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Nvidia Said We Couldn't Game On This Crypto Mining Card...

Jun 08, 2021




experienced, let's call it a recession, no, let's be honest, a big drop in 2018, so there is no shortage of great deals on graphics


s that were used for




on sites like eBay, but a class appears Of


s. It serves no purpose other than melting them down and salvaging the gold and other valuable items, they are specific crypto cards like


one from gigabyte,


is a p106, it is actually very similar to a gtx 1060 six pin dual fan cooler except for oh one. Small problem, it has no display outputs and not only that but the drivers have been locked by


so they can't be used for gaming because they were designed for cryptocurrency mining only, but could this card be used for gaming?
nvidia said we couldn t game on this crypto mining card
The Taobao site has a seller who says it can and is selling them with a modified firmware that they claim will work for US$67, which is less than a third of the price of a GTX 1066 card. Will it work well? Damn if I know, but I'm sure I'll find out after this message from our sponsor Thermaltake Thermaltakes a500 has a modern minimalist design and brushed aluminum panels with double-hinged tempered glass swing doors. Check it out today at the link in the video description, so we're not going to go. throughout the whole process yet because we won't know anything, by the way, Anthony will be joining me for this video.
nvidia said we couldn t game on this crypto mining card

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nvidia said we couldn t game on this crypto mining card...

Hi, he arranged everything which apparently was a big hassle to get this done. Yes, apparently the seller actually wouldn't. shipping to Canada, I don't know what the reason was, I wasn't sure if it's legal or whatever, but anyway, long story short, Dennis had to contact them directly and in order to ship it they had to leave it as a computer mouse, but it's here and it appears to be exactly what we expected, it is as advertised, including all the dust and grime that has accumulated on it due to presumably months of cryptocurrency mining in a dirty warehouse somewhere, anyway, back to it which I was saying before we're not ready to go ahead with that yet because we won't know how it compares to a regular gtx 1060 unless we go ahead and run one so this is a run of the mill evga geforce gtx 1060 super watch, okay, it doesn't quite run in the middle, so we'll run just a quick shadow of the Tomb Raider benchmark so we have a before to compare with our after.
nvidia said we couldn t game on this crypto mining card
Now we don't need to run a full set of benchmarks because we're not comparing cards between different architectures. Different brands or even different GPUs, they both run the same graphics core, so all we need to know is if they did it in any meaningful way or is it just a software crash and we need to install our drivers for this talking puppy. of which both cards should be six gigs so we should look at the full cuda core count so I installed driver version 416.16 which is from October and I'll explain why I did it a little later but Let's move on Go ahead and activate Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
nvidia said we couldn t game on this crypto mining card
We're running at 1920 by 1080 and all the way up, except I turned off motion blur because it's stupid, so here we have it with an average fps of 68, okay, you can, oh, you can see the specs. from our dyno here so this is the best case scenario for the 1060. We have a 9900k here and our lows were oh wow like oh yeah 56 okay that makes more sense here we go so lows of 56 They are very playable, here comes the Chinese mining card, yes, isn't that a great question? They probably


't hear that because Brandon was like mumbling, come on, Brandon, come on, come on, come on, come on, this is great, how are you?
We'll plug it in if you don't have IO, so we're not saying this technique is going to work for everyone because if your motherboard doesn't have graphics outputs and your CPU doesn't have a built-in IGPU, it will. I can't do this, but remember how we got freesync to run on an


card before by passing the gpu power through the other card which interacted well with the display with the modified driver. The theory is that we can do the same. The important thing here is not presynchronization, but rather that the performance of our graphics card passes through the output of our integrated graphics.
This is a technology that really had no reason to exist in desktop computers alone, but it's kind of a carryover from laptops that have integrated graphics that they run when they're trying to save power and then high-performance graphics that they switch to. in


