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NO PRISON TIME For Marilyn Mosby. Sentenced To 1 Year Home Detention For Perjury, Mortgage Faud

May 24, 2024
today was decision day in baltimore where a federal judge was sentencing former baltimore state's attorney



uh before maryn


cising supporters held a press conference outside the courtroom uh we broadcast live that event uh on the Black Star network uh and again there were so many people standing there with her cheering her on, she of course had been on this show last week, she had done several different interviews, she was talking about, she was talking about, of course, He wanted to plead his case. we have what she had to say okay let's roll, let's roll Proverbs 3 5-6 trust in the Lord with all your heart do not lean on your own understanding submit to him in all your ways and he will make your path straight I just I want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you, thank you for the fight, thank you to everyone who signed that petition, thank you for the team of federal public defenders who so eloquently advocated for me, thank you, I swear, God sent angels into my life , man. see me when I felt like you weren't seeing me and I'm so grateful to each and every one of you, to the 14 civil rights organizations that signed that pardon, yes, the NAACP Urban League wins with black women, my brother.
no prison time for marilyn mosby sentenced to 1 year home detention for perjury mortgage faud
Ben Crump, I tell you, my sister Angela Ry Monique Presley, there were so many Latasha Brown Kim Gardner, all the people that came out today and I didn't. I would be remiss if I didn't recognize those of you who fought locally for me. From the beginning Sheena, him, the land, the bills, I am incredibly grateful, thank you, I love you sister, this is not over, right, it is, but God was here today and I know he is with me always, he touched the heart of this. judge and he has allowed me to come


to my babies from the bottom of my heart Uncle t z, there are so many of you who have been there for me and I am forever grateful for that.
no prison time for marilyn mosby sentenced to 1 year home detention for perjury mortgage faud

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no prison time for marilyn mosby sentenced to 1 year home detention for perjury mortgage faud...

I couldn't name you all right now, but it's because of you that I'm here right now and I'm forever grateful God bless you all Marilyn Mosby was sent to one




confinement three


s of supervised release uh this is of course , after she was found guilty of


and fraud uh, the jury convicted her of lying about her finances to make early withdrawals of retirement funds during the pandemic uh and of fraud by claiming that her own $5,000 was a gift from her then husband Nick Mosby when he closed a condo in Florida uh the court now uh more than 50,000 people have signed the petition for Marilyn Mosby to receive a pardon from President Joe Biden.
no prison time for marilyn mosby sentenced to 1 year home detention for perjury mortgage faud
There is no word from the White House on that particular decision. It has been over three emotional years since this investigation took place by the feds. She, of course, lost her job as Baltimore state's attorney; in the primary, her ex-husband, Nick Mosby, just a couple of weeks ago lost her race as Baltimore council president. She faced up to 40 years in


, with federal prosecutors seeking about 20 months. It started off very well when the judge had a downward departure in terms of his decision, but the judge ruled that he would have to give up his house, which is worth about $800,000, so we'll see if his attorneys will appeal that decision, but the effort to search for a um Parton continues my Q.
no prison time for marilyn mosby sentenced to 1 year home detention for perjury mortgage faud
Dr. Greg Carr Department of African American Studies at the University of Washington DC, uh Joy Cheney, founder of Joy Joy Strategies and will also join us a little bit later. it's going to be laon Victoria Burke black press you USA uh Joy, did you hear uh Marilyn Mosby spoke there with several people who she thanked Angela R uh led the effort uh when it came to trying to secure the paper and strengthen all the people who signed On As for the petition, last night at M mallerie they organized a prayer vigil for Marilyn Mosby, we broadcast it live on the Black Star network, she did several interviews, spoke about this case and drew attention to her partner as well. uh, there were a lot of people saying, man, she should be quiet, uh, but the reality is, if she had been




