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Northern Europe Trip: Copenhagen, Denmark

May 05, 2024
We are getting ready to leave, it is 4:45 in the morning. The whole package waiting for her. It arrives in about 15 minutes. At 5:00 and we take you back to Amsterdam airport. We signed up for an airline called Easy Jet. It's supposed to be low cost, I guess it's leading in Europe, but the best fares I could find from Amsterdam to Copenhagen with such a painful notice, so hey buddy, let's get this straight. , this place is dead at 5: In the morning, the patches head to Denmark. cute little coffee shop with metering, so here currently at Hamsterdam airport, nice weird front security walk through, this is the one we chose, we had a coffee and cooked, two M doors, uh, one 3 S, like I don't know, there are 10 destinations. the same place but she is already there, this is unique, she arrived in Copenhagen, Denmark, it's time to take a train to the hotel which is near the water, it will be about a 40 minute train ride, now we are transitioning to the M4, I say.
northern europe trip copenhagen denmark
Man, I was so lost when we first left the airport. Subway Metro, everything is connected to each other. I asked so many damn questions. I got a merchant patch so that's good. But yeah, so we took. I think about the M2 and then transition to the M4. I don't know how to say that street over there, but it will let us. I think a block from the hotel is pretty decent, it's unique, pretty sophisticated. We screwed up and got the M3 Train, we need the M4 so they literally pass each other but the good thing is the next one is only coming in 2 minutes so it's not that bad and then we'll take it to the edge. right here and then our hotel is like here, so incredibly perfect, we are literally in the center of the city, this is the stop where we are, it is the main stop and then all of these go through the city center circle or City Circle, very good.
northern europe trip copenhagen denmark

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northern europe trip copenhagen denmark...