s, but since the feature exists well, we can take advantage of it here, so we'll go ahead and install our 416.16 drivers at least let's give it a try. Is this supposed to work? I installed that driver. There is a different driver we need to install, but if this works, then it worked. If this works then I'm a bit confused.
I mean, in theory this driver is already installed on the system, not right, then we have a problem: it shows up as p106 100 in device manager instead of gtx 1060. Well, let's go ahead and try it, but it's supposed to This doesn't work, so you may have skipped ahead here yet, yes it appears as p106, but the driver is fully installed. Okay, the nvidia control panel is there, but it's in the display settings which would change to the correct one just below the gpu or graphics settings at the bottom. graphics settings here we go okay so let's look at application options here we go high performance save okay oh so don't you choose a p106 as a high performance gpu option well what happens if we open the nvidia control panel?
I'm not currently using a display connected to an nvidia gpu, okay anthony come here what do we have to do? Okay, and talk to the camera. So, okay, I'll move here. It's okay, just, yeah, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. That I have to do? There's a little folder on the desktop that you missed, which is okay because it's like in this honeycomb pattern, which is cool, it's called mining, okay and there's the actual driver that we need, it's modified, but if you try install it right now, yes, there are possibilities. Will it fail? Then we need to disable secure boot.
Well, then we have to restart. Now, the benefit of secure boot is, in theory, that it prevents malware from attacking your pre-boot environment. That's correct, yes, but there has been a Exploit that, so this is the boot options menu in the advanced part of the BIOS, it will change depending on what motherboard or computer you have, but in a nutshell, we'll get into key management and then we're going to delete. secure boot keys and it will be like you really want to delete them. Yes, we do it now. If we go out, it's disabled. I remember when I first found this I was absolutely furious because it doesn't even register as a change. to the bible nothing like I was so angry I thought what do you mean that's how you turn it off I don't want to delete them forever necessarily like it's not really a very clear terminology anyway yeah I know and you can put them in Again, it's ridiculous of all modes, long story short, you can turn it off, that's perfectly fine, you can put it back if you want, but we have to turn it off for now, okay, now we're back in PowerShell, let's try it. that command again, so it's PC editing, hello slash, windows, I still haven't figured out how to not take focus away from a window I'm actively working on, how is that possible?
It's very rude anyway, the bar configuration test was completed successfully, yes. now we need to reboot, what this allows you to do is install drivers that have not been signed, meaning they may have been modified, they may be corrupted, they may cause instability on your system, so it's generally not a good idea, but it is necessary. In this case, one thing I'm doing here is disabling Windows Update and there's no particular reason other than it bothers me when you try to reinstall the driver, so I'm going to go ahead and do that, you should probably do that.
Turn it back on afterwards, if you are doing this now, we will go to the device manager, we will delete this driver that we installed earlier, yes, do we have to disable it or is it good enough? I think this is good. enough as we can ddu, it's probably a best practice to do it, but yellow, uh, anyway, for those who are not familiar, ddu is a third party driver removal utility that is actually incredibly awesome, check it out if Ever have a persistent problem with drivers and feel free to do so. leave some props to those guys, they've been at this a long time, it's a really useful tool, I've used it many times, here it is, so this is what normally happens.
An error would appear saying that the driver is corrupted. or modified or something like that, but go ahead, you can still explain it well, but now what came up is that this software is not signed, so a warning appeared because you have test signing mode on, which means it's basically for Windows . Generally, Windows knows a driver developer, so it will install that driver again anyway. If you see that under normal circumstances you probably shouldn't do it, but it's necessary here. Do we have any way to know who this driver is? don't install malware on this system no it's okay yeah I haven't actually looked at it so just to be clear what we're doing here we don't actually recommend trying it at home with graphics drivers installed so We will close it now.
What we want to do is look at this, it still looks like p106, but if we go into the driver it will say that it is not digitally signed here, okay, that's what we expect, that's what we expect, this is the unsigned driver that is is running so now let's go to our screen settings shadow of the tomb raider shadow of the tomb raider oh we may have to restart yes I came up with the methodology here about two hours ago and the show wan started three minutes ago oh, That's right, we're like 1000 seats in our pants, right?
Now this time we did it which turns out was probably a necessary step and we're good to go so let's just go in here and there it's a high performance nvidia p106 100 gpu so let's make it default and Shadow of the Tomb Raider, here we come, remember guys, it's under 70 bucks. Well, that's the important part of this. I'm so excited right now. It's worth remembering that this card was basically destined for the recycle bin, exactly as if it


't be played there. There was no possible way, well could it be used for non-gaming computing or mining, yes, but it's a 1060 class ppu so it's not even worth the pci express slot you put it in for that kind of workload, yes, but here it is? maybe a new lease on life and just so you know there is no smoke and mirrors, here is our HDMI cable, it goes to the bottom of our monitor and directly to the back of the motherboard.
There is nothing in this car. He looks pretty good actually, he might have been taller than the super clone. Oh, that looks very good. The


on a graphics card with no outputs feels good, well we missed the moment when it appeared, but that's okay, we have our result. and this is actually as good as I expected, so we were 4 fps below our averages and then for our lows we were only 3 fps below. Now you will see a slight difference in performance when you are running compute or game rendering on one gpu and then output through another and this is pretty consistent with what you would expect from that or the difference in clock speed between a super sync card and just a regular 1060, so it worked, yeah, pretty cool, but we're not at all saying that we would recommend this, so Anthony, um, there really were no instructions from the seller on Taobao.
Where did you end up getting the driver you used? Surprisingly, on our forum, there are actually many different forums. posts about this long story, long story short, there was one person who included a document and a link to a Google Drive folder with everything we needed, which was great, thank you very much for everything


, not a recommendation for anyone from you. download it because there is no way to know when you are installing an unsigned driver if anything has been changed other than the things they


they changed, unless you are qualified to review and examine exactly what it is they changed, in which case you could go and do it yourself so at the moment there's really no way around the scrap heap for these p106s and if I remember correctly there were GTX 1070 equivalent cards too, yes I think so so really the onus is on nvidia to do something about it.
This is because, although notI hope they run out and make this a use case compatible with any motherboard with integrated video, there's no reason this wouldn't work if they didn't specifically block it, so I'm not asking. to back it up, I just ask that you don't disable it specifically because this is a serious e-waste problem, literally thousands, tens of thousands of these cards are of absolutely no use anymore, when players could play with them, now the next stage is We use one of those fancy solder alignment things that Rosman has and put an HDMI port on it.
I wonder if it would work. I can't think of any reason why I wouldn't like it. Do you have the actual chips for it? I sure don't think these guys have modified their forums much, so all that's left now is to thank Pia for sponsoring this video. Private Internet Access allows you to use the Internet privately. It allows you to bypass government censorship. Access to geo-blocked content and even. Do things you might not think of, like saving money on flights, so you can set up your VPN to make it look like you're buying tickets somewhere else.
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