, you know, her two daughters, uh, they wouldn't have been without their mother, that's true. um, first of all, no. no matter what happens never stay silent everyone tells you to stay quiet but it is the creaking will that keeps the oil and if you think they have hurt you if you believe even if they haven't hurt you if you believe You deserve Mercy you have to shout it and you have to get a community of people to say that we have your back, this will not be done in silence, that this person matters to us and therefore when you are not considering the ruling but the sentence, you know that you can do it. keep in mind the community support, the reputation, all those things and because ultimately what they're saying is she hurt the community, but the community was saying we have her back, so she played it right, kudos to Angela Ry, who called out to me and others, you know, and all the civil rights groups that didn't hesitate to support her.


s we don't always come out and support each other for fear of being associated with imperfection, but in this case we had to come out and support our sister because she has supported many others, no matter how she feels about the case, she He deserved a lenient sentence and that is what he received today. This is the story from the Baltimore Sun. I'm going to stop in a second, give me a second uh Greg um in um and they're describing what happened in the courtroom uh one of Mosby's attorneys, public defender Maggie Graes asked Gisby to try Gisby to suspend the forfeiture order pending Mosby's appeal for


Sentencing, the judge said the government had to return the down payment methods that were placed on the property, which amounted to approximately 10% of the cost and 10% of the appreciated value of the condominiums since he bought it, according to estimates from the lawyers. Mosby's property nearly doubled in value to nearly $889,000 Prosecutors argue Mosby should have to forfeit the property and its entire appreciated value quote The defendant should not profit from his crimes simply because he invested the fraudulent profits huh, that Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephanie Williamson Mosby's attorney says the government had not proven there was a link between the property and the crimes for which Mobi was convicted.
They also said the seizure was excessive because there was no harm to the


lender, but the judge agreed with them but said the crime did cause harm. The court shares the defense view that there is no apparent financial harm to the lender, but there was significant harm to the public due to Ms. Mosby's role at the


