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Norm Macdonald - Catches Up With Craig - Only Appearance [720p]

Jun 11, 2024
Please welcome Norm Macdonald, okay, oh, look, yeah, they love you,


s, they love you, you know, you know, I love you, you do, they're making a


a nervous noise, you get nervous, but it's cool to see you probably use that much time, man. you sir I


got it when I used to do the Drew character, what did a kid give you, now listen before you're there, the crazy brook on the show, call The Drew Carey Show, yeah, that's right, yeah, and he did to kill right next door, he had normally gone. Yeah, then don't do it and then I remember you were like we had trailers and I would always be in my trailer.
norm macdonald   catches up with craig   only appearance 720p
I like to go to my trailer and smoke cigarettes. Yeah, that's right, yeah, and then you'd be in your trailer and then you'd be writing movies and then directing movies and yeah, you'd be writing books, yeah, yeah, 'cause I was trying not to smoke, yeah, but people feel assaulted by your image relaxed, they don't realize how much ambition you have. are Hey, that's true, I'm sick, I think when they die again, yeah, listen, it's a good thing you don't smoke anymore, you look like a healthy god, you know, I quit smoking, yeah, I read it out of the dangerous, except you can kill yourself.
norm macdonald   catches up with craig   only appearance 720p

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norm macdonald catches up with craig only appearance 720p...

Yeah, I realized I was smoking all the time and it's like you smoke and you don't even get high and well, you can't guys, it's not mutually exclusive, you can get high and smoke, you know, you have to do it. one choice is famous cigarettes, don't go looking for yourself, eh, yeah, well, you get this, a substance, you can pretend so, if you want, oh, yeah, I don't do drugs or alcohol, that's bad. You used to be. I thought you were an alcoholic gnome, no. but that's great because you're slowly recovering well, yes, in fact, one of the nicest things I've ever drank in my life was Crazy Horse's slip tells you about alcohol, although I never drank three times in my life and the second time I drank It was like glass 17 and I was in a bar and I was drinking and then a guy gave me these pills.
norm macdonald   catches up with craig   only appearance 720p
I ate and drank them. You know, yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about and then I passed out. It's going perfectly, goodbye. Yeah, so I woke up and this is my second Audrina. I woke up and I was in rehab and what happened is I had a guy who was a real alcoholic, as you know, yeah, he became friends with me when he was crazy drunk. and we eat, we check into rehab and then I took my clothes and


gave me a robe for one night, three nights I said I had to drink for 15 years before I understood that you are really fast, do you think you stopped?
norm macdonald   catches up with craig   only appearance 720p
You know this is dangerous for me, so I better not get involved in this. Yeah, I don't like things where you take them and then throw up like you know. I wish I had met you when I was younger. You're going to stop me, right? Outside of this, well, if you, if you like it, if I, if I ate a ham sandwich and vomited for four hours, I would never eat a ham sandwich again, you make a decent point, you should go to rehab centers telling the people who do, that's good. You look fit, although money is still pretty tight, but it seems likely that you're working out and stuff that you've been working on my abs, you mean, yeah, have you been working out?
If you have one of them, I have things you know like that air makes crunches, yeah, like a crunch machine, well, mainly, I work mainly on my latissimus dorsi. I don't speak French, but you'll have to take me through that, the back muscle, where you go, I didn't. yeah, and your back like wings, yeah, yeah, you keep growing when you look at that, so many wings growing, yeah, I look like a liar, gligar, like a faucet about to jump, wow, you scared the dorm, he used to be so gentle . now you're like a drugged gym rat now i've never worked out in my life i never did it three times at black diamond lana governor rehab that was a good time when you win when you were there even though your voice already speaks working out is a most important reason to reject what you do I was a big fan eh, you're so friendly to them, you tell my family, I realize I like that, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I still do the Howard show and you do what Howard does, you know how it is. You never, oh, do you do heroin? Please, do we use heroin? heroin tonight don't do it I did it howard stern okay thinking you do it I don't mean you do it Howard you don't know what I mean Dobby yeah yeah it's hard to do you know because it's a killer like Hypnotizer did it You did it the program. I did it once, yes, I listened to the program. I'm a fan and I think I'm a great man, but when he's done with you and you're also in our little clothes playing, you don't realize that people are. listening and sometimes something quite revealing, yeah, how about you do heroin, that kind of thing?
Because that will appear on the website tomorrow. I'm telling you I've never done it, I've never done it, I've never done drugs, I've always been, you know? what saved me from everything, oh look, it's Jeffrey, yes, Geoff Pearson right now Genting, okay, let's see a man, let's see the jazz hands, yes, exactly, he's very disappointed with the appliance, have you ever Did you buy an appliance that you thought was going to be exciting and it's actually disappointing? yeah, I brought a toaster, yeah, well that's a very similar idea, yeah, fight toasters, softer, oh yeah, yeah, he's the manager, oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'll do it again, wave your hand, hey, go, you're going to get one of those, yeah, yeah. I've got the comedic timing of a young Fred Allen, so I've got the comedic timing of a young Sid James, said James, I love it, said Jane, the guy's hilarious, yeah, but I never see him continue the campaign, yeah, of course , I grew up in the news movement, of course. you're Canadian you've seen those lol they once did a lot of things they were like filthy british comedies from the 50's and 60's which some people don't want ok like a lady walks in with two melons.
Yeah, God, like Mike Myers, did a lot of that when he was doing Austin Powers. He was making a lot of connection with the melon and the fruit, you know, that he had seen in the carry-on luggage, but you didn't find the carry-on movies? a very exciting boy yes yes when you see attractive women walking with melons it's like walking too crazy or doing a striptease Dylan and Adelaide hey listen, we're out of time, so let's take an awkward pause or a harmonica mobile, do you have? a harmonica I have one for you saying sure you can play no I can't play but I can sing a Bob Dylan song okay do it well can you sing and is there an organ on your that makes them think? say because That's a trick I've only seen done once before, it was a few years ago in Australia, wait, wait, very clever, yes, yes, further down this side.
I had to save the house, yeah, oh, oh, you know you'll do it just the way you like it. Like you hate him Oh, I don't think Morgan Freeman has a snake in his house oh, really, maybe he already has one, maybe you're going to give them one as a gift from one of his prey. I want you to give me a snake. I give you a snake, young lady, yes dartie, I said, I give you a snake, hoping you'll get one and enjoy it, you'd do it anyway, you'd do it too, what would you prefer?
I'd rather have my two arms and watch a movie. made about me, but what will be the movie about a girl with two arms who cares? It'll be about a girl with a snake cup, yes, but that's not the kind of movie you want people to see or not, I find. very difficult to talk to you you did the shoulder no it's not the shoulder well the shoulder part but what is the other part all the other parts blink a little no you're not blinking on me no how do you know I'm not because I know you but you don't blush easily, you do that with your Kenny

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