk is well aware that he's been a Southp for a long time and has been with a lot of lefties throughout his career, so he's not, he's not a fool, he's not going to come in and just get hit with left hooks. I thought I heard uh um, Sugar Hill, I thought I heard him say, grab it, hug it, he said, grab them. them, I thought it was funny, but you know it was a desperate plea, he said look man, you can't, you can't stop him from coming in and landing these punches over the top, you know the sh usk had a really good body shot too people Those who don't know boxing don't take those blows seriously, but when you are on the receiving end of those blows to the belly and solar plexus with a hard blow like that it can hurt you over time.
What do you think would change in a rematch? Do you think a rematch would go the same way? Yes, I think that we think that Fury will be better in the rematch and I think that Usk would be better in the rematch because Usek is going to return is GNA look at the movie what he did wrong and he is going to correct it he is going to go out and try hard. I think LK will also win the rematch, not as easily as he won this fight, they say. which was a split decision I think it was some home cooking or something there was no way that fight was a split decision and with the knockdown there was no way it was a split decision I had a unanimous decision for us 84 possibly uh uh 75 but no way split decision during your time with Alexander usk, did you predict this for him?
Did you see him get this far in the sport and we fought a fight, we fought a fight from the beginning? I don't remember, you have to ask, uh, Alex c, yeah. and Alex would definitely know the fight he predicted, but we were at a press conference and I predicted then in Crewe that this guy would become heavyweight champion. He predicted in a press conference that he would become world heavyweight champion. He just had, he just has everything it takes to become the heavyweight champion of the world and now he is undisputed, so I got it right in the interview that I gave you.
I said this guy would stop Fury late. I said he would stop it late. He expected him to open up all those left hands he landed. I was surprised that Fury didn't stop leaving. Do you see any of Corr's heavyweights right now or any heavyweights on the scene who might be capable? to beat


no, no, I don't see any of them being able to beat him because they're going to have to be able to box, you're not going to get old usk out of there without a single punch you're going to take. to be able to box to win against everyone and how many people can beat him in boxing, but whoever is out there right now who can beat him at the heavyweight level, how long they will stay in boxing, only God knows, you know, but I myself would tell him that you know, try to do this defense against Fury and then call it a day.
He has nothing more to prove. If you were there during your time with Usyk. Were you in conversations with his father? Was it like dealing with his father because he, you know, paid tribute to his father along the way, who obviously passed away since his father passed away? I join the forces, okay, that's fair, okay, James, just leave the last word to yourself, that's how it was. momentous occasion, do you have any additional comments you would like to make? As we close, I think Oldk is a good fighter. I think he is worthy of being heavyweight champion.
I think it's a good opportunity for other Ukrainian fighters, you know, I mean, he was a step forward tonight, he did the job, he came out and put his foot down on Tyson Fury, he never, never left Fury alone, Fury was trying to get space, he was trying to distance himself. he moved, but every time he moved, usk was there, usk was bullying Tyson Fury, he was putting so much pressure on Tyson Fury, Tyson Fury had to hit even when he didn't want to hit, he had to hit because Tyson, I mean. because usk was putting a lot of pressure on him with his foot, throwing punches over the top, he was going to the body, you know, and he took some vicious body shots from Tyson Fury.
I mean, people don't consider that, but Tyson Fury is a big guy. and a big guy like that hits you in the body, even if he's not the best puncher at that weight that he has, he can still do damage because he's a big guy and those shots were landing clean. I thought a couple might have done it. He got hurt on Sunday, you know, I thought I might hurt him, but he stuck it out and came back, you know, no one can argue with his performance in that game tonight. I think his victory will give all Ukrainian fighters a great opportunity. them something to look for something to admire and to plan for in the future when they themselves enter the ring.
I have one last question. Actually, James just popped into my head now that Us's Crown himself is the undisputed heavyweight champion, how? you compare yourself to other great heavyweights of the past, i.e. the last undisputed heavyweight champion in the form of Lennox Lewis, well you know you can't really compare because he just wanted to, it's going to have to be one or two defenses of the title, make them just defend. against Tyson Fury and call it a day because he has nothing left to prove, but you know, if he feels like his Cheerios have beat Tyson Fury and uh, scy is the limit, he can go back out and take on two more defenders and then you can. take his place among the heavyweight Grace.
In fact, he has already taken his place among heavyweight Grace by becoming Undisputed in a land of so many belts. He is Undisputed, there is no doubt about it and for Tyson Fury to say that he, he, thought. he won it's crazy to me it's crazy uh I gave him four rounds maybe maybe five rounds but certainly not more than that you know I scored the fight 116 112 you know one judge I think he had 114 113 or something like that. I'm saying what. What fight were you watching? What a fight, I mean what a fight and do you know the referee who was there?
Because I don't know that Mark Nelson was the referee. I don't have much research on Mark Nelson, but, um, I don't know him, I've never heard of Mark Nelson, where is he from in the US? Mark Nelson, yeah, well, no, I've never seen Mark Nelson. I think he blew Pacquiao's trumpet in Australia. Well, he dropped the ball tonight, we never see it. Mark Nelson again dropped the ball tonight he he he stepped up if Mark Nelson stepped in and said this fight is over no one could argue with him no one would or could argue so he gave Fury life because I thought that I could have done it.
I intervened and said that's it. I also saw another fight where uh we was in the fight between o and usk at cruiserweight when he fought Michael Hunter. I thought that referee was brave. I thought the referee let the fight go on too long. Michael Hunter could have gotten hurt Michael was tired, he was exhausted and all the hard blows fell on him and the referee didn't step in to stop it, you know, here it was the same thing. Landing clean shots on Tyson Tyson looked all defeated and didn't stop, so the referee is a little brave when it comes to another man taking hits, but you know, in light of all the death, death in the ring what is happening in boxing right now, something due. to the referees, some due to inexperienced corners or whatever the case may be, those things are very, very critical, you know you have to have good referees, perceptive sounding referees and good feedback to know what they are doing to know the signs of when do it.
Stop a fight because in the last two three months and certainly in the last year many people have died in the rain and that is because someone is not doing their job or someone who does not know how to do it and does not know how to do it. They do their job, so you know they have to take care of these fighters, they have to take care of them you know, but I thought the referee tonight dropped the ball, he should have stopped the fight, he should have stopped the fight, I appreciate your thoughts, James .
It's been a pleasure to catch up again very soon thanks for talking to the seconds sir old San undisputed heavyweight champion the world goes by a long line of Ukrainian fighters and I'm happy for the guy I'm happy for him . I'm glad you know the people of Ukraine because they have the UNDP, the world champion, have a good night.

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