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'Not In My County': Top Moments of Deputy Frank Sloup On Patrol

Apr 02, 2024
71 passing all these cars, good luck, that guy over there sees a driver's license, please, yes sir, can I have us stop as soon as I see his driver's license? I'll be very happy to tell you that's not how it works. First tell me what your name and license plate number are. I'm sorry. I make a living with this. You do not. I'll tell you how it works. Let me see your driver's license or I'll take you out of your car. and arrest him for failing to provide identification. This is a legal request. I don't want to hear another word out of your mouth except here's my driver's license, can you please say that again?
not in my county top moments of deputy frank sloup on patrol
I need your driver's license to know who you are. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to give me your driver's license. My name is I don't want your name. I want physical identification as required by Arizona law. I imagine asking you when they stop me. I'll tell you like As soon as I see your driver's license, I will gladly give you my license. I usually get some identification of the reason I'm being stopped. That's usually fine. I'm Deputy Slope. I work for the Panell County Sheriff's Office Traffic Unit. The reason I stopped him is that he is traveling 71 million hours in a posted 45 mph zone.
not in my county top moments of deputy frank sloup on patrol

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not in my county top moments of deputy frank sloup on patrol...

We also see the record as current evidence. Sure. Can? Unless it was going to magically appear in his hands, he would have to correct all his current information. living in Mesa I don't answer any questions okay and I had to use my phone. You are the one who decided it was necessary to record so you could also use it to provide current proof of insurance. He wants me to update you. We're obligated to provide it in an amount of time that would be right, it's coming right now, okay, give it to me while I'm sitting here and I'm a public service.
not in my county top moments of deputy frank sloup on patrol
Are there any other questions you can answer? Make reference to our contact. Alright? I just want to make sure you keep working that there's no reason to be confrontational like that. There was no part of my contact with him that was confrontational, super simple and cordial, and he, for some reason, can't seem to understand that there is a sequence of events that happens here in Panau County and if he doesn't like that maybe I need to get back to Mesa as soon as he records me and I asked him, "Hey, I need your driver's license," and he said he'd be happy to do it.
not in my county top moments of deputy frank sloup on patrol
I'll give it to you, but before that, when it wasn't recording me, it wasn't at all, so that's why you can't believe that everything you see online is because all that contact happened and then it starts to disk and suddenly he's the nicest guy and I'm a big bad guy who just demands things. I imagine you'll interpret the fact that you're getting a ticket as a result of your terrible attitude, when in reality it's just the fact that you're simply violating Arizona motor vehicle law, so in case you're wondering what that looks like 71 mph at 1.65 feet on a laser, that's what it is and that was its speed, so after I focused on this, I saw it go by.
I never lost sight of them, parked right behind them, so I'm sure this is the kind of person who wants to find some kind of I don't know something to fight with in this. Alright sir, I have a contact phone number for you with an area code first, please make absolutely agree, well, you can reach one by phone, but if I am requesting a supervisor, you deny it. I can give you the contact phone number for the Sheriff's Office. Absolutely, it's a 520 code. out9 866 5912 5 912 yes, you usually just ask him a couple of questions. You usually threaten to pull people out of the car just to ask them why they were 100% pulled over when they refuse to provide ID like you did, but that's not the case. that a secondary offense Arizona is not a stop and identify state like if I asked you why I was being pulled and you didn't want to tell me until I used it as a predecessor, that's right because I need to know who I am.
Talking to First, wait a second, your civil rights and your laws, unless I'm arrested or I'm okay. Failure to provide evidence of identity is a criminal offense, no, it is a secondary offense, it doesn't matter, it is a crime. You don't mind St if you want if you'll let me talk and then I'll let you talk okay no you don't want to let me talk no it's okay no I'm not here for back and forth. I don't speak and you speak? You can't, it's absolutely normal according to Civil Rights according to four. This has nothing to do with the civil rights under the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which you swear to uphold.