Okay so we just got off the tram or the train I should say or the subway and there is literally no one around but the hotel is literally there so that's the room we have we have to upgrade p l extra so we can check in now. Not bad, two double beds, a good size TV and this is known as a family room outside the hotel in the middle of the courtyard. not bad, a drawer with hangers, a closet and that's the bathroom, look at this walk-in shower, absolutely beautiful. so we headed to Tim's center, he has a Copenhagen card.
northern europe trip copenhagen denmark
There are many attractions, like more than 80 attractions, including free public transportation if you buy it too, so not bad, about €200, so yeah, let's see what Copenhagen has to offer. to offer I think I have a hotel in a good place, I mean, it's out of the way from the city center, but this is pretty nice, man. We're going to take runway number six to Cog Street, go to lunch, and then go. the botanical garden, which is one of the centers of Copenhagen, is okay, so we came to the little burger place, she didn't want fries, so we are going to have burgers and fries for lunch, because of the potential of copyrighted shoes of the ISS. with all the music playing in the background, I don't want to have to deal with that, it's a great little burger place we visited in Copenhagen, so here I have the meico that looks absolutely delicious with sweet potato fries and truffle mayonnaise right here at Tonise, she you can go ahead and flip yours, got the original burger with fries, chili mayilo and then we have two cola queues on the side, the music stops, but this I'm the burger, delicious sweet potato fries, unbelievably amazing, It's called a hamburger in Copenhagen, you have to try it.
northern europe trip copenhagen denmark
This, so Jayen chose the botanical gardens, has a whole path that goes around the small lake in the middle house, on that side. I think the national museum is on the other side, it has a lot of stuff and then there's a military base. or the building here on this side doesn't show exactly what it is, so we enter the Palm House for the Natural Museum myy. It's humid here, but it's beautiful. We went to the next room and it's cold in here. Although nice, this is the top of the Dome Mous that we had to get to by climbing a groaning staircase.
I won't lie, this little greenhouse is extremely humane, but it's worth it to get you out of this cold climate. Oh, it's perfect. We, at the botanical gardens, are going to buy an ice cream in this little shop here. Look, the good meteorite that fell less than 12,000 years ago in green. Look at this. Denmark. Look at this beautiful palace. The Royal Palace of Rosenberg. This is crazy. a large hall Rosenberg Royal Palace beautiful architecture now this is definitely my kind of room, it is a beautiful museum, many detailed works of art dating back to the history of Denmark, just all the royals and basically what they liked , but look at this, it is in a large military complex SPS until there it should go towards the back door that is crazy.
I'm going to have some coffee at the coffee factory. It's a nice little place. I have a good selection and a good menu, so I had a good flavored coffee. She bought an iced chai. and she said we just wanted to sell behind us and surprisingly they have a lot of healthy options let me see your strawberry you have a strawberry smoothie uh that's made for 7 I have one too and I have a 1.5L too. water because I'm thirsty, we've been walking like crazy and then we're in the center of Denmark, we're actually going to Bly Guardians right now and it's an amusement park so it's going to be a unique ending. until the day I should say we're heading back south for some drinks uh before we head back to the hotel I think we found the awesome park to buy you this thing is giving me no Berry Farm vibes man this is Crazy, this place is crazy, it has everything, anything and everything you can imagine, they got it, so Jaden made it clear that this place actually has everything from knots to Disneyland to, uh, Six Flags.
I mean, it's got a giant roller coaster right there. but I will say that the only thing I don't like about this place is just one thing and that is that none of the suitcases are checked and there are a lot of people with suitcases, that's the only thing besides that it has a lot of activities, a lot of things and a lot of restaurants, so which is quite unique. Oh look, they even have a pond. That's crazy. Look at this. I don't know what's going on there, but this place blows my mind with the amount of things they do.
I have for you guys to eat, have fun, it doesn't matter, you got it all right, so I found some fun facts. Lego was created in Denmark, which is extremely unique, but also Tavoli has been around for 180 years and has actually been inspired. Walt Disney in creating Disneyland and now I can definitely see why he did it. I mean, there are so many things that this place is like Disneyland and every other famous park around the world. I mean, it has a lot of things, so it's a unique place. I will tell you that if you are ever in Copenhagen and in the city center you must visit this place, it is extremely amazing, extremely unique and I am going to assume that America just scored because she is extremely happy with what the score is.
I tied it against who Japan 11 one USA versus Japan ooh my fin game baby let's see how this goes I think in 29 minutes, so this steakhouse inside the taboi right next to the entrance is a unique Martini, we have starters your mains for all your steaks or they have a three course meal prepared for you and any way you want so my mind is B we have bread and butter so this menu they have numbers on everything get a state card, put your initials, mine will be JP. because we have the same initials which sucks the table number is 63 and then you make the main course which R will be 40 Alpha and this is all that comes in our main course and then we will do half cooked herbs and then seasoned butter . garlic and capers on top and then check out the Manny drink, which I'm going to look at next.
We had a SE tuna salad with oysters, tuna, absolutely amazing, oh my goodness, I had to try it when it arrived, it was delicious. right, these look amazing, we have all our sides to share, roasted cabbage, French fries, mashed potatoes and Caesar salad, let's buy him another drink on the side, let's buy another Spritz, I'm not sure what yet, but They look amazing. Okay, I have to say one thing, the steak. It is perfectly cooked, however to me I think it is a tough cut of meat, that's just me. I don't know what they supposedly use toly, it's a riye but it doesn't taste like ribeye, it's extremely tough especially being half cooked so it's just a bane for everyone else. that that, all the sides and everything extremely tasty, delicious butter, combines perfectly, it is not seasoned, so salt and peppers are a must, on top of that, with the butter and the herbs.
Capers, everything has to go and, furthermore, you must have a drink with all the amban. main course of the meal we have to have a drink so we only have dessert yeah I don't know what this is it looks amazing Jaden got into it what's in the middle I don't know oh my god , it looks delicious, even if you don't. I know what it is, it looks like pineapple, okay, let's find out what this is, yeah, pineapple with some crumbs, I'm not sure what it is, oh wow, it feels like looking at that from above and that's why with the crunch, it's bitter, so we have to do it.
At the bottom we have dark chocolate cake, pineapple, a kind of custard like whipped cream that has a very bitter taste that makes your face turn red, but this is good. Honestly, I think people around here think I'm crazy, but hey, that's okay. I mean, who doesn't think it's crazy American? This is delicious, so we just finished eating. I want to stay here inside uh tavoli to see what it looks like at night, all lit up and it's beautiful, definitely, Disneyland man, but they had it first. They have been here for 180 years. Well, we headed back to the hotel like we did on the first day here in Denmark.
We will return to the motel. I think I could cut the video. It have been a long day. See you in the next one

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