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May 22, 2024
fake designer is good, there are so many stores here that I love, I linked. all of them in my bubble folder in my Chinatown


so they will be linked below and yeah enjoy take some time to shop here and get some awesome stuff definitely get them for cheap thats what all this is known for if Looking For. the classic I Love New York shirts this is a place to get them I mean 3 for $10 don't get up in Times Square come here and you said you can negotiate even lower than that so this little place will come to the other.The good thing about Canal Street is that they have tons of food and fish markets and you will see all kinds of strange fruits and vegetables like this.
nyc travel guide chinatown your perfect one day itinerary
If anyone knows what it is, comment below because there is no description next to the 75 cent avocado deals. each one, my goodness, if you were in the New Yorker and this is the place for avocados and also these raspberries for a dollar 75, this is the best deal I've ever seen in my life while walking down Canal Street, one of the stops The ones you should go to is at Canal Street Market you'll find a ton of different food vendors and also a whole section of artistic jewelry and all kinds of different things but one place you have to go to is the bulb uh guys they do amazing volva teens, there are a ton of different options here I have the strawberry matcha latte now this is the


way to keep shopping I mean, you have


tea in


hand, so let's move on this is: I own this bag, this It's Angela Roy's pink bag that I actually featured this could be by video it's really pretty what I love is like the variety of jewelry a variety of different types of products made locally in this very special market don't miss it it's really a dinner we are at Value hotpot which is new they have a location here in Manhattan however they have to have like 300 locations in China so if this is their first location opening here and then they have a number of stores that are opening opening all over the United States, it's a big deal, yeah, so.
nyc travel guide chinatown your perfect one day itinerary

