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Office Moments that always left me satisfied and smiling - The Office US

Apr 12, 2024
There are certain defining


in a person's life: the day they are born, the day they grow their hair, the day they start a business, and the day they sell that business to Dunder Mifflin. What have I learned from all this? It's too soon to say that. I just know that I'm flying high and I don't even want to think about it. I just want to enjoy it. Hey guys, no, you're done, hey, it's the temperature, look, oh my God, the temperature is that the police yeah, mhm, well. This is what happened. Ryan's big project was the website that wasn't doing so well, so Ryan, to give the impression of sales, recorded it twice, once as


sales and once as website sales, which is a what we refer to in the business as deceptive. shareholders another good term is fraud the real crime I think was the beard oh my gosh Ryan oh my gosh I can't wait to visit Ryan in prison.
office moments that always left me satisfied and smiling   the office us
I'm going to wear my best tracksuit, comb my hair and then say hello, run and then all the other prisoners are going to say, "Damn Ryan, you have a hot ex-girlfriend." He would never have treated her so badly when he was out of prison. Right on the voicemail. Hey, Ryan, it's Jim, you know? have your hands tied good luck Dwight has made me his best man which is sh for the best man he will put himself completely in my hands tonight and I know for over 12 years I have done nothing but cheat on him and prank him , but tonight only good surprises. jokingly, oh surprise, I thought you guys couldn't come, yeah, but then they moved the panel to the same weekend and a medical team paid to fly out.
office moments that always left me satisfied and smiling   the office us

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office moments that always left me satisfied and smiling the office us...

We were Kismet Kismet, yeah right, Pam and I made up excuses for every other weekend. Remember my two gastric band surgeries, right? I don't like prunk number one either, okay, so this is what's going to happen, you're going to hold on, here we go and we're going to go to dinner, okay, and then we'll go going to the movies sounds good hey, hey, right, Pam, please call security every day for 8 years. I have brought pepper spray into this


to protect myself and my coworkers and every day for 8 years people have laughed at me. Well, who's laughing now? first place with nine points, it's Asops' weaknesses, the Quarin Bears have seven points, Thunder Mifflin, one team has four points, okay, DM's backup team has three points, Einstein has eight points, wow ladies, Gaga has five points, so our best chance of hitting our mark is. now in the hands and brains of Kevin Meredith Aaron and Kelly Do I like these odds?
office moments that always left me satisfied and smiling   the office us
My answer is that there is no final round. The last two teams face each other. I hope you're ready to play. Doctor, our question is about health and the human body. Oh, come on. The standard American analog scale has a maximum weight capacity of 300 lbs. sorry not to Einstein May Jolie's choices, are you sure the Maran card is exposed several times in that movie? Einstein's look won. I know it's easy to say that tonight was just a fluke and maybe it was, but here's a piece of trivia that is a fluke. one of the most common fish in the sea so if you go fishing by chance you will most likely catch one, wait why are we stopping Jim?
office moments that always left me satisfied and smiling   the office us
This is not on the itinerary. What's up Jim? Come on, what are you going to do? Hit me, Jim, no, Dwight, you'll be doing the bazooka, you remember that, of course you do. Did you know that in China there are 56 cities with more than one million inhabitants? You know how many we have here. Nine actually that's not true. I know the number. You mean and it is a projection of 15 years from now, thank God, no, that is right now. Michael China is rapidly urbanizing agrarian, you can bet, but it is still agrarian, mostly in terms of land, not population, come on Michael, no, no, you are wrong.
About this, where do you get this information? I got it from the New York uhoh, making me nervous Oscar, okay, someone look it up. I'm in this, Jim, I'm in this, guys, it's not worth it, really, guys, this is not worth it. Are you seriously watching this? Am I sitting here? Got it China has 56 cities with a population of over 1 million The United States has nine, suck it Oscar, well on the plus side all this worrying about China has made you smarter than Oscar. Michael, great, I was wrong, I'm wrong, everyone's happy, well boo, turns out I know more than the smartest guy in the office, so I don't care.
Okay, where were we before? I beat the Oscar four, three, two, one, yeah, woo woo. After numerous projections that the computer would crush every vendor in its path, I'm very happy to report that our own D white sh root has crushed his electronic nemesis, so to speak, by a whopping 52 RS, wait, say it , say it again, announce again 52 re no, no, so the first part Dwight has defeated the computer, hey, so what do you think I did for you? I didn't ask you to do it for me, you didn't have to, hey, do you have any men you can fix?
You lift me up. I would like to have a relationship with a man. I will contact you. Let me know. I never thought I'd say this, but I think I ate too much bone marrow. Hi Pam, what was Angela? Kidnapped Phyllis