as an elected official and officer of the court. Greg, let's be very clear, Roland. It has nothing to do with anything other than a political prosecution, you know, there are obviously mixed opinions in Baltimore among some members of the activist community when it comes to Maring Mosby's record when she was in office, but let me be very clear and thank you .
You Joy for leading because it allows me to repeat what you said. This wasn't about that brother you had here online. Several times Davon loved the leader of a group called Leaders of the Beautiful Struggle in Baltimore. he wrote an article and said quote Prosecuting her for taking money from her own account, among other charges that have no potential to harm anyone, is political punishment for Marilyn Mosby for taking positions that challenge the racist policies of the police system. This is a sister. who supported police accountability legislation the elimination of criminal convictions that stem from testimonies of corrupt police officers, she supported the decriminalization of cannabis and she supported community-based approaches to violence prevention and let's not forget what she put on the map that was to prosecute the funky dealers to kill.
Freddy Gray, this had nothing to do with the money in your account, your ex-husband's account, the house they bought, whether or not there was a victim, no, the victim in this is always black people and I must say this, in conclusion , we can leave aside the class issues of politics and delve very specifically into the one issue that has Marilyn Mosby in the news race, you know, this has been uh again, uh, you know, a lot of back and forth drama. around, uh and again, um, it's been a chase it's been a serious battle going back and forth uh and uh Mosby um hasn't been shy hasn't been quiet in fact um Marilyn Mosby uh you usually know what happens Greg uh you know what this year the defendants will speak and what I will do is they will actually address the court but the fact of the matter is she didn't do it and usually what happens is the judges want to see that the accused truly admits the crimes and asks for mercy. mercy on behalf of the Court uh but that was not um uh What she uh did now before the judge's uh sentencing uh a press conference was held outside the courthouse Angela R Ben Crump and others spoke my name is Angela Ry and I are proud to stand alongside Marilyn Mosby with so many supporters of Justice for Marilyn Mosby, as everyone knows today, she is facing sentencing, the things she has been convicted of, when you look at the terms, the sentencing time that It might have been 40 years and we heard in the courtroom today that it probably won't be even close to that, yet Maryland is still facing the ATT tax.
This judge today asked the prosecutor's office who were the victims of these alleged crimes and the prosecutor's office. He said it is a good question and today we have the same question: who are the victims? Marilyn's children are with her in this courtroom. They would be the victims. The people who have been impacted by seeing someone who defended us and defended justice. to us, we are all victims and that is why today we will continue to challenge this justice system to serve our dear sister, since she has served it so righteously, you want to talk, you want to go, okay, bar, wine GO, the legendary came Barbara IR, yes, first of all to the people of the United States to the people of Maryland we have come here today because Marilyn Mosby deserves better, we deserve better, it has not been easy for any of us to witness her persecution during these last years and it is no coincidence that People got on a bus from Baltimore and people have come here today flooding this entire courtroom because of the injustice that has been done to them.
We want to make it clear that if you watch this hearing today, what you heard from the prosecution. all day there have been contradictions, contradictions on the one hand they want to say that she is the most important defendant they have ever had, then they turn around and say but we want to treat her like everyone else, come on, it is very clear that this has been and It will always be This is nothing more than a vindictive process and it is important for all of us to be here and say that we will not stand by and stand by while this happens.
We demand real justice. It's enough. Let her go home and be with her family. Hug her. family and let her move forward in her life, we will always see her as our Shiro, thank you. Alright, I'm Attorney Ben Crump as an officer of the court. I will be very careful with my words. I am going to present here exactly what I intend to present in the courtroom to you, Anna. I stand before you with deep respect and humility alongside national civil rights leaders, especially black women, who urge leniency in the sentencing of Marilyn Mosby. I recognize the importance of this hearing and the weight of your responsibility to ensure equality. and fair justice, therefore, I will not dwell on the broader context of how Maryland and other progressive prosecutors appear to be the target of their pursuit of equal and correct justice, but rather focus on their character and contributions.
Marilyn Mosby has dedicated her life to Champion jce. She first met her in 2015 at a national Bar Association conference, when she was a state's attorney in Baltimore. She was a trailblazer, the first among a wave of idealistic young black prosecutors inspired by legal scholars like Michelle Alexander, author of the new book The Mission of Jim Cro Merin. to dismantle the racial and social injustices embedded in our criminal justice system as the first to lead this movement Merin Mosby not only symbolized the fight for equal justice in law enforcement but also spearheaded it history teaches us history teaches us that pioneers are often targets Yes Marilyn Mosby was no exception after the tragic death of Freddy Gray, a young black man who suffered fatal injuries while in police custody.
Marilyn took a bold and unprecedented step. Yes, she did what many before her would not do. Yes, she investigated and accused the police. Yes, Charing continues to charge that the decision was neither popular nor politically safe. It was a courageous act driven by a commitment to equal justice and integrity, demonstrating her dedication to preserving faith in the criminal justice system, especially for Baltimore's marginalized citizens. The Maryland investigation galvanized the United States. Department of Justice to conduct its own investigation into the Baltimore Police Department, the discoverers of it were caught in a patternsystematic violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, disproportionately African American citizens with excessive force, arrests and searches.