I know it's very, very disappointing because I also like to call the rules, obviously, I have how good you like to follow the rules, except the speed limits that you don't like to follow, it's objective or subjective, that's the corny thing, it's okay, so yeah So let's do it, if we want to play word games, we can play word games here, we can, we can play word games as long as you want, absolutely for the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution , secure my own rights to maintain my identity. Unless, especially in a state that is not a stop and identify state, aren't you supposed to tell me why you are stopping me?
I usually do it during traffic stops, I know, but that's what you normally do, that's not what the law says to do, that's not a law, that's not a stop and ID, that's not a law, okay , we have, we have a difference, we can. We can agree on that and you will certainly get one, so all the information at the top is yours. The vehicle information here says today at 10:05 it has 71 and a 45 posted now r&p means reasonable and prudent and that's what speed is all about. The limit is and you're 71 mph and a posted 45 got the Shan laser, the most accurate of all speed detection devices.
Sorry, do you have a printout or screenshot? because I have no way to print in my car, so the direction you're facing now is eastbound in lane number one. State Route 24 in Meridian was the closest intersection to which is your speaker subpoena than how reasonable and prudent you are subpoenaed. at the Santan Justice Court, which is located in Chandler, you have a court date only if you want to appear on the first day of November at 9:00 in the morning, otherwise you can call the number here that will take you to the informed court. The staff there will be able to answer any questions you have, including giving you any information about traffic school.
Here is the driver's license, the registration you provided, and an exact copy of the citation. Okay, any other questions you can answer. for you today sir, okay, and uh, just so you don't, my sergeant is Sergeant Erikson, he's the person you'll thank for raising the window. They didn't want to talk to me anymore. I really hope this goes to court, I hope, I hope with every fiber of my being that I can go see it again, because there is not a judge anywhere in the state of Arizona that will entertain that Tom Fery that just happened there, so I hope I can achieve it. to see him again and then we'll have another cordial conversation, so let's see, can you roll down the window?
Can you roll down the window? Please, here we go. Hello, well, I'm Deputy Slope. I work for the Panal County Sheriff. Office Traffic Unit any reason you have your hands up because I'm fine, can you roll the window all the way down for me? Please, no, just like that, I'm Deputy Slope. I work for the Panell County Sheriff's Office. The Traffic Unit can I see your driver's license, please, why are you crying? Because you're making me nervous. I don't know what has made you nervous. The problem is that all the windows on this vehicle are illegally tinted and I can't.
I don't see into it and when I can't see into a vehicle, you can see how that could be dangerous for me so I would be a little apprehensive about just walking up here because I don't know what's in here because your windows are illegally tinted and it's because that there is a window tinting law, it is for my safety, it is also dark for you, especially at night, so the entire vehicle has a front windshield side window with legal tints, everything is legal and I walk there and she puts it on. window so far down where I can't see and she says like this, she's not going to give you a ticket for window tint, even though it's a fineable offense, what am I doing?
Well, you have legal tint on the front windshield, driver's side window and front passenger's side window, so I'm Deputy Slope. I work for the now County Sheriff's Office Traffic Unit and like I just said, that's the reason I'm telling you all those reasons and you're not wearing your seat belt. It must be very important to me, yes, no. I have a lot going on, this guy is definitely not excited about the fact that I pulled him over for his 10 window even though he wasn't wearing a seat belt, he's not happy about it and I don't think so. he understands that Arizona is a click or tiet state, you have to wear your seat belt and him asking me if I was bored is an interesting question because I'm in the Traffic Unit and my job is to stop people for observed Arizona violations Engine.
The illegally tinted vehicle law is so I'm literally here doing my job, not because I'm bored, but because the sheriff is kind enough to let me drive this car, oh, we've already booked it before that. it must be because he doesn't like us oh we've had a lot of contact with him citation only seat belt ticket that's all um so it's not a window ticket you're the first person who said anything about my store. I heard that. a lot this is a 10 meter window if this number is more than 30% I will give you a warning for not wearing the seat belt if it is less than 30% then I will write you a ticket for your seat belt, it's okay because that was the reason That's why I stopped at the seat, Bel, but how can you say no?
