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No One Can Beat a Shaolin Master and Here Is Why

Jun 09, 2021


s aren't the easiest opponents to defeat, but if for some reason you need a list of reasons to stay away from them, then look no further, from their early education of brutal training to their strict diet,


are 15 things that you did not do. know about


monks number 15 why no one can





education shaolin monks are simply built differently with their childhood filled with resistance training and brutal body exercises that can be fatal to an untrained person who tries To imitate them in modern society, children typically spend their days running around aimlessly while eating junk food, while Shaolin monks spend their early years wrapping their bodies around tree trunks and stretching in precarious positions to achieve a level of skill. and flexibility similar to that of Mr Fantastic, I mean his early years.
no one can beat a shaolin master and here is why
The training is quite ridiculous with strange techniques like hitting your neck with sticks. I'm not sure how that would help in the fight, but their early hand-to-hand combat training makes them a real problem in a fight. Ordinary Western children brag about doing the same. monkey bars or a cartwheel while future shaolin masters can do these tricks in their sleep with ease t


really are levels to this before you continue like this video hit the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face. when you are sleeping strict diet number 14 trying to wake up a normal child at 5:00 am would be an impossible task, but this is just a daily component of the strict lifestyle of the shaolin monk, other habits that lead to the master's childhood Shaolin being pointed towards success in the future is the vegetarian diet they strictly follow, centered on Buddhist ideals such as purity and simplicity.
no one can beat a shaolin master and here is why

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no one can beat a shaolin master and here is why...

The monks consume a traditional diet of rice, vegetables and fruits found within the temple grounds. Some modern children would ignore it. seeing a plate full of this diet where many are clamoring for pizza and chicken nuggets, but if you are eating such a pure diet without many additives and sugars, then you will surely be in the best shape ever. When mixed with a strenuous exercise routine that is equivalent to that of an Olympic athlete, needless to say, it becomes increasingly clear why Shaolin masters who live a life of sticking to this routine are un


