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No Food Survival Camping - Foraging Wild Edibles & Building Shelter (Axe Only Bushcraft Challe

Jun 08, 2021
Now I'm going


alone using this ax, but I want my kids to have fun and want to come back with me, so I bought them some duffel bags and some basic supplies so they have a little extra. luxury and comfort on this trip and while I'm having a bit of a time, you like your bedroll Tom, tonight it's going to drop 2030 degrees and be a little windy, so we better get some


or it's going to be a very, very cold night, especially because I don't have a bag or a backpack or anything like that.
no food survival camping   foraging wild edibles building shelter axe only bushcraft challe
Okay, let me show you my


axe. It is a fist ax with a 36-inch handle. I will put a link in the description and have wrapped a handle. about a hundred feet of paracord using a Sinnott chain, not nice, the ergonomics look good and then you can pull the rope and quickly deploy the entire paracord if necessary. I've also wrapped around a couple hundred feet of really tall rope. - quality fishing line around the handle here inside the handle I have also stored some good stuff yeah so there is a little rope here pull the rope so let me show you what I had stored in the handle of the axe I have a flint and steel, a fishing wire and I have a bunch of snail-shaped fishing hooks.
no food survival camping   foraging wild edibles building shelter axe only bushcraft challe

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no food survival camping foraging wild edibles building shelter axe only bushcraft challe...

I have some cotton balls to start fires. I have three packets of this chlorophyll and a chemical that you put in water to chlorinate it and then I have some chewed up. There's a beat up space blanket here, so using just the supplies that were inside my ax handle, I'll try to find some


and camp out for the night, okay buddy, here's your canteen. I see, this is not like an army canteen and this. It's a cooking pot, so in your backpack you have hand warmers, a canteen, a pot, two flashlights and a little more water.
no food survival camping   foraging wild edibles building shelter axe only bushcraft challe
I have things for baked potatoes, ramen, oozing steak and I don't know why, because we need it, let's see, yeah, yeah, I think. This is where I'm going to sleep tonight, guys, take control, you know the weather's not that bad today, it's just the wind, the cold wind is going to kill us, so all this


does is keep us out of the wind. , it's a pretty decent windbreaker, okay, let's add chlorophyll here. You can see that Clara Phlox did the trick on her. There are small piles of sediment and slimy substances at the bottom. Not


does it chlorinate and protect the water from viruses, but it also produces many. of the solids flocculate or become solid and sink to the bottom so it's a little cleaner, it also tastes better, it tasted good.
no food survival camping   foraging wild edibles building shelter axe only bushcraft challe
She needed that water. I hope to catch something for my dinner tonight, but first I'm going to need it. some bait, so come on, yeah, look, that's some good bait. Let me see the worms we're going to take. I'm going to take some of this soil and look, yes, there are the worms. Some of them we have your boot yes there are worms in your boot okay we have the worms in a plastic bag. I have to go seal this up and put it somewhere cold and damp or they'll die, that's all the fishing line, so I've got two hot circle hooks and a two way slip lead here, throw some worms on this, it'll be perfect for the catfish, so worms, here we go.
I have a lot of worms on the catfish hook, let's see if we can catch something good. It's as good a spot as any, but I really don't want to get hooked on my line. If I get snagged on my line, that's it, I lose all my fishing gear. I hope I don't put this on trees, it just broke like that. Shit, well, losing that hook was a kick in the gut. Looks like I'm going vegan tonight. If it were a little later in the year and the bluegills were in shallow water, I would make a fish. gouge which is like a small splinter of wood that is used as a fishing hook, I used those from the past, but the bluegills are not here so I will have to get out of this problem.
Hey guys, here's something right here, here. look at these long leaves here, okay, so this is stuffed garlic, here it looks like chives or garlic stalks, but smaller and you can't miss it, the smell is like garlic, it's very hard to go wrong and it's delicious, and this will disappear. perfect for Tommy's baked potatoes tonight, so let's get a bunch of this together, see if we can find some more stuffed garlic. I'll leave it, oh well, oh well, yeah, look, that's got everything, I'll dig it up, try to get the whole plant, yeah, 'cause you're just going to separate them, Tommy, that's a lot of garlic, you guys show me the garlic , yeah, look at that, put them in there, wash it, you might need to change the water a couple of times. that bunch of garlic over there I need some tubers some substance I can't eat just leaves I need roots so let's go look for Arabian arrow okay what we're looking for is the tuber of a plant called arrow Arum leaves are slightly toxic like poison ivy, However, the tubers are edible, so we will find an arrow, an upside down arrow, an arrow.
Arum is a swamp plant that lives right at the edge of the water. You can see the waters a little low right now. and you'll see green sprouts coming up AHA right here okay this right here are the arrow sprouts just starting to sprout so there are tubers down there alright guys ready to dig them up oh I broke off a part can you see. there's part of the tube here we go I found dinner we'll take this and let's go look for more there's something here oh well, that's a big one I've got you now oh oh look at that my Hema's head back cooking some dinner Why did you guys make yours?
You know, that's actually really slippery because the trees on the wind side, so man, that'll actually work pretty well if you got lost in the woods, an escape hatch, okay guys, here we go, I've never done that. . I worked very hard for one vegetable in my life. I love being with you. Oh, I have so much mud and grime under my nails. My nails hurt so much. There are so many unknown things about eating these