The tint was the seat was the reason I stopped when I got behind I saw you weren't wearing your seat belt because I can. I'm not pulling you over for not wearing your seat belt, you can see out the back window and that's 15% and the reason I pulled you over is because all of your windows are illegally tinted, both the front driver's side and the ones on the front passenger side and the window tint, that's it. on your windshield is ilal, it's not something I get a lot of tickets for, but it's a great legal reason to go up to someone's window and talk to them to see if they know of any impediments if they're smoking marijuana if they're drunk, suspended licenses guarantee, everything, there are a lot of things that a simple uh pulled over for window tinting leads to, um, the vast majority of the time, like now, as long as this driver's driver's license is valid, um. which is she doesn't have any warrant um I'm going to let her go and let her know hey your window T is legal um do a little education and kick her down the road and I'm going to document that I stopped her and why they stopped her and if she gets pulled over again for that same reason and at least given a ticket, I think it's reasonable that they at least gave her a warning in the first place.
Whatever reason you and him drive like that because it's like he pissed you off, that's fine because you both pissed me off because that level of driving here with people not playing their driving game and seeing who could get in front of them. they. Who is absolutely unacceptable? Let me see your driver's license. I do not have it. You do not have it. So you're driving as you are and you're suspended. I don't care where you go. There isn't. a stipulation in Arizona state law that says I can drive in an overly aggressive manner while my license is suspended and you are not using your Bel seat, so I don't know what you expect from this traffic stop, but that level of driving It is unacceptable.
Do you have any identification to know who he is? Hello sir, hello, why were you driving like that? I saw what he did. No, I know he also has a working brake on this vehicle, right, yes sir, so he didn't have to run. in front of him and cut him off and then hit the brakes, you could have just applied the brake and let him pass you, but you didn't and you decided to travel at a criminal speed because the speed limit here is 45 to get in front of him and then pissing him off on the road and hitting the brakes the moment you pulled in front of him is some of that wrong no, yeah, I didn't hit the brakes, he was back there making me lose control and keep going.
I that's why I passed him and then I went back in and you're absolutely right I slowed down but I slowed down on the way out I didn't break down, check it I wasn't strong but you did, you cut in front of him and then applied the brakes I moved when I knew it was safe I didn't cut anyone I didn't do anything aggressive but I did apply the brakes I'm sorry but the passing move was aggressive because it was going at a criminal amount of speed I was hoping you could have seen me getting angry and all that doesn't matter lookWhat stopped you is that you were in a construction zone going 35 mph at 55 m per hour with how many other cars I don't believe.
It doesn't matter how many other cars were there and then you also have a tint and a windshield which is also illegal so I see the registration as current evidence. Sure, please, I bought my car like this, okay? Can you stop walking all over me like you don't? I'm going to wait until my pants are right, hey, if you want to close the door on me, oh man, that's aggressive, if you're curious about what's wrong with society, absolutely everything about this, stop, so that's an arrogant attitude and condescending. Hello, this is my son, okay, I'm sorry, we're just filming each other, okay, and we're going to go home with Gil, okay, he's speeding and they're going to give him a ticket, that's all, you're not free return. in your car your car I'm not leaving I'm my parents you started touching yourself you opened my door no, you didn't like this you touched me it's just been a very bad day he has a problem I'll do this as quickly as possible as painless as possible, however, that action I did deservesI know you don't tolerate percussion, along with the fact that you are 20 mph over the posted speed limit, okay, and saying you hope my daughter dies, that's unacceptable, okay, that's unacceptable. under any circumstances, so if you could write. trying to control it while I take care of some business here.
I would appreciate it, thank you sir, I don't even have words, new status back, amazing new status back, oh, and he's suspended and he's, I've been suspended per se, which means. It's criminal, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, so the driver of this vehicle is a suspended administrator, which means he was arrested in this particular case for DUI drugs before and has a subsequent license suspension, obviously, he has had a bad day and before meeting me here, but that kind of response and action is absolutely unnecessary. How old is he? He's 19. Oh, he's okay, so he's an adult and he has adult things.