able to most. at a young age to overcome fear and how to not let it stop you, which is obviously a dangerous tool to have in your mental arsenal.
no one can beat a shaolin master and here is why
Simply overcoming fear is much easier said than done, of course, as this state of harmony is only achieved after years of meditation. and spiritual action a person who embodies this overcoming of fear is master dejian master dejian lives in the song songshan monastery found on the top of xiaoshi mountain in hinan province of china found at 1512 meters above sea level master dejian He chooses the precarious location on the edge of a cliff to practice his martial arts with the constant fear of death from just a slight mistake or error. Master Dejian must remain in a state of absolute concentration if he wants to remain unscathed by dispelling all feelings of fear and anxiety.
no one can beat a shaolin master and here is why
Dejiana remains just as strong and stable. Like a rock, both mentally and physically, I guess it's a lot easier when you don't have smartphones or tablets on hand with countless social media apps to distract you. You still imagine having that level of concentration when you study or lack of fear when you are in the heat. a 12th fight by raising your body temperature with your mind This may seem like a ridiculous lie, but monks can actually raise their body temperature just with the power of their mind before you call the claim false, a Harvard study even verified it and confirmed that Tibetan monks can actually raise their body temperature with their mind, if Harvard says so then it must be true, the otherworldly ability is carried out by individuals known as g-tumo meditators who have the mind-blowing ability to dry wet sheets that wrap their cold bodies.
Naked bodies sound like something you would hear at an animal show, while this ability is certainly something to brag about, only a few people actually possess this rare ability and only a handful of monasteries in the Chinese provinces of Qinghai and Sichuan. They practice this particular type. of meditation, but how do they achieve this almost super powerful magic? Well, not entirely. Dr. Benson, director emeritus of the Benson Henry Institute and professor of mind-body medicine at Harvard Medical School, conducted this experiment in the 1980s. 40 degrees Fahrenheit by wrapping himself in wet sheets. Clever team determined that finger and toe temperatures increased due to vasodilation, which is basically the widening of blood vessels to reduce blood pressure.
Wow, this just shows how powerful the mind is. I wish I could raise my body temperature with the power of my mind. I an absolute fortune on my heating bill number 11 iron head if you saw someone hit themselves you would probably ask them if they were okay or call the emergency services but for shaolin monks this is a normal part of life that allows them to become in unstoppable. force with which they become shaolin monks regularly beat their bodies to develop their internal strength and qi such punishment includes hitting their skulls against stone walls, branches and hitting themselves with their bare hands, although this may seem stupid, there is a method for madness where shaolin students wrap their heads with layers of soft cloth and begin slamming it against anything with the sole goal of increasing the durability of their skull.
This daily routine constantly increases in power to prevent any unwanted brain injury. Over time, this routine eventually begins to harden the top of the skull. head, forehead and the back of the head, in addition to strengthening the skin, muscles and bones, every 100 days three layers of cloth are removed from the skull and finally the monk transforms his skull from a bone skull to a cement block. headbutt a guy who has literally been punishing himself his entire life number 10 by throwing needles through glass if you haven't already gotten the impression that you probably can't beat a shaolin master then maybe the fact of that can throw needles through sheets of glass will convince you of their superhuman abilities by throwing a normal needle at an almost perfect 90 degree angle to the glass.
The monk can make it pass through the sheet of glass as if by magic after much practice, dedication and refinement. The skill would certainly be a nasty trick in a fight, the needle clearly makes its way through the glass with the inclusion of a globe on the other side of the glass to highlight this penetration and add a bit of theatrics to the online videos as well Just make sure a shaolin master doesn't have a box of needles nearby when you make the already foolish decision to fight one of these super human people, maybe just avoid getting on their bad side altogether, actually it would be smart not to too. challenge a shaolin monk to a game of darts, as some tell me they would be very good at it.
The xiaomin masters with diamond finger number 9 train every part of his body and I mean every part, in addition to hardening their skulls and minds, they also train. fingers him through devastating and brutal daily techniques. Shaolin masters can train their fingers to be as strong as tree branches. Some of these techniques are quite unconventional, to say the least. This includes tapping a piece of wood with your finger daily using nothing but joy. Like the diamond finger, other elements of this wild routine include pulling rusty nails out of wood and even destroying stones by simply tapping one with a finger.
The results are clear and Shaolin masters can display skills such as striking their opponent with a single titanium-like finger with terrifying results and even them standing on a single outstretched finger while the rest of their bodies remained in the air. Something really mind-blowing: Imagine taking on a shaolin master in a classic thumb war game that wouldn't last long at all number eight walking on water, you might think only Jesus walks on water, but you better widen that group to include shaolin masters, that's right in a form of training known as jin shenshu or light body skill, these brilliant individuals look.
To master the extremely difficult technique of balance and be effortless light, training begins with a student walking around the edge of a huge bowl of water for hours on end every day. He must do this while holding a bowl that gets fuller and fuller. more every month of the water inside the huge bowl below. This test continues until the acclaimed day when there is no water left in the bowl below. If you thought that was it, you are seriously mistaken, as they then move on to walking around a wicker basket. which is full of iron splinters and continues with the same routine.
Wills claim that 110-pound men can stand on tree branches like butterflies or bees thanks to this intense training, so next time you're outside your local park, keep an eye out. For the shaolin masters lurking in the trees above, when it comes to walking on water, we have to ask ourselves if it is an optional skill or you are always stuck on being able to do it if it is the latter that would surely make swimming complicated number seven superhuman strength shaolin masters are pretty incredible people with incredible muscles that make them terrifyingly strong and a nightmare to beat in a fight.