This validation of Merlin's concerns underscores his role and advocates for systematic change. The prosecution of Merlin Mosby appears aimed at sending a chilling message to other progressive prosecutors that their careers, their families, and their freedoms can be stripped away if they fight for equality. and justice, so it is, so it is, so it is, we, who appreciate justice, cannot allow this. to be the predominant message, that is correct, we cannot, your honor, I understand the need to balance mercy and justice, I do not seek to diminish the seriousness of these proceedings. However, I implore you to consider Marilyn's character and the broader implications of this case.
Marilyn is a devoted mother and a daughter with no criminal record. Yes, sentence her to prison. She whoops, for being convicted of victimless non-violent misdemeanors. a grave injustice and would magnify the trauma of her two beautiful young daughters. Yes, that's right, the fact of the matter is that the conviction should only be classified as a white collar misdemeanor, thanks to which many others have been convicted and face a sentence that amounted to a slap on the wrist that's fair with the probation and in some cases Barbara a mere confinement of monetary compensation without any other stain on her record her records Angela yes, what is different here today is that under that white collar is the neck of a black woman who dared to defy The status quote, "it's true, this citizen here today" will add to the legacy of not only Marilyn Mosby but also to the American legal system from the perspective of many black people in America, in the same way that it established the legacy of many other brave black women like Rosa Parks, that's like Anny Shakur, that's how she is and like Angela Davis, yes, history will remember people like Marilyn Mosby who followed their conscience even in the face of horrendous consequences.
My Martin Luther King once said that he was the coward. He asked the question if it's safe, he said expediency will ask the question, if it's politically correct, he said vanity will ask the question, if it's popular, but then he said conscience, conscience will ask the question, if it's okay, it's okay, let's go and D King concluded there. There comes a time when one must adopt a position that is neither popular nor politically correct or even safe, but there comes a time when one must follow one's conscience because it is the right thing to do, that's right, amen, as he always intended.
Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby. follow your conscience that's right and do the right thing that's right for all citizens of balore right right to the young future freedom fighters speak up don't be discouraged that's right don't be discouraged that's right ID B the whales were not discouraged that's correct Rosa Park was not discouraged and Shakur was not discouraged. Angela Davis was not discouraged and at this moment we cannot be discouraged from standing up for what is right. We can never be discouraged from standing up for what is right for our community and the people who have it.
I've been at the bottom of the whale, yes, those black and brown faces that we must continue to defend no matter how much they attack us personally. You see, this is not about us, it is about the future of our children having equal opportunities. to the American promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that's what Maryland Mosby was trying to do and, following her conscience, she was thinking of those people at the bottom of the whale to whom no one ever gave voice; She was fighting to give them a voice for closure and we put our faith in her wisdom and fairness to make a decision that balances justice with compassion.
I ask you to do what is right not only for Marilyn Mosby but for the message that sins about justice and inequality in our society. We appreciate it, thank you. for your time and we ask that God bless you and that God bless us all at this time in history, thank you okay, okay, okay, right, yeah, Attorney Crum summed it up pretty well, fortunately, because no I am limited by being an officer. of the Court I will say what he cannot say there is no justice at the bar in this country for black people um the calculus of race is clearly at play here the judge of course in this case uh uh Lydia griggsby Lydia K griggsby has only ha been on the court not even three years she was appointed by the ad Biden administration at this late date in US history the first black woman to sit on the district court in the state of Maryland we all remember her first orders His orders early in the case included a limited gag order against members of Mosby's defense team, including our brother Scott Bing, who subsequently withdrew from the case, and of course it was Scott who said most recently that this was based on personal political and racial animosity.
This is the accusation, but you know, Judge Gisby has to watch herself if she doesn't think these white nationalists are going to come up to her and tell her that she left her alone because they're black women, well, there's hell and you can go over there. except we already live in it when it comes to the criminal injustice system, so I'll say what Attorney Crump couldn't say and the only other thing that comes to mind is that when you take 44 and $50,000 in two separate withdrawals from your own deferral Compensation Plan and when this punk prosecutor says that that money was held in trust for the people of Baltimore, so whether his money or not, it was held in trust, I would remind that punk to double that, let's say no. 90,000 let's say it was 18 180,000 well you still have to add $354 to get to the amount of PPP money that Margorie Taylor Green doesn't have to pay back, that's my tax money, it was held in trust and given to a white list . uh and uh she doesn't have to pay it back in fact, let's go even higher than that, let's talk about seeing Buchanan $2.3 million, let's talk about uh Mike Hearn a million dollars, let's talk about uh Matt Gates $482,000 all that was withheld in in confidence, so I will say what lawyer Trump couldn't say.
I wouldn't go so far as to compare Marilyn Mosby to Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks of a L HR except in this and that way that makes a difference for everyone in this black country that rejects these powerful interests is in the scope of the goal there is no court that can save them the reason why Marilyn Mosby is coming home to her daughters today and the reason why we continue this fight and the reason why it doesn't matter if Joe Biden likes you or not, to quote our brother Michael Harriet in a recent article he wrote, but what it's worth to you is that when you organize enough people you can overlook powerful interests and what we saw on display.
There were enough people organized today to overlook the powerful interests that sought to put this woman in the gun sites because she chose to push back a little against the powerful interests. The fanbase is pioneering a new era of social media for the Creator economy in this next Generation. The social media app with more than 600,000 users is raising $17 million and now is your chance to invest. For details on how to invest, visit the start fanbase or scan the QR code. Otherwise, we give you the freedom to be you without limits.

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