I can talk with him? Please, did you see it? the 35 m per hour signs that were there no sir I thought they were 45 okay they are big they are posted on the side of the road in traffic and I was paying attention to the road pay ATT I understand that your first citation is of a nature criminal, making it a Class 2 misdemeanor for driving while your license is suspended, revoked, or canceled. His second is a speed violation in the work zone with workers present. There are workers present here in this construction zone. That's why you're here um and then you don't present evidence of financial responsibility it just means you didn't provide current proof of insurance as requested and then I asked for it, you just have insurance, I asked you for it, you didn't provide it, I hope I was trying to find it.
I don't know about everyone, we have insurance, that's true, that's fine, but the fact of the matter is that I asked him. I asked him once. It's okay, I don't have to ask many times. you just asked for the requested information and it was not provided this is no big deal for this there are no points on your license as a result of it um because there are so many uninsured drivers in the state of Arizona we make it very It's easy for us to take care of it, but we also document it when we see it, all you have to do is prove that on today's date and time, um, that the citation was issued, that that insurance was in effect and they dismissed the citation. okay and that's according to state statute okay um and the other thing is having inappropriate material on your windows or windshield obviously having any type of tint on your windshields is illegal um and when you drove by there no I could see, I had no idea how many.
People were here because it was all black because it is illegally dyed. We bought it. There is no provision in Arizona state law for the transfer of a vehicle. The fact is that there is a material in the window every year, there are hundreds of people. they get hit or killed on the side of the road uh, they're just working, I mean, they're just there, they're doing their job, they're working and you know, and someone who disobeys all these signs, um, drives by and does something stupid. and it changes someone's life, how are you doing? see driver's license please I have a license so why are you driving okay so you don't have a license but you're out are you okay?
I'm sure it's okay you don't look good I just look at people for a living so when I see someone who looks a little different I usually mention it just make sure you still live in Mesa. Is it a yes? It's good? No, she doesn't look good. I don't know she just she probably dead nervous it could be and that happens it could be because she's not wearing her seat belt just like you're not wearing your seat belt but I took it off soon I just stopped I took it off well just like um so why are you driving with an ID card if you know you shouldn't be driving properly?
So why do you drive? Because I shouldn't do it and I know, just like you say, okay, don't go anywhere, check her information. He comes back with three different warrants from three different jurisdictions, one here in Honeycomb, one from Chandler and one from Mesa, so we're waiting to hear back and see if any of those agencies want to arrest him for the outstanding warrant for him. and you're going to be cited for criminal speeding for going almost 30 mph over the speed limit and then knowingly driving while your license is suspended, so that's what we have here, just with a very simple speed stop, and I feel like if you know you're driving your license you know your license is suspended you have an ID card um that driving 30 mph over the speed limit passing cars and that gets attention so I'm not telling you Should you ever do something bad or knowingly illegal, but if you're doing something illegal you probably shouldn't draw undue attention to yourself by criminally speeding and weaving through traffic.
The first citation is for exceeding the speed limit by more than 20 mph, that's criminal speed, okay? the second is for driving while your license is suspended, obviously you know you can't do that and then we just didn't have any proof of insurance inside the vehicle so you have a court date, it's the day after Christmas so I kicked it as hard as I could for you. In fact, I turned myself in on December 6th. 6 why do two years, yeah you're going to miss your court date, man what are you doing for two years? uh Assa in officer, what?
Man, you've been great, that's what, but I say that so you can see that you just know what I have to do. I get it, I get it, man, but I appreciate you being nice to me because we don't want to fall. that way so you have three different warrants from three different jurisdictions now Mesa and Chandler don't want you and I don't know why because you're a great guy. I would like to meet you, but Coolage does love you. Sure, then they love you, so why do you want to put Chance behind your back right now?