This strength is not only a gift given by God, however, Shaolin masters practice a certain type of Buddhism called Chan Buddhism to achieve this devastating power. Chan Buddhism uses hard physical work to the point that the monk is completely exhausted and is therefore in the right state of mind to achieve enlightenment, which is the ability to free the mind from physical pain using certain meditation techniques that Shaolin masters and monks take advantage of. It is said that the strength with this power is so great that a monk can hang himself by the neck without suffocating to death.
I'm not sure they're anyone who can prove that claim quickly. Iron crotch number six if you are still somehow. If you're looking for a reason not to fight a shaolin master, then maybe the fact that they can train their crotch to look like iron will convince you to stay away. I told you they train every part of their body, while the crotch is usually the most effective place to hit with a crotch kick, it's enough to make someone recoil just thinking about it. Xiaolin masters have found a way to make this region as strong as any other in your body.
Men Dan Gong, also known as the golden cicada skill is commonly known as iron crotch and for good reason, your training for this incredible skill is not exactly for everyone; However, it starts with clearing your mind of all lustful thoughts and mentally preparing and accepting the pain that is coming your way is key, but the next part gets weird after spending some time shaking your own scrotum to reduce the tenderness and harden the scrotum, the shaolin master then moves on to kicking and punching in the crown jewel region, it sounds intense but don't stop there, monks also throw weights across the fields by simply tying them to their scrotum like a way to reach this otherworldly threshold of pain resistance, in my opinion I'm not sure all that training is worth it, but if you're going to fight a Shaolin monk, then kick him. in the balls would probably end up with you hurting your foot more than pain number five.
If you are trying to beat someone, then you probably don't want to hear that they have literally been training their body for countless years to withstand blows with objects of all sizes and sharpness, that is the case of Shaolin monks who use the technique of iron shirt to equip yourself with the ability to defend yourself against strong blows by mobilizing your internal chi energy and directing your force towards the point of being hit, but how do you train yourself to harbor this iron shirt? It's certainly not for the faint-hearted. Some of the techniques are downright ridiculous, such as sleeping on a bed of nails and routine pounding of your body in an attempt to toughen them up simply being the tip of the iceberg, the result being the ability, for example, to be able to stand up and balance on the sharp ends of multiple spears as they stab into the monk's flesh without even a wince.
It sounds scary, but now imagine trying tohurting someone in a fight who has literally trained their body to endure the pain. You certainly wouldn't be a favorite on that scrap number four, the iron bull technique, if you weren't under the impression that shaolin masters and monks have some pretty extreme practices under their belt, then they clearly haven't been paying attention to add to this list of ridiculously difficult techniques the iron bull technique, which is just as brutal as the rest on this list, this particular exercise involves training. the stomach area, while the personal trainer at your local gym might recommend sit-ups and sit-ups to strengthen the stomach region.
Shaolin masters have a different idea at first, the monk scrapes his stomach with his palms and finally with blades on the flesh of his stomach once. There has been evidence of significant hardening of the skin, the monks then proceed to receive beatings from their fellow monks. If you thought that was it, you are seriously mistaken, after hitting the poor man's stomach with wooden hammers, the mafia then uses iron ones, the hardest of all. The tough monks advanced to ring the bell, which is basically getting hit in the stomach with a battering ram. At what point does it become abuse?
After all that training one would expect great results and they are supposedly there with monks who claim you can take full punches kicks cuts and even stabs in the stomach without taking any damage wowzers number three expanding consciousness not only are shaolin masters really durable and strong , but they can also increase the power of their vision just with the power of their mind and a little practice in using their chi. Some qin is the name of this complex eye training that makes the person who practices The technique greatly expands your field of vision, meaning that any sneak attack on a Shaolin Master is unlikely to go well with the aggressor.
After diligent training, they can use their eyes to see in an arc of at least 180 degrees, basically allowing them to almost have their eyes in the back of their head. Thanks to training to blur his vision, the practitioner can catch the slightest movement very quickly and also. Seeing colors much more vividly sounds incredible, but they also claim to be able to project chi directly through their eyes with extreme intensity, while this may sound like shooting lasers from their eyes like the Cyclops from X-Men. They say it's an innate ability that Most people have when you look someone in the eyes and feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
This is apparently chi directed towards you from his eyes, like anything else. If you want to develop the skill, then you must practice for a long time. with hard work and dedication number two speed and agility shaolin masters are particularly fast and agile with their grounding and kung fu is the source of this energy basic kung fu exercises and routines are an effective way to improve flexibility of the joints and the flexibility of the hind legs, this base allows them to generate tremendous energy when jumping and changing from one dynamic posture to another. The majestic movement of the human body while perfectly executing a kung fu routine is almost poetic in addition to being a kung fu physical exercise It is also excellent for harboring mental strength and making it one with the physical body.
The result is a Shaolin master who is devastating both mentally and physically in his attack and defense. He is certainly someone you would rather be an ally than an enemy to. Pain threshold number one. Probably the Shaolin monk's most devastating weapon is his pain threshold, which grows through his rigorous training of mind and body through years of meditation and mental and physical practice. The word pain means nothing to a shaolin master every day of their lives since they first enter. the monastery at three years old the life of shaolin monks is plagued by the training of mental chan and physical chuan through the mastery of chi energy, this threshold of superhuman resistance and pain begins with the monk's use of qigong qigong is a special breathing method that uses the lower abdomen to incredibly transform your body into hardened armor and to help protect yourself from injury through breathing and mental calming methods.
Shaolin masters can dispel emotional and physical injuries by making their mind just as sharp as their violent techniques, they say that fighting is a mental game, so facing someone who is elite in both departments will make you wave a flag. white of surrender in a short time, if that has not convinced you that the Shaolin masters are unbeatable, then nothing. What interesting aspect of the life of a Shaolin monk was your favorite? Also check out our other cool stuff on screen right now. See you next time.

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