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It's also my first time trying it, we'll see how it compares to the hot pot stitch, but looking at what I see, it looks amazing yeah, and I like how the boots are like little individual sections so you feel like you. They are in their own house, yes, exactly, they will have a family dinner, that is the atmosphere they will have. Yeah, I want to show you guys that this sauce section is the section over there where we can serve your own sauces to dip your hot pot stuff in, okay? Let's see it Hello friends we have, so it makes it very easy for you to make your sauces because if you look here, these are all the ingredients that you need to put in your sauce, there are so many options that I hope I have no idea.
nyc travel guide chinatown your perfect one day itinerary
What the pair don't care about so my goal is to like it so I get some satay mate here it's okay I'll take like ours like Chinese dpq sauce that's the best way for me to explain it , but yes, I put it as a soup and dip it with noodles and it's very good, yes, it's great. I ran out of the title, can you give me your ramen and some egg? Louie makes his own ramen, he gets the satay sauce with a little cow, that's the best, so this is the soft ball that is your, put it on the plate, okay, so I'll get some stir fry, so there's just a soy sauce, okay, so I'm going to mix that in my stir fry a little bit, let me get some chopped green onions.
nyc travel guide chinatown your perfect one day itinerary
I love cilantro, maybe the previous meal, sometimes, I get so much that I might like garlic, if you want it to be a little more aromatic and smell really good, now just apply a little sesame oil, but it's not necessary and just mix it all up, that's my option, yes, but of course, they make it very easy for you and it looks like all the food here after you, ma'am, okay, so all our food has arrived, there's a legit table like this It's what a stew table should be like. It looks like it's full of ingredients and there are flowers that grew, what are we looking at?
Yeah, and this right here is that spicy marinated beef you recommended. Eyes roll and this is the fresh meatball and I think we have a cuttlefish pasta on the way too. Okay, yeah, I don't know how they'll fit, there's always room, there's always room, so when it comes to hot pot, it's more like this star, especially this one here with beautiful marbling. I made this one and it's going to be amazing. for this type of meat you only wanted to hold the soup for about 10 to 15 seconds. Well, guys, you want to take one and just wet it and shake it, so hold it and then shake it to get it a little wet. in your sauce if you want or you can eat it alone as standards that meet your requirements, yes, I think it's a fenian, I hope so, oh my goodness.
Wow, it was so buttery, so amazing, it's definitely Walker, it's just amazing. I love that experience. really fun like others - it will be fun you are like now and you also get a nice face like yeah steaming so it will be spicy marinated beef yeah yeah it's the same concept like in the same concept yeah I think What if you just want to add that which has a little bit of dough in it. Pro tip if you're ordering a spicy soup like Louise has, you may want to wait to put the vegetables in a bit because it soaks everything up. the spice gets very oily and spicy so it's a real Committee Empire if you get the spicy one but if you get a clear soup it's totally nice so for things like this don't let go like you should always hold on to it. don't waste it, I think it's like that, yes, save it and just turn it over and eat it right after so it's right when it's cooked through, yes, I think it's the best chewy texture families make this.
At home, we love doing this. I mean, why do you do it with everyone happy? Yes, yes, you go to the supermarket and there will even be grocery stores in most of the background and things are cut for you. There are fish balls with a bag of frozen fish balls. put it like this Wow, yeah, your friends are done, yeah, yeah, they're awake, ah, yeah, we all share a break, they're all sitting in the same pot, it's hot soup, so you know something about yourself, asshole, okay, immediately , like you're good, no, I love it. In my life we ​​have fought for everything on every holiday, no matter how it goes haha, yes, yes, all the time.
I like that idea better, yes, I love soup, it's my favorite food, so for me this is, yes, very nice and cozy, yes, you can't. drink the cross here, if it's like raw meat because you know or can, I don't know, so some people still like what they recommend: taste the broth before you start dipping everything in the same flavor as the soup. Oh, like he still drinks a hot box to my mom, guys, like that, Lord, don't drink too much, okay, maybe it's bad for you or something umm, it's like, yeah, he gets into a lot of All of everything. things, I'm the thing, yeah, if you come, you have to get it if you love fish ball because inside there's like a little fish roll, this is a cuttlefish paste and you just want to sink it like this, grab it like this and then pour it in in your and it turns into a little squid, but I don't, it's not a fish, yes, Seidel really dislikes that it's cut up, I would also eat it mixed with cuttlefish and there's a little bit of seasoning in there, but you can basically give it your own shape. and you just put it in your soup, it shows you something on your side like this, yeah, and then the texture when it comes out will be like a squid ball texture, very, very chewy, yeah, it's very good, take it out of the soup, we have to leave it.
It's cold, yeah, I'm quartz, all for you, oh, there you go, you're welcome, like steam is coming out of my ears, that's what I'm feeling right now, it's the real deal, the water is going to do us good, we really love my quad, oh yes it's so good. fresh watermelon juice, especially a job, we got it for $1, the ratings are amazing, a t-shirt that says "I've survived so much fun." I love it, it was actually a pretty good TJ. I brought you to one of my favorite speakeasies, yeah right. It has a cool vibe, this place is called Apothic and it has a chemistry lab, I feel like this place serves over 250 craft cocktails, yes I know well what 250 is so crazy and the cool thing is they are all modeled after different recipes , so if you look at their menu, you have different categories, so you have health and beauty, pain relievers, stims, aphrodisiacs, oh yes, I have stim, yes, you have your enhancers, so what I have is you know I love miss Kraus, so I have a mezcal cocktail here, this one is called a paid vacation.
It's got mezcal, tequila, hickory, smoked pineapple, cucumber, fresh lime juice, agave and habanero bitters, and then you have this lovely little 109, apple and ginger, squeezed lime, vodka and lemongrass, very refreshing, yeah, It's refreshing lettuce. Greetings, I love the cocktails, I love the atmosphere which is one of the reasons why Bill in this place feels like Harry Potter is dead. Oh wait guys, I introduced you in my Harry Potter video. Look, you can see it right here. I'm so glad you brought that up because that's why I introduced you to it because it reminds me. Like um, Snape's potions laugh, yeah, yeah, they're cool, this is a speakeasy, so there's no sign outside, come prepared and regards, um, thanks for looking, looking like that, yeah, and for her, okay, clearly we're going to drink.
See you later thanks for watching if you like this video remember to subscribe follow me on Instagram at Sarah funky and check out my other neighborhood


s right here and I have tons of them. See you next time.

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