You're going to be under an outstanding warrant out of the city of Coolage. There it is, well, let's take care of this love. I kiss my daughter real quick, please, you're a good man, but you know I'm watching, so I might not even come out, yeah, give her a kiss as long as you're okay with it, please open the door, dear. talking to me, you call me baby, you're kind of cute, so I don't feel comfortable letting you drive. Okay, because I'm going to close this. Oh, she's asleep. I measure people's sobriety for a living and when I first walked.
I stood up and said, "You don't look good, it's because you were smoking weed, well you can't smoke weed and drive, so I'm not going to let you get in the car and drive well, so that's all it is, all Mak." . sense, yeah, it's like no, I'm not bothering with you, I'm just not going to let you drive on the highway, let's think of another reason, another way you can get home to your son, the speed limit here is 50 you were doing it 70 2 71 72 no good you didn't do it didn't he say that up here okay he said 60 up here I didn't know it well well 60 is still more than 50 and you still passed me in traffic, so it's all true and its driver's license is suspended oh yeah no uh well it's going to be it's about to be it's about to be suspended I've got my license good so we're on our eleventh traffic stop of the day um the first 10 traffic stops were totally boring , they were stops.
I went up, got information, came back, wrote a ticket or gave a warning, whatever, um, those don't show up on Friday with Frank, this stop will because this guy has suspended license plates. license is suspended passes me at 21 mph and says it wasn't all this, but overall, from Friday with Frank it's really a show made to educate and entertain, and if we put those first 10 traffic stops of the day into potato chips with Frank you would be asleep by now you wouldn't even be listening to this. Your first citation is for driving while your license is suspended.
The second is for not having or having a speed greater than reasonably reckless, that is, 21 mph above displaying a suspended license plate. for financial responsibility and not wearing a seat belt, ma'am, I know that you, uh, I know that your license is good, so if you could drive, that would be great, I'm going to give it to you, that's your authorization, okay and be careful. Coming out, the reason I'm not standing on the driver's side is because you're literally parked right on the road, okay, and why do they have cameras on that, what if we don't want to be on that camera?
I won't be pulled over in panel


Hi look at your driver's license please don't stop stop stop there come on sorry yeah R is for accident if you get back in my car any ideas why what could stop you? uh, speeding, oh, yeah, yeah, you're almost 30m per hour over the speed limit Sorry, I'm just trying to get to the hospital. I understand, what is that other one that is there? He might be fine when I get here. Alright? Is this freaking out right now? Because my son just got to the hospital, so I think, yeah, why did he rush to the hospital because he has the flu, but they think he's sick again?
Oh, he's okay, so he's only two and a half. So he's my first child, so I'm a little nervous right now. I think it happens, but if you go 3 minutes faster, is anything going to change? The answer is no, it's not right, I mean, okay, so the answer is. No, yes, but driving at a criminal speed is probably bad and is illegal, and if you get into an accident, it substantially increases the chance that you will have to go to the hospital. Now you don't help anyone correct, not only were you doing a criminal amount of speed, but you know your license is suspended, it's been suspended since 2017, like I thought you had it, yeah, that's why you have a new ID card and an old driver's license, well the new one I got, that's why I was like, hey man.
That's an ID card, what is that? Because you gave me an old driver's license and a new ID card, they won't issue you an ID card if you have a valid driver's license, so I knew it was here. I was 100% ready to give you a warning. for this, okay, until I found out I'm not driving under suspension, so all we did, I gave you a speed break, you're driving a criminal amount of speed, I didn't issue you a criminal citation, you go get a citation. criminal for driving while your license is suspended, it's been suspended for like 6 years, it's probably something you need to take care of.
Can I ask you a question? Yeah, I've been paying all my money, paying all that, what else can I do? to do with all those things it goes through the court that is not my problem that is a court problem in the courts that maintain they tell them to ask an officer because I have had an officer we do not suspend licenses like that is not something that Frank does on the side of the road like, hey, your license is suspended, so it's between M, actually the correct answer is probably MVD, okay because we don't suspend your license, but your license and ID cards come from MVD , so that's what you need go and go hey look I'm taking care of everything I have to take care of I also need to work and take care of my family

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