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Nuggets bounce back in a big way in Game 3 vs. Timberwolves [FULL REACTION] | SC with SVP

May 11, 2024
and the Denver Nuggets with a resounding victory Minnesota takes the first two and this




to the Twin Cities and everyone thinks we are in for a blowout, right? No, there is not so much joy, low joy and his team is putting on a show. when they are in the best of seven series losing two


s to none, isn't it cool that Jamal marries


present three under two to go in the first Nuggets up two Murray working in the cat's nasty bucket, you know he's struggling by a cap, but he seems to have everything working very well in that first quarter after having had eight in the entire second game, he now has an 11 point lead Murray, the three


now up 14 Nicole leic good find, that's it Christian Brown down low nuggets up 15 joic Michael Porter Jr. on the baseline with a layup with a 15 point lead again it's Murray, that's his spot that's cash on the baseline again Murray all alone you know what 18 are in the first half nuggets with a 15 point lead heading into the locker room loss of ball Here comes Denver on the run Murray probing and that's the dangerous Michael Porter Jr of Deep it's a 22 point lead very little for let this Minnesota crowd applaud that's a nasty Bucket by Anthony Edwards hangs allows Gordon to pass him and he's able to get in, but the problem is he's still down by 18 and now by 20 Murray, what a pass to rejoice, take another look to how he can achieve that in New Zealand, who got the sixth Man of the Year trophy, congratulations to him, Aaron.
nuggets bounce back in a big way in game 3 vs timberwolves full reaction sc with svp
Gordon had a significant contribution in this one here, he's giving it over to joy and those are the three. Gordon hit a bunch of Threes. And that third one, when you were wondering if Minnesota could get


into this with the spin and float game, just put the point back, where is it?, as Scott Vel would say. Sublime, that's right, it's steel in burst mode. On The Run Gordon to hit Murray with the hit and it's all the road teams so far in this Denver by 27, we're usually sitting face to face. face, but it was great to see you there on the call and I know how much you enjoyed it.
nuggets bounce back in a big way in game 3 vs timberwolves full reaction sc with svp

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nuggets bounce back in a big way in game 3 vs timberwolves full reaction sc with svp...