vegetables. I know that the tubers are edible. I know the poisonous green parts, where does the edible part end and the poisonous part begin?
I don't know, we'll find out, yeah, am I allergic to this? Who knows? I may have a super strange reaction to this. I have no idea that I'm going to find out that it's something that I wouldn't recommend doing this, honestly, you know how hard work is for this and it's not like it's Krispy Kreme donuts. You know, it's not the best tasting thing in the world. Yes, I have to wash my GoPro well. There we go, that's the fruit of my labor and that's a lot more tubers that I actually thought would be good, there we go, a little neat.
There is one that does this with a potato peeler or even a pocket knife would be much easier to hold. as many of these tubers as you can, okay, yeah, back to camp, take them back to camp, put them on your blanket, yeah, cotton balls, they like to burn, Nathan, what's wrong with your hands? Yes, take the mud, rub it back and forth in the middle. Your fingers like it so well that Nathan grabbed some of those tubers and helped me carry him back to the fireplace and a few minutes later he started complaining that his hands were itchy, so he's definitely having a reaction to these tubers, so that's the kind of danger of eating these



s man, you don't know how you're going to react, you know my hands are fine, but you know you have to be very careful before you eat them, your hands feel better, washing them with mud seemed It helps, doesn't it?
Your pocket knife from Scotland, so what are we doing? You are making a stick to go cook your meat, press a little and move it away from you. Well, my space blankets will come in handy tonight, so I better. drink it full, dry it off and get ready to use it tonight. The flock of clones is very well done. All the dirt that has settled to the bottom is really clean water. Now these blankets are so usable that they can be used as heat reflective tarps to keep the It's not raining or something like that to keep you warm, they pulled out a dry mine and it will come in handy tonight, guys, you're hungry, huh?
I bet they are. It's been a long day, okay, you're ready for a steak without pepper, we have a lot of baking. potatoes for you, go ahead and cook them. You guys love your cup noodles. I'll be fine, yeah, that's good, that's it, buddy, that good buddy, awesome, enjoy your food, don't mind me guys. I'll sit here with my tubers. and you enjoy your steak ready done Tom you rip it off I love you too buddy you take a baked potato and you stick it under your coat and it keeps you warm and then once it cools you eat it guys , hot so far.
I know those tubers make me nervous. There are a lot of unknowns about eating wild foods like this, so I'll boil them really well before eating them and see if that doesn't help a little and I'll cheat to do so. a little bit and steal Nathan's pot so that's my


trick so far okay I boiled the tar and it looks like the taro root really has the consistency of boiled taro root you know if you've ever had poi. in Hawaii or something, looks like it's okay guys, moment of truth, I waited and boiled all the poison out of this thing and if I didn't, I'll know real quick because it doesn't take long.
Your mouth starts to burn if you bite into the leaves or stem of this plant, but that's okay, let's try it. It may be edible, but it's not delicious, so I'm going to go ahead and crush these garlic bulbs and put them in there. I can give this thing a little flavor, a little campfire sand for texture, a little garlic for flavor, man I liked what the kids ate better, well I'm eating it, but it's like eating a Glue stick with a touch of garlic, it's not like that. It's not very pleasant and every once in a while there's a little tinge of something on the back of my tongue, a little weird, it's like there are some raw bits floating around, it's definitely a


food, not a food that is eaten for fun.
Well, I ate it and it wasn't great, but there's definitely a weird burnt aftertaste, like you ate something really spicy a while ago and then that lingering burning in your mouth, not bad, but it's just I wouldn't recommend eating this outside of A survival situation and you never know what eating large quantities will do to you, so I think a few bites is all I'll do. Tonight I will go to bed hungry. This spider just jumped on my hand. I don't know where it came from. Come on. My socks are so wet that I'm barefoot right now and I really think that's going to make things unpleasant, but...
I'm going to keep this heat low and slow and I think we'll be fine, well, it's about 1:00 It's morning and it's a little cold outside, but these space blankets actually help a lot, but I'm going to stoke the fire. turn it on and try to get some more sleep, the sun is about to rise, it's a little before 7:00 in the morning, good morning guys, how did you sleep, Nathan? You surprise me how well you sleep in cold weather like I can't tell you how. Many times Tommy stole Nathan's blanket and he was sitting there without a blanket sleeping, well guys did you have fun?
Yes, yes, we did it, so let's put out the fire, roll up our bedrolls and You'll go ahead home, you ready to take down the fort, put everything back the way we found it, it's time to go home boys, ready to see mom, yes, I'm excited to see mom too, if you liked this video, don't forget to do so. Check out the Outdoor Boys Youtube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like that and don't forget to click Subscribe so you can see other great videos every Saturday morning and hit that Bell fight you'll get notifications thanks for watching.

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