the door open and a monster came, grabbed her and ran away, good old Mo, they think she was Mo, oh great, she's getting into the holiday spirit. Fantastic, he just achieved a bud and what's that for a ceremonial bridal kidnapping. I'll take the girlfriend and hide her in a local pub and when I find the place I have to buy everyone a drink oh okay oh mo I'm here for my girlfriend well first buy us a drink if you want your girlfriend to buy us a drink if you want your girlfriend to buy us a drink alright, drinks on me, bartender, well, well, I heard you bought a bar Kevin, this one now come out, why did you choose this place?
Oh, you made this as a joke, my best MCH, no, it's not a joke. I think it's time you bury that waste of a good Hatchet's hat, okay, just talk nice. I heard you say well, the first time I met Dwight, Mrs. Kevin, I saw him doing the portrait of him with a chick, tomorrow is his wedding day, you can. Being nothing but happy on your wedding day was nothing personal it's just that you were terrible at your job you only say that to make me feel better no really you were terrible and math and organization time management personal hygiene your internet searches were so dirty that we had to throw away your computer is that it was all that, come here I missed you Kevin I missed you gutenprank yeah most gutenprank number three it's a miracle she loves him I don't know about love she loves me outside my car 2 minutes okay, something came up, I have to go, no, no, she'll wake up, no, I have something to do, I know what you have to do, please stay with CeCe Dwight.
I have


considered us very good friends, great friends. I remember your concussion. I know, but you married my worst enemy. I know perfectly. I think enem is a strong word because I think we have a lot of charm back and forth. I will absolutely need beer and pizza to think this through from Jim. Well, I don't think so. That's going to happen, what kind of pizza would you like? Surprise me with no pepperoni, put it in my mouth. Okay, that's not going to improve your pizza-eating experience. Believe me, try me. Jim. Just don't consider it degrading.
Think of it like. You're moving pizza 6 this way and it turns out he's biting into it. I would rather him think that he is degrading himself. Well, first the crust. Well, now the beer. Beer. I. JY gentle. Oh oh, what is this? It's


more fun to mess with Dwight with an audience that was usually Pam, so now that she's out I had to find someone else. It turns out that Stanley is quite a fan of comedy, but not everything makes him laugh, he has very specific tastes through a painstaking process of trial and error I discovered what he likes Jim, come on, so juvenile, what have they done to you meatballs?
Are you ready for a meatball? Oh man, this isn't very smart, Jim, I know, I'm looking for you, really, Jim, really very funny, okay, good night. What is a 32 meatball room? Good morning, that idiot has been feeding us for a week. We will never have to buy meatballs again. Angela, you're not thinking about living in a tent, have you minded your own business? Okay, I'm just going to say this, you're not going to live in a tent, oh God, come stay with me, you don't want me in your house, yeah, not forever, but until you get better, which won't happen. a long time, that's the least. can i do wow separate bathrooms thanks you're welcome let's go find philli and get your things okay get out of that place okay can you have pants?
Oh Thunder, it's Pam, uh, just a moment. transfer you. I haven't heard anything, but I bet Jim got the job. I mean, why wouldn't he? He is fully qualified and intelligent. Everyone loves him and if he never comes back that's fine we're friends and I'm sure we'll stay friends but we never had the right time you know I knocked him down and then he did the same to me but you know what's fine I'm totally well, everything is going to be totally regretted, are you free? dinner tonight yeah, okay, so it's a date, sorry, what was the question, uh, yeah, I just got my replacement credit card, do you want the number, oh, it's 4793 0032 3313, the code security is 927, okay, great, thank you very much, bye?
Dwight took the bait. He used my credit card numbers to send a $200 bouquet of flowers to my wife. rubbings oh look at this wow you nailed it how much what do you mean? I don't see uh price um do you want to buy it well, yeah, yeah, we have to have it for the office, I mean, there's my window and there's my car. that your car uhhuh that's our building and we sell paper I'm very proud of you thank you what do you have something in your thick pocket I don't have it thank you okay it's a message it's an inspiration it's a source of beauty and without paper it couldn't have happened unless you had a camera are you ready are you kidding I was born ready wait wa um I don't know how to tell you this but we have a little problem you know what the minister just told me it's It's tradition that the best man is older than the groom.
Oh come on, I've never heard of anything like that. I obviously hadn't heard of it, but I'm out because I'm significantly younger than you. Not significant is an important word. I think it's okay, either way, any way Dwight, I can't be there for you, I'm sorry Jim, I really wish there was something I could do, Michael, I can't believe you came, that's what she said , the best joke I have ever received. along with my coworkers, first of all, I don't have coworkers anymore, I have subordinates, so I get along with my subordinates, let's see my supplier relations representative.
Meredith Palmer is the only person I know who knows how to headbang properly. for Motorhead Oscar Martinez my accountant is now my son's godfather Angela shro my ex accountant is now my wife my best salesman Jim Halpert was the best man at my wedding and the office manager Pamela Beasley Halpert is my best friend so yeah I would say yes. I got along well with my subordinates only the dance Flower is very low she is very high on the ground sending for an angel to bring me girl where do you come from so I bought those boat tickets the day I saw that YouTube video I knew we were I would need a backup plan, the boat was actually plan C, the church was plan B and plan A was to marry her a long, long time ago, around the day I met her.

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