Denver had to eat this for 4 days. We just asked Nicole about it. Michael Malone reminded him that you are the reigning champion. That's what was different about your Vantage Point Tim, yeah Scott, first of all, Michael Malone came in for the pregame interview and now granted this is four days after the second game and I was a little shocked at how angry he was. It was still there as soon as we arrived. He referenced the second game and what happened just came out of him and he let me know what the last four days have been like for his team and he, in particular, highlighted Jamaal Murray and Nikas, he said, listen, you're a three-time MVP. play like that Jamal Murray you're an Allstar we need you to play like that and I can't say enough about the way Jamal Murray in particular responded to what happened in those two games uh In Denver he came out and I immediately thought about the difference in his rebounding , his vibration, his energy, his movement, his confidence with the ball controlling it, manipulating it and then what caught my attention the most about his game at the beginning was beating defenders on screens with the ball and when you look at what happened in those two games they lost in Denver, every defender that was hitting him to the point as he was trying to get off the ball screen was coming off a dribble handoff, that wasn't the case at first. the first quarter of this game and it set the tone I thought for his entire team offensively, they just gained a lot of confidence from the way his Allstar looked and the look on his face and the rebound he had seeing the ball pass early . dramatic change As dramatic a change as I've seen in two consecutive games in terms of how a team is operating against an elite defense and I mean how they feel with that calf injury.
nuggets bounce back in a big way in game 3 vs timberwolves full reaction sc with svp
I think you could ask him or he could show you the right thing. and I felt like tonight he showed us, he certainly showed us, uh, Minnesota and you're there, this city is ready to go completely crazy, they didn't do anything on the reigning champions, it's a Friday night, it's going to be a party and it's not is now. on the one hand, maybe you wash it, but on the other hand, maybe you know, maybe start picking your flowers, start planning the parade route a little early, was there anything that was worrying you tonight about what Minnesota looked like? beyond the final score?
nuggets bounce back in a big way in game 3 vs timberwolves full reaction sc with svp
I will say that for me this was more about Denver, Scott, it was really you, you want to know what a great offense and what a great team is going to do in response to the most adversity this group has faced in the last two years. How are they going to respond to Bell? They showed it to you in a big way. This was more about them. I think Minnesota came out early in the game and they were trying to apply the same type of pressure that they did on Denver in the first two. In games they just weren't having success with that, instead of creating turnovers and frustration and taking balls out of guys' hands, it was creating open shots by Denver because they were using that pressure against them that wasn't the case in In the first two games, I think what it basically did was Minnesota got back on their heels, they lost a little bit of their swagger because they were getting a lot of credit for what they did to this team, particularly in the first half of the game. . 2.
I think they expected that to happen again and it didn't happen at all and he didn't have any counterattack tonight, but I actually think when they see the movie I think they'll be more worried about it. what their offense was like what their defense was like because Denver is going to do things offensively they are too good of a team, you're not shutting them out every game like you did in those two Chris PCH even alluded to that Before the game offensively, really They struggled to find any kind of rhythm tonight. I didn't think the ball movement was great.
I didn't think they attacked well after the dribble. Now Denver was better defensively, but I think that's where the main adjustments come in. the Minnesota Timberwolves, I think it's going to be their offensive execution and releasing their guys because the night was very quiet and you're okay Scott, this place was dead from about the 8 minute mark of the first quarter, they were waiting to rip off the roof from this. building they just never had that chance there were no big moments there were no big runs there were no stops at all Denver controlled this game from start to finish let's really see a breakdown of the game for the first time in this series The losing side here is Chris Finch I I want to say a little , you know, I thought, I mean, I thought we'd be better, but you know, we talked all season about being a mature team, mature teams have to handle success, three days between games, you know, how do you prepare at home? a lot of distractions, you know, need to be locked away.
I thought we had a couple of good days of practice, but you know, apparently we couldn't transfer it to the court to play from behind much more than you have in the playoffs. There is another thing that, like maturity, you have to take into account and learn to do it in high-stress environments. Yes I think so. You know this is a team you don't want to be on. behind, particularly the spread that we were on because you know they execute really well and they introduced you to a lot of really tough shooters, so Chris, on defense, last game, Michael Malone was seething with rage and he was still there. in the shot. this morning, as you heard Tim Legler say that tonight his team wins big.
His thoughts after the win, a point of emphasis throughout the playoffs is getting better starts, not playing from behind, not playing catch-up and I thought a starting group came out and set the tone for Jump Street and, you know, say you win the first quarter, so the message was good, now let's win the second quarter, let's win the third quarter and I love the fact that not only are we off to a great start but we were able to sustain that. We had a strike-first mentality. We became the aggressor tonight and it was a good win for us, but we are far from doing anything to celebrate.
We're still down two to one. but I couldn't agree more. I thought a lot of guys stepped up tonight. Michael Porter made shots. Aaron Gordon in that third quarter made a ton of shots. He played great defense. Nico's game. Some of the things you won't even appear in. the stat sheet of his projection tonight starting Guys, you know tonight was Denver Nugget basketball and that's the first time I've seen him in this series for four quarters and the challenge is to do it again at an even higher level on Sunday. Michael, a guy you didn't mention, was Jamal and I felt like he was back to himself making some of those tough shots that he makes.
How cool was it to see some of those shots for him and is he the kind of guy that, you know, channels that alcohol to motivate himself, uh, yeah, I think so, I mean, but more importantly to your point , you know, they asked me after the last game, you know where my confidence was regarding Jamal with three for 18 and, uh, I have all the confidence in the world in Jamal Murray and uh he got going early uh again I thought nicolea did it he released his teammates released him but he was aggressive he saw the ball go in early and you know, to get the starting five going offensively I know we become very difficult to guard and I think he enjoys those moments where he's a bad guy and I love being in an atmosphere like that.
You for me like that beginning of the game. You know you are in hostile territory. And you know, that's where you separate the man from the boys and our boys. I think tonight he showed you what we're capable of and how dangerous we can be, but again, it's just a game where we're still down in this series. and we have a long way to go, they were grown men tonight and they perform after absolutely working in games one and two at home, the 27 point win, the biggest for a team that lost the first two games at home in the story of the The NBA postseason that Mark previous was in the hands of the 87 Rockets Rudy T said never underestimate the heart of a champion, that's fine, let's go back to the game we followed was not very entertaining because after they defeated the champions in Minnesota took one.
On the chin tonight at home, here's Anthony Edwards after my 27th loss. I will take the blame for this defeat. I left without any energy. I came out flat, so and I can't, I can't. I can't afford to do that for my team. I let my team and my coaches take down the fans, so I'll be ready on Sunday. I like the fact that they hit tonight, we didn't hit back, and that's what happens with backs. It's fun, you love to compete, so it should be very competitive on Sunday and we'll be here for it. The Wolves won their first six games this postseason while mounting the best defense in the NBA.
They kept teams under 100 per game. tonight, completely different nuggets of history were poured into 117 spots, shot 54% from the ground, was in the 50s until garbage city and garbage time, I should say, and were almost 50% of Beyond the arch.

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